[Pg 732]
[Pg 733]
Abbot, Archbishop, 334
Abder-Rhuman, 715
Abercrombie, Dr., 427, 428
Aberdeen, University of, 34
Abingdon, 127
Abyssinia, Prince of, 599
Account of the Desperate Affray in Blean Wood, etc., 612
Account of the English Colony of New South Wales, 568
Account of R. Jeffery, 257
Acharnania, 508
Acombe, 12
Acton, 403, 477, 673
Actor, Mr., 275
Adams, 252
Adams, John Couch, 189
— birth and upbringing, 84
— character of, 88, 89, 90
— discoverer of Neptune, 86, 88
— early observation, 84
Adams, Mr., 322, 714
Adams, Mr. John, 463
Adams, Thomas, 83
Adams, William Grylls, 89, 90
Addison, Joseph, 644
Admiral Hood, 602
Admiralty order replacement of logan stone, 20, 23
Adoption of poor children, 533
Adour, 504
Advent, 425
Adventure Series, 708
Adventures of a Younger Son, 445, 452, 454
Ætna, 267
Agamemnon's tomb, 448
Agar, Charles R., 726
Agar, Thomas James, 726
Age of Reason, 358
Agnes, 649
Agnus Dei, 656
Agreeable Surprise, The, 469
Ainsworth, Harrison, on "Courtenay," 605
Airy, 86, 88
Alarm, 664
Albanian revolt, 728
Albert, Prince, 621
Albion, 248, 249
Alderton, 487
Aldrich, Dean, 213
Alexander, 559, 561
Alexander the Great, 300
Alexandria, 459, 686
Algerine Corsair at Penzance, 130
Algerine pirates, 332
Algiers, 507, 617, 715
Ali Pacha, 508-514
— at home, 510-513
— human butcher, 509
All, the five alls, 550
Allen, river, 118
Alligator, 196
Alligators attract patients, 632
All the Year Round, 93
Almanza, 12
Altarnon, 73, 80, 186, 187, 190
Amaza, 416
Amell, 340
Ames, Dr. William, 34
Ammonites, superstition concerning origin of, 4
Amurath, 728
Anagram of Noye, 339
Andalusian Moors, 711
Anderson, Captain, 62
Andromache, 505
"Angel, The," 542
Anglesea, Earl of, 298
Anglo-Mexican Company, 493
Anguella, 251
Annals of King James, 615
Anne of Bohemia, 433
Anne, Queen, 219, 299, 307, 310, 318, 372, 639
Annesley, Lady Philippa, 298
Annual Register, 58
Annual Report of the Society of Arts, 64 note
Anson, H.M.S., salvage of, 62
— wreck of, 60, 71
Anson, Lord, 158
Antony and Cleopatra, 205
Antigua, 320
Antiquities of Cornwall, 18
Antony ferry, 225
Antwerp, 26
Anyada, 250
Antelope, 645
Anthem, Cornish, 577
Antiquary, The, 547
Ap Rice, Mr., 288
Arabia, Prince of, 600
Ararat, 406
Arbuthnot, Sir Charles, 529
ArchÆologia, 730
Arcot, 159, 164
Argand lamp, 202
Argos, 448
Argus, 689
Argyro-Kastro, 509
Arithmetic, Walkinghame's, 3
Arms of Braddon family, 107
— of Byzantine Empire, 727
— of Call family, 155, 167
— of Clobery family, 231
— of Foote family, 280
— of Jane family, 206
— of Lake family, 251
— of Noye family, 341
— of Pennington family, 224
— of Robartes family, 726
— of Sandys family, 374
— of Tillie family, 402, 405
— of Tilly family, 407
— of Wills family, 12
Armstrong, Major, 609, 610, 613
Around and about Saltash, 665
Arslan, 508
Arta, 508
Arundell, 646
Arundel family, the, 157
Arundel, Earl of, 435
Arundell, Henry, Lord, 173
Arundell, Humphrey, 588, 589, 591
Arundell, Mary, 730
Arundell, Roger, 592
Arundell, Sir John, 136, 661
Arundell, Sir Thomas, 137
Arundell, William, 730
Arundel Street, 301
Arwenack, 133, 134, 135, 137, 140
Asan, 728
Ashburton, 200
Ashfield, Dame, 468-9
Assassinations and Civil Wars, 426
Assistance, H.M.S., 488
Association, wreck of the, 640, 643, 647, 651
Astley, 203
Astley, Sir Jacob, 126, 723
Aston Clinton, 251
Astronomy, 86
Astronomy, ignorance of, 593
As You Like It, 467
AthenÆum, 88, 452
— founded by Buckingham, 464
Athens, 446, 452
Atkins, Sir Robert, 101
Atlas, 181
Atterbury, 219
"Auction of Pictures, An," 287
Audrey, 516
Augsberg Island, 420
Aunt Mavor's Storybooks, 622
Authentic Account of the late unfortunate Death of Lord Camelford, 328
Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room, 467, 469
Author, The, 288
Autobiography of a Cornish Smuggler, 473
Autobiography of John Harris, 697
Avalon Peninsula, 265
Avery, Captain John, 173
Avery, Dr., 194
Ayres, Mr., 119
Azila, 714
Babbage, 88
Badcock, John, volunteers for Terra del Fuego, 233
— dies of privations, 235
Bagdad, 462
Bagshot Heath, 672
Bahia, 422
Bailey, Mr., 188
Baker, Mr. Henry, 105, 347, 351
Ball, John, 432
Ball, Lieutenant, 565
Ballads, "Chevy Chase," 703
— "The fight of the Monmouth and Foudroyant," 377
— "The Highwayman," 630
Ballads, "Rosamond Clifford," 703
— "Rule Britannia," 377
— sung by Incledon, 386
— "The Storm," 380, 386
— "'Twas Thursday," 377
— of wrestling, 58
Ballot Society, 627
Balls, Mary, 727, 729
— William, 727
Baltic, 67
Banks, Sir Joseph, 233, 679
Bannister, 380
Banns of marriage, 578
Bantry Bay, 638
Banza, 419
Baptista, Signor, 552
Barabbas, 40
Barbados, 623
Barcelona, 477, 640
Barff, Mr., 451
Barfleur, 261
Bargus, Mr. Samuel, 262, 264
Barlow, Bishop, 32
Barming Heath, 603
Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, 483, 484
Barnstaple, 455, 659, 665
Baronetage, 156
Baron Munchausen's Travels, 2
Barrey, Lord, 547
Barrie, Captain, 327
Barrington, Admiral, 238
Barrington, Hon. Daines, 238, 241
— visits Dolly Pentreath, 239, 240
Barrow, Sir John, 415, 423
Barthlever, 528
Bartholomew Fair, 271, 552
Bartlett, Rafe, 388, 393, 397
— confession of, 389, 395
Barwell, Nabob, 525
Barwick, Dr. J., 45
Baseley, Richard, 388, 397
— confession of, 389, 392, 394
Bashaw, Inglis, 716
Basset, Sir Francis, 519
298, 317, 318, 319, 328
Bodannan, 280
Bodener, William, 242
Bodleian Library, 615
Bodmin, 37, 117, 120, 121, 125, 133, 166, 179, 224, 225, 226, 280, 351, 455, 516, 520, 522, 531, 535, 569, 578, 589, 627, 659, 663, 678
Bodmin Asylum and its inhabitants, 570-572
— Gaol, 531, 540, 542, 570, 583
— Hills, 92
— Moors, 84, 573, 628
— Viscount, 726
Body, William, 587
Bohelland, 614
— mysterious tragedy at, 616-619
Bolennowe Hill, 692
Bolventro, 628
Bombay, 445, 460, 462
— governed by Keigwin, 479-487
— Castle, 480
Bomeny, 103
Bonaparte, Prince Louis Lucien, 242
Bonaventura, Thomasine, attractive widow, 113
— benefactress, 114-116
— goes to London, 110, 113
— shepherd girl, 109
Bond, Mr., 92
Bond, Thomas, 681
BondÉ, 418
Bond Street, 320, 325, 385
Borlase, Dr. Bingham, 239, 676
— his account of the Logan, 18, 22
Borleau, 104
Boroughs, pocket, 518
Borrowdale, 559
Boscastle, 721
Boscawen, 130
— family, the, 500, 525, 554
Boscawen, Hugh, 706
Boscawen, Rev. A. C., 684
Bossenden Farm, 603, 607
Bossenden Wood, 608, 613
Bossewell, John, 554
Bossiney, 518
Boston, 53
Bosworgy, 341
Botany Bay, 319
— settlement at, 559-564
Botathan, 74, 81, 82, 701
Botreux Castle, 721
Botusfleming, 12
Boughton-under-Blean, 603, 606, 609, 612
Boulogne, 332
Bouverie, Hon. Philip, 649
Bouverie, Sir Jacob, 649
Bovey Heathfield, geological features of, 7
Bovey Tracey, 226
Bow, Rev. Dr., 613
Bow Street, 380, 381
Bowden, Elizabeth, 138
Boyer, Nicholas, Mayor of Bodmin, executed, 589, 590
Boyne, burnt, 258, 259
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 299, 300
— and Capt. Hill, 300-4
Braddock Down, 206
Braddon family, arms of, 107
Braddon, Captain William, 96
Braddon, Laurence, 96, 107
— attacks Bishop Burnet, 106
— Author of Enquiry, 104, 106
— imprisoned and tried, 99, 100, 102
— reports murder of Essex, 98-103
Bradshaw, Sir Thomas, 40
Bradstone, 228
Braganza, 479
Brandon, 386
Bray, Charity, 593
Bray, C., 699, note
Bray, Mrs., on Bothathan ghost, 72
— on Polperro, 247
Breage, 342, 370, 580, 585
Breage Churchtown, 478
Brember, Sir Nicholas, 435
Brendon & Son, 578
Brent Eleigh, 556
Brentford, 318
Brenton, Captain, 259
Brereton, Major, 162
Brest, 60, 259, 477
Brian, Sir Hussey, 603
Bribery at Elections, 518-530
Bridgerule, 108, 226
Bridges, Admiral Sir G., 377
Bridgwater, 36
Brief Relation of State Affairs, 403
Brighton, 387
Bristol, 37, 281, 282, 439, 670, 676
Bristol, Earl of, 376
Britannia, 405
British Association, the, 8, 87
British Family Antiquity, 154, 168
British and Foreign Institute, 465
British Museum, 613, 680
Brixham, 8
— geological features of, 7
Broad Sound, 644
Brompton Crescent, 382, 383
Bronnaker, Lord, 552
Brook, Sir Arthur, 714
Brooke, Benjamin, 53
Broom Hill, 182
"Brown Bear, The," 381
Brown, Dr. Robert, 708, 715
Brown, John, 391, 392
Brown, Mrs., 580
Brown Willy, 84, 85, 109
Browne, Hamilton, 446
Browne, Mrs., 301, 303
Browne, Sir Richard, 545
Bruce, Eliza, 90
Bruce, Haliday, 90
Brulgruddery, Mrs., 468, 469
Brunel's bridge, Saltash, 663
Brunswick, H.M.S., 667
Brunton, 468
Bryant, John Davy, volunteers for Terra del Fuego, 233
— dies of hardships, 236
Brydges, Captain, 462
Buchanan, Robert, 209
Buckhurst, Lord, 305
Buckingham, Christopher, 455
Buckingham family, the, 455
