Abyssinia, 19 Aden, 26 Afuni, 16 Albuquerque, 46 Amber, 165 Andavat, 58 Angoxe, 9 Ava, 186 Bacavar, 82 Bahrein Island, 37 Banda, 74 Banians' aversion to destroy life, 51 Barbesy, 63 Basalor, 82 Baticala, 79 Baxay, 68 Bengal, 178 Betel, 73 Bijanagur, 85; Bramans, their customs, 121 Brava, its republic, 15 Bueneo, 204 Buendari, 64 Burmah, 181 Calicut, 152 Camaran island, 26 Celebes, 203 Ceylon, 166 Chalderan, battle of, 40 Champa, 204 Champaver, 57 Chaul, 69 Chittagong, 178 Cinnamon, 219 Cintacola, 78 Coinage of Ormuz, 45; Comorin Cape, its church, 163 Dabul, 71 Dalaqua, 18 Damda, 71 Decan, 69 Delhy, 98 Denvy, 68 Diquirmale mountain, 177 Diu, battle of, 61 Duels in Southern India, 80 Elephants, their price, 168; Erecanguy, 182; Gandos, hill tribes of Central India, 58 Guardafun, 16 Goa, 74 Goyari, 63 Hindu marriages, 54; Horses, their price, 76, 89; Humpbacked maids of honour, 202 Idolatrous rites, 53 Ismail Shah, his rise and policy, 38, 39, 40 Java, 192 Junks, 206 Keddah, 189 Kulam, 157, 172; Lapidaries, Ceylon, 169 Limadura, 66 Magadoxo, 16 Malabar, 101 Malaca, 190 Maldive islands, 164; Malays, 191 Mandabad, 71 Manfia, 14 Mangalor, 82 Marepata, 177 Martaban, 185 Maylepur, encroachments of the sea, 174 Medina, 23 Mokhah, 26 Moluccas, 192 Musk, adulteration of it, 187 Narsinga, 84; Nestorians, 162 Nicobar islands, 195 Onor, 79 Ormuz, 32 et seq.; Pahang, 189 Palecate, 176 Pardan coins, 81 Patemshi, 58 Pearl fishery, 170 Pegu, 183 Porcelain manufacture, 185 Prester John, 19 Price of drugs, 220, 221, 222; Quilacare, self-immolation of its king, 172 Rajputs, 50 Ravel, 67 Rice, kinds of, 82 Sael, 173 Self-torture by girls, 95 Siam, 188 Sinai, mount, 22 Socotra, its Christians, 29; Sofala, 4; Suez, 21 Sumatra, 195 Sunda, 196 Surat, 67 Suratimangalor, 59 Suttee, 91 Taborine, sacred stone worn by Joghis, 101 Tanasery, 188 Thomas, St., his miracles, 160, 161, 175; Tree which produces poison and the antidote, 101 Voyage of Francisco Serrano from Malacca, 224 Weights, Portuguese and Indian, 223 Zanzibar, 14 Zeyta, 17 Zimbao, 7 Zuama, 8 LONDON: T. RICHARDS, 37, GREAT QUEEN STREET. |