s@57158@57158-h@57158-h-1.htm.html#Page_21" class="pginternal">21, 23-25, 35, 44, 74, 85, 86, 91-94. ? Windham, 82. Barnay, Ludwig, 136. Barnby, Mr. Joseph, organist, 102-3. Barnes Pool, 95. Barrack Room Ballads, Kipling, 148. Bartet in Le PÈre Prodigue, 140; in BÉrÉnice, 192. Bastille, the, 93. Bath, visits to, 76, 130. ? House, 26, 85. Battery Cottage, 40. Bauman, death, 320; funeral, 321-22. Bayreuth Festival, 133-35, 153-54, 168. Beardsley, Aubrey, 144, 149. BÉarn, Madame de, 254. Beauchamp, editor of the Eton Review, 111. Beeching, Mr., 148. Beerbohm, Max, 147-48, 155; on Rugby football, 74; correspondence in the Saturday Review, 195. Beer-drinking rules in Germany, 121-125. Beethoven, 211. Beggars, Russian, 377. Belgrade Station, 406, 408. Bell, casting of a, 382-85. Bell, schoolfellow, 77, 79, 83. Belle HÉlÈne (La), 197. Belle Maman, 93. Belle-Isle, a visit to, 216-18. Belloc, Hilary, at Oxford, 170-72; “Bad Child’s Book of Beasts,” 171; Verses and Sonnets, 171; The North Street Gazette, 390-95; The Four Men, 391; The Eye Witness, 395. Ben Hur, 105. Benckendorff, Constantine, 263. ? Count, on Delaunay, 67; in Copenhagen, 208-9; at the Russian Legation, 212; personality, 213-15; invitations to the Hon. Maurice Baring, 218-24; in London, Arthur Benson and, 112; Professor Ihne on, 163; the singer of Greece, 255. CafÉ de Paris, 92. Cairo, the Agency, 168-69. Califano, 95. Calverley, 145. Cambridge, 141; King’s College, 143-45; debating societies, 143; Society of the Apostles, 145-46; work done by the Hon. Maurice Baring, 151-53. Cambridge A B C, newspaper, 144. Cambridge University Press, pamphlet of poems by the Hon. Maurice Baring, 199. CamÉes Parisiens, Banville, 243. Cameron, Miss Violet, 28. Campbell, Herbert, 24, 83. ? Mrs. Patrick, 56, 149; in The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, 157-58; in Magda, 167; in PellÉas, 305. ? minor, Ascot, 79. ? Niall, 71. Captain Swift, at the Haymarket, 107. Card games, German, 124. Carducci, 140. Carlyle, Arthur Benson and, 112. Carmen, 187. Carnac, temple of, 169. Carr, editor of the Parachute, 111. Carr-Bosanquet, parody on Kipling, 144; humour of, 144-45; rooms of, 153. Carregi, 167. Carroll, Lewis, 180. Caruso, 52. Castellane, Count Boni de, 206. Castiglione, Madame de, 196. Catherine ii., 339, 355. Cavalleria Rusticana, 133. Cecil, Lord Sackville, 166-67. Cemented Bricks Society, 151. “Cercle de l’Union,” 184, 196, 206. Cercle des DÉbats (Le), 113. Certosa, the, 159. Cetonia, schooner, 45. Chaika, by Tchekov, 323. Chaliapine, 263, 309-10, 376-77. Chantilly, 205. Charles, Prince and Princess, of Denmark, 225. ChÂtelet, the, Paris, 93. Ekaterinoslav Regiment, the, 335. Eldorado Paris Music Hall, 66. Elgin, Lord, 255. Eliot, George, 106, 112. Elliot, Charles, 191. Ellis, Colonel, 60. ? Edwin, 149. ? Gerald, 60. ? Mr., carpenter, 42, 59. Elsinore, 224-25. En Paix, 197. EncyclopÆdia Britannica, articles by the Hon. Maurice Baring, 261. English Lyrics, Le Gallienne, 149. Enver Pasha, 397. Epic of Hades, Lewis Morris, 98. Esclangon, M., 154-55. Eton, Warre’s House, 13, 14; 4th of June, 65, 106-7; Lower Chapel, 89; first summer half, 94-95; sock-shops, 95-96; duty of the prepostor, 96, 100; masters, 96-100; religious instruction, 100-1; music lessons, 101-3; ragging of masters, 103-4; breakfasts with the Head Master, 107; New Schools opened by Queen Victoria, 108; Mr. Gladstone’s speech on