Absolute case, 32, 47 Accent, 3 Adjective, 10, 12 Adverbs, 26, 48 Aorist (time), 28 Article, 6, 10 Attraction, 52 Be-, 52 Big things, 6 Breathings, 1, 44 — free, 1 — hard, 2, 44 Breath-pennings, 1, 2 Can, 27 Case, 30 — absolute, 32 — words, 31 Colon, 73 Comma, 73 Conjugation, 26 Conjunction, 35 Defective (time-words), 55 -dom, 57, 58 -ed, 19, 83 -el, -l, 18 -en, 16, 45, 59, 84 -ening, 59 -er, 59, 84 -et, 84 Expansion, 60 For-, 60 Fore-, 61 Goodness of a speech, 86 Hinge and hank time-takings, 35 -hood, 62 Imperative mood, 31, 63 Impersonal time-words, 63 Inceptive time-words, 64 Indicative mood, 30 Infinitive mood, 16, 64 -ing, 17, 84 -ism, 65 Iterative time-words, 29, 66 Kindred, 5 -m, -om, -um, 66, 67, LONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET 1, Paternoster Square, London. |