PAGE Exile—Provincial Life—Conversation at Saint-Fargeau—Sentiment towards Nature in the Seventeenth Century—Differences between Mademoiselle and her Father—Mademoiselle Returns to Court1-57 The Education of Louis XIV.—Manners—Poverty—Charity—Vincent de Paul, a Secret Society—Marriage of Louis XIV.—His Arrival at Power on the Death of Mazarin—He Re-educates Himself58-119 Mademoiselle at the Luxembourg—Her Salon—The "Anatomies" of the Heart—Projects of Marriage, and New Exile—Louis XIV. and the Libertines—Fragility of Fortune in Land—FÊtes Galantes120-184 Increasing Importance of the Affairs of Love—The Corrupters of Morals—Birth of Dramatic Music and its Influence—Love in Racine—Louis XIV. and the Nobility—The King is Polygamous185-236 The Grande Mademoiselle in Love—Sketch of Lauzun and their Romance—The Court on its Travels—Death of Madame—Announcement of the Marriage of Mademoiselle—General Consternation—Louis XIV. Breaks the Affair237-303 Was Mademoiselle secretly Married?—Imprisonment of Lauzun—Splendour Purchases Lauzun's Freedom—Their Embroilment—Death of the Grande Mademoiselle—Death of Lauzun—Conclusion304-377 Index379