Buckingham, George, 665 note
Buckingham, James, 465
Buckingham, James Silk, a youthful prisoner, in love, 458
— character of, 455, 464
— explores in Egypt, 460
— founds British and Foreign Institute, 465
— in conflict with East India Company, 460-5
— a linguist, 458, 462
— literary ventures of, 463, 464
— quells corn riot, 457
— suffers for his love of freedom, 462, 463
— suggests Suez Canal, 459
— to India in disguise, 462
Buckingham, Leicester F. Y., 465
Buckingham, Earl of, 170, 172, 173, 524, 552, 721
Bude, 115, 182, 204, 205
Bude Haven, 570
Bude light, 202
Budget of Paradoxes, 90
Buggs, Sir Anthony, 500
Bull, Rev. G. B., 695
Buller, Charles, 189
Buller family, 86
Buller, Mr., 652
Bulwer, Henry Lytton, 448
Bunsby, Richard, 113
Burton, Joe, 627
Burton, John, falls over the stile, 631
— his Curiosity Shop, 633
— invests in alligators, 632
— rudeness of, 634
— rules for living, 635
— spends Christmas Eve at Jamaica Inn, 627-31
— Whiteley in curiosities, 632
— writes to the King, 634
Burton, John, jun., 636
Burton, Joseph, 627
Burton, William, 419, 420
Burton's Stile, 631
Burdett, Sir Francis, 253
Burge, Arthur, 219
Burke, Sir Bernard, 299
Burley, Sir Simon, 434
Burlorn, 117, 119, 120, 121
Burnard, Mr., 87
Burnard, George, 186
Burnard, Nevil Northey, on tramp, 190
— success in London, 188
— works in slate, 186, 187
Burnet, Bishop, 41, 45, 53, 211, 214, 216, 218, 543
— on death of Essex, 106
— on the Duke of Hamilton, 310
— on Lord Mohun, 308
— on Lord Roberts, 726
— on nonjurors, 476, 478
Carter family, the, 471
Carter, Francis, 471
Carter, Frank, 478
Carter, Henry, imprisoned in France, 474, 477
— the biter bit, 474
— a pious smuggler, 471, 473, 477
Carter, John, 275
— a daring smuggler, 471, 472
— imprisoned at Dinan, 474
— King of Prussia, 471, 478
Case of the Unfortunate Bosavern Penlez, 274
Casland, 133
Castell-an-Dinas, 682, 683
Castile, 434
Castle Horneck, 240
Castle, Mr., 589
Castlemaine, Lady, 550
Catalonia, 267
Catenary Curve, 678
Cathayes, 395
"Cat Harris," 287
Catherine of Braganza, 479
Catt, George, 610
Caulfield, James, 48, 369
Cawsand, 354, 474, 476
Cecil, James, 275
Cecil, Lord, 32
Cecil Street, 276
Cephalonia, 446, 448
Ceriziers, 126, 128
Cevennes, 639
Chacewater, 54
Challenger, 505
Challis, Professor, 87, 89
Challoner, Mr., 556, note
Chaloner, 36
Chambers's Journal, 257, 680
Chammond family, the, 165
Champernon, Mr., 592
Champion, Sir Richard, 389
Channel Fleet, 60
Chantrey, 187, 188
Chantrey, Lady, vandalism of, 188
Chapman, Edward, falls into a shaft, 701-703
Chapman, John, 701
Charing Cross, 295
Charles I, 26, 31, 35, 41, 51, 127, 128, 154, 182, 206, 208, 329, 334, 338, 407, 544, 675, 718, 722, 725
— execution of, 42
— imprisonment of, 39
Charles II, 96, 102, 107, 128, 207, 280, 479, 480, 482, 544, 549
— lax government of, 549, 551
Charles II, 730
Charles V, 30
Charles VIII, 729
Charles, Prince, 41
Charles's Wain, 84
Charlotte, 559
Charlotte, Queen, 192
Charter House, 319
ChÂteaulin, 222
ChÂteau-Renaud, 638
Chatham, 377, 609
— Earl of, 318
Chatterton, Thomas, 228, 231
Chavis, John de, 137, 138
Cheapside, 392
Cheesewring, 91, 93
Chelsea Hospital, 17
Cheltenham, 199, 232
Cherbourg, 408
Cheshire, Widow, 469
Chestnuts, 573
Chetham Society, 279
Chiandower, 342
Chichester, 261
Chichester of Hall, 701
Chichester, Elizabeth, 398
Chichester, Sir John, 398, 592
Chilcott, Charles, 185
Child, John, of Surat, 482-486
Child, Mr. Paxton, 646
Child, Sir Joshua, nefarious schemes of, 482-487
Childe Harold, 695
Child's First Prayer, The, 697
Chiltern Hundreds, 527
Chinglapett, 159
Chiverton, Elizabeth, 402, 403, 404, 407
Chiverton, Sir Richard, 403, 407
Cholwel, 115
Christ Church, Oxford, 207, 210, 213, 220, 544
Christiania, 409
Christmas Eve at Jamaica Inn, 627-631
Christopher, Thomas, 532
Church of England, position of, 30
Cibber, Colley, 299
Cilenus, 554
City of London Inn, 322
Claracilla, 548
Clackmannan, 204
Clarendon, Earl of, 43, 206
— on Lord Roberts, 726
— on Noye, 332
Clark, Samuel, 178
Clarke, Dr., 361
Claxton, 17
Cleave, Thomas, 223, 224
Clement, T., 274
Clemo, Miss, 627
Cleopatra, 500, 502
Cleoyan, 591
Clergy, character of, 31, 32, 33
Cleve, 8
Cleveland, Marquess of, 530
Clifden, James, Viscount, 726
Clifton, 126, 676, 727, 729
Clive, Lord, 159, 164, 487
Clobery arms, 231
Clobery, Dr. Glynn, 228
Clobery, John, 228
Clobery, Lucy, 228
Clobery, Mary, 228
Clobery, William, 228
Clowance, 364, 367
Clyst Heath, 588
Coad, Benjamin, 248, 583
Cobb, Captain, 490
Cobbett's Register, 257
Cobbett, William, 464, 520, 522
— in America, 688
Cochrane, Mr., 523
Cochrane, Sir Alexander, 252, 253, 255
Cockburne, Rev. W., 327, 328
Cocks, Lieut.-Col. George, 264
Coffee, introduction of, 482
Coffin, Mr., 588
Coke, Christopher, 706
Coke, Edward, 706
Coke family, the, 704
Coke, Francis, 706
— John, ill-gotten gains of, 705
Coke, Lance, 706
Coke, Sir Anthony, 729
Coke, solicitor, execution of, 51, 52
Coke, Thomas, 706
Colebrook, 398
Coleridge, Derwent, 59
Coles of Reading, 111
Collection of State Papers, 53
College Green, Bristol, 281, 282
Collier, Mr. W. F., 572, 578
Collingwood, Captain, 259, 260, 261, 267
Collingwood, Admiral, 445
Collins, David, 568
Collins, Rev. G., 697
Colman, George, 293, 295
Colman, Mr., 377
Colman, Mr. Edward, 556
Cologne, 127
Colomb, Colonel, 53
Colonial State Papers, 35
Colston, Launcelot, 105
Coltman, Mr. Justice, 121
Comber, river, 59
Commercial Inn, 145
Companion to the Playhouse, The, 548
Compleat Lawyer, 331
Comprehension Bill, 211, 218
Compton, 215
Compton Castle, 227
Compton, Henry, 207, 220
Conception Bay, 265
Conduit Street, 324
Confederate Fleet, 639
Congo, 409, 418, 419, 420
Congo, Exploration of, 409-23
Congreve, Sir William, 66
Connecticut, Governor of, 28
Conner, Caroline, 465
Conon, Mr., 282, 343
Constantine, 701-2
Constantinople, 597, 727-8
Contemporary Review, 454
Conversion of Thomas Tregoss, 179
Convocation of 1689, 215-18
Convocation of the Province of Canterbury, 214
Conway, Mr., 525
Coode, Anne, 388, 398
Coode, Jane, 370
Coode, John, 370
Coode, Richard, 388, 398
Cook, Captain, 497, 564
Cook family, the, 704
Cook, Mr., 287
Cooke, Colonel, 266
Cooke, Henry, 704
Cooke, J. H., 648 note, 651
Cooke, Sir Thomas, 284
Cooke, W., 283
Cooling, Mr., 550
Coote, Mr., 307
Coote, Sir Eyre, 163
Copper mines, Davenport, Mary Ann, appears at Bath, 466
— her personifications, 467, 468, 469
— style of, 466, 468, 469
Davenport, Mr., 467, 469
Davidstowe, 226
Davies, Henry, 341
Davies, John, 341
Davies, William, 341
Davis, Catherine, 675
Davis, John, 675
Davy, Humphry, 677, 679
Dawes, Mr., 560
Dawlish, 200
Dawson, G., 699 note
Dawson, Mr., 416, 418
Daye, Dorothy, 341
Daye, Peter, 341
Deal, 322
Deanery of Trigg Minor, 225 note
Death, a "natural," 667
Deborah, 469
Debrett's Peerage, 386
De Conflans, 130
Defence, 502
Defoe, Daniel, 72, 79
Delabole slate, 186
Delamere, Lord, 673
Delane, 286
Delasaux, T. T., 613
Delaval, Lord, 290
Delaware, river, 688
Delhi, 251
Deloney, Thomas, 110
Demba, 417
Demerara, 253
De Mezeray, 426
De Morgan, A., 90
Denbigh, Lord, 725
Denham, Sir John, on Killigrew, 545, 553
Denman, Lord, 612
Denmark, 639
Denne & Snow, Messrs., 276
— Mr. George, 600
Dennis, Captain Benedick, 646
— John, 252
Deptford, 410, 716
Derby, Earl of, 435, 661
Dermont, 378
De Ruyter, 46
Derwentwater, Lord, 15
Deveil, Sir Thomas, 287
Devil to Pay, The, 323
Devizes, 633
Devon, Earl of, 599, 600
Devonport, 20, 55, 85, 184, 399, 666
— Dispensary, 268
Devonshire Characters and Strange Events, 54, 55
Dewey, Henry R., 465
Dewin, Mr., 343
De Witt, 46
Dgioun, 597
Diary, Pepys's, 726
Dibdin, 387
Dickens, Charles, 143
Dickwood, Thomas, 26
Dictionary of National Biography, 53, 154, 205, 220, 451, 454, 556 note
Diddler, Jeremy, 468
Diddle, Sir Dilbury, 286
Dido, H.M.S., 236
Digges, Sir Dudley, 330
Dignum, 380
Dinan, 474
Dingley, Dorothy, 81, 82
— appears at Bothathan, 75, 78
Dingley, Francis, 81
Dingley, James, vicar of South Petherwin, 72, 82
Dingley, Mrs., 316
Dingley, Pethebridge, and Dingley, 72
Discovery, 320
Dissertation on the Utility of History, 425
"Diurnall" of Ruddle, 73
Diversions of the Morning, The, 285
Divine Right of Kings, 209, 210, 335
Dixon, Mr. James, 625, 626
Doble, Matthew, 528
Dock Lane, Penzance, 622
Dog, a sagacious, 353
Dogger Bank, 502
Dolcoath, 694, 696
Doleman, Colonel, 45
Dolly's Coffee House, 171
Dominica, 522
Doncaster, 32
Donnithorne, Mr. Nicholas, 283
Don Quixote, 299
Dorchester, Marquis of, 661
Dorothy, 409, 420, 421
Douay Diary, 555, 556 note
Dove, Tom, 113
