The Index refers alphabetically to each of the ten or twelve thousand subjects mentioned in the five volumes of the work, with numerous cross-references to and from such headings as are at all confused by reason of variations in orthography or from other causes. In describing aboriginal manners and customs, the tribes are grouped in families, and each family, instead of each tribe, has been described separately; consequently, after each tribal name in the Index is a reference to the pages containing a description of the family to which the tribe belongs; there is also an additional reference to such pages as contain any 'special mention' of the tribe. For example, information is sought about the Ahts. In the Index is found 'Ahts, tribe of Nootkas, i., 175-208; special mention, i., 177, 180-1,' etc. All the matter relating to the Nootka family on pp. 175-208, is supposed to apply to the Ahts as well as to the other tribes of the family, except such differences as may be noted on pp. 177, 180-1, etc. If information is sought respecting the burial rites or any particular custom of the Ahts, a more direct reference to the exact pages will be found under 'Nootkas,' where the matter relating to that family is subdivided. The matter in the last three chapters of vol. v. is referred to in the earlier letters of the Index by chapters instead of pages. No table of abbreviations used is believed to be needed.
>770; ii., 464-6, 658, 673-5, see also Fornication. Adze, Koniaga and Nootka implement, i., 80, 189. AÉ, Acagchemem 1st woman, iii., 164. Aestaca, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 454. Affats-tena, tribe of Nehannes, i., 149. Agaab, Guatemala tribe, i., 687-711; location, i., 789; special mention, v., chap. xi. Agalta Valley, Hond., antiq., iv., 70. Agaraits, North Cal. tribe, i., 327-61; location, i., 445. Agate, i., 343, 495; ii., 164, 751; iv., 469, 479, 554, 678, 715. Agave, See Maguey. Ages of the World, Nahua myth., ii., 504-5; iii., 64-5. Aggitikkahs, tribe of Shoshones, i., 422-42; location, i., 463. Aghual, Chiapan day, ii., 767. Aglegmutes (Aglegmjuten, AgolegmÜten, Oglemutes), tribe of Koniagas, i., 70-87; loc., i., 70, 139-40. Agrazenuqua, tribe of Isthmians, i., 747-85; location, i., 795. Agriculture, Hyperboreans, i., 107; Columbians, i., 162, 234, 267; Californians, i., 323-5, 430; iv., 696; New Mexicans, i., 487-9, 501, 538-9, 543; iv., 619, 623, 632, 636, 676-7; Mexicans, i., 24, 576, 578, 625, 630, 652-3; ii., 343-50, 480; iii., 274; iv., 429-431, 442; Cent. Americans, i., 694, 719, 758-9; ii., 653, 701, 717-20; iv., 21. Agtism, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 454. Aguacateca, lang., Guat., iii., 760. Aguaceros, North Mex. tribe, i., 572-91; location, i., 612. Aguacha
"pginternal">chap. xi. Aiacachtli, Totonac rattle, i., 635. Aiauh, name of Chalchihuitlicue, iii., 367. Aiauhcalco, Nahua shrine, iii., 347. Aiauhquemitl, priest's mantle, iii., 339. Aibino, North Mex. lang., iii., 707. Aijados, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 599. Air, a Nahua symbol, iii., 129. Aisish, root used for food, i., 265. Aitizzarts, tribe of Nootkas, i., 175-208; location, i., 295-6. Aixas, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 599. Aixtilcuechahuac, v., 250, See Ixtlilcuechahuac. AjÍ, name of chile, i., 759. Ajmak, Guatemalan god, iii., 482. Ajuchitlan, town in Guerrero, i., 678. Akab, Maya night, ii., 755. Akab-Tzib, hieroglyph at Chichen, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 225; name of a person, v., chap. xiii. Akahales (Akales), Guatemala tribe, i., 687-711; ii., 630-803; hist., v., chap. xi. Akbal, Maya day, ii., 756, 760, 767. AkÉ, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 245. Aketsum (Kachuma), village, South California, i., 459. Akil, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 220. Akun Island, i., 141. Akutan Island, i., 141. Akutans, tribe of Aleuts, i., 87-94; location, i., 141. Alabaster, ii., 557, 751, 787. Alachschak, i., 37, See Alaska. Alacupusyuen, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458. Alaguilac, Guatemala lang., iii., 760. Alahuiztlan, city of Guerrero, v., 442. AlÄksu, i., 37, See Alaska. Alameda County, Cal., antiq., iv., 710. Alames, South Mex. tribe, i., 645-70; location, i., 645. Alamitos, village, South Cal., i., 460. Alamos, village, Sonora, i., 606-7. Alasapas (Alazapas), North Mexican tribe, i., 572-91; location, i., 611. Alaska (Aliaska, AlÄksu, Alachschak, AlÄsku, Alaxa, Alasca, Alyaska, Alayeksa, AlÄschka, Aljaska), name, i., 37-8; nations and tribes described, i., 37-137; loc. of tribes, i., 35-40, 137-149; myth., iii., 98-106, 122, 128-131, 141-9, 507, 516-18; lang., iii., 557-8, 575-603, 662-3; antiq., iv., 742. Alaya, a village of Sabaibos, i., 515-17; miscellaneous customs, i., 517-21; medicine and burial, i., 521-4; character, i., 524-6; location of tribes, i., 473-5, 591-9; iii., 593-5; myth., iii., 132, 135, 170; lang., iii., 584, 593-603. Apalaches, lang., iii., 727. Apalamu, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 453. Apan, station, Aztec migration, v., 324. Apanco, station, Aztec migration, v., 323. Apanecatl, a Toltec noble, v., 254. Apantecutli, Nahua god, v., 193. Apasco (Apazco), station, Aztec migration, v., 323-4. ApatamnÈs, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 453. Apaugasi, Cent. Cal. lang., iii., 650. Apaxtle, a Nahua vessel, ii., 272. Apay, Cent. Amer. lang., iii., 760. Apes, North Mex. tribe, i., 572-91; location, i., 611; see also Monkeys. Apetlac, Nahua place in temple, iii., 387. Apil, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 454. Apoala, town, Oajaca, iii., 71; v., chap. x. Apoplexy, i., 247. Apotheosis, ii., 618, 693, 699, 801; iii., 25-6, 32, 271, 308, 399, 457, 473; v., 205, 226, 249-50, 255, 264, chap. xi., xii., xiii. Apozolco, a mission in Cent. Mex., i., 672. Apozonallotl, name of Chalchihuitlicue, iii., 367. Apparitions, Mex. hist., v., 467-9. Appeal, right of, ii., 434-7, 445, 656. Apple-tree Cove, i., 301. Apuasto, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 453. Aquamish, tribe of Nootkas, i., 175-208; location, i., 295. Aquarius Mountains, i., 597. Aquas Calientes, South Cal., i., 460. Aqueducts, ii., 169, 563, 565-6; iv., 121, 788. Atalcaoplo, iii., 420, See Atlcahualco. Atamalqualiztli, Nahua religious feast, ii., 341; iii., 429. Atamataho, forest, Michoacan, v., 517. Atarpes, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 452. Atchaer, i., 142, See Atkhas. Ateakari (Ateacari), name of Coras, i., 672; iii., 719. Atecpanecatl, name of Huemac ii., v., 267. Atemoztli (Atemuztli), Nahua month, ii., 337, 339, 511; iii., 346. Atempanecatl, Nahua title, ii., 138. Atenamitic, Totonac station, v., 203. Atenco (Atengo), village, Mexico, ii., 560; station, Aztec migration, v., 323. Atepetlac, station, Aztec migration, v., 323. Atepocaxixilihua, Nahua dance, ii., 324. Athabasca Lake, i., 144. Athabascas, name for Chepewyans, i., 114. Athletic Sports, i., 552, 567, 586-7; ii., 286, 295-9, 713-14. See also Amusements. Atilan, department of Oajaca, i., 680. Atit, Guatemalan queen, iii., 75; v., chap. xi. Atitlan (Atitan, Atital-huyu), town, Guatemala, i., 789; iii., 75; v., chap. xi. Atitlan Lake, i., 789; iv., 121; v., chap. xi. Atkha Island, lang., iii., 579. Atkhas (Atchaer), tribe of Aleuts, i., 87-94; location, i., 87, 141-2; lang., iii., 578-9. Atl, Nahua day, ii., 511-12, 516-17. Atlacamani, name of Chalchihuitlicue, iii., 367. Atlacohuayan, city, Mexico, v., 402. Atlacuezona, water lily, iii., 369. Atlacuihuayan, station, Aztec migration, v., 324. Atlacuizoayan Mountain, name of Tacubaya, iii., 405. Atlantis, origin theory, v., 123-9. Atlapolco, a city of Matlaltzinco, v., 433. Atlcahualco (Atlchualco, Atalcaoplo, Atlaooalo, Atlcaoalo), Nahua month and festival, ii., 305, 509; iii., 332, 419-20. Atliaca, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 447. Atlicalaguian (Atlicalaquian, Atlitlalacayan, Atlitlanquian, Atlitlalacpan, Atitalaquia), station, Aztec migration, v., 323-4. Atlihuetzian, a province of Mexico, i., 675. Atlixco, town, Puebla, i., 671; antiq., iv., 468-9; hist., v., 202, 426, Fortifications. Bashones, i., 450, See Bushumnes. Basiroas, North Mex. tribe, i., 572-91; location, i., 