EAST INDIA ARMY AND GENERAL AGENCY, 136, LEADENHALL STREET. It is not our custom to seek business by the channel of continued advertisements, but we feel it to be our duty through the present opportunity to thank the Civil and Military Services of India, as well as many others, for the confidence they have been pleased to place in our management, when entrusted with their commands, and, further, to assure them that our effort to please, which has hitherto secured to us so large a portion of their patronage and support, will be energetically continued, and that our constant endeavour is to execute every commission entrusted to our care with promptness and fidelity. We feel that a general Agency of this description to be really useful must embrace every variety of service, and that acute attention should be paid to the smallest trifle, often regulating the comfort and convenience of those by whom we are employed. With these prefatory remarks, we may commence our detail, by observing— Captain Barber's long experience in the East India Company's maritime service, together with his personal knowledge of all the first-class ships or steamers, fully qualifies him to furnish every information that can possibly be required for the voyage to India or China, whether the long sea or Overland Route be chosen. Supposing the Overland Route to be chosen, no time should be lost in giving us directions to select the best vacant berth in the steamer, and to collect and ship all heavy baggage round the Cape, so that it may arrive sufficiently early to meet its owner at the Presidency. The detail of an OUTFITfor so long a journey is a matter of serious consideration, both as regards comfort and cost—from ignorance on this subject it too frequently happens, that an expenditure beyond that which is necessary, fails to provide for the wants that might have been satisfied for a much less sum—and, further, even when the list is well chosen, the articles are bought at a great price, or indiscriminately procured from advertising tradesmen, who supply inferior goods. We are always ready with detailed Lists of Outfit, and to advise parties who apply in time to avail themselves beneficially of our assistance in this and every other particular relating to the journey. The Peninsular and Oriental Company do not in any case book through to BOMBAY, and for information and assistance in removing all difficulty while en route to that Presidency we recommend that application be made to this Agency. BAGGAGE is fetched from any part of London by us and sent down to Southampton, and there put on board the steamers in accordance with the Peninsular and Oriental Company's regulations, at a fixed charge on each package. The BANKING DEPARTMENT of this agency includes all monetary operations at home and abroad. Pay and Pensions received. Life insurance and insurance on baggage, passage and goods, effected; letters of credit granted; private and public business transacted at all the Government offices, and at the East-India House. Military appointments and miscellaneous supplies of every description, including wines, musical instruments, plated ware, cutlery, sporting equipments, &c., &c., &c., are procured direct from the manufacturers, and forwarded as instructed by messes or individuals requiring them. We are always ready to give advice when required for the packing of goods and render estimates of Cost of Freight and insurance—of packages to any part of the world. Having directed particular attention to this branch of the business, the fullest information and assistance can be given. Although it is not indispensable that parties resorting to this Agency should become permanent SUBSCRIBERSof £1 per annum paid in advance, we beg to observe that those who do are entitled to the privilege of admission to a comfortable READING ROOM, provided with writing materials, and where English newspapers and periodicals and the latest Indian journals are regularly filed. Many parties resident in this country experience great difficulty in the transmission of their Indian Letters, the postmasters, except in large towns, being frequently ignorant of the rates chargeable, and unable to afford any accurate information on the subject. The charges for postage become a serious item in an annual account; the subject is, therefore, deserving especial attention. Parties who from choice adopt the Marseilles route, may save much by selecting the lightest paper made for the purpose and by dispensing with large seals of wax. The Weight of Letters can scarcely be too carefully kept down, when it is remembered that, independently of the heavy postage from England to the Presidency, the weight allowed for a single letter in India is only that of a sixpenny piece, or, to speak more correctly, forty-five grains troy! Letters transmitted through this Agency are duly registered, the proper postage is paid, and charged in a periodical account; but when the Agency is used merely for the transmission of letters, a deposit of the probable amount of postage is required in addition to the annual subscription. Lastly, we might refer to numbers who have employed this Agency for years past to prove that the advantages promised have been realised. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, IN 1840. THE COMPANY'S VESSELS START FROM THE SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS As follow, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, and Cargo, for the undermentioned Ports: SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. VIGO, OPORTO, LISBON, CADIZ, and GIBRALTAR, on the 7th, 17th, and 27th of every month, at 1 30 p. m. When either these dates fall on Sunday, the vessels start the following day. MEDITERRANEAN. MALTA, 20th and 29th of every month. ALEXANDRIA, 20th of the month. CONSTANTINOPLE AND BLACK SEA. On the 29th of the month. INDIA AND CHINA (VIA EGYPT). ADEN, BOMBAY, CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGAPORE, and HONG KONG, 20th of the month. ADEN and BOMBAY, also on the 29th of the month. HOMEWARD ROUTES. The Company's Steamers leave CALCUTTA for England, on the 8th of every month, except in May, June, and July, when the Steamers sail on the 3rd.
