

[1] ‘Enaid yr ymadrod yw’r ferf.’

[2] See Table of Sounds, p. 1.

[3] From cuÐe.

[4] The Welsh shows the source of this word in gair, a word; gair-ol, wordy.

[5] The words of the latter row are not shapen, at once, from those of the first one. Such of the first as are not roots in -ing are fellow stems to the others. As, stem from the root sting, to be more or less stiff or steadfast: sting, a stang, a stake, a stick. Steg-me (Gr. stigma), stegm (stem). Stem is not from stick, but from the root.

[6] In Welsh avon, a river, is from a time-word meaning to go on.

‘Mi av i’r avon vawr rhag llosgi.’
(I will go into the great river ere I be burned.)
Welsh Song.

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