Dover, 296, 322
Dowlas, Mrs., 469
Down, T. C., 451 note; 454
Dozmare Pool, 628
Drake, Sir Francis, 137
Draper, Lieut.-Col., 162
Dreams—Edward Norway's, 123-125
— Williams's of Perceval, 427
Drew, Jabez, 351, 356
Drew, J. H., 346, 363
Drew, Samuel, 63
— a half-drowned smuggler, 355
— blunders re Bothathan Ghost, 73
— carries the mail, 351
— declines a wife, 360
— early life of, 346
— literary pursuits of, 356, 358, 360, 361
— on Dolly Pentreath, 238, 241
— runs away, 349-351
— sees weird apparition, 374
Drew, value of works of, 361, 362
Drummond family, the, 524
Drummond, Samuel, 625
Drummond-Hay, Sir John, 714
Drury Lane, 288, 300, 301, 302, 552
Drury Lane Theatre, 323, 378, 384, 387
Duberly, Lady, 469
Dublin, 90, 173, 289, 380, 467, 638
Dublin, Marquis of, 433
Duchess of Clarence, 196
Duchy of Lancaster Liberty, 275
Duckworth, Admiral, 443
Duel between Mohun and Hamilton, 311-17
Duelling, 308, 309
Duke of Clarence, 64 note
Duloe, 432
Dumoor Heath, 673
Dunkirk, 46, 332, 612, 639
Dunmeer Woods, 117, 120
Dunstanville, Lord de, 519
Dunster, Baron of, 298
Dupleix, 160, 161
Durable, Miss, 469
Durant, Dorothy, 81
— George, 81
— Richard, 81
Durham, 13
Durnford, Mr., 420
Dursley, Lord, 640, 641, 647
Eagle, wreck of the, 640, 647, 650
Early Years and Late Reflections, 122, 427
Eastbourne, 678, 680, 681
East India Company, 158
— misgovernment by Child, 484-7
— prosperity of, 482, 483
— rights of, 459-61, 479, 482
— treatment of Keigwin, 479
East India House, 374, 485
Eastling, 607
East Looe, 1, 92, 518, 681
Eccles, 299
Ecclesiastical History of New England, 53
Eddystone Lighthouse, 633
Edgar, 638
Edgcumbe, 171
— family, the, 171
— Jane, 592
— Sir Piers, 592
Edgehill, 51, 722
Edict of Nantes, 424
Edinburgh Botanical Society, 143
Edinburgh, Duke of, 669
Edinburgh Journal, 257
Edinburgh, Medical School of, 677
Edinburgh Museum, 633
Edmund, King, 231
Ednovean, 341
Edward I, 243, 500, 719
Edward II, 136, 434
Edward III, 136, 654
Edward IV, 661
Edward VI, 29, 115, 518, 586, 616
Edward VII, 187, 634
— and Ann Glanville, 669
Edwards, Bryant, 172
Edwards, Mr., 98
Edwards, J. P., 363
Edye, Lieut. L., 20, 25
Edye, Mr. William, 20, 23
Eggesford, 225
Egloshayle, 117, 119, 120, 122, 223, 224
Egloskerry, 84
Egmont, 505
Eikon Basilike, 680
Ekins, Mr., 642
El Arbi Shat, 711
Elba, 507
Eider Brethren of Trinity House, 66
Elections, Cornish, 518-530
Eliot, Edward, 73
Eliot, John, 73
Eliot, Lord, 522
Eliot, Sir John, 73, 339
Elizabeth, Queen, 497, 623, 628, 631, 633, 663, 695, 699, 717
Falmouth, Lord, 525
Falmouth fair, 370
Falmouth harbour, 134, 371
"Falstaff of the West," see Anthony Payne
Familiar Letters, 331, 332 note, 333 note
Farey, Mr., 200
Farming in America, 684
Fatal Curiosity, The, 619
Fatima, 213
Faulkener, one-legged, 289
Faversham, 606, 612
Favourite, 320
Fawcett, Nabob, 522
Fearon, Colonel, 490, 498, 499
Fellowes, Captain, 261-267
Felt, J. B., 53
Fenny Park, 157
Fenton, Mr., 448, 449
Fenwick, Colonel, 498
Feock, 244
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, 729
Ferguson, 314
Fermon, Jane, 135
— Sir George, 135
— Sir William, 135
Fetiche Rock, 413
Fez, 715
Fielding, Henry, 275-278
— Sir John, 630
Fiennes, Nathaniel, 37, 724
Filmer, 208, 221
Firebrand, 640, 647
"First Primrose, The," 694
Fishbourne, 559
Fisher, Rev. Thomas, 427
Fish Strand, 458
Fitzallen family, 112
Fitzmaurice, Mr., 410
Five-lanes, 190
Flannel, The, 381
Fleas, 659
Fleet Conduit, 27
Fleet Prison, 291, 337, 543, 555
Fleet Street, 276
Fleetwood, 667
Fleta, 136
Fletcher, 487
Flood accounts for fossils, 4
Flora of West Cornwall, 143
Flower, 54
Flushing, 455, 456
Foad, Alexander, 608, 611
Foley, 188
Folger, Peter, 34
Folkestone, Viscount, 649
"Folly, The," 131
Foote family, the, 280
— arms of, 280
Foote, Edward, 282, 294
Foote, Elizabeth, 280
Foote, John, 280, 282
Foote, Mrs., 282-4, 291
Foote, Samuel, and George II, 294
— appears as Othello, 285
— boastfulness punished, 290
— caricatures his friends, 288, 289
— character of, 283, 287
— dramatic talent of, 296
— early life of, 280, 282, 284
— extravagance of, 287, 290
— his Diversions, 285
— jocularity of, 283, 292, 293, 294, 296
— mimicry of, 283, 286, 287, 289, 292, 293, 294
— prank at college, 284
— rebuilds Haymarket, 290
— trial of, 295
Foote, Samuel, of Tiverton, 280
Footprints of Former Men in Far Cornwall, 93, 185
Forbes, John, 34
Forbes, Professor Ed., 189
Fordwick, Lord, 599
Forest of Dean, 168
Fore Street, St. Ives, 172
Formidable, 376
Forrabury, 109
Forster, General, 13
Fort Royal, 321
Fort S. David, 158, 160, 161
Fort S. George, 158, 159, 162
Fort S. Julian, 145
Fort Tregantle, 148
Fort William, 158
Fossils—never found in granite, 95
— superstition about origin of, 4
Foster's Baronetage, 156
Fowey, 26, 187, 247, 248, 298, 329, 515, 518, 723
Fowler, Dean, 213
Fox, Caroline, 86, 90
— on Burnard, 188
Foxwell, Mr., 61
Fragments of an Unfinished Drama, 454
Francis, 707
Francis, Mr. G., 603
Franklyn, Mr., 28
Frederick, Prince of Wales, 319, 344
Frederick the Great, 471
Freemantle, Admiral, 514
Free Trade, see Smuggling
Fremington, 225
Fresnel, 202
Friar Street, London, 204
Friendship, 559, 561
Frisk, Lady Betty, 286
Froissart, Sir John, on Sir Robert Tresilian, 435-40
Frome, 103
Frome Selwood, 99
Froude, J. A., 657
— on Archbishop Parker, 31
— on the Church of England, 32
— on the Reformation, 29
Fry, Mr., 679
Fryer, Dr., 479
Fulford, Elizabeth, 592
Fulford, Sir John, 592
Fulham, 672
Fulmer, 467
Fulton, Mr., 688
"Furry Day," Helston, 59
Gall, John, 113
Galway, Mr., 410, 417
Gardiner, Captain Allen, death and burial of, 236, 237
— encounters hardships, 234, 235
— starts for Terra del Fuego, 232, 233
Gardiner, S. R., 53
Garnett, Mr. R., 445, 454
Garonne, 196
Garrick, David, mimicked by Foote, 286, 292
Garrick Coffee House, 380
Garth, Mr., 420
Gascoyne, Mr., 525
Gaverigan, John, 718
Gaverigan, Philippa, 718
Gawsworth, 317
Gay, Thomas, 386
Geffrey, Joan, 718
Gell, Philip, 521
General Advertiser, 285
Geneva, 31
Genoa, 707
Gentleman's Magazine, 19, 169, 170, 279, 423, 529
Geological discoveries by Pengelly, 4, 7-10
Geology, Pengelly's first lesson in, 4
George I, 184, 713
George II, 294
George III, 223, 524
George IV, 223
George Inn, Newnham, 607
George of Denmark, Prince, 639
George's Coffee House, 286
Georgian Æra, 468
Germansweek, 109
Germoe, 342
Gerrard, Fitton, 299
— appears to Gumb, 94
— at Bothathan, 74-79, 82
— at S. Austell, 347, 348
— of Tregeagle, 628
Giants, 185
Giants and Dwarfs, 185
Gibbon, Edward, 729
Gibraltar, 503, 639, 716
Gibson, Captain, 730
Giddy, Edward, 675
Giddy, John, 675
Giddy, Mr. Davies, 192
Giddy, Rev. Edward, 341
Giddy, Thomas, 675
Gidley, John, 560
Gilbert, Carew Davies, 340 note
Gilbert, C. S., 662
—finds Payne's portrait, 184
Gilbert, Davies, 20, 23, 167, 192, 340, 341
— and the Logan Rock, 680
— and the Royal Society, 679
— frames Act of interment of the drowned, 62
— friend of Beddoes, and Humphry Davy, 676, 677
— his collection of carols, 676, 681
— his wife, 678
— his works, 680
— on derivation of Week, 109
— on Henry Rogers, 368, 369
— on John Knill, 171, 173
— practical mathematician, 677, 678, 680
Gilbert, Mary Ann, 678
— a strong-minded partner, 679
Gilbert, Thomas, 220
Gilbert, Walter Raleigh, 227
Gildew, Mr., 556 note
Gilpin, 405
Ginger, J., 328
Gingi, 163
Gironde, 505
Gladiator, 254
Glaisher, Professor, 408
Gulf of Lyons, 267
Gull, 87
Gumb, Daniel, Hawker's account of, 94
— observatory of, 92
— stone diagrams of, 92, 93
Gunning, 231
Gunpowder Plot, 661
Gunther, Captain, 420
Gurney, John, 192
Gurney, Miss A. D., 205
Gurney, Sir Goldsworthy, 192-205
Gurney invents and applies steam-blast, 194-197, 203, 204, 205
— invents Bude light, 202, 205
— invents oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, 203-205
— prejudice against his inventions, 200, 202, 205
— prophecies of, 203, 204
— runs a steam-coach, 198, 205
— uses concrete, 204
Gustavus of Sweden, 511
Gwennap, 427
Gwennap mines, 343
Haberdashers' Company, 542
Habingdon, Mr., 38
Hachard, J., 328
Hackworth, Mr., 195
Hadleigh, 727
Hague, The, 128, 547
Hales' estate, the, 600
Halifax, 261, 267
Hall, 81, 701
Hall, Mr., 109
Hall, Mr. S. C., on J. S. Buckingham, 455, 463
Halley's Comet, 85
Hallowell, Admiral, 506
Halls, Honor, 360
Halstead, Mr., 97
Hals, John, inaccuracy of, 137
— 244, 338, 340, 557, 591, 616, 680
— on Edward Chapman, 701
— on John Coke, 704-706
— on Tillie, 400, 403, 404
Hals, Sir Nicholas, 135, 136, 137
Hambley family, the, 455
Hambley, Thomazine, 455
