Contents 243
Introduction 245
Acknowledgments 245
Methods of Study 246
Study Area 247
Considerations of Habitat 248
Seasonal Movement 250
Arrival in Spring 250
Fall Departure 251
General Behavior 252
Flight 252
Foraging and Food Habits 252
Bathing 253
Vocalizations 254
Singing Postures 255
Flight Song 255
Daily Frequency of Song 255
Types of Vocalizations 255
Territoriality 258
Establishment of Territory 259
Size of Territories 259
Permanence of Territories 260
Maintenance of Territory 260
Aggressive Behavior of the Female 264
Interspecific Relationships 264
Discussion 265
Courtship Behavior 267
Displays and Postures 268
Discussion 270
Selection of Nest-site and Nestbuilding 272
Building 274
Gathering of Nesting Materials 276
Length and Hours of Nestbuilding 277
Abortive Nestbuilding Efforts 277
Renesting 277
The Nest 277
Egglaying and Incubation 278
Egglaying 278
Clutch-size 279


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