The Final Game between Ferry Hill and Hammond— Roy Porter "'That will do, Horace,' said the newcomer. 'You can rest awhile'" "Roy lifted his hat, and nodded with a friendly smile, but his only reward was an unseeing glance from the blue eyes" "'If you'll do your honest best there, I'll stick to you as long as you live'" "'Run along, Porter' counselled the peacemaker" (missing) "'Of course I wasn't christened Chub'" "'Poor old 'Thuselah," she murmured"(missing) "Even Harry joined her shrill voice, the while she waved her flag valiantly" "Roy leaped upward and forward, clearing him by a foot" "'My, what a temper!'" "At last Roy stumbled over a root, went head over heels into a clump of bushes" Mr. Cobb and the search-party looking for Roy "'Look where you're going, Mr. Cobb!'" "They had gathered chairs of all descriptions from all over the school" "Chub's tambourine flew whirling out of his hand" "It was Roy who dashed across the stage" Roy giving instruction in hockey "Schonberg made a last despairing effort when twenty feet from the line" "Quiet fell over Fox Island" "Roy held his breath and waited" "Then slowly, he headed away in the darkness" "It was unlocked and the crimson sweater lay in the top of the till" "'When you're down on your luck,' he murmured, 'grin as hard as you can grin'" "'The way that gal sassed me was a caution!'" "Ten hard ones made a difference" "'About this!'" "Roy's bearers waited"