Hamilton, Colonel John, examination of, 315, 316
— second in Mohun's duel, 311-315
Hamilton, Duchess of, 316
Hamilton, Duke of, fights with Mohun, 310-317
Hamilton, Marquis of, 39
Hamley, Colonel, 569
Hamley, Mr., 370
Hamoaze, 663, 667
Hampden, John, 96
Hanacott Manor, 204
Handel, 378
Handley, Mr., 609
Hanover, 16, 308, 424
Hanover Square, 345
Hanseatic League, 334
Hans Towns, 136
Hardcastle, Mrs., 467, 469
Harley, 79
Harley, Robert, 310
Harlyn, 26
Harpford, 701
Harpsfield, 557
Harrington, Earl of, 317
Harris, Alfred, 697, 699
Harris, Captain John, 623
Harris, George, 369
Harris, Howard, 697, 699
Harris, James, 695
Harris, Jane, 697
Harris, John, early versifications of, 694
— his escapes from death, 698
— his own account of his life, 692-698
— his prize poem on Shakespeare, 699
— miner poet, 700
— reads Shakespeare, Byron, and Burns, 695
— talent of, 699
— vanity of, 694, 697, 698
Harris, Lucretia, 697
Harris, Mr. J. Henry, 245
Harris, shoemaker, 119
Harris, Sir W. Snow, 203
Harris, Susan, 623
Harris, Thomas, 378
Harrison, Colonel, 51
Hartland, 92
Hartland Abbey, 156, 165
Harvey family, the, 467
Harvey, Catherine, 428
Harvey, Joseph, 467
Harvey, Lord, 376
Harvey, Martin, 428
Harvey, Mary Ann, 466; see Davenport
Harvey, Sir Robert, 185
Harwich, 320
Hatch, J., 366
Havre, 130, 597, 667
Haweis, 432
Hawke, 130
Hawker, Rev. R. S., 73
— on Gumb, 93
— on Payne, 183, 185
Hawkey, Charles, 408
Hawkey, Charlotte, 166, 168, 408, 423
Hawkey, Lieutenant Joseph, 408
Hawkey, Lieutenant John, death of, 422
— explores the Congo, 409-422
— narrow escape from drowning, 410
— prisoner in France, 408
Hawkey, Mr., 166
Hawkey, Richard, 408
Hawkey, William, 408
Hawkins family, the, 515, 516
Hawkins, Florence, 516
Hawkins, Francis, 516
Hawkins, George, 516
Hawkins, Jane, 516
Hawkins, John, 516, 517
Hawkins, Maria, 443
Hawkins, Mary, 516
Hawkins, Mr., 138-140
Hawkins, Philip, 516, 517
Hawkins, Reginald, 516
Hawkins, Renatus, 516
Hawkins, Sir Christopher, 443
— acquires land, 517
— borough-monger, 515, 520, 521, 526
— encourages inventions, 527
— influence at Grampound, 522-524, 527
— influence at S. Ives, 524, 527-529
— M.P. for Mitchell, 518, 527
— M.P. for Penryn, 527
— tried for corruption, 520
Hawkins, Thomas, 516, 517
Hawley, Captain, 101, 105
Hayle, 172, 516
Haymarket Theatre, 285, 287, 294, 295, 377, 465, 467
— rebuilt by Foote, 290
— wreckage of, 278
Hayward, Abraham, 578
Hayward, Sir John, 590
Heathman, Francis, 538
Heir at Law, 469
Heliophotus hispidus, 151
Helland, 228, 592
Helston, 60, 61, 67, 71, 170, 171, 329, 362, 364, 516, 579, 580, 678
—described, 59
"Helston Arms," 582
Helston Church, 587
Hender, Frances, 721
Hender, John, 721
Hengest, 231
Henley, 287
Henry II, 407
Henry III, 133, 298
Henry VI, 109, 111
Henry VII, 32, 154, 661
Henry VIII, 243, 247, 586, 652, 655
— and the Reformation, 28, 29
Herald's Visitations of Cornwall, 81, 107, 155, 224, 280, 370, 441, 661, 701
Herald's Visitations of Devon, 171
Herbert, Admiral, 638
Herbert, Lord Charles, 544
Herbert, Mr. Edmund, on Sir C. Shovel, 642, 646
Herbert, Sir William, 589
Hercules, 446
Herkomer, Professor von, 90
Heme Hill, 606, 609, 611
Herod's Foot, 581
Heroes of the old Falmouth Packet Service, 626
Herring, Mr. F., 190
Herschel, Sir John, 88
Hesse, Charlotte van, 547
Hesse, John van, 547
Heywood, Anne, 516
Heywood, James, 517
Hicker, George, 543
Hicks, Polly, 283
Hicks, William Robert, chestnuts of, 573
— examples of humour of, 574-578
— personal appearance of, 569-575
— tells of an indifferent night, 574
— versatility of, 569
Higginson, Rev., 34
Higher Brown Quartils, 75, 78, 80, 82
Highgate, 387
Highgate, Lord, 386
High Life Below Stairs, 407
Highwaymen, see Jonathan Simpson
Hill, Captain Richard, 17
Ingram, Sir Arthur, 331
Inner Temple, 554
Innes, Mr., 523
Innocent Lady, The, 128
Inny, river, 83
Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Power, 427
Inventions—by Call, 158
— of the Bude light, 202
— of heating houses, 204, 205
— of life-saving rockets, 63, 64
— of the locomotive, 193
— of the oxyhydrogen blow-pipe, 203
— the steam-blast, 195-197
— of a torpedo, 688
Invincible, 321
Ireland, Duke of, 433, 435, 438, 439
Irresistible, 260
Isle of Wight, 39
Isthmus of Suez, 459
Jackman, 55
Jackman, Mr. William, 244
Jackson, constable, 119
Jackson, Rev., 295
Jackson, William, 375
Jago, Dr., 730
Jago, Rev. W., 626
Jamaica, 172, 515, 683
Jamaica Inn, 573, 628, 629
— Christmas Eve at, 627-631
James I, 31, 134, 718, 721
James II, 105, 106, 209, 210, 221, 402, 542, 638
James, Ann, 582
James's Naval History, 257, 626
Jamison, Mr., 566
Jane family, the, 206
Jane, Joseph, 206
— answers Milton's ????????ast??, 207
Jane, Thomas, 206
Jane, William, 207
Jane, William, blocking tactics of, 216-219
Jane confers on Real Presence, 209
— Prolocutor, 215
— rapid promotion of, 207, 219
— transfers allegiance to William III, 210, 221
Janina, 508, 513
Janus, 211, 330
Jefferies, Anne, abstains from food and performs cures, 531, 535, 537, 538
— imprisoned, 531, 540
— meets with fairies, 532, 533, 536, 538
Jefferies, Mr., 420
Jeffery, Dolly, 238, 245; see Pentreath
Jeffery, John, 247
Jeffery, Robert, exploits his privations, 256
— Government inquiry concerning, 254
— impressed for Navy, 248, 250
— left on Sombrero, 251, 253
— thief, 250
Jeffreys, Judge, 104, 106
Jeffreys, Lord, 542
Jenken, Mary, 71
Jenken, Samuel, 71
Jenkin, Captain W., 678
Jennings, Captain, 458
Jennings, Elizabeth, 458
Jerusalem, King of, 599, 600
Jervis, Sir John, 258, 259
Jeune Richard, Le, 623, 624
Jewell family, the, 156
Jewell, Sarah, 156
John II, 727
John, King, 719
John and Nicholas, 626
John, Elizabeth, 615
John, Joan, 615, 616
John, Margaret, 615
John, Michael, 615, 616
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 2, 167, 675
— and Samuel Foote, 289, 293
Johnson, Mr., 420
Johnstone, Andrew C., 522
Johnstone, Jack, 381
"Joiners' Arms," S. Columb, 593
Jones, Mrs. Cadwalader, 157
Jones, William, 717
Jonson, Ben, 337, 338, 550
Jope, Mr., 171
Jope, Rev. John, 173
Jordan, Mrs., 468
Jordan, W., 680
Josselin, 474
Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 140, 185, 626, 644, 651
Juga, 415, 417, 418
Jumper, Sir W., 642
Justification of the War, 46
Kardihi, 509
Karikal, 163
Keates, Captain, 443
Keene, Mr., 196-7
Keigwin family, the, 480
Keigwin, Captain Richard, character of, 488
— Commandant at Bombay, 479-80, 483, 485, 487
— revolts from misgovernment of E. I. Company, 484-7
Keigwin, J., 680
Keigwin, Jenkin, 480
Keigwin, Margaret, 480
Keigwin, Richard, 480
Kekewich, Loveday, 206
Kekewich, William, 206
Kelly, Earl, 293
Kelly, Mr., of Kelly, 665
Kelly, T., 613
Kelynack family, the, 620
Kelynack, Charles, 620
Kelynack, Mary, her reception, 621
— walks to London, 620
Kelynack, Philip, 620
Kelynack, William, 620
Kemble, Frances A., 454
Kemble, John, 379, 384
Kempe, John, 654
Kempthorne, Admiral, 374
Kempthorne, Captain, 457
Kendal, 138-40
Keneggy, 478
Kenmure, Lord, 13, 15
Kennall, Dr., 243
Kennedy, Lord, 299
Kensington, 312, 326
Kent, The, loss of, 489-99
Kentisbeare, 225
Kent's Cavern, Torquay, exploration of, 8
Kenwyn, 428
Kenyon, Lord, 519, 526
Kerrisvean, 634
Kew, 410
Khorchid Pacha, 513
Kidleywink, 470
Kigilliath, 179
Kilkhampton, 182
Killefreth, 428
Killigrew, 133
Killigrew family, the, 133, 140, 500, 544, 553
— stage-struck, 544, 552
Killigrew, Charles, 547, 552
Killigrew, Frances, 140
Killigrew, Henry, 544, 547
Killigrew, Jane, contrives Spanish murders, 136
— protected by Penryn, 135
— Spanish murders wrongly attributed to, 137
Killigrew, Lady, 729
Killigrew, Martin, 134
Killigrew, Mary, involved in Spanish murders, 137-140
Killigrew, Ralph, 133
Killigrew, Robert, 547
Killigrew, Simon, 133
Killigrew, Sir Henry, 729
Killigrew, Sir John, 133, 134
Killigrew, Sir Peter, 140
Killigrew, Sir Robert, 544
Killigrew, Sir William, 136, 544
Killigrew, Thomas, answers Louis XIV, 546
— at the Restoration, 547, 548
— gives good counsel to the king, 549, 550
— misbehaviour at Venice, 545
— plays of, 547
— satirizes Lady Shrewsbury, 552
Killigrew, Thomas, jun., 547, 552
Killingworth Colliery, 195
Kilmar, 84
Kilter, William, 587 note
Kimberley, Earl of, 140
Kimmeridge clay, 9
King, Lieut. Philip G., Governor of New South Wales, 568
— in charge at Norfolk Is., 564-567
— voyage to Botany Bay, 569, 561
King, Philip, 560
King, Rear-Admiral P. Parker, 568
King, Sir Peter, 308
Kingsand, 269
King's Bench, 543
King's Bench Prison, 661
King's College, Cambridge, 228, 231