607. Baskets, Hyperboreans, i., 91, 103, 107, 129; Columbians, i., 162-3, 166, 172, 185, 190, 213, 215, 220, 234, 236-7, 261-2, 270; Californians, i., 339, 345, 374-5, 381-2, 406, 429-30, 434; New Mexicans, i., 500, 504, 539, 543, 563-4, 577; Mexicans, i., 624, 631, 633; ii., 483, 616, 619; Cent. Americans, i., 724, 766. Basopa, North Mex. lang., iii., 707. Bats, i., 393, 561, 762; ii., 743; iii., 484. Batab, Maya title, ii., 636. Batemdakaiees, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 448; lang., iii., 647. Batenab, ancient Guat. tribe, v., chap. xi. Baths, Hyperboreans, i., 83, 111; Columbians, i., 201, 205, 219, 235, 284-6; Californians, i., 341, 356, 395, 419; New Mexicans, i., 487, 521-2, 554, 569; Mexicans, i., 626-7, 639-40, 654, 667; ii., 171-2, 268, 280, 316, 370, 389, 392, 765; ii., 290, 319, 324-5, 706-7, 737, 749-50, 787; iii., 238, 324, 385; iv., 556. Bellingham Bay, i., 208, 221, 299. Belts, i., 330, 483, 559; ii., 396. Ben, Maya day, ii., 755-6, 760. BenemÉ, South Cal., lang., iii., 686. Beni-Xonos (Cajones, Cajonos, Nexichas, Nexitzas), South Mex. tribe, i., 645-70; location, i., 680; special mention, i., 668; lang., iii., 754; hist., v., chap. x. Bentinck Arms (Bentick), i., 155, 294-5. Bering Bay, i., 96, 142. Bering Isle, i., 48. Bering Straits, i., 28, 37, 41, 63-4, 139; v., 28. Berries, i., 55, 76, 78, 90, 103, 123, 162-3, 181, 187-8, 199, 204, 214, 229, 234, 243, 264-7, 323, 339-40, 345, 373-4, 406, 427, 430, 558. Betamas, Michoacan people, v., 511. Betrothal, see Marriage and Courtship. Betting, See Gambling. Betumkes, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 447. Betumki Valley, i., 447. Bguanas, North Mex. tribe, i., 572-91; location, i., 611. Bibliography, Almaraz, Mem. de Metlaltoyuca, iv., 458-9. Almaraz, Teotihuacan, in Id., Mem. Pachuca, iv., 530. Baldwin's Ancient Amer., iv., 2. Boscana, in Robinson's Life in Cal., iii., 161-2. Boturini, Idea, ii., 532. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., ii.,
" class="pgexternal">742. Breast-works, See Fortifications. Breech-cloth, i., 258-9, 330, 369, 480, 484, 531-2, 648, 689-90, 751; ii., 364. Bribery, of Nahua judges, ii., 445-6. Bricks, i., 535-6; ii., 557-8; iv., 473, 479, 500, 503, 521; see also Adobes. Brides, See Marriage. Bridges, i., 534, 693, 718; ii., 387, 414, 562-3, 576; iv., 343, 373, 479, 528-6, 690. Bridles, i., 270, 438, 501, 726. Bristol Bay, i., 70, 79, 139. Brita, Nicaragua, antiq., iv., 60. British Columbia, physical geography of, i., 152-3, 156; inhabited by Columbians, i., 151-321; myth., i., 170-1, 202-3, 283-4; iii., 95-8, 149-57, 519-22; lang., iii., 604-34; antiq., iv., 736-41. British Museum Collection, Mex. Republic, antiq., iv., 562. Bronze, Mex. Republic, antiq., iv., 520, 557. Broom, Centeotl symbol, iii., 354. Bruceport, town, Washington, i., 305. Bruno, village, South Cal., i., 460. Brush Creek, Cal., antiq., iv., 706. Brushwood, dwellings of, i., 118, 371-2, 485, 535. Bubatzo, a Zutugil princess, v., chap. xi. Bubus, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 450. Buccan, Mosquito meat rack, i., 721. Buckeye Hill, California, antiq., iv., 703, 706. Buckeye Ravine, California, antiq., iv., 707. Budd's Inlet, i., 301. Buchanan Hollow, California, antiq., iv., 707. Buddhism, traces in Amer., v., 40-2. Buena Vista, village, Cent. California, i., 455350-1, 352-3; myth., iii., 90, 115-17, 137-9, 161, 524; lang., iii., 641, 652; origin, v., 19. Cahto Pomos, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 362-401; location, i., 362, 448. Cahuillos (Cahuillas, Carvillas, Cawios, Coahuillas, Cohuillas, Cowillers, Kahweyahs), South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 402, 457; lang., iii., 651, 660, 677-79, 714, 717, 727. Cahuimetos, North Mex. tribe, i., 572-91; loc., i., 609; lang., iii., 707. Caibil Balam, a Mame prince, v., chap. xi. Caichi, Guatemala lang., iii., 760. Caiguas, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 592. CaiguarÁs, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 592. Cailloux, i., 319, See Cayuse. Caimanes, tribe of Isthmians, i., 747-85; location, i., 797. Cajon, village, South Cal., i., 458. Cajones (Cajonos), i., 668, 680, see Beni-Xonos. Cajpilili, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Cajuenches, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; special mention, i., 488; lang., iii., 685-6. Cakam, QuichÉ-Cakchiquel month, ii., 766. Cakchi, Guatemala tribe, i., 687-711; location, i., 788. Cakchiquels (Kachiquels), Guatemala tribe, i., 687-711; ii., 630-803; location, i., 788-9; ii., 121; special mention, ii., 121, 632, 637-8, 640-1, 727, 732, 743, 746, 752, 762, 766-7, 790; myth., iii., 483-4; lang., iii., 760-2, 768, 772-3; antiq., iv., 123, 131; hist., v., chap. xi., xii. Cakhay, mountain and fort, Guatemala, v., chap. xi. Cakixaha, QuichÉ 4th woman, iii., 189, 195, 269; Californians, i., 344, 381, 407, 433; New Mexicans, i., 498, 500, 543, 581; Mexicans, i., 629, 656; ii., 217-18, 306-8, 329-30, 402, 419, 426, 428-32, 453-4, 626; iii., 386-8, 394; v., 342-3, 414; Cent. Americans, i., 723, 764-5; ii., 650, 704, 707, 746-7. Capuchin, Nahua dress, ii., 369. Capulapa, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 445. Caraca, Mosquito drink, i., 739. Caracol, at Chichen, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 234-5. Cara Gigantesca, at Izamal, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 246-8. Caramariguanes, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Caramiguais, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Carascans, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 452. Carataska Lagoon, i., 793. Carates, Isthmian lepers, i., 778. Caravans, ii., 380, 387-8, 391, 737-8. Carchah, locality, Guatemala, v., chap. xi. Careta, Isthmian province, i., 795. Caribays, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Cariboo, i., 122-3. Caribs, tribe of Mosquitos, i., 711-47; loc., i., 713, 793; special mention, i., 714, 718, 722, 728, 731, 735-6, 741, 745-6; lang., iii., 782; tribe of Isthmians, i., 747-85; special mention, i., 759, 764, 771. Carlotsapos, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 449. Carmelote Creek, Tamaulipas, antiq., iv., 594. Carmelo Valley, i., 454. Carpenter's Farm, South Cal., i., 460. Carquin, i., 368, 372-3, 435, 575, 577, 587-9, 597-604, 694-6. Caviare, Haidah food, i., 163. Cavil, name of Chin, ii., 677. Caviseras, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Cavizimah (Cawizimah), QuichÉ prince, v., chap. xi. Cawek (Cavek), QuichÉ royal title, ii., 643-4; v., chap. xi. Cawinal (Cavinal), Guatemala, antiq., iv., 131; hist., v., chap. xi. Cawios, i., 457, See Cahuillos. Cawitchans, i., 296, See Cowitchins. Cawnees, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Caxapa, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 426. Cayala, ii., 716-17, See Paxil. Caybatz, a Cakchiquel ruler, v., chap. xi. Cayeguas, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Cayeyus, Lower Cal. tribe, i., 556-71; lang., iii., 687. Cay-Hunahpu, a Cakchiquel prince, v., chap. xi. Caymus, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, 451; lang., iii., 650. Caynoh, a Cakchiquel ruler, v., chap. xi. Cayo Ratones, Yuc., antiq., iv., 261. Cayotes, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458. Cayuquets, i., 207, 295, See Kyuquots. Cayuse (CaÄguas, Cailloux, Cayoose, Kyoose, Kayouse, Kayuse, Kyoots, Skyuse, Wyeilats), Inland tribe, i., 250-91; location and name, i., 254, 273, 316, 319; special mention, i., 254-6, 258, 260, 265, 267-8, 271-4, 276, 290; myth., iii., 95, 156; lang., iii., 625-6. Cazcanes, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 672; lang., iii., 719. Cazonzin (Cazontzin), i., 516, See Caltzontzin. Cazopos, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 452. Ceacatl Quetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatl Chalchiuitl, Topiltzin), a Toltec prince, v., 254-63, 484. Cealcoquin, city, Honduras, iii., 485; v., chap. xi. Cecatzin, a Toltec prince
