blic@vhost@g@html@files@50717@50717-h@50717-h-0.htm.html#Page_3" class="pginternal">3, 12, 60, 187 (see Marie, Duchesse de Montpensier, cousin of Madame (1), and object of the first of the Bourbonic aspirations of de Soissons); (see de Soissons and Campion, 187) Bourbon, de, Mlle. (Mme. de Longueville), 143, 149-151 Bourbon, de, House of, 312; HÔtel de, 312 Bourdaloue, 279 Bourdoise, 278, 289 Bourg la Reine, 408 Bourgeois, the wives of the, 18; sons of, 37; meet to appoint a government, 422; (mention of the bourgeois), 333, 334, 336, 355, 375, 416, 421, 422-424, 426 Bourgeoisie, 281, 282, 340, 371, 374, 375, 412 Bourges, 39 Bourgogne, HÔtel de (see Theatres) Bourse, the, 338 Bouvard (the leech), 15 BrÉgis, de, Comte, 114 BrÉgy, de, Mme., 50 Brienne, de, Mme., 316; (mention of de Brienne, Jr.), 316 Brissac, HÔtel de, 77 "Broussel, Monsieur," Provost of Merchants, 336, 340, 346, 347, 349, 351, 425 BrÜhl, 395 BrunetiÈre, F., 93, 95, 181, 289 Brussels, 35, 200 Buckingham, 216 Burgundy, 116 Bussy-Rabutin, 133, 317 C Cabals, the, 85, 324 Campion, 187, 188, 429, 434 CondÉ (PÈre), 115, 335 CondÉ, de, Mme. la Princesse (mother of the great), 149, 150 CondÉ, de, Mme. la Princesse (wife of the great), the heroine of Bordeaux, 309, 310, 379, 393, 398 CondÉ, HÔtel de, 311, 364, 432 CondÉ, de, House of, 311, 324, 325 ConfÉrence Library (see Vicomtesse d'Auchy), 56 ConfÉrence, quai de la, 390 (Mazarin's departure) Conrart, Valentin, 136-138, 144, 423; Madame, wife of, 138 Conseil de Conscience, 295, 297 Contes de Perrault, les, 57, 58 Conti, de, Prince (his treatise), 60, 61 Corbie, the siege of, 190 Cordons Bleus, 63 (Order of the Saint Esprit) Coriolanus, 344 Corisande, the fair, 277 Corneille, Preface, iv., v.; 1, 56, 105, 106, 135, 139, 141, 145, 153, 161, 167, 168, 170-184, 194, 195, 213, 215, 344, 436 Corporal, "the Little," 401 Corps, army (escorting the royal mourners), 235 Cossack, natural investiture of, 113; gestures of, 122; oaths of, 303 Costar, Pierre, 124, 167 Coulanges, de (the AbbÉ), 54, 55 Council, the, 231, 240, 243<
h-4.htm.html#Page_139" class="pginternal">139, 146 La CalprenÈde, 1, 166 Lafayette, de, Mlle., 88, 132, 144 La FlÈche, 155 Lanson, 165 Laon, diocese of, 435 La Porte, 316 La Pucelle, 129, 130 "La Pucelle Priande," 142, 150 La Rochefoucauld, 328, 345, 356, 365, 376, 417, 426 Latin (required by the priest), 277 Lauzun, 2, 436 La Valette, de, Cardinal, 149, 150, 152 La Villette, 151 League, the, 98; the banners of, 342 Le MaÎtre, Antoine, 37 LemaÎtre, Jules, 106, 170, 174, 176, 291 Lenet, 40, 308, 352, 354 LenÔtre, 109 Lens, battle of, 335, 336 Leopold, Archduke, 264 Le petit Catilina ("Little Catiline"),344 Les cas de Conscience, 39 Les Femmes Savantes, 45 "Le Tellier," 395 Letters, men of, 126, 127 (see HÔtel de Rambouillet) Libourne, 381, 382 Library (National), 244. Library of the ConfÉrence (founded by the Vicomtesse d'Auchy), 56 Lignon, Academy of, 94 Lignon (river), 100 Lignon, shepherds of, 95 Ligurian peninsula and sea, 212 Limoges, de, Mme., 173 Lisieux, de, Bishop, 148, 149 Litterateur, the, 131 Little Corporal, the, 134 Miracles, the Court of, 23 Miracles (tools requisite for the working of), 172 Moderation, 71 MolÉ, Mathieu, 229, 346 MoliÈre, 24, (Mascarelles) 45, 132 Monarchy, absolute, 187, 229, 230 Mondory, 165 Money, Spanish, 62 Monsieur ("d'OrlÉans"), his constancy and patience, 189, 253; receives the sympathy and the encouragement of the people, 