classical education, 108-9; system of punishments, 109-10; the School library, 110, 116; the boats, 112-13; Debating Societies, 113-14; Tercentenary, 1891, 114; the Prince Consort prize (1891) won by the Hon. Maurice Baring, 114-16; House matches, 115; the playing fields, 117; Mr. Cornish Vice-Provost, 141-42; newspapers and books about, 144; compared with Cambridge, 170; Cloisters, 180. Eton and Harrow match, 64-65, 115. Eton Boating Song, 103. Eton Chronicle, 144. Eton Review, the, 111. Eton Volunteers, 108. Étourdi (L’), Coquelin, 107. Evans’ House, Eton, 88. Executions, Turkish, 398-99. Exhibition, the Paris, 1900, friendship, 151; literary discussions, 148. Lamb, Charles, 145. Lambton, Claud, 48. Lamsdorff, Count, 273. Lane, Mr. John, 151. Lang, Andrew, writings, 148; and the Dreyfusards, 197. Langtry, Mrs., 25. Lansdowne, Lady, 62. ? Lord, 62. Last Abbot of Glastonbury (The), 71. Latude, escape, 93. Lays of Ancient Rome, 158, 167. Leavenworth Case (The), 74. Lee, Vernon, 141, 147, 256, 259, 370; Belcaro, 20; a saying of, 142; and the earthquake, 160; home of, 167; on Wagner, 186-87. Lee-Hamilton, Eugene, 167. LegouvÉ, 305. Leigh, R. Austen, 91, 144. Leighton, Sir Frederick, 55. Leighton’s in Windsor, 95. Leipzig, 133; an incident at, 154. LemaÎtre, Jules, 199; on Duse’s Magda, 210; on Sarah Bernhardt, 227, 231, 233-34; Les Rois, 233; on Duse in La Dame aux CamÉlias, 235; on Rostand, 242. Lemerre, publisher, 194-95. LÉna, 232. Lenin, 341. Leno, Dan, 245. LenÔtre, 168. Leo XIII., Pope, 253. Leopardi, 140. Lermontov, 365; “The Demon,” 295. Lewes, Life of Goethe, 126. Liao-he, the, 374. Liaoyang, 282, 286; the HÔtel International, 280. ? battle of, 287-92. Liberty, 7. Lido, the, 141. Lieskov, 294. Life’s Handicap, Kipling, 148. Likeness of the Night (The), 190. Montagu House, 176. Monte Carlo, 166-67. Monte Cristo, 96, 105. Montesquieu, Robert de, 199; on L’Aiglon, 203-4. Montgomery, Mr. Alfred, 15. Montmartre, 197. Moonstone (The), 74. Moore, George, 147, 149, 155. Moreau, 232. Moritzberg, the, 119. Morley, John, Compromise, 381. Morning Post, the Hon. Maurice Baring correspondent in Manchuria, 268-304; Whigham correspondence, 275; Mr. Baring’s dramatic criticisms, 305; Mr. Baring correspondent in Moscow, 332; in St. Petersburg, 356, 381; and in Turkey, 395. Morris, Lewis, Epic of Hades, 98. Morsh, Mr., Eton, 102. Moscow, the Kremlin, 224, 334; Testoff’s restaurant, 224; life in, 263-64; the Art Theatre, 265-66, 323-24; train journey from Pensa, 318-19; the HÔtel Dresden, 319-20, 329; the Emperor’s manifesto read, 319-20; the MÉtropole Restaurant, 320, 323; Bauman’s funeral, 321-22; the University, 322; the Riding School, 322; the Black Gang, 322-23; events of December 1905, 324, 328-29; Nikolayev Railway Station, 329, 331; Riask Station, 331; rooms of the Hon. M. Baring, 332; Easter festivities, 334-39; markets, 338-39; the journey to, 363-64. Moscow, River, 336, 350. Mothecombe Bay, 59. “Mothecombe” House, 59-60. Mottl, conductor, 134, 153, 168, 216. Mounts Bay, 85. Mozart, 52,