King's College, London, 89
King's House Theatre, 548
King Street, Westminster, 542
Kingston Bridge, 672
Kingston, Duchess of, 289, 294
Kingston, Sir Anthony, 589
Kirrier, 244
Kit-Cat, 315
Kittites, the, 523
Knatchbull, N. J., 613
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 183, 184
Knight, Mr., 327
Knill, 171
Knill family, 171
Knill, John, collector of customs, 170, 171
— conditions of his bequest to S. Ives, 173
— his monument, 169, 170
— suspected of smuggling, 172
Knill's Folly, 169
Knollys, Sir Robert, 432
Knox, Mr., 556 note
Knyvett, Henry, 133
Kolokotroni, 446
Koran, 511
Kosseir, Levant, 500
Leverrier, 87, 88
Lewes, Dr. Richard, 531
Lezant, 81, 224, 225, 226
Lias, blue, 4
Liberation Society, 627
Lichfield, 32
Lidcott, 83, 89
LiÉge, 372
Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Sir William Courtenay, 613
Life of Francis Tregian, 662
Life of King Charles I, 335
Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwick, 369
Life of The Prince Consort, 622
Life of Robert Jeffery, 257
Life of Samuel Drew, 346, 363
Life of Vice-Admiral Sir C. V. Penrose, 514
Life of William Pengelly, 11
Lightfoot, William, 117
— confession of, 120
— executed, 122
— murders Norway, 119
Lillo, 619
Limelight, discovery of, 203, 205
Lincoln, 517
Lincoln's Inn, 329, 335
Linkinhorne, 81, 91, 95
Linley, 378
Lion, The, 600
Lisbon, 458, 463, 661, 662
Liskeard, 191, 206, 207, 349, 350, 408, 577, 581
Literary Characters, 360
Litterbury, Robert, 542
Little Holland House, 327
Little Petherick, 73
Littleton, 330
Lively, 602
Liverpool, 198
Liverpool, 200, 232, 233, 361, 380, 595, 667
Lives of some Eminent Persons, 178
Lives of the Engineers, 198 note
Lives of the English Saints, 555
Lives of the Illustrious, 363
Lizard, The, 59, 60, 173, 370, 372, 407
Llenda, 12
Lloyd, John, 104, 238
Loader, Edmund, 643
Loando, 412
Lobb, Mr., 535
Lockart, Colonel, 47, 48
Locke, William, 221, 357
Locker, Captain, 648 note
Lockhart, David, 418, 420
Locomotives invented, 193
Lodeman, Jane, 99
Loe Bar, 59
Loe Pool, 59
Logan Rock of S. Levan, described, 18, 19
— displaced by Goldsmith, 19, 680
— replaced, 23
Lombard, Rev. Daniel, previous life of, 424
— seeks Lanteglos, 425
— simplicity of, 425
Lombee, 413
London, 198, 204, 361, 377, 387, 389, 435, 481, 517, 537, 542, 569, 599, 602, 609, 617, 620, 625, 628, 661, 707, 721
London Bridge, 678
Londonderry, Earl of, 318
Long Island, 688
Long, John, 405
Longevity, Rules for, 635
Longman, Rees & Co., 346
Looe, 5; see also East Looe
Looe, 247
Looe Island, 354
Lopes, Sir Manasseh, 515, 521
Lopes, bribery at Grampound, 523-4
Lord Nelson, 250
Lord of the Isles, 86
Lostwithiel, 503, 525
Loudon's Architectural Magazine, 570
Lourdes, 542
Louis XIV, 372, 546
Louis XV, 161
Love at First Sight, 548
Lovers' Vows, 469
Lowell, J. R., 70
Lower family, the, 126, 129
Lower, Dr. Richard, 129
Lower, Elizabeth, 129
Lower, John, 126
Lower, Lady, 729
Lower, Sir Nicholas, 126, 729
Lower, Sir William, 126-29
— his works, 128
— Royalist soldier, 126
Lower Tooting, 568
Ludgvan, 343, 682, 683
Ludlow's account of Peters, 28, 36, 52
Luellin, 548
Lumley's Horse, 15
Luttrell, Narcissus, 100, 403
Lydiard, Captain, 60
Lyell, Sir Charles, 10
Lyme, 36
Lyme Regis, 4
Lyne, Amye, 408
Lyne, Rev. John, 408
Lyra, 506
Lysons Brothers, 156
Lyttleton, Christiana, 319
Lyttleton, George, Lord, 319
Lyttleton, Lord, 699 note
Mabe, 179
MacAlister, Dr. Donald, 90
Macaulay, T. B., 209, 216, 220, 305
— on East India Company, 481, 485
— on Hugh Speke, 102
MacCartney, General, flight of, 314-15
— second to Mohun, 311-15
Macclesfield, Earl of, 299, 307-8, 310, 317
Mace, 328
MacEnery, Rev. J., 8
Mackintosh, Brigadier, 13, 15
Macklin, 285
Maclean, Sir H., 716
Maclean, Sir William, 225
Madras, 158-9, 161, 164, 479
— siege of, 162-4
Madron, 620
Madura, 164
Maharatta War, 251
Mahomet Ali, 459, 462
Mahomed Usuff Cawn, 164
Mahony, Matthew, 281
Mahrattas, the, 480, 487
Maidment, Mr., 236-7
Maidstone Assizes, 602, 611, 613
Mail-coaches, 628, 663
— introduced, 377
Mainwaring, Charlotte, 298
Mainwaring, Thomas, 298
Maitland, Sir Thomas, 508-9, 511
Major, Margery, 406
Malabar coast, 479
Malaga, 639
Malaprop, Mrs., 468
Malta, 458, 507, 599
Mammoth Bones, 9
Manaccan, 500
Manacles, The, 370
Manby, Captain G. W., 64
Mancenille Bay, 248
Manchester, 13, 198
Manchester, Lord, 724, 725
Manila, 123
Mansa, 417
Mansel, Hon. Robert, 648
Mansfield, Lord, 295, 630
Mansion House, 620
Mantle, Isabel, 614, 616
Mantle, Nicholas, 614
Manuel, Emperor, 727
Mar, Earl of, 515
Marazion, 242, 343, 476, 477
Marblehead, 252
Marcella, 299
Margate, 465
Margytte, William, 393
Mark, Henry, 627
Market Street, Falmouth, 632
Markham, Clement R., 168
Marlborough, Duke of, 309, 372
Marmion, Shakerly, 547
Marner, Edmund, 393
Marsden, 380
Marsh, Samuel, 277
Marshall, 188
Marshalsea, 661
Marsham, Hon. Elizabeth, 649
Marsham, Sir Robert, 648
Martharwyler, Elsota, 614
Martharwyler, Meliora, 614-616
Martharwyler, Symon, 614
Martin, Sir Theodore, 622
Martin, Thomas, jun., 584
Martin, Tobias, acquires French, 580
— in the tin-mines, 579-583
— poems of, 579, 585
— unjustly accused of falsifying, 583
Martinique, 258, 321
Martyn, Humphry, 538
— visits Anne Jefferies, 532
Martyn, Mary, 531
Martyrologie, 557
Marwood, Judge, 655
Mary, 121, 125
Molesworth, Sir William, 125, 569
Mollington, 726
Monck, Dorothy, 134
Monck, Sir Thomas, 134
Monk, General, 28, 481
Monmouth, Duke of, 96, 105
Monte Cristo, 248
MontonÈre, Viscount de la, 716
Moorfields, 552
Moravian Brethren, 232
Morea, 446, 728
Morell, Mary, 34
Moreman, Dr., 243
Morice Town, 55
Morley House, 148
Morning Leader, 62 note
Morning Post, 578
Morocco, 707
Morris, J., 662
Morris, Mr., 556 note
Morshead, Captain, 237
Morval, 12, 388, 398
Morwenstow, 73, 94
Mother Bank, 560
Mould, Lieutenant R. C., 251
Mousehole, 233, 235, 239, 240, 241, 245, 470
Mount Calvary, 680
Mount Charles turnpike gate, 120
Mount Edgcumbe, Lord, 573
Mount Edgcumbe Terrace, 633
Mount Parnassus, 446
Mount's Bay, 131, 239, 620
Mountain, Bishop of London, 27
Mountford, Hill's attack on, 300-304
— murder of, 299-304
Mountford, Mrs., 300, 304
"Mr. Campbell's Pacquet," 72
Mudge, Capt. Zachariah, 248, 249
Mudge, Mary Ann, 5
Mug, Matthew, 294
Muley-el-Hassan, 716
Muley Spha, 708
Muley Suliman, 713
Mulgrave, Lord, 377
Mullion, 60, 61
Munns, Nathaniel, 275
Murphy, 288, 295
Murray, Captain, 500, 502
Murray, John, 11, 514
Murray, Lord Charles, 15
Murray, Sir Robert, 552
Murray's Family Library, 53
Musical Memoirs, 383
Mylor, 178
Mynns, Sir Christopher, 637
Mysore, 164
Mystery Plays, 680
Nairn, Lord, 15
"Naked Gospel," 219
Namur, siege of, 12
Nancarrow, John, 242
Nancegollan, 364
Nankevill, Thomas, 528
Napoleon, 318, 505, 507, 509
Narborough, James, 643
Narborough, Sir John, 637, 638, 643, 644
Nares, Judge, 375
Narrative of the Life of Robert Jeffery, 257
Naseby, 51
Nash, 515
Natural History of the County, 240
Naval History of Great Britain, 257, 626
Naworth, 555, 557
Nazarites, 511
Negropont, 447, 449
Nelson, Lord, 259, 260, 267, 443
— the famous signal, 269
Nepean, 565
Neptune, discovery of, 86
Neota, 168, 423
New, Philip, 328
New Brentford, 338
New Bond Street, 323
New Russell Court, 328
New South Wales, 560-8
New Theatre, 285
Newbury, 722
Newcastle, Duke of, 293
Newcomen, Thomas, 342
Newfoundland, 264, 265
Newgate, 272, 275, 276, 277, 389, 390, 392, 395
Newgate Prison, 671, 673
Newgate Calendar, 382
Newlyn, 130, 432, 620
Newman, Miss, 141
Newnham, 607
Newport, 518
Newport, Mr., 322
"New Song on the Wrestling Match between Cann and Polkinghorne," 58
News from Ipswich, 337
News from Penrin, in Cornwall, 1618, 615
Newton Ferrers, 388, 396
Newtown, 554
New York, 53, 477, 685, 686
Nice, 697
Nicely, Mrs., 469
Nicholl, H. G., 168, 191
Nicolls, Lieutenant Edward, 248, 249
Nicholas, Secretary, 129, 207
Niger, the, 189
— exploration of the, 409
"Night I Married Susy, The," 58
Nimble, H.M.S. cutter, 19
Nine Maidens, 693
Nineteenth Century, 541 note
Ninnis, Rev. James, 71
Nithsdale, Lord, 15
Noah, or Noye, 339
Noki, 414
Nolan, Rev. E., 556 note
Noles, Mrs. Elizabeth, 342 note
Nonjurors, 210
Norden, 105, 244
Norfolk, Duke of, 657
Norfolk Island, settlement on, 564-567
Norfolk Street, 301
Normandy, 373
North End, 293
North, Lord, 525
"North-West Passage, The," 454
Northampton, 135
Northmore, Mr., 8
Northrussell, 388
Northumberland, Duke of, 29
Norway, 415
Norway, Edmund, 122, 124
— dreams of his brother's murder, 123
Norway, Nevill, 122
— murder of, 117-121, 123, 125
Norway, William, 117
