American apples abroad:
exports, 10;
comparison of seasons, 12
Analysis of the apple, 9;
of apple ash, 8
Apple, what it is, 3;
business, 10;
culture, 191;
for the table, 218;
tree, chemistry of, 5
Apple trees in district No. 1, 42;
in district No. 2, 121;
in district No. 3, 133;
in district No. 4, 154
Birds, 69
Cellars for apples, Evans, 202;
other, 45, 109, 158
Chemistry of apples, 7, 8, 9;
of apple trees, 5;
of prairie soil, 6
Cider, boiled, 202;
sweet, 202;
vinegar, 50, 202
Cold storage, 44, 64, 189;
by Geo. Richardson, 198
Crabs, 104
Culls, to use, 202
Description of varieties:
Arkansas Black, 41;
Autumn Pearmain, 29;
Autumn Strawberry, 37;
Bailey's Sweet, 30;
Baldwin, 30;
Baltzby, 33;
Ben Davis, 15;
Benoni, 38;
Bentley's Sweet, 35;
Broadwell, 36;
Celestia, 27;
Chenango (Strawberry), 29;
Cooper's Early (White), 31;
Dominie, 39;
Dr. Watson, 35;
Duchess of Oldenburg, 32;
Early Harvest, 32;
Early Joe, 39;
Early Margaret, 41;
Early Ripe, 35;
Early Summer Pearmain, 39;
Emperor, 41;
English Sweet, 34;
Fulton's Strawberry, 34;
Gano, 20;
Garretson's Early, 39;
Gilpin, 37;
Golden Sweet, 31;
Grimes' Golden Pippin, 24;
Haas, 29;
Holland Pippin, 34;
Hubbardston's Nonsuch, 34;
Huntsman's Favorite, 25;
Imperial, 33;
Ingram, 26;
Jefferis, 39;
Jonathan, 18;
Keswick Codlin, 40;
King of Tompkins County, 28;
Large Yellow Bough, 32;
Lawver, 28;
Limber Twig, 37;
Little Romanite, 37;
Lowell, 27;
Maiden's Blush, 22;
Mammoth Black Twig, 25;
Milam, 37;
Minkler, 28;
Missouri Pippin, 19;
Mother, 41;
Mountaineer, 33;
Muster, 35;
Nelson's (Sweet), 33;
Northern Spy, 31;
Ortley, 38;
Peck's Pleasant, 26;
Pennock, 40;
Pewaukee, 33;
Rambo, 36;
Rawle's Janet, 21;
Red Astrachan, 33;
Red June, 30;
Rhode Island Greening, 40;
Roman Stem, 3;
Rome Beauty, 36;
Smith's Cider, 22;
Smokehouse, 29;
Snow, 37;
Stark, 28;
Stayman's Summer, 38;
Stayman's Winesap, 38;
Summer Queen, 28;
Superb, 36;
Sweet June, 30;
Sweet Bough, 32;
Twenty Ounce, 32;
Wagener, 35;
Wealthy, 30;
White Bellflower (see Ortley), 38;
White Juneating, 34;
White Pippin, 39;
White Winter Pearmain, 29;
Whitney, 41;
Winesap, 16, 38;
Yellow Transparent, 35;
York Imperial, 21;
Discussion on packages, 197;
on tree washes and borers, 210
Dried apples, 203
Drugging trees, 188
Evaporated apples, 203
Evaporator, Moyer's, 201;
Wellhouse, 200
Fruit house, 202
Grain injurious to orchards, 57
Hogs in orchard, 198
House for apples, 148
Bud moth, 212;
Canker-worm, 204;
Codling-moth, 206;
Curculio, 213;
Flat-headed borer, 208;
Fringed-wing bud moth, 215;
Leaf-crumpler, 213;
Leaf-roller, 213;
Root-louse, 214;
Round-headed borer, 210;
Tent-caterpillar, 206;
Twig-borer, 214;
Twig-girdler, 214;
Twig-pruner, 214;
Woolly aphis, 214;
Worms, 201
Irrigation, 122, 124
Laws for orchardists, 4
Orchard treatment, by W. D. Cellar, 194;
culture, by James McNicol, 193