? For Plans of the Vessels, rates of Passage-money, and to secure Passages and Ship Cargo, please apply at the Company's Offices, No. 122, Leadenhall Street, London, and No. 57, High Street, Southampton. N.B.—Length of passage from Southampton to the undermentioned ports, including all stoppages:
OVERLAND GOODS AND PARCELS FOR INDIA. Parcels under one quarter of a cubic foot measurement will be taken at five shillings, six and sixpence, seven and sixpence, and nine shillings each; above that measurement at the following graduated scale, including all charges to the Port of Delivery, except Transit Duty:—
AND FOR EVERY ADDITIONAL INCH MEASUREMENT IN PROPORTION. If the Package weighs more than 20 lbs. to the cubic foot, an additional one shilling per lb. will be charged for the additional weight. Merchandise taken by Special Agreement before the 16th of the Month, and must be at this Office by 3 p. m. on that day. No Package will be received if it exceeds 70 lb. in weight. For the above Rate of Freight the Company undertake to receive packages at their Offices in London or Southampton, and to ship and forward them by each Steamer to the Ports of destination, free of any other charge, subject to the following conditions:— Parcels for Aden, Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, Singapore, China, and Bombay, should be delivered not later than noon, on the 17th of each month; and if forwarded on the 18th, will be subject to an extra charge. When the 18th falls on a Sunday, no package will be received after the 17th. Periodicals for each Presidency will be charged 1s. each. Parcels for Aden, Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, and China, not to exceed 70 lbs. weight, or 5 cubic feet measurement. Parcels for Bombay not to exceed 40 lbs. weight, and if in excess of 2 cubic feet measurement a further extra charge will be made. Packages exceeding one cubic foot must be in a wood case, iron-hooped at each end, or an additional charge will be made for the same. Specie, Jewellery, Silver, Watches, and other valuable articles, charged at three per cent. on their value, the Company reserving to themselves the right to charge by value, weight, or measurement. Transit Duty.—Ten Shillings per cent. (payable to the Egyptian Government) will be added to the above rates. ? Contents and value.—Must be declared at the time of booking, or the package cannot be received. A wrong declaration of value or contents subjects the consignee to a charge of double freight, and the package to seizure at the Custom House abroad. Caution.—Parcels sent through any intermediate Agency cost the proprietor more. Application made personally, or by letter, to this Office, are promptly attended to. ? Parcels must be applied for to the Company's Agents at the Port of Delivery. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's FAMILY ENDOWMENT LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY SOCIETY, No. 12, CHATHAM PLACE, BLACKFRIARS, LONDON. Capital £500,000. (Established by Act of Parliament, 19th May, 1836). TRUSTEES. William Butterworth Bayley, Esq. C. H. Latouche, Esq. Henry Porcher, Esq. DIRECTORS. William Butterworth Bayley, Esq., Chairman. Bruce Chichester, Esq. Colonel Ouseley Major H. B. Henderson Major Turner C. H. Latouche, Esq. Lewis Burroughs, Esq. Edward Lee, Esq. Lewis Burroughs, Esq. Bankers—Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Smiths. Actuary—Mr. W. Lewis. Secretary—Mr. John Cazenove. INDIAN BRANCH. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, AT CALCUTTA. Charles Binny Skinner, Esq. T. C. Morton, Esq. James Stuart, Esq. James Jos. Mackenzie, J. S. Judge, Esq. Medical Officer—John Grant, Esq., Apothecary General. Bankers—Bank of Bengal. Solicitors—Messrs. Frith and Sands. This Society offers a lower and more economical scale of Premiums for Life Assurance than hitherto demanded by the established Offices in India. ANNUAL PREMIUM FOR ASSURING ONE THOUSAND RUPEES.
All holders of Policies in India on the Profit scale, who may have paid five annual premiums, will be entitled, at the expiration of the fifth year, to a year's profits, calculated on the average of the preceding five years; such profit to be paid in cash, or to go in diminution of the future premiums payable, or to be added to the sum assured by the policy, at the option of the holder, after the calculation of the profits shall have been made in London. After the expiration of 1851, the profits will be declared annually, and the payers of five complete annual premiums be regularly entitled to a participation therein, with a like option as to the mode of application. Parties assured in India for Life shall, on their return to England for a permanency, and on the first half-yearly premium becoming due, be entitled to come upon the English rates of premium, and be placed under the rules and conditions of the Society there obtaining. All parties assured for life or for terms other than for life, whatever the number of payments or the permanency or otherwise of their residence in Europe, shall, after completing a full year from the date of their quitting India, and on the first half-yearly premium thereafter becoming due, be entitled to a reduction of their premium to the English rates, such reduced rates being continued during their further residence in Europe. Notices of Assignments of Policies will be duly registered at the Office of the Secretaries. The Society also grants Endowments and Deferred Annuities for India. The Tables for which, with full information, may be had at the Office of the Family Endowment Society, No. 12, Chatham-place; or at the Office of the Secretaries, in Calcutta, Messrs. Gordon, Stuart, and Co. GREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, AND INDIA & LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 14, WATERLOO PLACE, AND 52, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY. DIRECTORS. The Chisholm, Erchless Castle, Inverness-shire, and Sloane-street, London, Chairman Richard Hartley Kennedy, Esq., Deputy Chairman of the Oriental Bank, Resington Lodge, Notting Hill, Deputy Chairman Colonel Michael E. Bagnold, Bombay Army, Hamilton-terrace, Saint John's Wood Henry Stroud Barber, Esq., 36, Fenchurch-street, and Wanstead, Essex Francis Brodigan, Esq., Garden-court, Middle Temple James William Deacon, Esq., Walbrook, and Southwick-place, Hyde-park Square Harry George Gordon, Esq., 58, Porchester-terrace, Chairman of the Oriental Bank Henry Allan Harrison, Esq., St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex, Director of the Oriental Bank Alexander Robert Irvine, Esq., 14, Waterloo-place, Managing Director John Inglis Jerdein, Esq., Upper Ground-street, Blackfriars James John Kinloch, Esq., Kair, Kincardineshire, and Gloucester-road, Hyde-park Gardens Henry Lawson, Esq., Fortress-terrace, Kentish Town Robert Francis Power, Esq., M.D., Queen-street, May Fair Archibald Spens, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, Manor-house, Inveresk, N. B. Reverend F. W. J. Vickery, King-street, Covent-garden INDIA AND LONDON-LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, £250,000, In 5,000 Shares of £50 each. This Company assures the lives of healthy persons in any part of the world. INDIAN ASSURANCES. The attention of parties connected with India is directed to the moderate rates for Assurances on the Lives of either Military or Naval Officers, or Civilians—by which means young men may secure the repayment of advances for outfit, &c.—and parties enjoying annuities from the bounty of their friends, may secure themselves against the death of their benefactors. Extract from the Tables for an Assurance of 1,000 Rupees, or £100:—
Exchange, 2s. per Rupee. GREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. This Society is established on the tried and approved principle of Mutual Assurance. The first division of profits was declared at a general meeting of members, held on the 26th May instant, agreeably to the deed of settlement, when a bonus of 30 per cent. was given in reduction of future premiums on all policies which had been in force five years, and hereafter this Society will make an annual division of the profits. Credit is allowed for half the annual premium for the first five years. The following Table exemplifies the effect of the present reduction:—
14, Waterloo Place, THE AUSTRALASIAN, COLONIAL AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE & ANNUITY COMPANY, No. 1, LEADENHALL STREET. Capital, £200,000, in 2,000 Shares. Directors. E. Barnard, Esq. John H. Capper, Esq. Robert Brooks, Esq. J. B. Elin, Esq. Henry Buckle, Esq. C. E. Mangles, Esq. Richard Onslow, Esq. William Walker, Esq. Trustees—Edward Barnard, J. H. Capper, and Edward Thompson, Esqs. Auditors—James Easton and Robert Capper, Esqs. Solicitors—Messrs. Maples, Pearse, Maples and Pearse. Bankers—The Union Bank of London. Colonial Bankers—The Bank of Australasia (incorporated by Royal Charter, 1835), 8, Austin Friars, London. Physician—Dr. Fraser, 62, Guildford-street, Russell-square. Actuary and Secretary—Edward Ryley, F.R.A.S. At Sydney there is a Board of Directors, and Agents and Trustees at Western Australia. Agents in India.