tenberg.org/files/41070/41070-h/41070-h.htm#Page_196" class="pgexternal">196-8, 218, 242, 278; Californians, i., 351, 437; New Mexicans, i., 514-15, 549, 565, 585; Mexicans, i., 661-2; ii., 143, 251, 469-70; iii., 435-6; Central Americans, i., 703; ii., 651, 659, 675. Chatalhuic, Nahua medicine, ii., 599. Chatcheenie (Chatcheenee, Chalchuni), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Chatham Sound, i., 96, 142, 155, 171. Chatinos, South Mex. tribe, i., 644-70; location, i., 681; special mention, i., 646; lang., iii., 752. ChaudiÈres (Chualpays, Kettle Falls, Quiarlpi, Schrooyelpi, Schwoyelpi, Shuyelpi, Wheelpo), Inland Columbian tribes, i., 250-91; location, i., 314-15; special mention, i., 262, 280. Chavin de Huanta, Peru, antiq., iv., 801. Chawteuh Bakowas, Cent. California tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 447. Chayen, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Chayher, Aht god, iii., 521. Chaykisaht, tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295. Chayopines, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Che, QuichÉ month, ii., 766. Cheate River, i., 304. Cheattees (Cheahtocs, Chetkos, Chitcos), North California tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 443. Checatl, Toltec chief, v., 243. Checaylis, i., 301, See Chehalis. Chedochogs, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 449. Cheek-bones, Hyperboreans, i., 46, 116; Columbians, i., 157-8, 177-8, 210, 225-6; Californians, i., 328, 364; New Mexicans, i., 530, 573; Mexicans, i., 619; Central Americans, i., 688, 714. Cheek-ornaments, i., 717, 753. Cheen, ii., 758; See Chen. Cheenales, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 299. Cheese, South Mexico c
ge_402" class="pgexternal">402. Chicohnahuimictlan (Chicuhnauhmictlan), a division of Mictlan, iii., 401, 534. Chicomecoatl (Chicomecouatl), Nahua goddess, iii., 352, 421. Chicomoztoc, ancient home of Aztecs, iii., 58, 67; antiq., iv., 580; hist., v., 188, 191, 197, 203, 219-23, 228, 307, 322-6, 422-4, 487. Chiconahuapan (Chicunahuapan), Nahua river of death, ii., 605; iii., 538. Chiconquauhtli, OtomÍ lord, v., 317. Chiconquiavitl, Nahua god, iii., 416. Chicon Tonatiuh, Toltec king, v., 242, 249. Chicoratas (Chicoratos), North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 609; special mention, i., 573, 579; lang., iii., 707. Chicoziagat, Nicaragua god, iii., 491. Chicune, Isthmian god, iii., 499. Chicuras, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 609. Chicutae, Cent. California tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Chiefs, See Government. Chigmit (Tschigmit) Mts., i., 149. Chignaviucelut, QuichÉ king, v., chap. xi. Chigohom, Cakchiquel city, v., chap. xi. Chiguacua (Chiguangua, Tzihuanga), name for Zwanga, v., 516. Chiguau, Central California tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Chihailis, i., 303; See Chehalis. Chihuahua, Nations and tribes, i., 473-525, 571-93, 604; myth., iii., 178; lang., iii., 593-4, 583, 667, 710, 716-17; antiq., iv., 603-14. Chihucchihui, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Chihuitlan, Oajaca, antiq., iv., 373. Chila, Puebla, antiq., iv., 465-6. Chilam Calam (Chilam Balam), high-priest, Mani, v., chap. xiii. Chilanes, Maya diviners, iii., 473. Chilapan, province in Guerrero, i., 677; v., 412. Chilcat, i., 142, See Chilkat. Chilcuautla, Mex., antiq., iv., 549. Childbirth, See Women. Children, Hyperboreans, i., 66, 81-2, 297, 307-10, 459-63, 485-507, chap. xii. Cholutecs, Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 688, 791; ii., 123; special mention, i., 711; lang., iii., 791; hist., v., chap. xii. Chomiha, QuichÉ 2d created woman, iii., 48. Chontales (Chondals, Chontals, Ciondale), Maya nation, i., 687-711; ii., 630-803; location, i., 645, 688, 790; ii., 111; special mention, i., 646-7, 651-3, 668, 707, 711; lang., iii., 783, 791-2; antiq., iv., 32-9, 56-8, 60; hist., v., chap. ii. Chontalcuatlan, Guerrero, antiq., iv., 424. Choomedocs (Chimedocs), Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. ChoomtÉyas, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Choomuch, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Choomwits, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 456. Chopunnish (Copunnish), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 317; special mention, i., 273-4, 279, 287, 289. Chori, North Cal. tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 446. Choromi, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Chorote, South Mex. drink, i., 665. Chorotegans (Ciocotoga), Maya nation, i., 686-711; ii., 630-803; location, i., 688, 791; special mention, i., 709, 752; lang., iii., 791-3; hist., v., chap. xii. Chortis, Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 789; lang., iii., 760. Chota, Sonora, lang., iii., 720. Chotocoy, Guatemala, antiq., iv., 131. Chowchilla River, i., 452, 455. Chowchillas, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 363-401; location, i., 455. Chowclas, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Chowechaks (Choweshak), Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, See Cioacoatl. Ciuanemactli, a concubine, ii., 265. Ciuatlantli, a wife, ii., 264-5. Ciudad, see Cerro de la Ciudad. Ciudad Real, city, Chiapas, i., 786. Ciutla, town, Guerrero, i., 677. Civilization, i., 3-4, 33-4, 154, 176, 615-16; phases of, ii., 1-80; general view of civilized nations, ii., 81-125, 804-5. Clackamas (Clackamis, Clackamos, Clackamus, Clakemas, Clarkamees, Klackamas), tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 223, 308-10; special mention, i., 229, 309. Clackamas (Clackamos) River, i., 308-10. Clackstars, i., 308; See Clockstars. Clahclellahs, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306. Clahnaquah, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 308. Clahoose (Klahous), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 176, 296, 298. Clallams (Clalams, Clallums, Sklallam, S'klalum, Sklallum, Tsclallum), tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 208, 295, 302; special mention, i., 211-13, 216-17, 220, 222; myth., iii., 155, 522; lang., iii., 608, 615. Clallueis, (Clalluiis), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295. Clallums, i., 295; See Clallams. Clamet, i., 443; See Klamath. Clamoctomichs, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 303. Clamoitomish, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 305. Clams, i., 163, 186-8, 213. Clanimatas, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306. Clannahminamuns, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 308. Clannarminnamuns, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306. Clans, See Castes. Clarence Straits, i., 143. Clarkamees, i., 310; See Clackamas. Clarke River, i., 252, 311. Class Distinctions, ii., 192-4, 638, 508. Coiba, Isthmian tribe, i., 747-85; location, i., 795; special mention, i., 761; lang., iii., 793. Coiners' Prairie, i., 463. Coins, antiq., iv., 15-16, 383. Coitch, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Cojats, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Cojo (Cojotoc), i., 458, See Xocotoc. Cojuklesatuch, tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295. Colanii Cobee PÉcala, Zapotec priests, ii., 211. Colcampata, royal lands, Peru, v., 47. Colchacovatl, see Quetzalcoatl, v., 242. Colche, ancient city in Guatemala, v., chap. xi. Colchi, Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 788. Colds, Hyperboreans, i., 86; Mexicans, i., 667; ii., 592, 599; Cent. Americans, i., 742; ii., 794-5. ColechÁ, locality, Lower California, i., 569. Colhuas, See Culhuas. Colhua-Teuctli-Quanez, See Quanez. Colic, Nootkas, i., 204. Colima, antiq., iv., 572; hist., v., 473, 508. ColÍmiËs, i., 558; iii., 687, see CochimÍs. Collars, Hyperboreans, i., 97; Columbians, i., 170; Californians, i., 425; Mexicans, i., 651; ii., 222; iii., 289, 295, 324, 369; iv., 236; Cent. Americans, i., 701, 736, ii., 635, 657. Colleges, see Schools and Education. Colmena, Chiapas, antiq., iv., 353. Coloc, South Cal. tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458-9. Columbia (New Granada), antiq., iv., 15-21. Colomche, Maya dance, ii., 712. Colopechtli, Olmec prince; v., 491. Color, See Complexion. Colorado, antiq., iv., 717-31. Colorado Chiquito, i., 595, 600; antiq., iv., 641-50. Colorado Desert, i., 324; iii., 593; Cal., antiq., iv., 690-1. Colorado River, i., 457, 328, 364-6, 795. Coyohuacan, See Coyuhuacan. Coyotl, v., 