CHAPTER PAGE I. The Still Waters of Brambledene 3 II. The Lady of Mystery 20 III. David Stirs the Still Waters 31 IV. Diana Rivers, of Riverscourt 46 V. The Noiseless Napier 58 VI. David Makes Friends with "Chappie" 69 VII. The Touch of Power 81 VIII. The Test of the True Herald 91 IX. Uncle Falcon's Will 95 X. Diana's High Fence 129 XI. The Voice in the Night 145 XII. Suspense 164 XIII. David's Decision 174 XIV. The Eve of Epiphany 190 XV. The Codicil 198 XVI. In Old Saint Botolph's 211 XVII. Diana's Readjustment 222 XVIII. David's Nunc Dimittis 229 XIX. David Studies the Scenery 239 XX. With the Compliments of the Company 252 XXI. "All Ashore!" 260 XXII. Diana Wins 266 XXIII. Uncle Falcon Wins 275 FRANKINCENSE XXIV. The Hidden Leaven 289 XXV. The Property of the Crown 296 XXVI. A Pilgrimage 309 XXVII. A Question of Conscience 327 XXVIII. David's Pronouncement 342 XXIX. What David Wondered 348 XXX. Resurgam 356 XXXI. "I Can Stand Alone" 367 XXXII. The Blow Falls 371 XXXIII. Requiescat in Pace 376 MYRRH XXXIV. In the Hospital of the Holy Star 385 XXXV. The Letter Comes 398 XXXVI. Diana Learns the Truth 404 XXXVII. "Good-night, David" 413 XXXVIII. The Bundle of Myrrh 420 XXXIX. Home, by Another Way 424