| PAGE | Beside Sandy, tripped the Obnoxious Kid, waving triumphantly her red and white banner | Frontispiece | “Is this West House?” he asked | 23 | “Got any other togs in that gripsack of yours?” | 35 | “My name’s John Boland. What’s yours?” | 41 | “Yo heave ho! When the wind do blow—” | 67 | “Please don’t throw me in,” begged Claire | 79 | “But, honest, Cal, they won’t do!” | 99 | Ned viewed Cal’s costume with misgiving | 117 | “Here’s a place where there’s a picket off!” | 133 | Panic seized the company | 143 | “Good evening. We—we came for the apples” | 173 | “Well, it’s gone,” said Ned | 183 | “These are ghost apples,” said the girl | 199 | “You’re a very horrid, rude boy, Cal” | 231 | He stopped and examined the contents of the bundle | 243 | Sandy was toiling valiantly, chasing balls on all sides of the court | 257 | Presently they were all seated | 273 | Cal buys a new suit of clothes | 295 | “We’d better settle this right now” | 311 | Cal had his first baptism by fire | 333 | “Why does the W look so rakish?” | 349 | Cal knelt in front of Ned’s bureau and opened the bottom drawer | 361 |