299, See Nauhyotl. Coyolxauhqui, daughter of Coatlicue, iii., 296. Coyote River, i., 452. Coyoteros, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location and name, i., 474, 596; iii., 594; special mention, i., 495. Coyotes, North Mex. tribe, i., 571-91; special mention, i., 611. Coyotes, South Cal. food, i., 405; myths, iii., 75-6, 85-8, 90, 115-17, 137-9, 161, 545-8; v., 13-14. Coyotl, v., 299, See Nauhyotl. Coyuhuacan (Coyohuacan), town, Mexico, ii., 562; v., 295, 317, 402. Co-yukuk River, i., 148. Coyuquilla, town, Guerrero, i., 677. Coyyo, Cent. Cal. tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Cozaana, Zapotec god, iii., 457. Cozaby Pah Utes, tribe of Shoshones, i., 422-42; location, i., 466. Cozamaloapan, province, Oajaca, v., 412, 417. Cozcaapan, iii., 258, See Cohcaapa. Cozcapetlatl, Nahua collar, ii., 404. Cozcaquauh, Chichimec chief, v., 293. Cozcaquauh, Teo-Chichimec chief, v., 490. Cozcaquauhco (Cozcacuauhco), station, Aztec migration, v., 324. Cozcaquauhtenanco, province in South Mexico, v., 441. Cozcaquauhtli, Nahua day, ii., 512, 516-17; Acolhua chief, v., 303; lord of Huauhtlan, v., 462. Cozcotlan, locality, San Salvador, i., 790. Cozehuatl, Nahua greaves, ii., 404. Cozolmecatl, medicinal plant, i., 640. Cozumel Island, ii., 792-3; iii., 761; iv., 259-60, 266. Crab-apple, Nootka bows of, i., 188. Crabs, Nahua food, ii., 356. Cradles, Columbians, i., 218, 227-8; Californians, i., 391; New Mexicans, i., 501, 563, 566; Mexicans, i., 633; ii., 275-6, 281; iii., 352. Crean, Mosquito boat, i., 725. Creation-myths, Hyperboreans, iii., 98-106; Columbia
_472" class="pginternal">472. Cuexpatchicuepul, Nahua scalp-lock, ii., 401. Cuextecas, i., 674; v., 208; See Huastecs. Cuextecatl, Nahua chief, v., 208. Cuextecatlichocayan, station, Aztec migration, v., 324. Cuextlan, province, Vera Cruz, v., 420. Cuha, QuichÉ royal palace, ii., 643. Cuhtzutecas, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 592. Cuhuac, Toltec city, v., 295. Cuhuanas (Cuhanas, CucapÁs), tribe of Pueblos, i., 526-56; lang., iii., 685. Cuicacalco, Nahua school-house, ii., 243. Cuicatecs, South Mexican tribe, i., 644-70; location, i., 681; special mention, i., 652; lang., iii., 752-3. Cuicillos (Cuiztillos), burial mounds, iv., 551, 593. Cuicoyan, Nahua dance-house, ii., 290. Cuicuetzcatl, Tlascaltec ruler, v., 497. Cuilapa, locality, Oajaca; lang., iii., 749; antiq., iv., 388. Cuilco, village, Guatemala, i., 787. Cuilton, Toltec noble, v., 254. Cuismer, iii., 685, See Yamajabs. Cuitlahuac, city in Mexico, hist., v., 253, 307-10, 346, 369, 405, 454. Cuitlahuatzin, a Mexican prince, v., 462, 464. Cuitlatecs (Cuitlateques, Cuitlatechi, Cuitlahuacs, Quitlahuacas), Nahua nation, i., 617-44; ii., 133-629; location and name, i., 678; ii., 109, 127. Cuixlahuac, Miztec dialect, iii., 749. Cukulcan (Cocolcan, Cuculcan, Kukulcan), Maya god, ii., 633, 647, 699-700, 705; iii., 135, 260, 281-2, 463, 465; v., 23, 226, chap. xiii. Culhuacan (Colhuacan, Culiacan), city, Mexico, ii., 99, 125; antiq., iv., 295-6, 501-2; hist., v., 163, 188, 221, 242, 255, 261-87, 295-320, 323, 330-1, 662. Distaff, i., 165; iii., 372. Distortion of Physique, Hyperboreans, i., 72, 97-100; Columbians, i., 158-9, 181-2, 226-9, 256-7; New Mexicans, i., 559; Mexicans, i., 622; Cent. Americans, i., 717; ii., 731-2. Ditches, See Excavations. Divine representatives, Nahuas, ii., 319-27, 331-3, 337, 339; iii., 309, 313. Divisions, of nations, i., 36-7; ii., 124. Divorce, Nahuas, ii., 262-3; see also Marriage. Doctors, see Medicine and Sorcerers. Dog-Ribs, i., 144, see Thlingcha-dinneh. Dog River, i., 320. Dog-Rivers (Cascade Indians), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 320. Dogs, Hyperboreans, i., 62-3, 118; iii., 104-6; Columbians, i., 159, 166, 171, 182-3, 202, 211, 215-16, 264, 267, 285; New Mexicans, i., 506, 518, 544, 561; Mexicans, i., 634; ii., 605, 611, 614; iii., 129, 330, 392, 538; Cent. Americans, i., 696, 700, 708, 723, 758, 760; ii., 692-3, 703-4, 720-1; iii., 466. Dog-wood, used for medicine, i., 204. Dohme, i., 607, See Eudeves. Dolls, Koniagas, i., 81-2. Dolores, Guatemala, antiq., iv., 138. Dolores de Agua Caliente, village, Durango, i., 614. Dolores River, i., 465; Utah, antiq., iv., 733. Domestic animals, Nahuas, ii., 353. Donkeys, Pueblos, i., 544. Don Pedro's Bar, Cal., an
/files/42808/42808-h/42808-h.htm#Page_689" class="pgexternal">689, 694, 718, 724-5, 803. Dry Creek, Cal., antiq., iv., 707. Dry Creek Valley, i., 449. DtchÈ-ta-ut-'tinnÈ, lang., iii., 587. 'DtinnÈ, i., 114, See Tinneh. Ducks, i., 50, 577, 625-6, 760; ii., 351, 721. Duckwarra Lagoon, Mosquito coast, antiq., iv., 27. Duelling, Nahuas, ii., 628. Dulce, gulf, Guatemala, v., chap. xi. Dung, poison antidote, i., 762. Dungeness, i., 302. Durango, nations and tribes, i., 571-91, 617-44; special mention, i., 623; myth., iii., 179; lang., iii., 667, 710, 717-19; antiq., iv., 600-1; hist., v., 222. Duties, See Taxes. Dwamish, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Dwamish Lake, i., 300. Dwamish River, i., 300. Dwarfs, Nahuas, ii., 183. Dwellings, Hyperboreans, i., 42, 50-4, 74-5, 89, 102-3, 118, 123-4, 129; Columbians, i., 160-1, 169, 183-5, 191, 211-12, 231-2, 259-61; Californians, i., 334-6, 371-3, 404-5, 426-7; New Mexicans, i., 485-7, 533-8, 559-60, 575; iv., 668-60; Mexicans, i., 24, 624, 651-2; ii., 160-74, 336, 553-74; iii., 240, 255; Cent. Americans, i., 692-3, 717-18, 732, 754-8, 780; ii., 783-9. Dyeing, i., 166, 345, 503, 571-91; location, i., 572, 606-7; special mention, i., 582; lang., iii., 695, 699-702. Eulachon (Uthlecan), see Candle-fish. Euotalla River, i., 319. Euphorbia, herb used for snake-bites, i., 521. Euquachees, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 442. Eurocs, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 327, 444; special mention, i., 336, 348, 350; myth., iii., 161, 523-4; lang., iii., 641. Eutahs (Eutaws), i., 464-5, See Utahs. Evil Spirits, See Superstitions. Evob (Enob), Tzendal day, ii., 767. Ewentoc, QuichÉ chief, v., chap. xi. Ewintes (Uintahs, Uinta Utes, Uinta Yutas, Uwintys), tribe of Shoshones, i., 422-42; location, i., 463-4, 469. Exbalanque (Exbalanquen), v., chap. xi., See Xbalanque. Excanjaques, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 599. Excavations, i., 74-5, 124, 160, 231, 260, 334-5, 337, 371-2, 426-7, 486, 537-8, 554-5; antiq., iv., 31, 70, 116-17, 120, 169, 175, 211-12, 244, 252-3, 263, 265, 344, 407-9, 445-6, 448, 477-8, 484-5, 503, 524-7, 659, 661, 676-7, 736, 765, 768. Exenimuth (Cexeninuth), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295. Exocuillo-o-alixtli, Nahua eye disease, iii., 342. Exolqualiztli, ii., 508, See Etzalqualiztli. Exo
1070-h.htm#Page_128" class="pgexternal">128; Columbians, i., 159-60, 166, 170-2, 179, 187, 200, 211, 215, 258; Californians, i., 331, 347, 367-70, 377-8, 381-2, 387-8, 392, 396, 410, 424-6, 434; New Mexicans, i., 482-4, 495-6, 504, 522, 531-2, 541, 551, 558, 574-5, 579, 583; iii., 180; Mexicans, i., 620-3, 649-50; ii., 148, 174, 259, 290, 307, 314, 323-7, 333-4, 337, 363, 366-8, 404-7, 484, 488-91, 572-3, 606-7, 615, 619, 621; iii., 238, 301, 313, 318, 324-5, 356-61, 369, 385-7, 390-2, 398, 400, 404, 407, 411, 416-18, 422, 426-7; v., 325, 515-16; Central Americans, i., 691, 702, 705-6, 715-16, 723, 726, 750-4; ii., 635, 641, 693, 707, 726-30, <