Packages, 197
Picking and packing, by D. S. Haines, 196
sacks, by F. Wellhouse, 196
Quantity in states exceeding Kansas, 9
in Kansas, 9
Rabbits, 188
Rabbit remedies, 188, 217
Rabbit trap, Wellhouse, 217
Receipts for cooking apples:
Apples, baked, 219;
in "bloom", 219;
with bread and milk, 219;
for breakfast, 219;
Brown Betty, 222;
butter, 202, 221;
canned, 220;
compote, 220;
and cream, 219;
Dutch cake, 222;
dumplings, baked, 148, 223;
dumplings, steamed, 223;
Friar's omelet, 222;
fried, 223;
fritters, 223;
jelly, 221;
pie, 223;
preserves, 220;
and rice pudding, 222;
rose cream, 221;
sauce, baked, 219;
sauce for goose, 220;
sauce, for pork, 220;
sauce, green, 220;
scalloped, 222;
stewed, 220;
for the table, 218;
tapioca pudding, 221;
water, for invalids, 223
Secretary's summary of report, 187
Sorting table, 196
Spraying, 188
Spray mixture, 123
State apple production, 9
Time of apple blooming, 9
Trees, number in first district, 42;
number in second district, 121;
number in third district, 133;
number in fourth district, 154
Varieties referred to in this book, 15
Voted list of apple varieties, 14
Vinegar, 50
Washes for borers, 210
Weight of apples, 9
Wellhouse apple orchard, 13
Whole-root grafts, 187
Windbreaks, 187
Worms, 204
First District—Northeastern Counties.
Atchison county:
Brown, Henry L., Muscotah, 101;
Gaylord, J. S., Muscotah, 73;
Heath, Seneca, Muscotah, 116;
Rice, H. M., Muscotah, 96;
Tucker, W. H., Effingham, 91;
Wilcox, J. B., Muscotah, 95
Brown county:
Chase, Elbridge, Padonia, 98;
Fairchild, Ernst, Hiawatha, 110;
Gregg, John, Willis, 112;
Hanson, Neils, Willis, 111;
Hewett, J. A., Hiawatha, 53;
Penny, H. E., Hiawatha, 84;
Wise, Geo. T., Reserve, 95
Clay county:
Arnold, A. D., Longford, 73;
Cooper, H. C., Morgantown, 95;
Macy, I. N., Longford, 86;
Marty, S., Longford, 83;
Olsen, Theo., Green, 100;
Reed, John, Oak Hill, 106;
Sanders, Max, Broughton, 105;
Wolf, Isaac E., Longford, 119
Cloud county:
Domony, S. H., Aurora, 55;
Howard, P. M., Clyde, 56;
Kimmal, Levi, Concordia, 116;
Lawry, James, Hollis, 116;
Mosher, J. B., Lawrenceburg, 118;
Munger, A., Hollis, 67;
Travis, J. T., Aurora, 88;
Walton, Reuben, Aurora, 114
Dickinson county:
Barnes, George R., Chapman, 106;
Bert, Samuel, Moonlight, 76;
Dunlap, James, Detroit, 53;
Engle, A. M., Moonlight, 107;
Hoffman, Eli, Donegal, 90;
Taylor, T. E., Pearl, 108;
Taylor, J. H., Rhinehart, 115
Doniphan county:
Gurwell, Wm., Fanning, 75;
Hazen, J. D., Leona, 85;
Montgomery, Robt., Troy, 54;
Perry, A., Troy, 72;
Rea, Joseph C., Brenner, 90
Douglas county:
Griesa, A. C., Lawrence, 87;
Griesa, A. H., Lawrence, 113;
Kern, W. D., Baldwin, 79;
Reynolds, Samuel, Lawrence, 48
Franklin county:
Brown, David, Richmond, 65;
Taylor, Isaac M., Richmond, 111
Geary county:
Cutter, Wm., Junction City, 112
Jackson county:
