SS. Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, MM. at CÆsarea, circ. A.D. 259. S. Xystus or Sixtus III., Pope, A.D. 440. S. Spes, Ab. at Nursia, in Italy, A.D. 513. S. Guntram, K. of Burgundy, A.D. 593. S. Conon, Monk at Nesi, in Sicily, A.D. 1236. Ven. Mary de Mailliac, V.W. at Tours, A.D. 1414. S. XYSTUS OR SIXTUS, POPE. (A.D. 440.) Saint Sixtus III. was a native of Rome. He succeeded Celestin I., in 432, on the Papal throne. He laboured zealously to extinguish the Pelagian and Nestorian heresies, and exhibited great joy at the reconciliation between S. Cyril of Alexandria, and John, patriarch of Antioch. Some epistles and some religious poems attributed to him exist. He built and adorned many churches in Rome, and died August 18th, 440; and was succeeded by S. Leo the Great. S. SPES, AB. (A.D. 513.) [Roman Martyrology, and the Benedictine Martyrology of Wyon. Authority:—The Dialogues of S. Gregory the Great, lib. iv. c. 10, from one who knew Spes.] S. Spes was an abbot of a monastery, at a place called Cample, or Campi, near Nursia, who was blind for forty years, and bore his affliction with the greatest sweetness and patience. At the end of that time his sight was restored to him for a brief space, and he occupied this time in visiting the monasteries of his order. And on the fifteenth day of his recovery he returned to his own house, and calling the brethren together, and standing in their midst, he received the Body and Blood of Christ, and then lifted up his voice to precent the psalms. And as he and the brethren sang, his spirit fled, and the brethren saw his blessed soul as a white dove soar up to the vault of the church, which parted, and the dove ascended into the brightness above.
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