87, 89, 141-2. Francis Lake, lang., iii., 587. Fraser Lake, lang., iii., 607. Fraser River, i., 115, 145, 172, 175, 185, 251, 271, 278, 295-7, 312; iii., 613. Frederick Sound, i., 143. Fresno County, California, antiq., iv., 707. Fresno River, i., 363, 398, 455. Frijoles, beans, i., 694. Fringe, Nahua dress, ii., 366-7, 369, 374. Frogs, i., 405, 576; ii., 356; iii., 116-17, 360, 429; iv., 24. Fruit, i., 234, 265, 333, 538-9, 549-50, 559, 560, 574, 576, 624-5, 652, 658, 694, 700; ii., 347, 718-19, 722. Fuca, i., 222, see Juan de Fuca. Funerals, See Burial. Funnel, Isthmian dress, i., 751-2. Fur, i., 29-31, 50, 73-4, 89, 100, 160, 182-3, 216, 230, 347, 425. Furnaces, Nahuas, ii., 478. Furniture, i., 54, 692, 718; ii., 174-5, 572-3, 786-7. Future, i., 2-3; ii., 604-5, 616, 618, 622-3; iii., 34-5, 401-2, 405, 510-44. Fyules, Central Californian tribe, i., 645, 666, 680; ii., 112, 619; iii., 259, 275-6; v., 259, 298, 421, 473. Godamyous (!), tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 307. Goggles, Eskimos, i., 69. Goitres, i., 588, 638. Gold, New Mexicans, i., 543, 583; Mexicans, i., 631, 648, 651, 657; ii., 147, 173-5, 285, 290, 372, 376-7, 382, 406-8, 473-9, 606; iii., 285, 324; antiq., iv., 346, 376, 383, 455; Central Americans, i., 727-8, 752, 754, 763, 766-9; ii., 732, 742, 749-50, 787; antiq., iv., 18, 20, 22-3, 66; Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 778-9; Peru, antiq., iv., 792-4. Gold Bluff, i., 445-6. Golden Gate, myth., iii., 89. Gold-Harbors, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 292. Gold Hill, California, antiq., iv., 706. Goldsmiths, Nahuas, ii., 475-8; iii., 411. Gold Springs Gulch, California, antiq., iv., 701-2, 706. Golovin Sound, i., 141. Golovnin (Golownin) Bay, i., 70, 141. Gonorrhoea, See Venereal Disease. Goose Creek, i., 469. Goose Lake, i., 444. Gosh Ute Lake, i., 422. Gosh Utes (Gosha Utes, Goshautes, Goships, Goshoots, Gosh Yutas), tribe of Shoshones, i., 422-42; location and name, i., 422, 467-8; special mention, i., 428; lang., iii., 661-2. Gossampine, See Cotton. Gourds, i., 544, 551-2, 662, 713; iv., 172-3, 230-3. Gypsum, ii., 556, 558, 570, 572, 581. H Haab, Maya year, ii., 759. Habasto, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Habenapo, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Hacavitz (Gagavitz), QuichÉ god, iii., 50-2, 477; v., 181, 547-56, 562, 569-71, 574. Hacavitz Mountain, v., 549-53, 556, 560, 564. Haeeltzuk, i., 294, See Hailtzas. Haglli, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 599. Hagulgets, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Hahamogna, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 460. Haidahs, one of the nine families into which the Columbians are divided; manners and customs of all its nations and tribes described together, i., 155-74; physique, i., 156-8; dress, i., 158-60; dwellings, i., 160-1; food, i., 161-4; weapons, implements, and manufactures, i., 164-6; boats, i., 166; property and trade, i., 167; government, i., 167-8; women and marriage, i., 168-9; amusements, i., 169-70; miscellaneous customs, i., 170-2; medicine, i., 172; burial, i., 172-3; character, i., 173-4; location of tribes, i., 151, 292-5; myth., iii., 149-50, 520; lang., iii., 604-6. Haidahs (HaÏdas, Hydahs), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location and name, i., 292-3; special mention, i., 157, 203. Hailtzas (Haeeltzuk, Haeelzuk, Hailtsa, Hailtzuk, Hautzuk), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 155, 295; special mention, i., 157-8, 170-1; lang., iii., 607. Hair, i., 12-14; Hyperboreans, i., 46-7, 72, 86, 88, 117, 119, 128, 210, 226-8, 256-7; Mexicans, i., 651; ii., 281; Central Americans, i., 717, 754; ii., 681-2, 731-2, 802; iv., 304. Hebonomas, tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 598. Hecat, iii., 491, See Ehecatl. Hecatotonti, Nahua idols, iii., 343. Hegues, i., 607, See Eudeves. Hehighenimmo, i., 313, 316, See Sans Poils. Helluland, North-east America, v., 106. Hellwits, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306, 317. Helmets, i., 105, 235, 706; ii., 403, 405, 407, 742. Hemes, Pueblo province, i., 527. Hemlock, i., 162, 204. Hemp, i., 162, 164-5. Hennegas, i., 293, See Hanegas. Hepowwoo, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 460. Hequis, i., 607, See Eudeves. Heralds, i., 202, 379, 388; see also Ambassadors. Heraldry, i., 193, 202. Herbs, various uses of, i., 57, 103, 124, 172, 204, 220, 233, 286, 333, 340, 354, 373-4, 387, 395, 406, 419, 439, 503, 521-2, 537, 566, 568, 588-9, 633-4, 639-40, 667, 709, 742-3, 754, 209-20. Huehuetoca (Huehuetocan), Mexico, antiq., iv., 566, 578-9. Hunahpu mountain, v., 430, 488, 560-1, 721; ii., 356; medicine, ii., 599, 601. Insignia, i., 728, 753, 764; ii., 207, 403-4, 413-14, 419, 440, 614, 622, 646, 656, 741; iii., 433; v., 325. Inspellums, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 312. Intacaci, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intamohui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intaniri, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Intasiabire, Tarasco intercalary days, ii., 522. Intaxihui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intaxitohui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intecamoni, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intechaqui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intechotahui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Interment, See Burial. Interunihi, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intestines, See Entrails. Inteyabchitzin, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Inthahui, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Inthihui, Tarasco day, ii., 522. IntiÉtooks, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 312. Intihui, Tarasco calendar-sign, ii., 521. Intoxication, See Drunkenness. Intoxihui, Tarasco month, ii., 521. Intzimbi, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Intzini, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Intzoniabi, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Inuk, derivation of Innuit, i., 40. Inundations, Mexico, hist., v., 453-4, 468. Inxichari, Tarasco day, ii., 522. Iolar, Mosquito year, i., 727. Ionata, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Iooalliehecatl, Chichimec god, iii., 406. Ipalnemoaloni (Ipalnemoan, Ipalnemohualoni), name of Tloque-Nahuaque, iii., 56, 183, 185-6. Ipandes, iii., 594, See Lipanes. Ipapana, Totonac dialect, iii., 777. Ipec, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Ipinchuari, a Chichimec Wanacace chief, v., 518. Iqi-Balam (Iquibalam), QuichÉ fourth man, iii., 47; god and king, v., 181, 552-6, 566, 584-5.595, 598, 601-2. Ixliuechahuexe, v., 250, See Ixtlilcuechahuac. Ixmitl, v., 304, See Itzmitl. Ixmixuch (Yhuixoch, Yhyozochtl), a Toltec princess, v., 299. Ixmol, Maya priestess, ii., 701. Ixnacan Katun, Maya priest's title, ii., 647. Ixnextlacuilolli, Nahua court dress, ii., 374. Ixteocale, Nahua title, ii., 324. Ixtlahuaca, locality, Mexico, i., 674. Ixtlahuacan, village, Zacatecas, i., 672. Ixtle, Mexican fibre, i., 657-8. Ixtlilcuechahuac (Aixtilcuechahuac, Ixliuechahuexe, Ixtlilcuechanac, Tlachinotzin, Tlalchinoltzin, Tlaltecatl, Tlaltecatl Huetzin, Tlilquechahuac, Tlilque Chaocatlahinoltzin, Tzacatcatl, Tzacatecatl), Toltec king, v., 250. Ixtlilton, iii., 409, See Yxtliton. Ixtlilxochitl, Chichimec king, ii., 609; v., 351-3, 359-79; Chichimec prince, v., 451, 474-7. Iyacatecuhtli (Iyacacoliuhqui, Iyacatecutli, Jacacoliuhqui, Jacateuctli, Yiacatecuhtli, Yacacoliuhqui, Yacatecutli, Yiacatecutli), Nahua god, ii., 328, 389, 491; iii., 416. Izalcos, town, San Salvador, iii., 760. Izamal, city, Yucatan, ii., 647; antiq., iv., 246-7, 266, 271; hist., v., 224, chap. xiii. Izcal, Cakchiquel month, ii., 766. Izcohuatl, Teo-Chichimec chief, v., 490. Izhuatl, species of palm-leaf, ii., 484. Izmachi, city, Guatemala, v., 559-60, 564, 571-3, 576, 578. Izmatletlopac, lord of Cuitlahuac, v., 349. Izona, Maya god, iii., 462. Izpapalotl, Nahua chief, v., 242. Iztacacenteotl, name of Centeotl, ii., 340; iii., 350. Iztacalco, city, Mexico, ii., 560; v., 345. Iztacmaxtitlan, city, Mexico, ii., 417. Iztacmixcoatl (Iztac Mixcoatl, Iztac Mixcohuatl, Iztacmixcuatl), Nahua first man, iii., 60, 249; Nahua god, iii., 268, 403; founder of Nahua nation, v., 223, 527. Iztacquauhtzin, v., 267, see Huemac II. Iztactlalocan, city, north-east Mexico, v., 472. Iztamatzin (Iztamantzin), v., 495, See Iztantzin. Iztantzin (Iztamantzin, Iztamatzin, Yztacima), high priest of Cholula, v., 495. Iztapalapan, city, Mexico, ii., 222-50; location, i., 308. Katlendarucas (Katlendarukas), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 455; lang., ii., 653. Katun, Maya cycle, ii., 761-2; iv., 274. Kauwehs, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 444. Kaviak Peninsula, i., 37, 141. Kaviaks (Kaveaks), tribe of Koniagas, i., 69-87; location, i., 70, 141; special mention, i., 73, 81. Kawcho Dinneh (Hare Ind.), tribe of Tinneh, i., 114-37; location, i., 144; special mention, i., 121, 136; lang., iii., 585. Kawitchen (Kawitchin, Kawitshin), i., 296, 299, See