Transcriber's Notes


There was no table of contents in the original; I added a short one for the reader's convenience.

Changed 'horticulural' to 'horticultural' on page 4: "horticultural societies".

Changed 'CoO' (cobalt oxide) to 'CaO' (calcium oxide) in header of table on page 7.

The numbers in table No. 1 on page 9 only add to 97 lbs. I left them as is. A good guess would be that water should be 85.66 lbs.

Changed '495/9' to '455/9' to correct the arithmetic on page 9: "averaging 455/9 pounds per barrel".

The last two lines of text on page 11, "like this: One barrel Ben Davis, $3.80; freight, $1.35; commission, 20 cents; net proceeds, $2.25. This is supposing they should reach the other side loose.", apparently belong on page 12. They were moved after "A report of sales would read something".

The acreages for the Wellhouse orchards don't add up right on page 14, but I just left them as is.

On pages 29 and 30, there are two varieties both called Haas. I've left them as is.

Changed 'greet' to 'great' on page 40: "on a great variety of soils".

Changed 'Average' to 'Acreage' in table on page 42 to be consistent with other tables: "Acreage, about".

Changed 'caterpiller' to 'caterpillar' on page 43: "canker-worm and tent-caterpillar".

Changed 'successfuly' to 'successfully' on page 43: "never successfully combated".

Changed 'Kanses' to 'Kansas' on page 48: "suitable for Kansas".

Changed 'togther' to 'together' on page 48: "two furrows together".

Left 'oak plant sixteen feet long' on page 52, although I suspect the author meant 'plank'.

Changed 'wifh' to 'with' on page 58: "with a knife".

Changed 'occassion' to 'occasion' on page 63: "had no occasion".

Changed 'caterpiller' to 'caterpillar' on page 66: "canker-worm, tent-caterpillar, bud moth".

Removed extra word 'of' on page 67: "amount of water".

Changed 'staight' to 'straight' on page 69: "set them up straight".

Changed 'paris' to 'Paris' on page 72: "London purple and Paris green".

Changed comma to period on page 75: "planted two rods apart around orchard."

Changed 'Domine' to 'Dominie' on page 75: "Early Harvest and Dominie".

Changed 'spliting' to 'splitting' on page 76: "keep from splitting".

Changed 'caterpillas' to 'caterpillars' on page 81: "the [tent] caterpillars".

Changed comma to period on page 81: "Winesap and Rawle's Janet keep best."

Added comma on page 82: "Westmoreland, Pottawatomie county".

Changed 'mixure' to 'mixture' on page 86: "with Bordeaux mixture".

Changed 'empyting' to 'emptying' on page 89: "emptying into bushel boxes".

Removed extra period at end of sentence on page 93: "with London purple."

Changed 'fell' to 'fall' on page 94: "fall web-worm".

Removed extra word 'the' on page 102: "all the way down".

Removed extra word 'out' on page 104: "twenty out of twenty-four".

Left the text "I plant potatoes or sweet corn in a bearing orchard" on page 116, although it seems more likely that "non-bearing" was intended.

Changed 'filed' to 'filled' on page 122: "filled with sweet water".

Removed extra word 'a' between 'I' and 'plow' on page 124: "I plow shallow".

Changed 'stable-litter' to 'stable litter' on page 129: "with stable litter".

Changed 'north-east' to 'northeast' on page 129 for spelling consistency: "a northeast slope".

Removed repeated word 'for' on page 141: "wind does it for me".

Changed period to semi-colon on page 143: "plant nothing;".

Changed 'nor' to 'not' on page 143: "Do not spray".

Changed 'caterpiller' to 'caterpillar' on page 144: "tent-caterpillar and borers".

Removed extra hyphen after 'in' on page 146: "in the orchard".

Changed comma to period to end sentence on page 155: "in the order named.".

Changed 'Tomkins' to 'Tompkins' on page 155: "King of Tompkins County".

Changed 'thing' to 'think' on page 164: "think it advisable".

Changed 'culivator' to 'cultivator' on page 167: "plow and cultivator".

Changed comma to period to end sentence on page 167: "they thin themselves.".

Changed 'windbreake' to 'windbreaks' on page 170: "windbreaks are essential".

Changed 'nothwest' to 'northwest' on page 170: "northwest aspect".

Changed 'two-year old' to 'two-year-old' on page 171: "two-year-old medium-sized trees". Also on page 174: "prefer two-year-old trees".

Changed comma to period to end sentence on page 176: "repack stored apples before marketing.".

Inserted hyphen on page 179: "codling-moth".

Changed 'yearss' to 'years' on page 184: "eighteen years".

Removed extra word 'a' on page 187: "a couple of inches".

Changed 'cornstalks' to 'corn-stalks' on page 188 to be consistent with all other spellings: "the ever-present corn-stalks".

Removed extra word 'of' on page 189: "part of the risk".

Changed garbled text 'o beet nasily see' to 'to be easily seen' on page 196.

Changed 'figures 3 and 5' to 'figures 3 a and b' on page 204 to match up with the figures.

The caption for figure 4 on page 205 is missing the explanation for figures c and d.

Changed 'coccoon' to 'cocoon' on page 206: "spin a cocoon".

Removed extra word 'a' between 'one' and 'at' on page 220: "one at time into the jar".

Changed 'Domine' to 'Dominie' on page 225: "Dominie, 39".

Changed 'Burrto' to 'Burrton' on page 229: "Saltzman, A. J., Burrton".

Kept both 'leaf-crumpler' and 'leaf-crumbler', though I suspect the different writers meant the same insect.

Kept inconsistent spelling of 'Axelton' and 'Axleton'; 'bagworm' and 'bag-worm'; 'Belleflower', 'Bell-flower' and 'Bellflower'; 'Christensen' and 'Christenson'; 'Domony' and 'Domoney'; 'Gennetting', 'Genneting' and 'Gennettan'; "Grimes'" and "Grimes's"; 'jackknife' and 'jack-knife'; 'Lovett' and 'Lovette'; 'McCullogh' and 'McCullough'; 'Morganville' and 'Morgantown'; 'Nonsuch' and 'Nonesuch'; 'Pippin' and 'Pippen'; 'pollenizer' and 'pollinator'; 'round-headed' and 'roundheaded'; 'Sayles' and 'Sales'; 'soap-suds' and 'soapsuds'; 'Spitzenburg' and 'Spitzenberg'; 'Vandevere' and 'Vandervere'.


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