Bateman, J. H., Holton, 98;
Dixon, F. W., Holton, 54;
Osborne, R. D., Soldier, 77;
Williams, J. W., Holton, 81
Jefferson county:
Atkinson, J. W., Perry, 109;
Glaspey, E. M., Nortonville, 91;
Gray, E. M., Perry, 58;
Kleinhans, A. J., Grantville, 109;
Miller, Lou, Perry, 75;
Roberts, H. R., Perry, 78
Johnson county:
Beckley, J. C., Spring Hill, 71;
Diehl, E. P., Olathe, 66
Leavenworth county:
Barns, D. N., Leavenworth, 89;
Gaiser, C. D., Lansing, 115;
Goble, Francis, Leavenworth, 65;
Henry, William J., Lowemont, 92;
Roach, J. H., Lowemont, 72;
Starns, J. B., Fairmount, 89;
Stayman, Dr. J., Leavenworth, 59;
Wellhouse, Walter, Topeka (orchard in Leavenworth county), 42
Marshall county:
Stout, Stephen, Axtell, 103
Morris county:
Harris, F. B., White City, 82;
Hathaway, V. E., Council Grove, 83
Morris county:
Robinson, W. H., Dunlap, 115;
Sample, John E., Beman, 51;
Sharp, James, Parkerville, 80;
Swanson, Andrew, Dwight, 81
Nemaha county:
Anderson, T. S., Oneida, 86;
Oberndorf, jr., A., Centralia, 56;
Riggs, H. C., Wetmore, 96;
Ruhlin, J. F., Wetmore, 89;
Wilcox, F. W., Corning, 101;
Williams, James M., Home, 94
Osage county:
Dubois, H., Burlingame, 108;
Ferris, H. L., Osage City, 55;
Fine, Godfrey, Maxson, 99;
Martindale, C. D., Scranton, 46
Ottawa county:
Morton, Howard, Tescott, 86;
Steele, J. L., Minneapolis, 83
Pottawatomie county:
Christenson, N., Mariadahl, 78;
Hanson, J. F., Olsburg, 91;
Weltner, M. D., Westmoreland, 82
Republic county:
Arbuthnot, Thos., Cuba, 97;
Fulcomer, John, Belleville, 74;
Smith, Fayette A., Belleville, 93
Riley county:
Anderson, James, Leonardville, 101;
Axleton, A. G., Randolph, 87;
Griffing, W. J., Manhattan, 49;
Kimble, Sam., Manhattan, 88;
Schermerhorn, F. A., Ogden, 102;
Spohr, G. E., Manhattan, 76;
Warden, Chas., Leonardville, 92
Saline county:
Jones, H. L., Salina, 77;
Wilson, James, Assaria, 80
Shawnee county:
Bond, William, Rossville, 113;
Buckman, A. H., Topeka, 69;
Buckman, Thomas, Topeka, 105;
Cecil, J. F., North Topeka, 94;
Higgins, E., Seabrook, 71;
Lux, Phillip, Topeka, 93;
Moore, A. C., Wanamaker, 104
Wabaunsee county:
Gardiner, C. C., Bradford, 119;
Taylor, C. H., Eskridge, 87;
Taylor, P. S., Eskridge, 97
Washington county:
Avery, J. B., Clifton, 85;
Bedker, Theo., Linn, 74;
Brown, Thomas, Palmer, 117;
Campbell, J. C., Campbell, 84;
Courter, J. A., Barnes, 117;
Graves, John, Day, 99;
Houghton, A. E., Weltbote, 44;
Sandy, Ed., Linn, 117;
Seifert, Frank, Strawberry, 88;
Spiers, Alexander, Linn, 74;
Williamson, Dr. Chas., Washington, 110;
Wolverton, E. K., Barnes, 52;
Wolverton, Jesse, Barnes, 99;
Young, William, Brantford, 84
Wyandotte county:
Cellar, W. D., Edwardsville, 114;
Chandler, A., Argentine, 103;
Haines, D. S., Edwardsville, 58;
Holsinger, F., Rosedale, 51;
Taylor, Edwin, Edwardsville, 45
Second District—Northwestern Counties.