Cowichin. Kawwelth, i., 292, See Kowwelth. Kayab, Maya month, ii., 757-8. Kayouse (Kayuse), i., 319, See Cayuse. Kechi, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458; lang., iii., 660, 674-9. Keeches (Keechis), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Keechumakarlo (Keechumakailo), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Keekheatla (Keetheatla), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Keelalles, Chinook doctors, iii., 156. Keenathtoix, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Keesarn, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 292. Keethratlah, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Keewuck, Haidah paradise, iii., 520. Keewuckkow, Haidah chief paradise, iii., 520. Keeyeks, Thlinkeet spirits of warriors, iii., 148, 516. Kegarnie, i., 293, See Kaiganie. Kellespems, i., 314, see Pend d'Oreilles. Kelp, see Sea-weed. Kelsey River, i., 399. Kelussuyas, i., 304, See Calapooyas. Kelutsah (Ketutsah), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Kenai (Kanisky, Kenai-tena, Kenaize, Kenaizi, Kenayzi, Kinai, Thnaina, Tnaina Ttynai), tribe of Tinneh, i., 114-37; location, i., 114, 116, 147, 149; special mention, i., 132-4; myth., iii., 517; lang., iii., 5
ahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Kitegues, i., 138, See Kittegarutes. Kithateen, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Kitlan (Ketlane), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Kitlope, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitsagas, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitsalas, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitsiguchs, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitspayuchs, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitswingahs, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kitswinscolds, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 174, 294; special mention, i., 174. Kittamaat (Kittamuat), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 294. Kittears, tribe of Eskimos, i., 40-69; location, i., 138. Kittegarutes (Kitegues), tribe of Eskimos, i., 40-69; location, i., 49, 138. Kitunaha, i., 311, See Kootenais. Kitwillcoits, tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 293. Kiwomi, Queres dialect, iii., 682. Kizh, South California, lang., iii., 660, 674-8. Klackamas, i., 310, See Clackamas. Klahars, tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295. Klahohquahts, i., 295, See Clayoquots. Klahosahts (Klaizzahts, Klaizzarts), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295; special mention, i., 178, 207; lang., iii., 609. Klahous, i., 298, See Clahoose. Klaizzahts (Klaizzarts), i., 178; iii., 609; See Klahosahts. Klakalamas, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306. Klakhelnks, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306. Klamacs, i., 444, See Klamaths. Klamath Lake, i., 327-9. Klamath Mts., i., 327. Klamath River, i., 327, 444-7. Klamaths (Clamet, Klameth, Lutuamis, Tlamaths, Tlamatl), North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location and name, i., 327, 444; special mention, i., 762, See Amaytun. Lambat, Tzendal day, ii., 767; Chiapanec hero, v., 605. Lamps, See Candles. Lamsim, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Lances, See Spears. Lancets, ii., 479, 601. Lands, tenure, i., 191, 583, 700; ii., 223-30, 445-6, 462-3, 652-4. Langley, locality, Vancouver Island, i., 297-8. Language, general observations, i., 5, 12, 15; ii., 27; iii., 2-13, 551-62; Hyperboreans, iii., 562-3, 574-92; Columbians, i., 564-5; iii., 592-634; Californians, iii., 565-8, 635-79; New Mexicans, i., 528; iii., 568-70, 680-722; Mexicans, ii., 91, 106, 111, 114; iii., 74, 570-1, 723-58; v., 352; Central Americans, ii., 645, 733; iii., 571-3, 759-95; as a historical aid, v., 151. Lantscheff Island, i., 60. Laollaga, Oajaca, antiq., iv., 373. Lapappu, Central California, lang., iii., 650. La Patera, islet, South California, i., 458-9. La Paz, town, Lower California, i., 603-4. Lapiene's House Indians, i., 146, see Ta-Kuth-Kutchin. Lapototots, i., 450, See Sapototots. La Puente, locality, South California, i., 460. La Purissima, locality, South California, i., 458. Lard, i., 653, 768. Lartielo, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 314. Las Flores, village, South California, i., 460. La Soledad Mission, lang., iii., 654. Lassen's Butte, locality, North California, i., 447. Lassics, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 446; lang., iii., 593. Lasso, i., 493, 724. Las Vegas River, i., 464. Lath oc Katun, ii., 762, see 46. LocÈnes, Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; lang., iii., 761. Loch, QuichÉ chief, v., 564. Locklomnees, i., 450, See Socklumnes. Lockqualillas, i., 296, See Lackquelibla. Locobo, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Locollomillos, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Locusts, famine caused by, v., 601. Lodges, See Dwellings. Logwood, Maya commerce, i., 658. Lojos Aogni, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Lolmet Ahau, QuichÉ official, ii., 644. Lolmet Quehnay, QuichÉ official, ii., 644. Loloncooks, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 447. Lompoc (Lompoe), South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458-9. Longtonguebuffs, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 309. Long Valley, i., 469. Loomis, i., 209, See Lummis. Loomnears, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Looms, i., 165, 191, 215-16, 502-3, 544, 582, 630, 724, 766-7. Lopas, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 445. Lopillamillos (Lupilomis), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Lopstatimnes, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450. Loquamish, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 301. Loquilts, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 311. Lorenzo, village, South California, i., 458. Loreto, village, Lower California, i., 557, 603-4; lang., iii., 687. Los Alamos, village, Sonora, i., 607. Los Angeles, village and county, South California, tribes described, i., 402-22; special mention, i., 403-4, 407, 409, 411, 420, 460; myth., iii., 84; v., 19; antiq., iv., 695; town, Puebla, i., 671. Los Cruces, village, South California, i., 459. Los Dolores, village, Sonora, i., 606. Los Edificios, name of Quemada ruins, Zacatecas, antiq., iv., 580. Los Llagos Canada, locality, South California, i., 630, 657; ii., 384, 474-91; Central Americans, i., 698-9, 724, 766-7; ii., 752. Manzanilla, used as poison, i., 723, 762. Manzanillos (San Blas Indians), tribe of Isthmians, i., 747-85; location, i., 796; special mention, i., 753, 784. Manzanita, North California, food, i., 340. Mapilca, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 455. Mapimi, see Bolson de Mapimi. Maps, i., 68, 165, 239, 274-5; ii., 224, 236, 380, 388, 424, 443, 487-8; iv., 283, 748-9. Mapulcanas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Maquelnoteers, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 443. Maquiapemes, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 612. Maran, ii., 677, See Chin. Marani, Inland Columbian tribe, food, i., 265. Maraveres, Central Mexican tribe, i., 617-44; location, i., 672. Marcasite, used for painting, ii., 327; iii., 360-1. Mar de CortÉs, See California Gulf. Margajita, a species of mineral, ii., 478, 480. Marhoos, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 305. Maribios (Maribichoa), Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 791. Maricopa Copper Mine, i., 528, 601. Maricopas (Cocomaricopas), tribe of Pueblos, i., 526-56; location, i., 526, 602; special mention, i., 530, 533-4, 544, 547-53, 555-6; myth., iii., 131, 527; lang., iii., 684-6. Maricopa Wells, i., 602. Marietta, Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 767. Mariguana, a narcotic herb, i., 633. Mariguanes, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Marimba, a musical instrument, i., 664, 705, 738. Marin County, Cal., i., 363
