Ingentem meminit parvo qui germine quercum

ÆquÆvumque videt consenuisse nemus.

A neighbouring wood born with himself he sees

And loves his old contemporary trees.—Cowley.

99 Je. 2:2, 3.
100 Mat. 21:41, 43.
101 ver. 15.
102 ver. 11, 17, 29; Mat. 11:15.
103 ch. 22:2, 14; Ge. 2:9.
104 ch. 1:8, 17.
105 1 Ti. 6:18.
106 Ro. 2:28, 29.
107 ch. 3:9.
108 Mat. 10:22.
109 Ja. 1:12.
110 ch. 20:14.
111 ch. 1:16.
112 ver. 9.
113 2 Ti. 2:12.
114 Nu. 31:16.
115 Ac. 15:29.
116 1 Co. 6:13, 18.
117 Is. 11:4.
118 ver. 7; ch. 3:6, 13, 22.
119 Ps. 25:14.
120 ch. 3:12; 19:12, 13; Is. 56:4, 5; 65:15.
121 1 Co. 2:14.
122 ch. 1:14, 15.
123 ver. 2.
124 1 Ki. 16:31.
125 Ex. 34:15; 1 Co. 10:20, 28.
126 Ro. 2:4; 2 Pe. 3:9.
127 ch. 9:20.
128 Eze. 16:37; 23:29.
129 ch. 6:8.
130 Zep. 1:11.
131 1 Ch. 28:9; 2 Ch. 6:30; Ps. 7:9; Je. 17:10.
132 Ps. 62:12.
133 2 Th. 2:912.
134 ch. 3:11.
231– ch. 8:10.
232 or, green.
233 Ps. 102:26; Is. 34:4.
234 ch. 16:20; Je. 4:23, 24; Hab. 3:6, 10.
235 Is. 2:19.
236 ch. 9:6; Ho. 10:8; Lu. 23:30.
237 ch. 16:14; Is. 13:6,&c.; Zep. 1:14,&c.
238 Ps. 76:7.
239 Da. 7:2.
240 2 Ti. 2:19.
241 ch. 6:6.
242 Eze. 9:4.
243 ch. 22:4.
244 ch. 14:1.
245 ch. 5:9; Ro. 11:25.
246 ch. 6:11.
247 Le. 23:40.
248 Zec. 4:7.
249 ch. 19:1; Is. 43:11.
250 ch. 5:13, 14; Jude 25.
251 ch. 6:9; Jn. 16:33.
252 1 Co. 6:11; He. 9:14.
253 ch. 1:5; 1 Jn. 1:7.
254 ch. 21:3, 4.
255 Is. 49:10.
256 Ps. 121:6; Is. 4:6.
257 Ps. 23:1, 2, 5; 36:8; Is. 40:11.
258 Is. 25:8.
259 ch. 5:1.
260 Lu. 1:19.
261 2 Ch. 29:2528.
262 or, add it to.
263 ch. 5:8.
264 ch. 6:9.
265 Ex. 30:1.
266 or, upon.
272 Je. 51:25.
273 Am. 7:4.
274 ch. 16:3,&c.; Ex. 7:1921.
275 ch. 9:1; Is. 14:12.
276 De. 29:18; Am. 5:7; He. 12:15.
277 Ex. 15:23; Jer. 9:15; 23:15.
278 Is. 13:10; Je. 4:23; Eze. 32:7,8; Joel 2:10; Am. 8:9.
279 “If we were called on to fix a period most calamitous, it would be that from the death of Theodosius to the establishment of the Lombards” (CharlesV pp.11,12).
280 ch. 14:6.
281 ch. 8:10; Lu. 10:18.
282 ch. 17:8; 20:1.
283 Joel 2:2.
284 Ex. 10:4,&c.
285 ver. 10.
286 ch. 6:6.
287 ch. 7:3; Ex. 12:23; Job 2:6; Eze. 9:4.
288 Job 3:21; Je. 8:3.
289 Joel 2:4.
290 Na. 3:17.
291 Da. 7:4, 8.
292 Ps. 57:4; Joel 1:6.
293 Na. 2:4.
294 ver. 5.
295 Ep. 2:2.
296 That is, a destroyer.
297 Foemineas incisas facies prÆferentes, virorum et bene barbatorum fugientia terga confodiunt.
298 ch. 8:13.
299 ch. 16:12; Ge. 2:14; Je. 51:63.
300 or, at.
301 ch. 8:7–9.
302 Eze. 38:4; Da. 11:40.
303 Ps. 68:17.
304 ch. 7:4.
305 1 Ch. 12:8; Is. 5:28, 29.
306 Is. 9:15; Ep. 4:14.
307 Je. 5:3; 8:6.
308 Le. 17:7; 1 Co. 10:20.
309 Ps. 135:15; Is. 40:19, 20.
310 ch. 22:15.
311 “As the Julian year equalled 365 days 6 hours, the Apocalyptic period would, on the year-day principle, be in amount as follows:—
Ayear = 3651/4 days = 365 years +1/4 yr.
Amonth = 30 days = 30 years.
Aday = = 1 year.
396 years.