Cheyenne county:
Campbell, B. F., St. Francis, 125
Decatur county:
Ashcroft, L. P., Shibboleth, 123;
Caldwell, J. R., Oberlin, 124;
Clark, Isaac, Oberlin, 126;
Johnson, P. T., Oberlin, 128;
Sales, S. H. & Son, Norcatur, 127;
Street, W. D., Oberlin, 124;
Wagner, P., Dresden, 129
Ellsworth county:
Griffiths, J. D., Kanopolis, 125;
Hudson Bros., Kanopolis, 130;
Somer, J. W., Wilson, 125
Gove county:
Royer, Jesse, Gove, 132
Lincoln county:
Baird, William, Vesper, 121;
Kroenlin, John M. C., Lincoln, 127;
Noon, Peter, Vesper, 122;
Weidman, Jacob, Lincoln, 123
Logan county:
David, John E., Winona, 128
Mitchell county:
Brumage, W. J., Beloit, 128;
Elder, John, Glen Elder, 129;
Perdue, C. A., Beloit, 130;
Stockard, W. B., Beloit, 129
Norton county:
Stevens, D. E., Norton, 132
Phillips county:
Dutcher, F. T. M., Phillipsburg, 131
Rawlins county:
Williams, James L., McDonald, 124;
Wilson, M. A., Atwood, 131
Smith county:
Wells, M. E., Athol, 26
Thomas county:
Vail, Chas., Colby, 130
Trego county:
O'Toole, E. W., Collyer, 131
Third District—Southwestern Counties.
Barber county:
Blackmore, A. C., Sharon, 134;
Daniels, E. T., Kiowa, 136;
Huff, A. S., Sharon, 147;
Leonhart, B., Kiowa, 146;
Osborne, W. G., Medicine Lodge, 143;
Pimm, John, Enon, 144;
White, D. D., Enon, 136
Barton county:
Elliott, Geo. T., Great Bend, 153;
Gunn, C. L., Heizer, 149;
Johnson, Amos, Ellinwood, 137;
Moore, Fred., Great Bend, 143;
McCullough, Ben., Ellinwood, 146;
Rediger, Jacob, Maherville, 152
Comanche county:
Hollenback, G. W., Coldwater, 148
Edwards county:
Liggitt, J. S., Belpre, 147
Finney county:
Craig, James, Garden City, 151;
Simon, John, Garden City, 150
Ford county:
Drake, A. S., Bucklin, 143;
Mayrath, Nicholas, Dodge, 152;
Patterson, A. N., Ford, 135
Grant county:
Miller, Henry, Ulysses, 135;
Wilson, M. M., Zionville, 152
Gray county:
Emery, J. O., Cimarron, 146
Harper county:
Bailey, John, Harper, 151;
Curran, J. C., Curran, 141;
Jesseph, H. E., Danville, 141;
Lewis, Joseph, Bluff City, 144
Kearny county:
Longstreth, C. H., Lakin, 139
Kiowa county:
Einsel, A. D., Greensburg, 135;
Reeve, E. F., Greensburg, 148
Kingman county:
Albright, J. W., Julia, 169;
Gosch, John H., Norwich, 141;
Leach, L. W., Kingman, 141
Lane county:
Bradstreet, D. E., Dighton, 149
Meade county:
Cox, B. F., Fowler, 145;
Vick, G. O., Fowler, 134
Morton county:
Morgan, L. G., Richfield, 138
Pawnee county:
Dickinson, S. S., Larned, 137;
Hansberry, F. F., Larned, 138
Pratt county:
Ablard, L. L., Lawndale, 149;
Everhart, J. T., Pratt, 151
Reno county:
Bainum, Joseph, Langdon, 142;
Hinds, John, Olcott, 135;
Morgan, E., Hutchinson, 139
Myers, Dr. James, Hutchinson, 145;
Switzer, A. W., Hutchinson, 140
Rice county:
Bohrer, Dr. G., Chase, 150;
Hodgson, H. Clay, Little River, 149;
Schlichter, J. B., Sterling, 153
Seward county:
Jones, Sam., Springfield, 142
Scott county:
McNeal, D. J., Scott, 133
Stevens county:
Hockett, Thomas E., Hugoton, 152
Fourth District—Southeastern Counties.