Norwich, Earl of, 39
Notes and Queries, 556 note
Nottingham, 434
Nottingham, Earl of, 211, 216, 305, 435
Nova Scotia, 261
Noy, William, 329
Noye family, the arms of, 341
Noye, Bridgeman, 341
Noye, Edward, 329, 338, 340
Noye, Hester, 341
Noye, Humphrey, 338, 340, 341
Noye, Katherine, 341
Noye, William, 675
— and Jonson, 339
— character of, 329, 340
— frames ship-money tax, 330-333
— invents soap monopoly, 332, 334
— M.P. and Attorney-General, 329
— on Prynne, 335-337
— portrait of, 340
— used by Laud, 335
— will of, 338
Nubia, 460
Nursery, the, 312
Nye, Philip, 48
Oak-egger, 150
Observations on the West Parts of England, 405
O'Callinghan, Mr., 526
Ocean Queen, 233, 234
Odysseus, 446, 448, 449
Okehampton, 298
Old Bailey, 275, 305, 671
Old Bunger, 620
Old Burlington Street, 167
Old Curiosity Shop, Burton's, 633, 636
Old Sarum, 318
Old Playgoer, The, 379, 468
Oldham, 464
Ombersley, 374
Omer Pasha, 449
On an Improved Mode of Forming Water Tanks, 679
On the Construction of Tanks, 679
On the Divinity of Christ and the Eternal Sonship, 361
On the self-supporting Reading, Writing, and Agricultural School at Willingdon in Sussex, 679
Opie, John, 173
Opie, jun., Mr., 71
Oporto, 267
Orange Coffee House, 383
Orators, 289
Orchard family the, 156, 165
Orient, 122
Orion, 84
Orion, 260
Orissa, 160
Orleans, Duke of, 318
Orlebar, Mr., 311
Ormond, Duke of, 309, 639
Ormsby, 556 note
Orthez, 505
Oryo, Philip de, 137, 138
Osborne, 187
Oscott, 662
Oswestry, 112
Otaheite, 566
Othello, 285
Otter, Tom, 550
Ottery S. Mary, 225, 704
Ottey, Mr., 327
Owen, Mr., 275, 276
Oxburgh, Colonel, 14
Oxford, 27, 87, 126, 177, 206, 272, 274, 276, 277
— executed, 274, 278
Pennance Farm, 632
Pennick, Mr. Harry, 646
Pennington family, the, 224
— arms of, 224
Pennington, Bernard, 224, 225
Pennington, Christopher, 225, 226
Pennington, FitzAnthony, 225
Pennington, John, 224, 225, 226
Pennington, Robert, 224
Pennington, Susanna, 226
Pennington, Thomas, 225
Pennington, William, 226
Penny Magazine, 187
Penpont, 186, 187, 191
Penrose, 170, 172, 682
Penrose family, the, 500
Penrose, Rev. John, 500, 514
Penrose, Sir Charles Vinicombe, gallant action in Spain, 504, 505
— hardships at sea, 501
— promotions of, 503, 507
— slighted by the Admiralty, 507
— visits Ali Pasha, 509-13
Penryn, 133, 134, 135, 137-40, 179, 478, 518, 614, 619, 677, 707, 717
— elections at, 519-21, 529
— stocks of, 633
Pentillie Castle, 389, 400-1, 403-4, 406
Pentreath, Dolly, 622
— death and epitaph of, 241-2
— last speaker of Cornish, 238-45
— personal appearance of, 240
— saves a deserter, 245
Pentreath, Nicholas, 245
Penwarden, Catherine, 467
Penweyre, John, 614
Penweyre, Thomas, 614
Penwith, 244, 340
Penzance, 19, 22, 63, 142, 144, 171, 233, 238-9, 241, 342, 349, 368, 470, 472-3, 480, 516, 620, 675-6, 684, 686
— pirates at, 130-2
Penzance Natural History Society, 649
Penzance Public Library, 143
Peppermint, Billy, 630
Pepys, Samuel, 50
— on Killigrew, 547-8, 551
— on Lord Roberts, 726
Pequot Indians, 35
Perceval, Mr., assassinated, 427-30
Percival, Sir John, 113
Perdrix, 320
PÈre Daniel, 426
Pesaro, 727
Pesca Post, 688
Pescott, Sir Thomas, 126
Pestalozzian system, 5
Peterborough, Dean of, 213
Peterson, Lieutenant, 320
Peters, Elizabeth, 45
Peters, Hugh, accusations against, 51
— appropriates moneys, 35, 46
— at Dunkirk, 47
— at S. Sepulchre's, 27
Peters, a Trier, 43
— at Worcester, 38
— birth and family of, 26
— chaplain to Cromwell, 45
— chaplain to Parliamentarians, 36
— character of, 26, 28, 35, 42, 45, 48
— collector for the distressed, 36, 46
— commissioner of law, 44
— education and conversion, 27
— goes to New England, 34
— humorous tales of, 48, 49, 50
— incites regicide by sermons and personal influence, 40, 41, 43, 50
— intercedes for Dutch, 46, 47
— life in Rotterdam, 28, 34
— married, 28, 35, 45
— rumoured executioner, 42
— stormy petrel of rebellion, 36, 37, 38
— trial and death of, 51, 52
— turns Independent, 34, 37
Peters, Mary, 580
Peters, Rev. Samuel, 53
Peters, Thomas, 26
Pethebridge and Dingley, 72
Philadelphia, 688
Philip and Mary, 524
Philip II, 137
Philleigh, 225
Phillips, Captain Arthur, 559
Philpot, Catherine, 594
Philpot, Julia, 594
Philpott, John, 390, 392, 393
Phoenix, H.M.S., 486
Phoenix, 640, 643, 649
Phoenix in Her Flames, The, 128
Piccadilly, 328
Piccadilly, Marquis of, 386
Pickle, 443
Pickle, Mrs., 469
Piedmont, 46
Pigot, Admiral, 377
Pigot, Mr., 162
Pike family, the, 171
Pilchards, 707
— prayed for, 178
Pilkington, 100
Pinkerton, 233
Pioneer, 232, 234
Piracy, Commissioners for, 138
Pirate Trelawny, 451 note, 454
Pirates, 136
— Algerian, 332, 333, 507, 715
Pirates at Penzance, 130-2
— attack the Windsor Castle, 623-5
— Avery, 173
— from Bohelland, 616
— methods for repression of, 714
— Moroccan, 713, 715
— of Tripoli reduced by Shovel, 638
— Sallee, 707
— Trelawny, quem vide
— Wahabee, 462
Pitreavie, 648
Pitt family, the, 318, 319
Pitt, J., 257
Pitt, John, 542
Pitt, Moses, his account of Anne Jefferies, 531-41, 543
— publisher and builder, 542
Pitt, Robert, 318
Pitt, Thomas, 317
— discovers diamond, 318
Pitt, Thomas, Baron Camelford, 319
Pitt, William, 166
— Earl of Chatham, 318
Pius II, Pope, 728
Pius V, 30, 554, 652
Pixy seats, 59, 470
Place, 26
Plain Statement of the Bullion Question, 678
Plato, 692
Playfair, William, 154, 156, 167
Playhouse, Drury Lane, 552
Pleasant Historie of Thomas of Reading, 110
Plough, the, 84
Plumer and Turner, Messrs., 594
Plumtre, Mr., 231
Plunket, Francis, 662
Plym Bridge, 148
Plymouth, 55, 92, 131, 151, 165, 183, 189, 250, 319, 349, 376, 399, 443, 506, 570, 633, 645, 663, 665, 666, 724
Plymouth Institution, 146
Plymouth and Devonport in War and Peace, 57 note
Plymouth Dock, 458
Plymouth Hoe, 573, 633
Plymouth Sound, 400, 506, 669
Plympton, 148, 171
Pneumatic cure for phthisis, 676
Pole, C., 156
Pole, Michael de la, 433, 435
Pole, Wellesley Long, 528
Polgiau, Maud, 614
Political Register, 257, 521
Polkinghorne, James,
— birth of, 54
— death of, 58
— wrestles with Cann, 55
Polkinghorne, Zechariah, 576
Pollard, John, 223, 224, 269
Pollard, Commander John, signals at Trafalgar, 269
Polpea, 351
Polperro, 54
Redruth, 133, 191, 579, 701, 702
Red Sea, chart of, 460, 462
Reed, Captain, 609, 610
Reeds, 205
Reformation riots, 587-592, 652
Reform Bill, 464, 530, 678
Regattas at Saltash, 664
Religion in England after Restoration, 212-221
— from Reformation to Restoration, 28-34, 44
Reminiscences of Cambridge, 231
— of Caroline Fox, 86
Remonstrance, 39
Renegades to Mohammedanism, 715, 716
Resistance, 320
Resprin, 701
Restaden, John, 615, 616
Return, 485
RÉvolutionaire, 456
Rheims, 662
Rhodes, 616
Ribble, the, 14
Rich, Lady Lucy, 722
Rich, Robert, 722
Rich, Sir Robert, 17
Richard II, 133, 432-9
Richardson, Captain, 460
Richardson, Judge, 331
Richelieu, 332
Richmond, Edmund, Earl of, 32
Ridgeway, 318
Riding Sherborne, 349
Ridolphi, 657
Riff shore, 713
Rigby, Rt. Hon. Richard, 290, 291
Riley, 714
Rinsey, 478
Rio de Janeiro, 560, 563
Riot raised by Tom, the pretended Messiah, 607-11
Riou, Captain, 319
Rivers, John, 390
Riviera, 714
Road to Ruin, The, 469
Robbins, Benjamin, 157, 158
Robbins, Mr. Alfred, 73, 80, 82
Robartes family, the arms of, 726
— origin of, 726
Robartes, Hon. Russell, 726
Robartes, Mary Vere, 726
Robert of Arwenack, 133
Roberts family, the origin of, 718
Roberts, John, 715, 719
— money lender, 719, 720
Roberts, Matthew, 528
Roberts, Mr. Tobias, 61
Roberts, Richard, deals in furze, 718
— first Baron Truro, 721
Roberts, Richard, Lord, at the Restoration, 725
— fights as Parliamentarian, 722
— resigns his command, 725
Roberts, Robert, alters the spelling, 726
Robertson, Mr., 523
Robespierre, 477
Robinson, Dr., 600
Robinson, Justice, 179
Robinson, Mr. H., 450, 451
Robinson, Rev. F., 244
Robson, William, on Incledon, 379
— on Mrs. Davenport, 468
Rochester, Bishop of, 213
Rochester, Earl of, 209
Rocket, 198
Rocket apparatus at work, 68
Rockets, life-saving, invented, 63-67
— need of, 69
— results of use of, 70
Rodda, Miss, 342
Rodney, Lord, 62, 130, 377
Rogers family, the, 364
Rogers, Anne, dispossessed of Skewis, 365, 366
Rogers, Captain, 623, 683
Rogers, Captain William, meets with pirates, 623-625
— portrait of, 625, 626
Rogers, Henry, flight and execution of, 367
— takes possession of Skewis, 364-367
Rogers, Henry, jun., 368
Rogers, Mr., 682
Rogers, Mr. John Jope, 171, 172
Rogers, Mrs. Henry, 366
Rogers, Thomas, 71
"Rogue's March, The," 515
Roman coins in S. Budock, 632
Roman pottery found at Torquay, 9
