How Walter Stewart and Douglas Came with their battle that worthy was. Qwhen that thir twa first batellis wer Assemblit, as I said yhow er, The Steward, Walter that than was, And the gud lord als of Douglas, In a battale quhen that thai saw 5 The Erll, for outen dreid or aw, Assemmyll with his cumpany On all the folk so sturdely, For till help him thai held thar way With thar battale in gud aray, 10 And assemmyllit so hardely Besyd the Erll a litill by, Thair fais feld thair cummyng weill; For with wapnys stalwart of steill Thai dang on thame with all thar mycht. 15 Thar fayis resavit them weill, I hycht, With swerdis, speris, and with macys. The battale thair so felloune was, And sua richt gret spilling of blud, That on the erd the flus it stud. 20 The Scottis men so weill thame bar, And sua gret slauchtir maid thai thar, That all the feild wes bludy levit. That tym thir three battalis wer 25 All syde be syde fechtand weill neir. Thar mycht man her richt mony dynt, And wapnys apon armour stynt, And see tummyll knychtis and stedis, With mony rich and ryoll wedis 30 Defoulit roydly under feit. Sum held on loft, sum tynt the suet. A long quhill thus fechtand thai wer, That men no noyis na cry mycht her; Men hard nocht ellis bot granys and dyntis 35 That slew fire, as men dois on flyntis. Sa faucht thai ilkane egirly, That thai maid nouthir noyis no cry, Bot dang on othir at thar mycht, With wapnys that war burnyst brycht. 40 The arrows als so thik thai flaw, That thai mycht say weill, at thaim saw, That thai ane hydwis schour can ma: For quhar thai fell, I undirta, Thai left eftir thame taknyng 45 That sall neid, as I trow, lechyng. JUNE 24, 1314 The English Archers dispersed The Inglis archeris schot so fast, That, mycht thar schot haf had last, It had beyne hard to Scottis men. Bot King Robert, that weill can ken 50 That the archeris war perelous, And thar schot hard and richt grevous, Ordanit forrouth the assemble His Marschall with a gret menyhe, Fiff hundreth armyt weill in steill 55 That on licht hors war horsyt weill, For to prik emang the archeris, And sua assailyhe thame with speris That thai no laser haf to schute. This Marschall that I of mut, 60 As I befor has to yhow tald, Quhen that he saw the battalis swa Assemmyll and to-giddir ga, And saw the archeris schut stoutly, 65 With all thame of his cumpany In hy apon thame can he ryde, And our-tuk thame at a syde, And rushit emang thame sa roydly, Strikand thame sua dispitfully, 70 And in sic fusioune berand doune, And slayand thame without ransoune, That thai thame scalit evirilkane; And fra that time furth ther wes nane That assemlit sic schot till ma. 75 Quhen Scottis archeris saw at swa Thai war rebutit, thai wox hardy, With all thar mycht schot egirly Emang the hors-men that thar raid, And woundis wyde to thame thai maid, 80 And slew of thame a wele gret dele; Thai bar thame hardely and weill. For fra thair fais archeris were Scalit, as I have said yhow ere, That ma than thai war be gret thing, 85 Swa that thai dred nocht thar schuting, Thai wox so hardy that thame thoucht Thai suld set all thair fais at noucht. JUNE 24, 1314 Bruce brings up his Reserve The Marschall and his cumpany Wes yheit, as to yhow ere said I, 90 Amang the archeris, quhar thai maid With speris rowme quhar at thai raid, And slew all that thai mycht ourta. And thai weill lichtly mycht do swa, For thai had nocht a strak to stynt, 95 Na for to hald agane a dynt. And agane armyt men to ficht May nakit men haff litill mycht. That sum to thar gret battelis wer 100 Withdrawin thaim in full gret hy, And sum war fled all utrely. Bot the folk that behynd thame was, That for thair awne folk had no space Yheit than to cum to the assembl emang thame schut thai mycht; 565 Bot thai thoucht thame our few to ficht With the gret rowt that thai had thar, For fif hundreth men armyt thai war. To-giddir sarraly raid thai, And held thame apon brydill ay. 570 Thai war governit full wittely; For it semit ay thai war redy For till defend thame at thar mycht, Gif thai assalyheit war in ficht. And the lord Douglas and his men 575 Thoucht thai wald nocht purpos then For to ficht with thame all planly, He convoyit thame so narrowly, That of the henmast ay tuk he: Micht nane behynd his fallowis be 580 Nocht a stane cast, bot he in hy Wes ded, or tane delyverly, That nane rescours wald till hym ma, All-thouch he lufit hym nevir swa. 1314 The English King escapes On this wis thame convoyit he, 585 Quhill at the Kyng and his menyhe To Wynchburch all cummyne ar. Than lichtit thai, all that war thar, Till bayt thar hors that war wery; Then Douglas and his cumpany 590 Baytit alsua besyde thame neir. Thai war so feill, withouten weir, And in armys so clenly dicht, And swa arayit ay to ficht, And he so quheyne and but gadering; That he wald nocht in playne fichting, Assaill thaim; bot ay raid thame by, Waytand his poynt ay ythandly. And syne lap on, and furth thai fair; 600 And he wes alwais by thame neir; He leit thame nocht haf sic laseir As anys wattir for to ma; And gif ony stad war swa, That behynd war left ony space, 605 Sesit all soyne in hand he was. Thai convoit thame apon this wis, Quhill that the King and his rout is Cummyn to the castell of Dunbar, Quhar he and sum of his men war 610 Resavit richt weill; for yheit than The Erll Patrik wes Inglis man, That gert with met and drink alsua Refresche thame weill, and syne gert ta A bate, and send the King by se, 615 Till Balmeburch in his awne cuntre. Thair hors thar left thai all on stray, Bot sesit wele soyne I trow war thai: The laiff, that levit war without, Adressit thame in-till ane rout, 620 And till Berwik helde straucht the way In rout; bot, and we suth sall say, Thai levit of thair rout party, Or thai come thar; bot nocht for-thi, Thai come till Berwik weill; and thar 625 In-till the toune resavit war; Ellis at gret myscheiff had thai beyne. And quhen the lord Douglas has seyne That he had lesit thar his payne, Toward the King he went agane. 630 The Kyng eschapit on this wis. Lo! quhat falding in fortoune is! That quhile apon a man will smyle, And prik him syne ane othir quhile. In na tyme stabilly can sche stande. 635 This mychty Kyng of Ingland Quhen, with so ferlifull a mycht, Of men of armys and archeris, And of fute men and hobleris, 640 He com rydand out of his land, As I befor has borne on hand. And in a nycht syne and a day, Scho set hym in so hard assay, That he, with sevintene, in a bat, Wes fayne for to hald hame his gat! Bot of this ilk quhelis turnyng Kyng Robert suld mak no murnyng; For on his syd the quheyle on hycht Raiss, quhen the tothyr doun gan lycht. 650 For twa contraris yhe may wit wele, *Set agane othir on a quhele; *Quhen ane is hye, the tothir is law, *And gif it fall that fortoune thraw *The quheill about, it that on hicht Was ere, on force it most doune lycht; *656 And it, that wondir lawch were ere, Mon lowp on loft in the contrere. So fur |