PAGE | Free Breathings | 1 | Breath-pennings | 2 | Word-strain and Speech-strain | 3 | Thing-names | 4 | Thing-sundrinesses | 4 | Thing Mark-words: | Sex | 5 | Kindred | 5 | Size | 5 | Tale | 6-9 | Outshowing Mark-words | 10, 12 | Persons | 11 | Suchness | 12 | Pitches of Suchness | 13 | Time-taking and Time-words | 14 | Intransitive | 14 | Transitive | 15 | Cause Time-takings | 15 | Time-giving | 15 | Words in -ing | 17 | Strong and Weak Time-words | 18-26 | Sundriness of Time-taking | 26 | Helping Time-words, can, may, shall, must | 27 | Person, Tale, Mood, Time | 27, 30 | Historic Time-wording | 30 | Case | 31 | Way-marks and Stead-marks | 33 | Thought-wording, Speech-wording | 35 | Twin Time-takings | 35 | Speech-trimming | 36 | Miswording | 36-42 | Word-sameness | 38 | Odd Wordshapes | 42, 43 | Wordiness | 44 | Hard Breathing | 44 | Mark Time-words (Participles) | 45 | Words of Speech-craft, and others | 47 | Power of the Word-endings | 83 | Goodness of a Speech | 86 |