Ampelopsis Veitchii, 21, 88.
Analysis of fog at Kew and Chelsea in 1891, 49.
Apathy of the public about fog, 54.
Arabis, double and single, 11.
Area garden, 2.
“Art out of Doors,” 69.
Asparagus Plumosa, 47.
Asparagus Sprengeri, 17.
Back and front gardens, 64, 67.
Balcony-fitting, 25.
Barr’s, Messrs., rock-garden, 97.
Birds and butterflies in London, 30.
Bournville, workman’s village, 32.
Bonfires, 74.
Bulbs for the window-box, 10.
Bulbs after flowering, 14.
Bulbous plants in smoke, 28.
Bulbous plants for parks in town, 4.
Bulbous plants in fog, 53.
Button-hole bouquet-making in London streets, 60.
Campanulas, 4, 17, 41, 97.
Campanula Bavarica, 99.
Candy-tuft (Iberis), 99.
Charcoal filters for fog, 51.
Children’s window-boxes, 19.
Children’s ideas of “Next-door,” 73.
Choosing the window-box, 37.
Cleansing foliage, 38, 41.
Clean mist, 49.
Clematis Montana, 91.
Clementi-Smith’s, Mrs., rectory-garden in the City, 26, 30.
Climbers, 89.
Climbers in pots, 20.
Country Life on suburban gardens, 76.
Country board schools, 33.
Covent Garden Market, 45.
Coal-smoke Abatement Society, 54
Crocus, 11, 64, 65.
Crook’s Place Board School, Norwich, 32.
Creepers, 89.
Cut flowers from the florist, 3
Daisies, field, 16.
Daisies, Michaelmas, 4.
Double-wall gardening, 99.
Dracaenas, 47.
Drainage for window-box, 33.
Drainage for fernery, 81.
Drainage for rockery, 96.
Dyed flowers, 57.
Early and mid-Victorian bouquets, 59.
Encrusted Saxifrages, 99.
Establishing a rockery, 96.
Etiquette in suburban gardens, 71.
Exeter prize window-boxes, 18.
Factory-lad’s window-box and Miss Jekyll, 35.
Ferns for window-box, 42.
Ferns at Kew after fog, 52.
Ferns all the year round, 80.
Ferns and gas, 53.
Ferns under trees, 85.
Flower Hospital, 39.
Flower-girls of London, 60.
Flowers as symbols, 58.
Flower-beds in turf, 78.
Flower-pots, 21, 22.
Floral trophies, 59.
Foreign opinions on English suburban gardens, 64.
Fog filters and annihilators, 50.
Foliage plants, 44.
Free’s, Mrs. Richard, Window-box Society at Millwall, 31.
Front and back gardens, 64, 67.
Furnishing the fernery, 82.
Garden-schools in Germany, 33
Gardens we grow fond of, 69.
Genista, 16.
Giant Snowdrop, Galanthus Whittalli, 10.
Giving away our surplus plants, 34.
Grassy gardens, 76.
Grass walks, 79.
Hanging baskets, 39.
Herbs in the window-box, 17.
Honeysuckle, 92.
Hops, 92.
Home for Working Boys, roof-garden at, 28.
Impurities of town fog, 49.
Individuality in gardens, 67.
Injuries from fog, 49.
Iberis, candy-tuft, 99.
Insects, 40.
Ipomoea (Morning Glory), 92.
Ivy, 11, 93.
Jasmines, 90.
Kitchen window-boxes, 17.
Kew Gardens, fog at, 50, 52.
Kew and Chelsea, fog at, 49.
Lady decorators, 85.
Lawn, the, 65, 76, 78.
Lilies, Japanese, at Holland House, 4.
Lilies in poor man’s garden, 32.
Limestone for rockeries, 96.
London in June, 23.
London flower-girls, 60.
London Pride, 11, 97.
Love of small gardens, 69.
Maiden-hair sprigs, 60.
Making a balcony-garden, 25.
Making a rockery, 96.
Magnolia Grandiflora, 90.
Michaelmas Daisies, 4.
Miniature rock and water gardens, 68.
Moss, 11, 39.
Musk, 15, 25, 41.
Narcissus, 12, 39.
Nasturtiums, 3, 43, 45.
Open-air fern-box, 42.
Ornamental foliage plants, 47.
Osmunda Regalis in May, 85.
Osmunda Regalis in autumn, 85.
Passion-flowers on south wall, 91.
Palms, 46.
Petunias, 15, 29, 39.
Pelham Park (Home for working boys), 29.
Plants for house-decoration, 46.
Poplar trees next door, 73.
Pots for balconies, 21.
Pot-plants, watering, 41.
Precautions in foggy weather, 53.
Primrose Day, 58.
Pruning creepers, 92.
Public Health Act, 54.
Pyrethrums as town flowers, 3.
Queen’s Gate window-boxes, 16.
Rain-water, 18, 86.
Rock-gardening, 95.
Rock-plants, hardy English, 100.
Roof-garden in Bishopsgate St., 28.
Roof-garden on London leads, 29.
Roses, 4, 20, 56, 58, 67, 90.
Saxifrages in rockery, 99.
Seeds for window-box, 42.
Seed Song, 18.
Shop-front in Bond Street, 23.
Shrubs for window-box, 38.
Silene (Campion or Catchfly), 12.
Slugs, 3.
Snowdrops, 10.
Smoke-poison, 48.
Soil for window-box, 37.
Soot, 3, 38.
Study of plants, 41.
Stone for rockery, 96.
Suburban gardens, 4, 62.
Suburban highways, 63.
Sunflower, a city, 34.
Summer flowers for window-box, 14.
Tiger Lilies, 28.
Town board schools, 32.
Tubs for verandahs and balconies, 22.
Turf for small gardens, 66.
Turf, love of green, 75.
Turf, flower-beds in, 78.
Turf for games, 77.
Turf for bordering shrubberies, 78.
Urban fog, 48.
Valerian, 100.
Villa window-box in March and June, 37.
Virginia Creeper for bird’s nests, 91.
Virginia Stock, 43.
Washing leaves, 41.
Watering, 40, 81, 83.
Weeping Willows, 65.
Weeds that are welcome, 30, 83.
Winter Jasmine (nudiflorum), 64, 90.
Winter Aconite, 11.
Wild flowers in the garden, 83.
Window-box in spring, 10.
Wire netting, 89.
Wired flowers, 56.
Wormwood, 17.