582; Mexicans, i., 624, 656; ii., 161, 361, 386, 440, 572, 621; iii., 335; iv., 402; Central Americans, i., 697-9, 724, 745, 766; ii., 669, 739, 787. Mattole Creek, i., 447. Mattoles (Matoles), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 447; myth., iii., 86; v., 14, 19; lang., iii., 643. Matzahuas, i., 674, See Mazahuas. Matzopetztli, Nahua bracelets, ii., 404. Maucotah, See Mahucutah. Maugna, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 460. Mauhemi, i., 350, see Mow-wee-mas. Mawish, Nez PercÉs' spirit of fatigue, i., 284. Max, a species of leaf in Yucatan, ii., 737. Maxatecaz, Nahua maskers, iii., 429. MaxcanÚ, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 262. Maxio, Toltec queen, v., 271. Maxixcatzin, Ocotelulco lord, v., 503. Maxtla, a Tepanec prince, and king of Coyuhuacan, v., 373, 384-94, 499; lord of Tlachco, v., 439. Maxtlatzin, a Toltec noble, v., 276, 283-4. Maxtli, Nahua dress, ii., 144, 365-6, 618, 726-8. Mayacomas (Mayacmas), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, 451-2. Mayapan, ancient name and capital of Yucatan, i., 645; ii., 632-7, 654; antiq., iv., 240-3, 268, 274-5, 277; hist., v., 159, 224-7, 615, 618-19, 622-3, 626, 629-34. Maya nations, manners and customs described, i., 645-747; ii., 630-803; government, property, etc., ii., 632-60; education, ii., 661-4; marriage, women, etc., ii., 664-86; food, ii., 718-25; dress, ii., 675. Miahuaxochitl, Mexican princess and queen, v., 363. Miamisburg, Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 777-8. Mica, Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 782. Micaotli, Mexico, antiq., iv., 537. Micapetlacoli, Nahua goddess, iii., 396. Miccacuicatl, Nahua funeral chant, ii., 607. Miccailhuitzintli, Nahua month, ii., 328, 510. Mice, as food, i., 405, 430, 561, 576. Michatoyatl, river, Guatemala, v., 607. Michitlatecotle, iii., 396, See Mictlantecutli. Michlaits, i., 295, See Matchclats. Michoacan (Michuacan), tribes, etc., described, i., 617-44; ii., 133-629; location, i., 674-8; myth., iii., 66-7, 403, 445-7, 541; lang., iii., 737, 744-7; antiq., iv., 569-72; hist., ii., 107-8; v., 434, 508-26. Michoacaques, i., 643, See Tarascos. Micksucksealtons (Micksucksealtoms), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 312-14. Micla (Mimilla), Guatemala, antiq., iv., 115. Mictecacihuatl, iii., 401, See Mictlancihuatl. Mictlan, Nahua Hades, ii., 648; iii., 396, 534-6; locality, San Salvador, i., 484; v., 609-11. Mictlancalco, subterranean palace, iii., 254; iv., 544. Mictlancihuatl (Mictanihuatl, Mictecacihuatl, Miquitecacigua), Nahua goddess, iii., 396-402; v., 41. Mictlantecutli (Michitlatecotle, Mictlanteuctli, Miquitlamtecotl, Miquitlantecotli), Nahua god, ii., 338, 340; iii., 59, 396-403; iv., 514. MictlanteucyÒhua, Nahua calendar sign and god, ii., 516. Mictlantongo, Miztec dialect, iii., 749. Mictlanzinco, locality, Mexico, v., 472. Midwives, i., 634; ii., 268-71, 678. Miemissouks, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Migrations, Hyperboreans, i., 71, 87, 116; Columbians, iii., 608; Californians, i., 325; iii., 637-8; general, v., 138-9; Nahua nations, ii., 537-9, 543-51<
ernal">492. Mixcoatl, Nahua god, ii., 335-6, 351-2; iii., 118, 403-6. Mixcohua, king of Culhuacan, v., 484. Mixcohuas, tribe of Nahuas, hist., v., 241. Mixcohuatepec, name of a temple in Mexico, v., 409. Mixcohuatl, Chichimec king, v., 220; (Mixcohuatzin), king of Tlatelulco, v., 349, 364. Mixcohuatl Amacohtle, Nahua chief, v., 242. Mixcohuatl Mazatzin, a Toltec ruler, v., 241, 248-50. Mixiuhtlan, locality, Mexico, v., 345. Mixquiahuala, Mexico, antiq., iv., 545. Mixtecapan, i., 678, See Miztecapan. Mixtecas (MixtÈques), i., 671, 678, See Miztecs. Mixtecatl, Nahua chief, v., 223; founder of Miztecs, v., 527. Mizquiahuala, station, Aztec migration, v., 324. Mizquic, province, Mexico, v., 310, 346. Mizquicas, Nahua nation, ii., 133-629; name, ii., 129; hist., v., 307-10. Mizquihuacan, city, Vera Cruz, i., 675. Mizquitl, a Tlascaltec chief, v., 497. Mizquiyahualan, station, Chichimec migration, v., 294. Miztec Alto, Miztec dialect, iii., 749-52. Miztecapan (Mixtecapan), province, Oajaca, i., 678; ii., 109; hist., v., 415-17, 443-7, 461-2, 526-7, 531-6. Miztec Bajo, Miztec dialect, iii., 749-52. Miztecs, (MistÉken, Mixtecas, MixtÈques), Nahua nation, i., 645-70; ii., 133-629; location and name, i., 645, 678; ii., 109-10, 129; special mention, i., 646-8, 652-3, 657, 659-60, 668-9; ii., 142, 207-9, 228-9, 261, 277, 280, 368, 371, 466, 624, 629; myth., iii., 70-3, 513, 541; v., 13, 20; lang., iii., 745-52; v., 527; hist., v., 515. Movas, village, Sonora, i., 601. Mowatchits, i., 295, See Moachets. Mow-wee-mas (Mauhemi), North Californian name for chiefs, i., 348. Mox, ii., 767, See Imox. Moxic, Tzendal day, ii., 767; Chiapanec hero, v., 605. Moxonavi, i., 601, See Moszasnavi. Moyotlan (Mayotla), suburb of Mexico, ii., 563. Moyucuyatzin, Nahua god, iii., 194. Mozahui, i., 675, See Mazahuas. Mozcas, iii., 269, See Muyscas. Mozeloquitzin, Chichimec king, v., 220. Mozot, medicinal herb, ii., 795. Mptolyas CaÑon, Oregon, antiq., iv., 734. Muan (Moan), Maya month, ii., 692, 757-8. Mucaw, a species of wood, i., 761. Mucchita, Nayarits' abode of souls, iii., 529. Muchlaht, i., 295, See Matchclat. Muckalucs, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; special mention, i., 351. Muck-a-muck, North Californian food, i., 358. Mud, See Earth. Muddy River, i., 464. Muerto Island, Isthmus, antiq., iv., 20. Muetasac, name of month in Chiapas, ii., 766. Mugeres Island, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 260-1. Mugu, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458-9. Muhasal, Towka boy of 10 years, i., 732. Muingpe, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Mukelemnes (Mukeemnes), i., 450, See Mokelumnes. Mulatos, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Mules, i., 490-2, 496, 505, 539, 544, 561, 659. Mullateco, Central Californian dialect, iii., 650. Multnomahs (Mathlanobs, Moltnomas, Moltnomahs), tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 309; special mention, i., 229; lang., iii., 626. Mulu, v., 605, See Molo. Muluc, Maya day, calendar sign, and god, ii., 703, 755-6, 760-1; iii., 122. Mumah, QuichÉ sanctuary, iii., 481. Mumaltachi, Central California, lang., iii., 650. Mummies, ii., 604; iii., 54, 500. Mumuehitl, parched corn, ii., 354. Muna, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 693, 741; iii., 473. Nacooche Valley, Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 768. Nacori, village, Sonora, i., 606-7. Nacuix, name of Chichimec country, v., 219. Nacxit, king of Copan, v., 552, 558. Nacxitl, Nahua god, iii., 416. NÁÉlims (Nahelems), tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 307. Nagailers, tribe of Tinneh, i., 114-37; location, i., 145. Nagarandas, i., 792, See Nagrandans. Naggeuktormutes (Naggeuktoomutes), tribe of Eskimos, i., 40-69; location, i., 42, 138. Nagrandans (Nagarandas, Nagrandas), Guatemala tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 688, 792; hist., v., 613. Nagualism, belief in a guardian spirit, i., 740; ii., 277; iii., 458-9, 467, 482. Nagun-alayeksa, i., 37, See Unalaska. Nahajuey, i., 459, See Nahuey. Naha-'tdinnÈ, Kutchin dialect, iii., 587. Nahchess River, i., 320. Nahelems, i., 307, see NÁÉlims. Nahlohs, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 449. Nahual Teteuctin, Nahua order of chivalry, v., 253. Nahua Nations (Nahoas), manners and customs, ii., 133-629; name, ii., 129; government, ii., 133-239, 433-72; education, ii., 240-51; marriage, ii., 251-66; women and children, ii., 266-81; amusements, ii., 283-301; festivals and feasts, ii., 302-41; food, ii., 342-62; dress, ii., 363-77; commerce, ii., 378-97; boats, ii., 397-9; weapons and war, ii., 400-32; arts and manufactures, ii., 473-92; oratory and poetry, ii., 492-7; arithmetic, ii., 497-500; calendar, ii., 502-22; hieroglyphics, ii., 523-52; dwellings and architecture, ii., 160-174, 553-89; medicine, ii., 591-602; burial, ii., 603-23; physique, ii., 624-5; character, ii., 626-9; manners and customs also described with Mexicans Central and Southern, i., 617-70; location, i., 617, 670-81; myth., ii., 200-15, 245-6, 292, 299. Neutubvig, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Neuwitties, i., 295, See Newittees. Nevada, manners and customs of tribes, i., 422-42; location, i., 322, 460, 465-9; lang., iii., 661-3; antiq., iv., 713-14. Nevada