The following peculiar advantages are offered by this Company. 1. Their policies cover the risk of living and voyaging over a far larger portion of the globe than do those issued by any other Company in existence. They allow the assured to reside in the Australasian and North American colonies, and at the Cape of Good Hope. They also allow one passage out and home to any of those colonies. For British India a very moderate extra-premium is charged. 2. Premiums may be paid, and claims settled at Sydney, Calcutta, Madras and Bombay. 3. A third of the premiums may remain unpaid for five years; nor is it necessary for the maintenance of the Assurance to pay up the premium at the end of that time, but the unpaid thirds may remain as a debt against the policy, if the interest be regularly paid upon them as the renewal premiums fall due. The Annuities offered by the Company are on a more favourable scale than those offered by any other Companies, having been calculated with reference to the rates of Interest obtainable on Colonial Investments. Annuitants also participate in the profits. Specimens of the Rates of Annuity for £100 sunk.
SOLICITORS. Messrs. E. C. Harrison. SECRETARY. William Emmens, Esq. SCOTTISH BRANCH.
Prospectuses, the necessary Forms, and every requisite information for effecting Assurances, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, at the Head Office in London, or to the Agents and Secretaries in Scotland and India, as above. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON (Established in 1836. Empowered by Act of Parliament.) Offices—8, Water-street, Liverpool; 3, Charlotte-row, Mansion House, and 28, Regent-street, Waterloo-place, London; 29, Northumberland-street, Edinburgh; and Commercial-buildings, Dublin. TRUSTEES. Sir Thos. Bernard Birch, Bart, M.P. Adam Hodgson, Esq. Sl. Hy. Thompson. DIRECTORS IN LIVERPOOL. Chairman—William Nicol, Esq. Deputy Chairmen—Joseph C. Ewart, Esq., Joseph Hornby, Esq.
Secretary—Swinton Boult, Esq. Auditors—T. B. Blackburn, Esq., and Daniel James, Esq. Bankers—Bank of Liverpool. Union Bank of London. Solicitors—Messrs. Clay, Swift, and Wagstaff, Union Court, Liverpool. Medical Referees—James Vose, M.D. Robert Bickersteth, Esq. Surveyor—John Stewart, Esq. DIRECTORS IN LONDON. Chairman—William Ewart, Esq., M.P. Deputy Chairman—George Frederick Young, Esq.
Secretary to the Company. Resident Secretary—Benjamin Henderson, Esq. Manager of West-end Branch—Frederick Chinnock, Esq. Bankers—Union Bank of London. Solicitors—Messrs. Palmer, France, and Palmer, Bedford-row, London. Medical Referees—Marshall Hall, M.D., F.R.S. A. Anderson, Esq., F.R.C.S. Surveyors—Messrs. Thompson and Morgan, 2, Conduit-street West, Hyde Park. The Amount of Capital Subscribed Exceeds £1,500,000. At the commencement of 1849, the Reserved and Guaranteed Funds were, together, £164,940. The liability of the Proprietors is unlimited. The Fire Business has steadily Increased Year by Year. The Duty paid to Government in 1836 was £3,414, in 1846 it reached £12,362. The Premiums are moderate; the settlement of claims liberal and prompt. Insurances are effected at home and abroad. In the Life Department, simplicity, certainty, and large Guaranteed Bonuses, involving no liability of Partnership, with very reasonable Premiums, are characteristics of the Company. The amount of Premiums on new business in 1846 was £3,160; in 1847, £3,687; in 1848, £4,410. Capital Sums, payable on a fixed future day, giving to Property held under Lease for years certain the same value as if it were Freehold, are insured by the Company. Full Prospectuses may be had on application at the Offices or Agencies. Coat of Arms UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. SOCIETY FOR GENERAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES. THE ROYAL MILITARY, EAST INDIA AND GENERAL 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Colonel Sir Frederic Smith, K.H., F.R.S., R.E., Chairman. James Nugent Daniell, Esq., Deputy Chairman.