Romance of the Aristocracy, 299
Rome, 31, 330, 453, 654, 662, 729
Romeo and Juliet, 468, 695
Romney, Baron, 648
Romney, wreck of the, 640, 642, 647, 650
Rooke, Admiral, 372, 639
Rookwood, 605
Rosalind, 467
Roscadden, Mr., 176
Roscarrock, 554
Roscarrock, Nicholas, antiquarian and poet, 554
— his Lives of the Saints, 555-558
— suffers for his faith, 554, 555
Roscarrock, Richard, 554
Roscarrock, Trewenna, 557
Roscoff, 477
Rosegger, P., 574
Rose Hotel, Canterbury, 599
Roseland, 225
Rosemorryn, 133
Rose Tavern, 311
Ross, Major, 567
Rosteague, 654
Rotterdam, 28, 34
Rough Tor, 84, 85
Routledge, Messrs., 622
Rowley, Admiral Sir Charles, 66
Roxhill, 17
Roxworthy, 341
Royal Arms, 640
Royal Astronomical Society, 89
Royal Bounty Fund, 699
Royal College of Surgeons, 141
Royal Commissioners in Cornwall, 206
Royal Cornwall Gazette, 23
Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, 147, 187
Royal Hospital, 269
Royal Institution of Cornwall, 168, 185
Royal Lifeboat Association, 66
Royal Literary Fund, 699
Royal Society, 679
Royal Standard, 16
Ruby, H.M.S., 281, 282
Rudall, Parson, 82
Ruddle, Rev. Dr. John, 82
— author of A Remarkable Passage, 72, 79, 80
— incumbent of Launceston, 73
— investigates ghost story, 76
— visits Bothathan, 74
Ruddle, William, 79
Rule, Jane, 694, 697
Rummer Tavern, 299
Rupert, Prince, 41, 397
Ruremonde, 372
Rushworth's Collections, 53
Russell, Captain, 667
Russell, execution of, 209
Russell, Lord, 96, 485, 588, 589, 592
Russell, Lord John, 524
— sets Tom free, 603
Russell, Warder, 104
Ruthin, 112
Ruthven, 206
Rutland, Earls of, 280
Rye House Plot, 97, 485
S. Allen, 704, 705
S. Andrew's, Holborn, 170
S. Antonine, 392
S. Antonio, 412
S. Anthony-in-Meneage, 500
S. Aubyn, Sir John, 367
S. Augustine, 362
S. Austell, 92, 346, 347, 349, 351, 356
S. Bartholomew's Day, 653
S. Bartholomew's Hospital, 469
S. Blazey, 347, 723
S. Breage, 558, 718
S. Breock, 121, 125, 543
S. Breward, 226
S. Budock, 133, 614, 632
S. Cleer, 173, 554
S. Clements, 280
S. Columb, 123, 341, 593, 631
S. Columb Major, 54, 58, 591, 593
S. Columba, 557
S. David's, 32
S. Domingo, 248
S. Dominic, 730
S. Dunstan's, 277
S. Earvin, 558
S. Einendar, 558
S. Endelion, 554
S. Enoder, 280
S. Erme, 133
S. Erth, 71, 192, 516, 675
S. Essye, 558
S. Eue, 558
S. Faith's, 27
S. Gennys, 96, 107
S. George, 640, 641, 647
S. George's, London, 275
S. Germain, 310, 545
S. Germans, 518, 554
S. Giles, Cambridge, 90
S. Helena Is., 123, 124
S. Helena, 480
S. Hilary, 649
S. Issey, 224
S. Ives, 169, 170, 172, 173, 177, 179, 329, 515, 518, 528-530, 717
Savage, Viscount, 338
Savoy, the, 271
Saxham, 546
Scarborough, 559, 560, 561
Scawen, Mr., 244
Scilly Islands, 407, 502, 640, 642, 650
Scobell, Mr., 299, 517
Scorrier, 427, 429
Screech, Mrs. Harriet, 667
Seatonian prize poem, 231
Secker, Archbishop, 291
Secret Memoirs of the Life of Sir Cloudesley Shovell, 651
Sedgwick, 41
Sedley, Sir Charles, 548
"See the Conquering Hero Comes," 515
Self-denying Ordinance, 725
Self-Help, 363
Selling, 607
Sems, Mr., 582
Sennen, 238, 500
Serpentine, 64 note
Servia, King of, 729
Seven Years' War, 130
Shaftesbury, Earl of, 96
Shakespeare Jubilee, 292
Shakespeare's Company of Players, 27
Shamans, 542
Sharks' Point, 421
Sharp, Dean of Norwich, 212
Shays, Dean, 215
Sheffield, 189, 464
Sheffield, Deliverance, 35, 45
Shelburne, Lord, 166
Shelley, Mrs., 452, 453
Shelley, P. B., and Trelawny, 446, 453, 454
Sherborne, 32, 349
Sherborne Mercury, 349
Sheriffs of Cornwall, J. T. Woolley, 406
— Mr. Trevanion, 389, 391
— Nicholas Glyn, 280
— Richard Tregeare, 364
— Sir Richard Grenville, 653
— Sir R. Mohun, 298
— Sir W. Mohun, 298
— Thomas Coke, 706
— William Lemon, 344
— William Williams, 403
Shernick, 156, 157, 158
She Stoops to Conquer, 467
Shetland Isles, 501
Shield, Mr., 378, 380, 383, 386
Ship-money tax, 330, 331
Shipwreck of Sir Cloudesley Shovell, 648 note, 651
Short, Captain John T., 528
Shovel, Anne, 648
Shovel, Elizabeth, 648
Shovel, Lady, 643, 644, 646, 647
Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, at Bantry Bay, 638
— at Gibraltar, 639
— body of, found, 644-7
— burials of, 644-8
— burns pirate boats at Tripoli, 638
— early life of, 637
— ignorant of latitude, 642, 650
— murder of, 647
— promotions of, 639
— story of a curse on, 641, 645
Shrewsbury, Lady, 552
Shute Street, S. Ives, 528
Shuter, 287
Sibthorpe, Humphrey, 517
Siddee, 481, 483
Siddons, Mrs., and Incledon, 379
Sidmouth, Lord, 680
Sidney, Sir Algernon, 96, 485
Signal at Trafalgar, 269
Sildswick, 607
Simmons, Mrs., 324
Simpson, Jonathan, reprieved highwayman, 671-4
— unhappy marriage of, 670
Sion College, 41
Sir Cloudesley Shovell, 651
Sirius, 560, 564, 566, 567
Sirndia, 416
Sithney, 500
Sittingbourne, 607
"Sketch of the Botany of West Penwith," 143
Skewis, 364
— the siege of, 365-8
Skillibegs, 54
Skippon, 724
Slanning, Sir Andrew, 531
Slate, how worked, 186
Smallridge, Rev., 219
Smart, Christopher, 231
Smeaton's Lighthouse, 633
Smiles, Samuel, 193, 194, 198 note, 205, 363
Smith, Dr. George, 694
Smith, Mr. Jarrit, 281, 282
Smith, Professor, 409, 411, 414
— dies on the Congo, 417-421
Smith, Sir J. E., 143
Smithfield, 30
Smugglers, defended by Tom, 602
— John Carter, 471
Smuggling, 172, 173; disastrous, 355
— from Bessie's and Prussia Cove, 470-4
— prevention of, 16
Smyrna, 459
Smythe, Mrs., 478
Snow and Denne, Messrs., 276
Snow, Mr., 375
Soap monopoly, 332, 334
Society of Antiquaries, 241, 242
Society of Arts, 67
Soho Square, 648
Solander, Dr., 233
Soldier's Tear, 577
Sombrero, 250, 252
Somerset, Mohun, Earl of, 298
Somerset, Protector, 29, 518, 586
Somerset House, 203, 275
Sompting, 453
Songs, "Black-eyed Susan," 386
— "Blow high, blow low," 376
— "Heaving of the Lead," 386
— "I burn, my brain consumes to ashes," 299
— of bell-ringing, 223
— of Knill's monument, 174
— of "Sir William Courtenay," 604
— of Tom Dove, 113
— "The bonny, bonny breeze," 299
— "The Storm," 379, 386
— "Total Eclipse," 378
— "When I was a Shepherd's Maid," 375
Sophia, Princess, 308, 424
Soult, Marshal, 503, 505
South Hams, 243
South Petherwin, 72, 73, 79, 80, 81
South Pool, 666
South Street, Exeter, 145
Southampton, 141, 377, 387, 642
Southampton, Earl of, 305
Southern Pennair River, 158
Southill, 83, 243
Sowerby, James, 143
Spalding, Dr., 685
Sparrow, Margaret, 178
Speed the Plough, 469
Speedwell, 233, 235, 236
Spectator, The, 2, 3
— "the lying book," 3
Speeke, Hugh, 99, 100, 102
— reports murder of Essex, 99, 103
Spence, Captain, 490
Spencer, Edward, 250, 255
Spithead, 296, 258, 503
Spoiled Child, The, 469
Sporting Magazine, The, 58
Sprat, Bishop, 213
Spriggs, Lydia, 7
Stackhouse, Mr. John, 477
Staines, 112
Stamford Hill, 182
Stanhope, Colonel, 447
Stanhope, General, 13
Stanhope, Lady Hester, 596-599
Stanhope, Mr., 275, 276
Stanhope, Rt. Hon. William, 317
Stanley, R. Fitzroy, 613
Stannary towns, 59
Stanton, Captain, 376
Star Chamber, 33, 334, 337
Star, The, 272
State Papers, 555, 556 note
Statira, 300
Statute of PrÆmunire, 654
Steam blast, invented and utilized by Gurney, 194-202
Steam boats on the Delaware, 688
Steam carriages, report on, 200, 201
Steam engine for thrashing corn, 527
— in mines, 677
Steam-pump, 342
Steepleglas, The, 554
Steevens, George, 231
Stephens family, The, 524
Stephens, Mr., 631
Stephens, Rev. J., 683
Stephenson, George, 193, 194, 195, 197
— not inventor of steam-blast, 196, 197
Stevens, Alexander, 386
Stevens, George, 231
Stevens, Mr., 451
Stiles, Cornish, 680
Stillingfleet, 209, 212
Stirling, 28
Stirling, Mr., 418
Stirling, Mrs., 468
St. John, Oliver, 37, 724, 730
Stockport, 627
Stoke Climsland, 83, 157, 165, 224, 226
Stonehouse, 145, 147, — will of, 404
Tillie, Stephen, 365, 366
Tillotson, Bishop, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 543
Tilly family, the, 407
Tilt-yard, 276
Times, The, 427, 428, 613
Tinevelly, 164
Tin-mines, 342, 344, 580, 581, 583
— peculation at, 704
Tin-mining adventurers, 719
Tin-shafts near Redruth, 702
Tin-smelting, fuel for, 718
Tin-stamping mills, 579
Tintagel, 109, 185
Titus, 458
Tiverton, 157, 280
Tolcarne, 620
Toleration Bill, 211, 214
Tolver-in-Gulval, 342
Tolverne, 136
Tom, John Nichols, accused of arson, 594
— assumes alias of Sir William Courtenay, 597
— authorities for life of, 613
— characteristic vanity of, 593
— contests Canterbury, 599
— expected resurrection of, 612
— from attorney to maltster, 594
— his battle-song, 604
— lunatic at large, 603
— pretended Earl of Devon, 600-602
— pretended Messiah, 606-611
