| Page | 1. The Home of General William Henry Harrison, at Vincennes, as it now appears | Frontispiece | 2. A Section of the Grand Prairie in Benton County, Indiana, which extends West to Peoria, Illinois | 25 | 3. A Typical Buffalo Wallow on the Donaldson Farm, in Benton County, Indiana | 33 | 4. The Wabash River at Merom Bluff, Sullivan County, Indiana—LaMotte Prairie beyond | 41 | 5. Location of the Indian Tribes of the Northwest | 57 | 6. Shaubena, the best of the Potawatomi Chiefs, and a follower of Tecumseh | 73 | 7. Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States | 97 | 8. Map of the Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne Campaigns | 161 | 9. Map showing the Wea Plains, and the Line of Scott's March. Tippecanoe County, Indiana | 185 | 10. Indian Hills on the Wabash River, just below the old site of Fort Ouiatenon | 193 | 11. General Anthony Wayne and Little Turtle, at Greenville. From an old painting by one of Wayne's staff | 241 | 12. Governor William Henry Harrison | 257 | 13. Another View of the Wabash. A land of great beauty | 291 | 14. Raccoon Creek, Parke County, Indiana. The North Line of the New Purchase | 323 | 15. The Line of Harrison's March to Tippecanoe and the New Purchase of 1809 | 363 | 16. Pine Creek, in Warren County, Indiana, near the place where Harrison crossed | 371 | 17. Judge Isaac Naylor. From an old portrait in the Court Room at Williamsport, Indiana | 387 |