Bankers—Messrs. Coutts and Co., 59, Strand. Physician—Sir Charles Fergusson Forbes, M.D., K.C.H., F.L.S. Standing Counsel—John Measure, Esq., 4, Serle Street, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Solicitor—Rowland Neate, Esq., 57, Lincoln's-inn-fields. Actuary—John Finlaison, Esq., the Government Calculator, and President of the Institute of Actuaries. Assurances are granted upon the lives of persons in every profession and station in life, and for every part of the world, with the exception, for the present, of that part of the western coast of Africa within the tropics. The Rates of Premiums are constructed upon sound principles with reference to every colony, and, by payment of a moderate addition to the Home Premium, in case of increase of risk, persons assured in this office may change from one climate to another, without forfeiting their Policies. Four-fifths of the Profits are divided amongst the Assured, and the Bonus may, at their option, either be applied in augmentation of the Sum Assured, or in reduction of the Annual Premium, or its value may be received in Cash. UNIVERSAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1834. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament. 1, KING WILLIAM STREET, LONDON. FOR THE ASSURANCE OF LIVES AT HOME AND ABROAD, INCLUDING GENTLEMEN ENGAGED IN THE MILITARY, NAVAL AND CIVIL SERVICES IN INDIA. Directors.
Bankers. The Bank of England and Messrs. Curries and Co. Solicitor. William Henry Cotterill, Esq. Physician. George Burrows, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. Actuary. David Jones, Esq. Secretary. Michael Elijah Impey, Esq. ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THIS SOCIETY. Particular attention is requested to the rates, which, being founded on the most accurate observations of the duration of human life, are as moderate as is consistent with perfect security. The Profits are declared in each year, on the second Wednesday in May, on which date all those whose Policies have been in existence five complete years, are entitled to participation therein. This practice of an annual division, as observed by Mr. Babbage, "distributes the Profits with more regularity and justice than any other," and it is especially advantageous to persons of advanced years, who cannot hope to participate in many septennial or decennial divisions. One-fifth of the ascertained Profits of the five preceding years is divided between the Policy-holders and Shareholders, three-fourths to the former and one-fourth to the latter. The remaining four-fifths are set apart to enter into the average of the succeeding years, and thus to provide against unforeseen contingencies. The Annual Reduction has averaged considerably above 40 per cent., and in no one year has it fallen below that amount. The following Table will show the operation of the reduction of 40 per cent. made by the Society to all holders of Policies entitled to participate in Profits, by reason of their having paid six complete original annual Premiums:—
Thus it will be seen that the benefits arising from the Division of Profits will be experienced by each whole Life Assurer on the payment of his seventh annual Premium. This system of reduction in the Premiums affords immediate benefit to the Assured, or enables them to secure a considerable bonus by effecting a new Policy. INDIAN BRANCH. Policies are granted in London, and by resident Committees at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay, on India Risks, at very advantageous rates, calculated from extensive data and tables, exclusively in the possession of this Society, to show the true risk of life during residence in India, and after retirement from foreign service. To parties who are proceeding to India, this Society offers advantages such as are not attainable in any other Assurance Company; for, while a fair and equitable rate is charged for the increased risk of residence in a tropical climate, the assured are, upon permanent return to this country, reduced to the English rates, corresponding with the age at which the assurance was originally effected, without reference to their state of health, and without being subject to any medical examination whatever. Agents in India. Messrs. Braddon and Co., Calcutta. RELIANCE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE The Entire Profits divided among the Assured. DIRECTORS.
Advantages presented by this Society. Life Assurances may be effected upon Equal, Half-Premium, Increasing or Decreasing Scales; also by Single Payments, or Payments for limited periods. Tables have been specially constructed for the Army, Navy, East India Company, and Merchant Services; also for persons voyaging to, or residing in, any part of the world. Endowments for Widows and Children, Pensions for retired Officers and Civilians Immediate or Deferred Annuities, and Survivorships. The Bonus declared on 30th of March, 1847, gave a Reduction of Premiums, until next division of Profits, averaging 36 per cent. on Policies in force Five Years, or an addition to the Sums Assured, ranging from one-third to one-half of the total amount of Premiums paid. Agents—Messrs. J. OUCHTERLONY & Co., Madras. THRESHER AND GLENNY, Messrs. THRESHER AND GLENNY respectfully invite attention to their General Outfitting Establishment, which comprises the following advantages:— EQUIPMENTS for LADIES, GENTLEMEN and FAMILIES, suitable to all circumstances and appointments, are supplied at the Wholesale Prices, and are prepared, packed, and shipped, without any trouble to the parties. CLERGYMEN, WRITERS, CADETS, ASSISTANT SURGEONS, and others, are provided free of expense with detailed Lists of the requisite Equipment for India, China, Australia, &c., both by Ship and by the Overland Route. MILITARY and NAVAL OFFICERS, CIVILIANS, and others returning to India, Officers joining their Regiments, &c., are provided with every requisite for the completion of their Outfits, at the usual Wholesale Prices. ESTIMATES for LADIES, and FAMILY OUTFITS, with Lists of the Articles required, the several prices of each, and every particular connected with the necessary Equipment for India or the Colonies, will be forwarded on application. PASSENGERS' BAGGAGE, PACKING, &c.—Messrs. Thresher and Glenny undertake to receive, arrange, and carefully pack Outfits and Passengers' Baggage, and to ship the same, either in the Docks, or on Board the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers at Southampton; to fit up the Cabins, and to insure the Outfits, Baggage, Passage, &c., without entailing any trouble whatever on the parties. PASSAGES TO INDIA, CHINA, &c.