"Why is it, I would like to know," said young Scratchfoot, throwing the sand over himself, "that every one is talking and carrying on of a hot Summer day the very time you ought to go to sleep?" "Hush up, Scratchfoot," said Topknot, "we are having a very lively conversation. Uncle Red Nose Mike has just asked a riddle, which none of us can guess. But you can, so get up and try." Scratchfoot yawned and then said, "Mr. Mike, what is your riddle? I will try my hand at it. What is it?" "What kind of a cravat would our friend Mr. Hog be most likely to choose?" said Red Nose HEN CASTLE. HEN CASTLE. "That is very easy. Have these people, sensible too they call themselves, been trying so long to guess that riddle? Hand over your "The worms come after the riddle," said Mike. "The answer is a pig's tie." "Right, and here are the worms!" Then after receiving many congratulations Scratchfoot ate the worms. LATER, IN THE HENHOUSE."Mrs. Henny Penny, why do you insist on sitting on your nest forever? It is so pleasant outdoors; you might be fattening on worms instead of up here on your nest as if you were glued to it," said Scratchfoot. "My dear, I see you do not understand." "No, I don't understand, and only silly people say there is anything to understand in it," said Scratchfoot, interrupting Henny Penny. "Dear, you said awhile ago that no one ought to stay in this fine weather, so I wish you would please go out." After giving her a peck Scratchfoot left the house. |