410 Montaigne, 55, 112 Montausier, de, M., 42; "Little Montausier," 322, 323 Montbazon, de, Mme., 192, 305, 311, 379 Montegut, Émile, 93, 94, 95, 98 Montglat, 229, 232, 317 Montmartre, rue, 162 Montmorency, de, Constable, 38; Duke, 62, 71; Marshal (son of the Constable), 41 Montpensier, duchy of, 7, 21; estates of, 257 Montpensier, de, Mlle. (Marie de Bourbon), 5, 187; Montrouge, 258 Montsoreau, de, Comte, 116 Morillot, Paul, 93, 99 Motte, de la, MarÉchal, 367 Motteville, de, Mme., 10, 28, 82, 96, 206, 218, 220, 238, 240, 252, 254, 258, 259, 267 (269 the Worthy Motteville on Truth), 297, 307, 318, 382, 384 Register, Parish, 252 Religion, 153 Religious element (see Catholic Renaissance) Renard, the garden of, 23-25 Renaudot (Gazette, the), 64, 65 Rethel, 387 Retz de Cardinal (ex-AbbÉ), 10, 75, 83, 133, 240, 247, 300, 426 Reynier, Gustave, 165 Rheims, Archbishopric, 197 Richelieu de, considered necessary to France, 16; his enemies at Court, his relations at Court, the portly quadragenarian, etc., his lute-playing, 17; his jealousy, 35; his persecution of Anne of Austria, 35; his struggles with the high powers of France, 59; his discipline of Monsieur (Mademoiselle's knowledge of it), 60, 61; the banquet of the Knights of the Saint-Esprit, his present from the King, 63; his appreciation of the power of the so-called "Press," 64; his editorship, 65; Monsieur's accusation of (Gaston's letters to the King), 68; (the King's eulogy, etc.), his polemics in the Recueil, his self-praise, 71; his victims (Gaston's associates), the death of Puylaurens, 74; acts as godfather, 75; his riches, genius, cruelty, and ambition, his declaration of love to Anne of Austria, his heart, etc., Val-de-GrÂce, 82-84; his rebuke of Mademoiselle, 90; conspiracy of Monsieur and de Soissons, 190, 191; introduction of Cinq-Mars to the King, 201; the Star of Richelieu, 202; his pomp, his bodyguard, 203; his palace (hotel and theatre), 204, 205; his part as peacemaker, his work for France, 211-213; his grand fÊte, Mirame, 213-216; his disgrace Le petit Saint-Amour, etc., 217, 218; his attempt to corrupt Cinq-Mars, his insult offered to Cinq-Mars, Cinq-Mars's anger, his conspiracy, de Richelieu's revenge, his travelling room, his closing days, his death and funeral, 218-230; various references to, 231, 232, 238, 242, 243, 247, 194 Soissons, de, Comtesse, 77 Soissons, Madame, mother of M. le Comte, 193 Somaize, 113 Sons of the nobility, the, 37, 38 Sorbonne, the, 56 Soul of the nation (national soul), 248 Spain, 81, 83, 194, 212, 213, 219, 255; literature of, 98, 156; influence upon the Court of France, 111; alliance with, 248; "Envoy" of, 255; King of, 303, 379, 380 "Spanish money," 62 State, the, 17; importance of women in, 44; "the obstacle," the French cavalier's opinion of, 102; shield and the sword of, 229; credits of, 318; magistrates attempt to pacify, 351 Statesmen, the nation's, 37 Strowski, Fortunat, 285 Strozzi, MarÉchal, 134 Students of Philosophy (see Antoine Godeau) Success, 246 Supervisor (of the national finances), 37 "Sur-homme," 178 Suze, 25 Swans' Pond, 23 Sweden, King of, 33, 34, 407 Sweden, Queen of, 347 T Tacitus, 54 Tallemant des RÉaux, 114, 118, 119, 121, 128, 131, 132, 143, 149 Talon, Omer, 31, 37, 328, 423 Tarascon, 219 Te Deum, 76, 336 "Temple, the" (see Salon Rambouillet) Theatre (the comedy or play), 155, 156, 164, 165, FRENCH HISTORY. 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