—Full particulars of the Overland Route to India, Regulation of Baggage, Rates of Passage Money to Malta, Alexandria, India, China, &c.; also, Expenses of Passage by Ship, Lists of Ships sailing, &c., &c., will be forwarded to any part of the country free of expense, and Passage secured if required. Messrs. THRESHER and GLENNY beg to observe, that Outfits supplied by them are arranged with the STRICTEST ECONOMY, all useless expense scrupulously avoided, and those Articles only recommended which experience has proved to be actually necessary. The Goods are all charged at the lowest Wholesale Prices; consequently all Orders and Outfits must be paid for on delivery, and no discount whatever can be allowed. The following Articles, Manufactured by Thresher and Glenny, can only be procured at their Warehouse, 152, Strand, London. THRESHER'S REGISTERED TRAVELLING BAGS—manufactured by authority of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, expressly for their Steam Ships to Vigo, Oporto, Lisbon, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Malta, Alexandria, and India. THE REGULATION OVERLAND TRUNK—manufactured by direction of the Egyptian Transit Company, for crossing the Desert, and for travelling in Egypt, Syria, and India, and authorised by all the Companies connected with the Overland Route. THE NAPIER BED AND BULLOCK TRUNKS—manufactured expressly for marching in India, by direction of General Sir Charles Napier, G.C.B., Commander-in-chief of India, &c., &c., strong, light, and water-proof. THRESHER'S INDIA GAUZE WAISTCOATS.—These most important articles of clothing for wear in India, possesses all the advantages, without the inconvenience, of flannel waistcoats; the texture is light, soft, and durable, and perfectly free from every irritating and disagreeable quality. items for sale Polar Glove-Driving Glove-South-Wester-Travelling Cap-Ladies Hood-Garden Slippers coat Driving Coat coat Dreadnaught Wrapper J. C. CORDING, NAUTICAL AND SPORTING WATERPROOFER AND TAILOR, 231, Strand, Five Doors West of Temple Bar. Manufacturer of the New Dreadnought Coats, warranted to resist the effects of any climate. The superiority of this new description of Waterproof is acknowledged by all who have tried it, being perfectly pliable and elastic, and not affected by the sun or frost. It answers equally well on a great variety of fabrics suitable to tropical or polar regions, and is invaluable to the sportsman, the sailor, and every one likely to be exposed to the elements. Cording's Sheet India Rubber Fishing Boots are made up with improvements, the suggestions of veteran sportsmen, and have the appearance of leather, but are one-half the weight; they are, also, more pliable, and never crack; they are perfectly waterproof for any length of time, require no dressing to keep them in condition, and are pronounced by gentlemen who have tried them to be the only article fit for the purpose. hat Compressible Hat boot Ankle Boots YACHTING JACKETS, TROUSERS, LEGGINGS, HATS AND SOUTHWESTERS. Patent Life Belts. Ladies' Capes, Hoods and Petticoats. Gig and Box Aprons, Travelling Knee Wrappers, Driving and Travelling Gloves. boot Fishing or Shooting Boot boot Deck or Travelling Boot FISHING STOCKINGS AND GOLOSHES, SNIPE BOOTS. Every description of article made to order if required, either Black or Drab coloured. A new and excellent Oil-proof Cape, for labourers and keepers, warranted not to crack, from 3s. 6d. each, or 40s. per dozen upwards. Caution.—As many shopkeepers are selling inferior goods as "Cording's Waterproofs," thereby causing disappointment to the purchaser and bringing undeserved discredit on the good article, gentlemen are requested to observe that J. C. Cording's name is on all articles manufactured by him, and he requests he may be judged by the service of those only. Every one may be certain of purchasing Articles really Waterproof from J. C. CORDING, 231, STRAND, (FIVE DOORS WEST OF TEMPLE BAR.) W. BUCKMASTER & CO., MILITARY TAILORS, &c. No. 3, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, LONDON. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURING May be taken with a Piece of Tape, and reduced to Inches.
Please to state if any peculiarity in figure—as, very upright, or inclined to stoop, high or low shoulders, &c., &c. Measures taken as above, will answer every purpose, stating whether measured over a Uniform or Plain Coat. Gentlemen who have not previously had an account with the House, will be pleased to make a reference to their Agents in London; or, if they wish to avail themselves of the discount, to refer to them for payment. military header MILITARY EQUIPMENT. TO THE OFFICERS OF THE QUEEN'S OR EAST INDIA COMPANY'S SERVICE, EMBARKING TO INDIA OR THE COLONIES. Gentlemen proceeding on appointment to join their Regiments abroad, provided with Regimentals and every necessary article of the very best quality and manufacture, strictly uniform, at the lowest possible prices, BY SAMUEL ISAAC, 21, ST. JAMES'S STREET, LONDON, AND 71, HIGH STREET, CHATHAM. S. ISAAC has had the honour to supply Officers of Her Majesty's Service for the last twenty years most satisfactorily, which the numerous testimonials in his possession will certify. S. ISAAC having supplied Regiments and DepÔts with necessaries of every description for many years, to the entire satisfaction of the Officers Commanding, respectfully begs their examination of his kit and prices, being uniformly pronounced by many distinguished Officers in Her Majesty's Service at least 30 per cent. less in price, and 20 per cent. superior in quality,[*] to any yet issued to the soldier! Gentlemen, on landing from India, provided with Plain Clothes, and every necessary article for use in England, in one day. PASSAGE AND GENERAL AGENCY. Plans and correct information of every Ship sailing to India and New South Wales may be obtained. Passages engaged, whether by sailing or the overland vessels; and baggage also shipped through this medium, at a considerable saving of time, trouble and expense. [*]Vide Testimonials in S. Isaac's possession. Patronised by the Commander in Chief, General Sir Charles Napier, G.C.B., and Staff. JOHN B. JOHNSTONE, MILITARY TAILOR, CAP AND ACCOUTREMENT MAKER, No. 27, JERMYN STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON. MILITARY APPOINTMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Camp and Barrack Furniture. INSTRUCTIONS TO TAKE MEASURE May be taken with Tape and reduced to Inches.
