
The whole herd swam the Pecos in safety 8
Say, Dad, did you ever pack a burro? 23
Gibson managed to get everything in the two Kyacks carried by the mule 36
Apache squaw and baby 45
The men on day herd could hold them easily 58
Some prehistoric people had carved queer hieroglyphics on it 71
He was a picture of savage finery 78
Now the Navajos are famous silversmiths 78
The mess wagon was backed up into the shade 86
Andy done built a little log house 97
We had a fire lookout station 115
Out on the range 1200 ewes were grazing 128
He had a Navajo Squaw weaving blankets 144
He knows where there's a bunch of Cliff Dwellings 148
The sails of the wind mill flashed in the sunlight 153
We were camped over in the petrified forest 165
Hawk met a forest ranger leading a pack mule 197
They gave the money to Jackson, the Cross J boss 210

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