Up goes the ball with might and main, And soon it cometh down again; Ups and down, I've heard them say For many a year, is the world's way! Up goes the ball,—like a goblet-cup; Hold your hand as you send it up! Down it comes,—ere it reach the ground, Catch the ball so firm and round. With a good round ball, that you must play; Up, high as you can, then down again, Five and five, and a double ten. The world is a ball, and every star, And the sun himself, great balls they are; Round they go, and round about, Ever and ever, yet ne'er are out! Up to the very sky so blue, Up to the moon, or to Charles Wain, 'Twould be long ere the ball came down again! An up and down—that is the way, With a good round ball, that you must play; Up, high as you can, and down again, Ten and ten, and six times ten! Face to the shade, and back to the shine; Send up your balls with a toss like mine, From the spring of a mighty arbalast. There it goes! good luck to the ball! Here it comes, with a plumping fall; How merry it is, our balls to throw, Standing together thus in a row! With a good round ball, that you must play; Up, high as you can, and down again, Now, we have counted ten times ten. He was afraid of dogs, too.—Page 40. |