Please to mention the height, and if any peculiarity in the Figure. N.B. Gentlemen who have not previously had an Account with the House, will be pleased to make a reference to their Agents in London, or, if they wish to avail themselves of the Discount, to refer to them for payment. coat of arms LADIES' RIDING HABITS. LADIES RESIDING IN INDIA AND THE COLONIES ARE RESPECTFULLY INFORMED, THAT THE ABOVE ELEGANT EQUESTRIAN COSTUME May be insured to fit perfectly, by a tight fitting Cotton Body and Sleeve being suited to the figure, and a pattern of the same on tissue paper, with the exact size of waist on tape, forwarded per Overland Mail to UNDERWOOD AND CO., HABIT MAKERS, 1, VERE STREET, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. N.B. Orders will be promptly attended to, accompanied by a satisfactory reference. BOWRING AND GLENNY, OUTFITTERS, 33, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. Gentlemen and Families supplied with every article in Under Clothing for home use or wear in a foreign climate. Each article marked, washed, and packed at a few hours notice. Lists of Outfits, and every information given to parties going abroad, upon application at 33, Lombard-street. Messrs. Bowring and Glenny respectfully invite the attention of gentlemen travelling, to their IMPROVED WATER-PROOF BAG, combining the advantages of a portmanteau, with the convenience of a carpet bag, to be obtained only at 33, Lombard-street, London. POPE AND PLANTE, No. 4, WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL, HOSIERS AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS TO INDIA AND THE COLONIES, Manufacture all the best description of Hosiery, in Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Stockings, Socks and Under-clothing. Elastic Gaiters, for Ladies, which require neither lacing nor buttoning, suitable for home, the carriage, promenade, or equestrian wear, and can be forwarded in a Letter; also of the Elastic Stockings, Leggings, and Knee-caps for Varicose Veins, Weakness, &c., which afford suitable compression and support, without the trouble of lacing. JULLIEN AND COMPANY'S LATEST CATALOGUE OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC AS PERFORMED BY ALMOST EVERY REGIMENTAL BAND IN HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE, AT HOME AND ABROAD. JULLIEN and COMPANY have the honour to submit to the Colonels, Commanding Officers, Presidents of Band Committees and Band-Masters in the British Army, and the Hon. East-India Company's Service, a Prospectus of their Military Journal, arranged for full Military Bands, by C. Godfrey, Band-Master of the Coldstream Guards, which contains all the most Popular Overtures, Symphonies, Fantasias and the Principal Novelties of the day in Musique Dansante, as performed at Her Majesty's Theatre, the Ancient and Philharmonic Concerts, and at Jullien's celebrated Concerts, also at the Court Balls and the SoirÉes of the Nobility. The extensive and increasing patronage this highly popular Journal has met with in Her Majesty's Service, is a sufficient guarantee of its utility, such a publication having never before existed in so perfect a form. This Journal will be found a most desirable medium of procuring the most Popular Works of Beethoven, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Roch-Albert, Benedict, Balfe, Koenig, Barret, Flotow, Auber, Maretzek, Pugni, Jullien, ETC. Terms of Subscription, Three Guineas per annum, or Three Pounds ten Shillings per annum, postage paid, payable in advance, for which each Subscriber will receive Twelve Pieces of Music, being twice the number of Pieces allowed by any other Publisher for Three Guineas, arranged for Full Military Bands, one of which is published the first of every month. The subscription commences on the first of January in each year. Subscribers can select any piece that has been published during a previous year at the Subscription Price; to Non-Subscribers, 10s. 6d. each. N.B.—To ensure the quickest possible transmission of the Music to India, after its publication in London, Messrs. Jullien and Co., have made arrangements to send the monthly parts to their agents, Messrs. Young and Co., of Bombay, and Messrs. Oliva and Co., of Calcutta, immediately after publication; for which they charge One Guinea a-year extra, to include all expenses of carriage to Bombay or Calcutta. Subscribers adopting this plan are requested to inform the Agents in India how they wish the music forwarded to their respective stations. JULLIEN'S JOURNAL FOR FULL MILITARY BANDS. Terms of Subscription Three Guineas per Annum.
List of Subscribers to M. Jullien's Military Journal. The Governor General of India (Earl Dalhousie) BENGAL. 3rd Regiment of Light Cavalry MADRAS. 1st European Regiment (Fusiliers) BOMBAY. 2nd Regiment of Light Cavalry Numerous Yeomanry Bands, Musical Societies, Amateurs, &c., &c. LONDON: Published by Jullien and Company, at their Royal Conservatory of Military Music, 214, Regent Street, and 45, King Street. coat of arms TO MEMBERS OF REGIMENTAL MESSES. The Members of Regimental Messes, resident in India and the Colonies, are respectfully solicited to inspect the articles supplied them, purporting to be the manufacture of CROSSE and BLACKWELL, as from the patronage they have obtained for the sale of their various Condiments, vast quantities of goods are prepared, approximating outwardly so closely to theirs, that the deception is not discovered until the purchaser has opened them. It is, therefore, important to all who wish their goods, to inspect the articles minutely, as C. and B. do not guarantee any to be their manufacture that have not their name and address in full, on all the various labels and corks. The indents, C. and B., are now executing for many of the principal storekeepers in India and the British Colonies, consist, in addition to their usual assortment of Pickles, &c., of the undermentioned articles, many of which are just introduced and guaranteed to keep. The Royal Table Sauce, a warm, rich sauce for cold meat and general purposes.—The celebrated Soho Sauce, for game, venison, fish, &c.—Dinmore's Essence of Shrimps, a most delicious sauce for all kinds of boiled and fried fish, prepared expressly at their factory on the sea-shore, thereby retaining the true flavour of the shrimps.—Sir Robert Peel's Sauce for general purposes, labelled with a fac-simile of Sir Robert Peel's letter of approval.—Soyer's New Sauces, one mild for the Ladies, and one warm for the Gentlemen, manufactured under his own direction.—Pure Mushroom Catsup and White Mushrooms, in tin canisters, prepared as they are gathered at Lewes in Sussex, where C. and B. have a factory for the purpose.—Fruits in Bottles for Tarts, Fruits in Jelly and Crystallised Fruits for Dessert; also Jams and Jellies of first quality, manufactured by C. and B. at the gardens, Dawley Wall, and West Drayton, Middlesex. By this means the fine aroma of the fruit is most effectually preserved.—Strasbourg Meat, Bloater and Anchovy Paste, for Sandwiches, in small glass jars.—Fine Bologna Sausages, hermetically sealed in tins.—Russian Caviare, in bottles, Russian Ox and Rein-Deer Tongues, secured in skins.—Real York Hams, cooked in Jelly; fine Wiltshire Bacon, secured in tins.—Berkley Cheese, hermetically sealed in tins; prepared Parmesan and Gruyere, in bottles, for Maccaroni, &c.; rich Stilton Cheese, in tins.—Preserved Salmon, Oyster, Lobsters for Sauce, Eels and Herrings, À la Sardines, Dried Sprats, Haddocks and Yarmouth Bloaters, Sardines and Anchovies in Oil.—All the various kinds of Sauce, Pickles, Preserved Meats, Soups, Game, Vegetables, &c., carefully selected and secured, and warranted fit for immediate use.—Syrups for Ices, comprising Pine-apple, Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Limes, Currant, Strawberry and Cherry. Any of the above diluted with water, make a cool and delightful beverage.—Dried Herbs in bottles, Essences of Herbs and Spices of all kinds—most useful preparation for flavouring.—Arrowroot, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Durham Mustard, Table Vinegar, Olives, Capers, &c., &c. CROSSE AND BLACKWELL, PURVEYORS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, coat of arms JOSEPH RODGERS AND SONS, CUTLERS TO HER MAJESTY, No. 6, NORFOLK STREET, SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CUTLERY, SILVER PLATE, AND BEST SHEFFIELD PLATED WARES. PLATE, CHESTS, CANTEENS, &c., FITTED UP IN THE BEST MANNER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. AGENTS.