1/4 of a prophetic day or year (left out above) = 911/4 days.

An hour = 1/24 of a prophetic day or year = 151/6 days.

Total = years 396 + 106 days.”

Elliott, i. p. 496.

312 Mandat Chalifa tuÆ curÆ omne id terrarum quod Deus ejus curÆ et imperio commisit; tibique civium piorum, fidelium, Deum colentium, tutclam sublocatorio nomine demandat.
313 In the Hereford Discussion, between the Rev.J. Venn and Rev.James Waterworth, it was admitted by the latter, an able and learned Romish priest, that Bonaventura’s Psalter to the Virgin Mary, turning the addresses to God into addresses to the Virgin, was blasphemy (Elliott, ii.25).
314 Romanus Pontifex viros claros, et qui sanctimoni floruerunt, et eorum exigentibus clarissimis meritis aliorum sanctorum numero aggregari mereritur—inter sanctos prÆdictos debet collocare, et ut sanctos ab omnibus Christi fidelibus coli, venerari, et ADORARI mandare.
315 “If you wish to see the horrors of these ages” (the Middle Ages), says Chateaubriand, Dict. Hist. tom. iii.420, “read the Councils.”
316 His character is told in the well-known epigram—

Octo nocens pueros genuit, totidemque puellas:

Hunc merito potuit dicere Roma patrem.

317 Eze. 1:28.
318 ch. 1:15,16; Mat. 17:2.
319 For the proof of this, see Elliott, ii.92.
320 ch. 8:5; 14:2.
321 Da. 8:26; 12:4, 9.
ch. 13:1416.
443 Ps. 75:8.
444 ch. 19:20.
445 Is. 34:10.
446 Is. 57:20, 21.
447 1Th. 4:14, 16.
448 or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea.
449 Eze. 1:26; Da. 7:13.
450 Joel 3:13.
451 Je. 51:33; Mat. 13:39.
452 or, dried.
453 ver.15.
454 ch. 19:15.
455 Is. 63:3.
456 He. 13:11, 12.
457 Is. 34:7.
458 ch. 19:14.
459 ch. 14:10.
460 ch. 4:6.
461 Is. 4:4, 5.
462 ch. 13:1517.
463 ch. 14:2.
464 Ex. 15:119; De. 32:143.
465 ch. 14:3.
466 Ho. 14:9.
467 or, nations, or ages, ch. 17:14.
468 Je. 10:7.
469 1 Sa. 2:2.
470 Is. 45:23.
471 ch. 11:19.
472 Is. 6:4.
473 Ps. 29:9.
474 ch. 15:1, 7.
475 ch. 8:7.
476 Ex. 9:811.
477 ch. 13:1517.
478 ch. 8:8.
569 Je. 51:64.
570 Je. 25:10.
571 Je. 7:34; 16:9; 33:11.
572 Is. 23:8.
573 2 Ki. 9:22; Na. 3:4.
574 Je. 51:49.
575 ch. 11:15.
576 ver. 3, 4, 6.
577 ch. 7:10, 12.
578 ch. 16:7.
579 ch. 18:20.
580 ch. 18:9, 18; Is. 34:10.
581 Ps. 135:1.
582 Ps. 97:1, 12.
583 Mat. 25:10.
584 Is. 52:1.
585 ch. 3:4; Is. 61:10.
586 or, bright.
587 Ps. 132:9.
588 Lu. 14:15.
589 ch. 3:20.
590 ch. 22:6.
591 ch. 22:8, 9.
592 Ac. 10:43; 1 Pe. 1:10, 11.
593 ch. 6:2.
594 ch. 3:14.
595 Ps. 45:3, 4; Is. 11:4.
596 ch. 1:14; 2:18.
597 ch. 6:2; Ca. 3:11; Is.62:3; Zec.9:16; He.2:9.
598 ch. 3:12.
599 Jn. 1:1.
600 Mat. 28:3.
601 ch. 1:16.
602 Ps. 2:9.
603 Is. 63:3.
604 ch. 17:14.

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