Anderson county:
Simon, Ebert, Welda, 186
Bourbon county:
Bailey, S. H., Uniontown, 168;
Hall, F. S., Fulton, 184;
Saxe, J. B., Fort Scott, 171
Butler county:
Diemurt, Chas., Murdock, 175;
Garrison, S. F. C., El Dorado, 171;
Price, William, El Dorado, 173;
Snyder, Wm., Towanda, 154
Chase county:
Gamer, Mike, Strong City, 166;
May, Dick, Elk, 176;
Pflager, Chas. F., Elk, 167
Chautauqua county:
Burden, William, Leeds, 186;
Ellison, J., Chautauqua, 177;
Goodell, J. W., Sedan, 159;
Guest, T. H., Grafton, 158;
Hart, John, Sedan, 165;
Helmick, Jason, Cloverdale, 159;
House, J. K. P., Cloverdale, 185;
Rhodes, G. W., Lowe, 159;
Smith, W. N., Brownsville, 163
Cherokee county:
Dennison, A. S., Columbus, 161;
Haines, L. J., Galena, 170;
Neil, Henry, Weir, 181;
Seibert, D. C., Columbus, 162;
Smith, Thomas W., Baxter Springs, 167
Coffey county:
Brown, S. B., Waverly, 176;
Kendrick, C. L., Waverly, 169;
Mark, R. N., Strawn, 184;
Schenck, Geo., Le Roy, 167;
Weatherby, S. S., Le Roy, 174
Cowley county:
Bilsing, J. H., Udall, 183;
Keller, Johnson, Arkansas City, 162;
Savage, F. M., Burden, 175;
Wahlenmaier, Fred., Arkansas City, 156
Crawford county:
French, W. M., Chicopee, 184
Elk county:
Condra, H. A., Longton, 157
Greenwood county:
Barngrover, W. M., Hamilton, 180
Harvey county:
Hackney, J. S., Walton, 164;
Lehman, David, Halstead, 180;
Saltzman, A. J., Burrton, 170
Labette county:
Hildreth, C. E., Altamont, 163;
Hildreth, Geo. A., Altamont, 161;
Sanford, N., Oswego, 177;
Wickersham, C. G., Parsons, 178
Linn county:
Cozad, D. W., La Cygne, 179;
Fleeharty, W. M., La Cygne, 182
Lyon county:
Beavers, E. O., Ottumwa, 176;
Chambers, A. D., Hartford, 160;
Cochran, J. T., Ottumwa, 181;
Walters, W. T., Emporia, 168
Marion county:
Fraser, D. J., Peabody, 118;
McNicol, James, Lost Springs, 166, 193
McPherson county:
Heckethorn, O. W., McPherson, 179
Montgomery county:
Bowen, P. C., Cherryvale, 164;
Good, Jacob, Coffeyville, 191;
Kenoyer, F. L., Independence, 182;
Mullineaux, J. A., Cherryvale, 174;
Ross, J. C., Havana, 185
Neosho county:
Gardner, W. W., Chanute, 180;
Record, O. M., Thayer, 175
Sedgwick county:
Ayers, G. K., Furley, 156;
Lawrence, R. E., Wichita, 174
Sumner county:
Adams, D. M., Rome, 173
Wilson county:
Burnett, F. H., Benedict, 183;
Graham, R. O., Altoona, 155;
Magill, John A., Roper, 181;
Roney, B., Benedict, 160
Woodson county:
Davidson, C. R., Yates Center, 156;
Lovett, L. L., Toronto, 144;
Mann, A. B., Toronto, 179