RECONNOITERING TELESCOPES. These celebrated Instruments, measuring, when closed, 3-1/2 inches, possess sufficient power to show clearly Jupiter's Moons. Its efficient performance as a Reconnoitering Telescope, both as to magnifying and defining power, renders it peculiarly adapted to the Military Gentleman and Tourist. Price 35s.; or sent through the post at 36s. The same Instrument, with an additional Eye-piece to show Saturn's Ring and some of the Double Stars, with Stand and Case, 4-1/2 inches by 3 inches, to contain the whole, £3 2s. To be had of the Maker, JOHN DAVIS, Optician, Derby. WEISS AND SON, IMPROVED ENEMA SYRINGES, with Metal Pistons, for use in warm climates, where the ordinary Pistons become hard or unfit for use. These Syringes are not only superior from their durability, but more perfect, more easy in their action, and much better adapted for the use of invalids. PATENT CORK NIPPLES FOR SUCKLING, AND BOTTLES FOR FEEDING CHILDREN.—This elegant invention possesses the most decided advantages over all the artificial Nipples at present in use; they are perfectly free from the impurities and the injurious effects of the prepared calves' teats, or those made of elastic gum. They are made of the finest cork, prepared for the purpose, presenting a smooth velvety surface to the lips; and, although supple and elastic, they are so firm that there is no danger of their collapsing from the pressure of the gums. WEISS'S IMPROVED SCISSORS WITH ECCENTRIC OR LEVER JOINTS.—The joints of these Scissors being placed at the side, instead of in the centre as usual, cause the blades to cross diagonally, and thus a drawing cut is obtained, similar to that made by a knife. By this means the power of the Scissors is greatly increased, not only by the additional leverage obtained by the position of the joints, but by the sliding action of the blades on each other. This has long been a desideratum in Scissors, not only where power is required, but even for the lightest work. Every description of Scissors is made upon this improved principle. WEISS'S best Town-made RAZORS, and CUTLERY of every description, peculiarly adapted for use in India. TO SPORTSMEN. PAGET, WORKING CUTLER, REAL RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, (Upwards of Forty Years in constant Practice), 197, PICCADILLY, OPPOSITE SACKVILLE STREET, LONDON. Noblemen and Gentlemen are informed that they can be supplied with every description of HUNTING KNIVES, WILD BOAR SPEARS, OTTER SPEARS, &c., &c., made to any design, and in such a manner as to give perfect satisfaction and ensure a continuance of favours. N.B. ALL SPURS WARRANTED TO PIERCE A SPANISH DOLLAR. NORMAN RAZOR NORMAN RAZOR. THE REGISTERED PATENT NORMAN RAZOR Is the only one now before the public that is entitled to be ranked as an Invention; it is an ENTIRE NEW SHAPE, and so studied and constructed, that it is admitted to be the MOST PERFECT RAZOR EVER MADE. To Gentlemen who wear moustaches, it will be found invaluable, as it can be handled with the greatest freedom and facility. The following is one of the many spontaneous testimonies of its superiority over every other Razor:— "Sir,—I not only think it a duty I owe you for your ingenuity, but I have great pleasure in informing you that I have been using your Norman Razors for some time, and, in my opinion, for philosophical shape, elegance of make, and keenness of cutting, they cannot be exceeded. Sincerely wishing you success for your improvement, "Bath, August 29th, 1848. Black handle, 3s. 6d.; Ivory handle, 5s. each. J. DAVIS, 69, Leadenhall-street (four doors from Aldgate Pump), and 39, Threadneedle-street, adjoining the South Sea House, Maker of the Unrivalled Razor Strop. ? Superior London-made Knives and Forks. Officers' Messes supplied on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HARRIS AND SON'S THOs. HARRIS & SON'S telescope Improved Achromatic Telescopes. THE BEST FOR PRESERVING THE SIGHT. By using Harris and Son's Spectacles, the many painful sensations in the eyes so frequently complained of by ladies when at needle-work, music, &c., are removed; they are very beneficial by candlelight, and enable the wearer to continue reading a much longer time without fatigue, or the risk of injuring the sight. T. H. and Son have especial regard in adapting the proper shape to fit each person's face. Badly formed spectacles subject the wearer to many annoyances, such as continually shifting their position from the eyes, the frame intersecting the sight, causing too much pressure on the temples, disarranging the hair, marking the nose, &c.; these inconveniences may be avoided by the use of T. H. and Son's spectacles, which from their light (nearly invisible) appearance, do not at all disfigure the countenance; and being composed of pure crystal, are the most efficient for preserving the sight. PRICES.