— rival herald of the Messiah, 596-599
— shoots Meares, 608, 613
— shot as a rioter, 610
— tried for perjury, 602
Tom, Mrs. Frances, 541
Tom, William, 541, 593
Tomson, Mr., 242
Tonkin, 680
Toole, 450
Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West Looe, 92
Torbay, 649
Torrington, 179
Torquay, 5, 376
Tortola, 625
Tossing, punishment of, 710
"Total Eclipse," 378
Totnes, 16, 200
Tottell, Richard, 554
Totteridge, 301
Touchstone, 259
Toulon, 130, 267
Toulouse, 640
Touraine, 580
Towednack, 177
Tower Hill, 276
Tower of London, 16, 30, 73, 96, 555, 592
Traditions and Recollections, 283
Trafalgar, battle of, 267, 269, 443
Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1894, 9, 11
Travels in the East, 596
Treassow, 683
Treatise on Railways, 195
Treatise of the Principall Grounds and Maximes of the Laws of this Kingdom, 330
Treator, 192
Tredea, 675
Tredenham, 517
Tredenham, Colonel, 300
Tree Inn, 181, 184 note
Tref-an-grouse, 60
Treffry, 26
Treffry, Deborah, 26
Treffry, John, 26
Treffry, Martha, 26
Trefusis family, the, 500
Tregarrick, 652
Tregasa, 705, 706
Tregeare, 83, 364
Tregeare, Richard, 364
Tregenna, 173
Tregeagle, John, 539, 541, 543
Tregeagle's ghost, 628
Tregellas, Mr. W. H., 115, 548, 581
Tregian family, the, 652
Tregian, Francis, conceals a priest, 653, 658
— imprisonment of, 660
— omen of his fate, 659
— trial of, 654, 657, 659
— verse of, 660
Tregian, Francis, junior, 661
Tregian, Mrs., 659
Tregolorsick, 280
Tregonnan, 654
Tregonning Hill, 364
Tregony, 518, 522, 524, 527, 529, 659
— elections at, 525, 526
Tregose, Clement, 177
Tregose, John, 177
Tregoss family, the, 177
— curse on, 176
Tregoss, John, 176
Tregoss, Thomas, conversion of, 179
— early life of, 177
— imprisoned for preaching, 179
— prays for pilchards, 178
Tregoss, Walter, 176
Tregothnan, 706
Trelawny of Trelawne, 72, 247
Trelawny, Bishop, 219
Trelawny, Charles, 517
Trelawny, Charles Brereton, brutal treatment of daughter, 441-3
Trelawny, character of, 441
Trelawny, Edward John, books of, 452
— character of, 445, 449, 452
— in Greece, 446
— loose life of, 452
— misses Trafalgar, 443-5
— portrait of, 453, 454
— treatment of wife and child, 449
Trelawny, General, 517
Trelawny, Harry, 441
Trelawny, Harry Brereton, 441
Trelawny, Henry, shipwrecked, 643, 649-50
Trelawny, Lieutenant Harry, 448
Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, 649
Trelawny, Tersitza Philippa, 450
Trelecoeth, Joan, 615
Trelecoeth, John, 615
Trelecoeth, Marina, 615
Trelisseck, 340 note
Trelowaren, 516
Tremaine, Richard, 654
Trematon Castle, 185, 429
Tremayne, Captain W., 345
Tremayne, Mr. Edmund, 139
Tremere, 126
Tremhayle, Loveday, 516
Tremhayle, George, 516
Tremoderet, 432
Trenaman, William, 405
Trengrouse, Anne, 71
Trengrouse, Emma, 71
Trengrouse, Henry, 205
— birth and education of, 59, 60
— death of, 67
— his lifeboat, 66
— inventor of cork jacket, 66
— inventor of rockets, 64
— invited to Russia, 65
— marriage of, 71
— monetary sacrifices, 63, 65, 67, 70
— witness of wreck, 60, 63
Trengrouse, Jane, 71
Trengrouse, Mary, 71
Trengrouse, Mr. H., 68, 71
Trengrouse, Nicholas, 59
Trengrouse, Nicholas Trevenen, 71
Trenoweth, 654
Treraren, 121
Trereen-Dinas, 18
Trerice, 157, 704, 705
Tresco, 643
Tresilian, 432
Tresilian, Sir Robert, advises Richard II, 434
— "appealed"
of treason, 435
— in disguise, 436-40
— Lord Chief Justice, 432
Tresize, Nicholas, 620
Treslothian, 695, 699
Trevanion, Mr., 389, 391, 394, 520
— of Tregony, 525
Trevanion, Sir Hugh, 389, 395
Trevargus, 192
Trevelyan, Sir W. C., 8
Trevenen, Captain James, 514
Trevenen, Miss, 502
Trevenor, Isabel, 554
Trevenor, Richard, 554
Treventy, 126, 129
Trevethan Hall, 633
Trevetho, 172, 516
Trevince, 430
Trevithick, Francis, 527
Trevithick, Richard, 192, 197, 527
— and Gilbert (Giddy), 677
— invents locomotive, 193
Trevor, Hon. Mr., 375
Trevorder, 543
Trewarthenick, 424
Trewarveneth, 480, 706
Trewinnard, 516, 517
Trewithen, 443, 516, 517, 520, 527, 529
Treworgy, 96, 403, 678
Trial of Charles I and of some of the Regicides, 53
Tricala, 508
Triennial Visitation Charge, 213
Triers, the, 33, 43, 44
Trigonometry, Hind's, 6
Trinidad, 458
Trinity House, 66, 633
Trin. Coll. Cam., 27, 556
Trip to Calais, A, 289, 295
Triplicane, 158
Tripoli, 637
Troon-Moor, 695, 697
Troub307, 435, 722, 725
Warwick, Mr. Philip, 333
Washerwoman, the, 292
Washington, 584, 686
Wastsell Downs, 703
Waterloo, 264
Waterloo Bridge, 521
Watson, Captain, 321
Watson, Hon. R., 599
Watt's steam engine, 677
Waugh, 699
Wayte, Anne, 403
Wearne, Roger, 172
Webb, Mrs., 467
Webbe, W., 557
Week at the Land's End, 143
Week, derivation of, 109
Weekes, Mr., 188
Weekly Entertainer, 347, 349
Weekly Miscellany, 2, 369
Week S. Mary, 108, 109, 114, 115
Wellington, 6, 7
Wellington, Duke of, 504, 505, 518, 529
Wells, 32
Welsh, Saunders, 276, 277
Wendron, 579, 582
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 330
Wesley, John, 187, 620
— at S. Ives, 179
Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 478
West, John, 140
West Harptree-Tilly, 407
West Indian, The, 467
West Indies, 25, 35, 62, 170, 172
West Looe, 92, 518
West Newton Ferrers, 388, 396, 398
West of England Salvage Company, 62
West Penwith, 143
Western Antiquary, 1887, 20, 25
Western Green, 130
Westminster Abbey, 17, 296, 547, 552, 648, 730
Westminster School, 207
Weston, 287
Weston, Lord, 332
Westwood, 108
Wheal Ann, 582
Wheal Fortune, 343
Wheal Heriot's Foot, 581
Wheal Trevenen, 582, 584
Wheal Vorah, 584
Whitaker, 41
Whitaker, Rev. John, 358
Whitchurch, 665
Whitchurch Down, 572
Whitcombe, Mr., 448
White, Charles, 281
White, Matthew, 337
White, Mrs. Buckingham, 465
Whiteford, 156, 157, 165, 167
Whitehall, 50, 99, 209, 403, 485
Whitelocke, B., 42, 45, 52
Whiteley in curios, a, 632
Whitfeld, Mr., 57 note
— on Saltash women, 663
Whitley, Major, 105
Whitley, Mr. H. M., 140
Whitsand Bay, 148, 405, 406
Whittlesea Mere, 148
Whitworth, Charles, Earl of, 251
Whitworth, Mr., 311
Whytford's Martyrologie, 557
Wickford, 28
Widdrington, Lord, 15
Wideslade, "Sir Tristram," 652
Wigan, 13
Wightwick, George, 570
Wilkinson, Edward, 391-393
William I, 298
William III, 12, 16, 105, 106, 183, 210, 212, 305, 364, 542, 638, 701
William IV, 64 note
William Eaton, 686
Williams, Dr., 236
Williams, Gratiana, 268
Williams, John, 516
— dreams of Perceval's murder, 427-431
Williams, Lieut.-General R., 268
Williams, Mary, 59
Williams, Michael, 427, 430
Williams, Rev. Samuel, 76
Williams, William, 403
Willingdon, 679
Willis, Andrew, 367
Wilmot family, the, 619
Wills, Anthony, of Gorran, 12
Wills, Anthony, of Saltash, 12
Wills, Digory, 12
Wills, k.b., Sir Charles, death of, 17
— family and arms of, 12
— his defence of Preston, 13, 14, 15
— M.P. for Totnes, 16
— promotions of, 13, 15, 16, 17
— Sir Charles, serves in Holland and Spain, 12
Wills, Mr., 603, 606, 612
Wills, Richard, of Acombe, 12
Wills, Thomas, 341
Willyams, John, 341
Wilton, 589
Wilson, John, 272, 274
Wilson, Mr., 275
Winchester, Bishop of, 643, 649
Winchester Castle, 37
Windmill Hill, Brixham, 7
Windsor Castle, 39, 661
Windsor Castle, 623
Windsor, Duke of, 386
Wingfield, William, 520
Winnington, 207
Winthrop, Elizabeth, 28
Winton, Lord, 15
Woffington, Peg, 286
Wolvedon, 652, 653
Wolverston, Mary, 133
Wolverston, Philip, 133
Wood, E. J., 126, 185, 722
Wood, Nicholas, 195
Wood, Peter, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277
Woodstock, 432
Woolley, 400, 406
Woolley, James Tilley, 406
Wool merchants, 108, 109, 110
— and Henry VI, 112
Woolsten, 366
Worcester, 112, 387
Worcester College, Oxford, 284
Worcester, Marquis of, 39
— siege of, 38
Worral Hill, 173
Worth, Archbishop, 434
Worth, Mr. R. N., 140
Wortham, 453
Worthies of Armorie, The, 554
Wrecks, at Land's End, 503
— of the Anson, 60, 71
— of the Association with Sir Cloudesley Shovel, 640, 647
— of the Berlin, 70
— of Charles Incledon, 380
— of the Eagle, Romney, Firebrand, and Phoenix, 640, 643, 647
— of the Guardian, 319
— of the Kent, 497
— of the Kyber, 67
— of the Lady Hobart, 261-263, 267
— of the Thunderer, 376
Wren, Mr. Henry, 123
Wrestling, Cornish, 54, 495
— Devonshire, 54
Wrey, Edmund, 397
Wrey, Jane, 388, 396, 398
Wrey, John, 388, 396, 398
Wyatt, Mr., 583
Wyndham, William, 319
Wyvelscombe, 12
Yonge, Dr. William, his account of Peters, 27, 28
York, 331
York, Archbishop of, 434, 435
York, Duke of, 290, 482, 485
York, James, Duke of, 96, 102, 550
Young, J. C., 578
"Young Men's Club," 555
Zaccaria, Catherine, 729
Zagros, 462
Zaire, 409
Zante, 450, 451
Zanzibar, 462