6. Reske, Jean de, 52, 92. Retvizan, torpedoed, 263. Revelstoke Church, 36, 40. ? Lady, 15, 16, 22, 27, 37, 39; and Madame Neruda, 28; yachting, 45; chess-playing, 47-48; Schiller’s “Die Glocke,” 50-51; and the opera, 52-53; at Stafford House, 54-55; a pantomime, 63-64; ContrexÉville, 66; the Ascot school, 68-69; the first half-term report, 73-75; school incidents, 76, 80-81; Ascot races, 79-80; the Eastbourne school, 84; the organ at Charles Street, 86; her son’s confirmation, 101; the financial crisis, 113; visits to Eton, 114; and the Prince Consort Prize, 115; death, 135. ? Lord, 14, 27, 47, 130, 157; appreciation of acting, 24, 51-53, 63-64; yachting, 44; versatility of, 50-51; gifts of, 55-56; bigness of his character, 56-57: ContrexÉville, 65-66; at Cowes, 85; the financial crisis, 113; death, 177. RÊves de Marguerite (Les), 86. Revue Bleue, 234. Rhodes, 256. Rhymers’ Club, 147-48; Book of the Rhymers’ Club, 147, 149, 150; Second Book of the Rhymers’ Club, 147, 150. Rhys, Ernest, 149. Riazan Station, 318. Riazhk, 318. Ribinsk, 368, 369. Ries, Mr., 382. Schliemann, Dr., 112. SchÖn, M., 208. School, at the Haymarket, 53. Schools, Russian evening, 326-29. Schubert, “Der Leiermann,” 388. Schultzen, FrÄulein, 131. Schumann, Clara, 335. Schwartz, Lieut. von, 276. Schwerin, boy, 128. Scoones, Mr., establishment of, 154-56, 167-69. Scott, Herbert, 88, 89. ? Sir Charles, 263. ? Sir Walter, 49, 53, 112. Scribe and LegouvÉ, Adrienne Lecouvreur, 308-9. Scyra, 256. Seagull, Tchekov, 265-66. Second Mrs. Tanqueray, Pinero, 148, 309. Sedan, 196. Servia, occupation of Uskub, 414-16; patriotism, 416-17; Bulgarian and Servian language compared, 411-12. Seven Summers, Carr-Bosanquet, 144. Sforza, Catherine, 248. Sha-ho river, battle of the, 297-303. Shakespeare, German cult of, 126-27; and Schiller, 163; in Copenhagen, 210; Brewster on the production of, 251-52; Julius CÆsar in Moscow, 266; Nazarenko’s opinion of, 343; Sonnets of, 365. Shaw, Mr. Bernard, on Mrs. Campbell’s acting, 157-58; Dramatic Opinions and Essays, 234; on Mrs. Kendal’s acting, 311. She, 107. She Stoops to Conquer, 83. Shelley, 110, 140, 186; Arthur Benson and, 112; reputation, 126; AdonaÏs, 161, 163; grave in Rome, 246. Shelton, Mr., 83. Sheppy, housekeeper, 9, 27-28, 81. Shorthouse, 105. Shuvaloff, Countess, 263. Sichkhov, General, 283. Siddons, Mrs., 227. Simpson of the Daily Telegraph, 186-87; in Copenhagen, 210. Wagram, battle of, 202. Waldorf Theatre, Duse at the, 305. Wales, Prince of (Edward VII.), marriage, 25; in Paris, 193. ? Princess, 24-25; parties at Marlborough House, 54-55, 80. Walkley, Mr., 149; on Sarah Bernhardt, 232-33. Wallace, Lew, Ben Hur, 106. Wallington, 38. War and Peace, Tolstoy, 168. Ward, Arnold, 170; at Eton, 111; Arthur Benson and, 112. ? Mrs. Humphry, 111; Robert Elsmere, 106; David Grieve, 148. Warre, Dr., at Eton, 14, 46, 81, 99. Warsaw, 218-19. Wasp, steam launch, 45. Waterlooville, home of ChÉrie, 114. Waterwitch, the yacht, 44-45, 85. Watson, Mr., butler, 27. ? William, poems, 147-48, 157. Watteau, at the Louvre, 67. Watts, exhibitions, 56. Webb, Godfrey, 62; lines on Christmas at Membland, 42-43. Wells, Mr. H. G., History of the World, 47; Plattner Story, 170; Food of the Gods, 285. Westmacott, Lady, 427. Westminster Abbey, underground passage to, 390. Westminster Gazette, 333. Westwater, Dr., 280, 282. When we Dead Awaken, 211. When William Came, 333. Whibley, Charles, 148. Whigham, correspondent, 275. Whyte-Melville, 48, 106. Wigans, the, 51. Wilde, Oscar, 324; Lady Windermere’s Fan, 148. Wildenbruch, Count, 208. Williams, stationer, Eton, 95, 117. Wilton, Marie (Mrs. Bancroft), 53. Winchester match, the, 112. Windsor, Norman Tower, PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY MORRISON AND GIBB LTD. EDINBURGH |