Extra Crystals per pair, 10s. Improved Eye Protectors, invaluable for preserving the Eyes from Light, Heat, Dust, Flies, &c., with glass or wire gauze, from 16s. to 24s. THE BINOCULAR OPERA GLASS. The most powerful ever made. An infinite variety of the newest fashion, from 8s. each. Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dowager, H.R.H. the Duchess of Cambridge, H.R.H. Prince George. Binocular Opera Glasses By reason of their great power, have now the preference in the army and navy. The price of one to show an object distinctly at the distance of
The smallest reconnoitering Telescope, 28s., of Brass. German Silver, 42s. Leather Sling Case for the above-sized Telescopes, 5s. 6d., 7s. 6d., 9s. 6d. and 12s. Every description of Astronomical Telescopes at equally reduced prices. Thomas Harris and Son's newly invented Deer-stalking Telescope, patronised by H.R.H. Prince Albert. Price, with sling leather case, £5. This Telescope has given the greatest satisfaction. THOMAS HARRIS AND SON, OPTICIANS TO THE ROYAL FAMILY, 141A, OXFORD STREET, (CORNER OF CAVENDISH STREET); ALSO AT 52, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY. ESTABLISHED SEVENTY YEARS. KENT'S PATENT KNIFE CLEANER. May be seen in use on board the RIPPON, the GREAT WESTERN, the HINDOSTAN and the AVON. This is the only invention for KNIFE CLEANING for which Her Majesty's Letters Patent have been granted, and is distinct from all others, in every essential principle, however closely imitated in external appearance. This Machine, so eulogised by the Press, and which, after the test of three years, is acknowledged by all to be the most useful, as well as the most successful, invention (for a domestic purpose) which the present age has produced; is made in eight sizes, and thereby adapted for the smallest private Families or largest Public Establishments; they are portable, durable, ornamental in appearance, noiseless, and so perfectly cleanly, that they may be used in any apartment; are incapable of getting out of order, and so simple in operation, that the Small Ones for Families may be used by a Child, whilst the saving in time and in cutlery is immense, as the number of Knives each Machine is adapted to take at one time, are not only cleaned and beautifully polished, equal to new, in less time than One Knife can be cleaned on the knife-board, but are not subject to the risk of injury they sustain when cleaned by the old method, nor can they ever be worn away at the points or backs. To be had of the Patentee, at the MANUFACTORY, 329, STRAND, LONDON. (Opposite Somerset House).
The principals of the following Establishments (among many others), in which Kent's Knife Machines are in constant use, have kindly given the Patentee permission to refer to them. LONDON REFERENCES. Army and Navy Club, St. James's square PROVINCIAL REFERENCES. Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool The Patentee has also been favoured with approving testimony from (with full permission of reference to) a large number of the Nobility, Gentry and Clergy, the Heads of Public Institutions, Colleges and other Scholastic Establishments, with numerous Private Families, in nearly all parts of England, where his Machines are in constant use; as also in many parts of Ireland and Scotland; therefore, Gentlemen wishing to be satisfied of the merits of this Invention, may be referred to parties in their own vicinity who have it in use, by application to GEORGE KENT, 329, Strand, London. PHILOSOPHICAL AND CHEMICAL APPARATUS. HORNE, THORNTHWAITE, AND WOOD, OPTICIANS, 123, NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, Manufacture and sell every description of Apparatus illustrative of Chemistry, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Frictional and Voltaic Electricity, Electro-Magnetism, Electro-Metallurgy, Optics, Models of Steam Engines, Turning Lathes, Soda Water Machines, &c., &c., Apparatus for showing the Dissolving Views, Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope, Telescopes, Achromatic and other Microscopes, DaguerrÉotype Apparatus and Calotype Apparatus for taking Portraits and Views on Silver Plates and Paper, from £5 5s. to £20. Electro-Galvanic Machines for administering Medical Galvanism, from £3 3s. to £15 15s. A descriptive Catalogue, containing upwards of 500 Engravings, can be procured through any Bookseller or Agent, price 2s. 6d. or per Overland Mail, Post free, 3s. 6d. Orders containing a remittance, or order for payment, in London, promptly attended to. ALFRED BROOKS, (From Dollond's,) OPTICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, Begs respectfully to return thanks for the liberal patronage he has already received; and, in soliciting future favours and recommendation, feels confidence in stating that, having had twenty years' experience in Dollond's, all articles submitted by him may be relied upon as being of the most perfect character, and at economical charges. Spectacles, Telescopes, Microscopes, Opera and Race-glasses, Sextants, Compasses, Barometers, Surveying Instruments, Rules, Scales, &c., of every description. Orders may be sent through Messrs. James Barber and Co., Grindlay and Co., or direct to 41, Ludgate-street, St. Paul's. TO GENTLEMEN—APARTMENTS TO LET, En suite, with extra Bed Rooms if required; the house is modern, well-furnished, and in the centre of the most fashionable part. Gentlemen and small Families requiring a superior abode in London, with good attendance and all the advantages of an Hotel, will find this desirable. Terms moderate. 15, Bury Street, St. James's. coat of arms TO GENTLEMEN WITH TENDER FEET. J. CHAPPELL, 388, STRAND, CORNER OF SOUTHAMPTON STREET, BOOT MAKER AND PROFESSOR OF FITTING, Begs to call the attention of such to his Method of Measuring, by which he guarantees at the first trial to produce a fit unprecedented for comfort, yet combined with the most fashionable shape. Those Gentlemen on whom Boot Makers have practised unsuccessfully, are particularly solicited by J. C., who will undertake to fit them at once, however difficult.—Established, 1825. |