County, California, antiq., iv., 706. Nevichumnes, i., 450, See Newatchumnes. Nevome, Pima dialect, iii., 695. New Almaden, California, antiq., iv., 696. Newark, Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 758-9, 785. Newaskees, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 309. Newatchumnes (Nevichumnes, Newichumnes), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450; lang., iii., 649. Newatees, i., 175, See Newittees. Newathie, Mojave god, iii., 175. New Caledonia, i., 145, 313. Newchemas (Nuchimas), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295; special mention, i., 178, 182; lang., iii., 608. New Dungeness, locality, Washington, i., 212. New Granada, iv., 15, See Colombia. Newicarguts, tribe of Tinneh, i., 114-37; location, i., 115, 147. Newittees (Naweetees, Newatees, Neuwitties, Newette), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 175, 292, 295. New Mexicans, one of the seven groups into which the natives of the Pacific States are divided, located in New Mexico, Arizona, Lower California, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, northern Zacatecas, and western Texas, between latitudes 36° and 23°, longitude, 96° and 117°, subdivided into four families—the Apaches, Pueblos, Lower Californians, and Northern Mexicans; manners and customs of each described separately, i., 471-614; location, divisions and tribal boundaries, i., 471-3, 591-614; myth., i., 520, 538, 553-4, 587-8; iii., 75-85, 169-75, 526-31; lang., i., 528; iii., 568-9, 680-722; antiq., i., 537-8; iv., 615-86; origin, v., 20; hist., v., 537-8. New Mexico, tribes, i., 471-556, 591-601; lang., iii., 593-5, 660-4, 680-3; antiq., iv., 615-86. New River, i., 445, 458, 208; lang., iii., 609. Nitinat Sound, i., 175, 295-7. Niyuna, name for Comanches, i., 473. Noaches, tribe of Shoshones, i., 422-42; location, i., 464. Noah, origin theory, v., 9-12. Nobles, Mexicans, ii., 186-200, 225, 373-7, 441; iii., 434; v., 456-7; Central Americans, i., 770-1; ii., 636-44, 663-4, 673-4, 693-4, 727, 784-5; v., 579-82, 588-9, 591-2. Nocasari, village, Sonora, i., 605. Noches, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 460; lang., iii., 686. Nochiztlan, Miztec dialect, iii., 749. Nochiztli, cochineal insect, ii., 486. Noconi (Yiuhtas), tribe of Apaches, i., 473-526; location, i., 592. Nocto, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Nocuma, Acagchemem god, iii., 164. Noh, QuichÉ-Cakchiquel day, ii., 767. Nohcacab, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 200-2, 211, 218-9. Nohenial, name for west Yucatan, v., 615. Nohhannies, i., 148, See Nehannes. Nohioalli, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Nohpat (Noh Pat), Yucatan, antiq., iv., 202, 211. Nohtscho, village, North California, i., 444. Noimucks, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Noisas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Noiyucans, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Noj, Istlavacan god, iii., 482. Nombre de Dios, town, Zacatecas, i., 614; town, Darien, iii., 794; v., 613. Nomee Cults, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 442. Nomee Lacks (Nome Lackees), North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 442, 451. Nonohualca, Chichimec king, v., 220. Nonohualcas, Tabasco tribe, i., 644-70, ii., 133-629; location and name, i., 791; ii., 112, 444. Ojai (Aujay), South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Ojo del Pescado, New Mexico, antiq., iv., 647-8. Okanagan Lake, i., 251. Okanagan River, i., 251, 253, 312. Okanagans (Oakinackens, Oakinacks, Okinakanes), tribe of Shushwaps, i., 250-91; location, i., 251, 312-13; special mention, i., 256-7, 260, 262, 264-5, 268, 270-2, 275-6, 278-81, 284, 288-90; myth., iii., 153-4, 519; lang., iii., 616; origin, v., 22. Okenokes, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 445. Okkowish, name for Modocs, i., 444. Okot uil, Maya dance, ii., 697. Okowvinjha, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Okshee, name for Klamaths, i., 444. Olalti, name of month in Chiapas, ii., 766. Olamentkes, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 449; lang., iii., 648, 654. Olanches (Olash), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450, 456. Olancho, locality, Honduras, i., 790, 793; antiq., iv., 70. Olcacaran, medicinal plant, i., 640. Olchones, i., 453, See Alchones. Old age, treatment of aged, i., 390, 437, 515, 568. Oleepas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450; special mention, i., 389-90, 398. Olemos, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Olestura, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Olhones (Oljon), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453; iii., 653; lang., iii., 653. Oliliuhqui, Nahua drug, ii., 601. Oliman, station, QuichÉ migration, v., 185, 562. Olintepec, Guatemala, antiq., iv., 124. Olives, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613; lang., iii., 744. Oljon, i., 453, See 435-6. Ornaments, Hyperboreans, i., 72-3, 88-9, 97-100, 122, 128, 133; Columbians, i., 159, 165, 179-80, 182-3, 211, 258; Californians, i., 333, 387-8, 424-6; New Mexicans, i., 482-4, 532-3, 558-9, 574-5; iii., 180; antiq., iv., 678; Mexicans, i., 623, 649-51; ii., 290-1, 319-27, 337, 372-7, 395-6, 407, 440-1, 604, 606, 621; iii., 238, 249, 289-96, 314, 324-5, 385, 390-2, 423, 427; antiq., iv., 376, 383, 539; Central Americans, i., 691, 716-17, 752-4; ii., 635, 732-3; antiq., iv., 18, 20, 22-4; Mississippi Valley, antiq., iv., 778-9; Peru, antiq., iv., 792. Orosaqui, village, Sonora, i., 606. OrotiÑa, city, Nicaragua, v., 613. OrotiÑans (Oretigua), Guatemalan (Nicaragua) tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 688, 792; v., 613; lang., iii., 791-3. Oroville, California, antiq., iv., 707. Oruks, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 446. Osacalis, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Ossegons, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 446. Ostotl, Tlascala, antiq., iv., 478. Ostuta, Chiapas, antiq., iv., 354. Otaquitamones, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 610. Othomis, i., 673, See Otomis. Otlatl, bamboo, ii., 410. Otoacte, Central Californian tribe
>, 765, 775; ii., 363, 365, 484, 557; v., 221, 633. Palmillas, forts, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 447. Palmitos, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 612. Palos Verdes, village, South California, i., 460. Palouse (Paloose, Palus, Peloose, Peluse), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 253, 318; special mention, i., 267, 290; lang., iii., 620-4. Palouse River, i., 253, 317-18; myth., iii., 94-5. Paloushiss, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Palpa, Mosquito food, i., 719. Paltocac, i., 458, See Partocac. Palus, i., 318, See Palouse. Palux, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 305. Pamaca, city, Guatemala, name for Zacualpa, v., 587. Pamaques, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Pamasus, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Pames, Central Mexican tribe, i., 617-44; location, i., 617, 672-3; special mention, i., 624, 643; lang., iii., 742-3; v., 510. Pamoranos, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 612. Pampopas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611-12. Pancacoya River, Guatemala, antiq., iv., 120. PanamÁ, Isthmian province and tribe, i., 747-85; location, i., 796; special mention, i., 751, 770, 775-6, 784; antiq., iv., 15-16. Panamekas, tribe of Mosquitos, i., 711-47; location, i., 713. Panchoy Valley, Guatemala, v., 569. Panes, Acagchemem buzzard-feast, iii., 168. Panguais (Panguajes), North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Panniers, See Baskets. Panoaia, v., 189, see PÁnuco. Panoteca, i., 674, See Panteca. Panotlan, i., 674, see PÁnuco. Panquetzaliztli, Nahua month, ii., 337, 394-6, 185; ii., 575, 578; antiq., iv., 23, 175, 398, 466. Pavilion River, i., 318. Pawacume, Chichimec Wanacace ruler, v., 515-22. Pawlowskojes, tribe of Aleuts, i., 87-94; location, i., 141. Pawluchs, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 317. Pax (Paax), Maya month, ii., 693, 757-8. Paxchales, i., 611, See Pachales. Paxil Cayala, QuichÉ mythic region, ii., 716-17; v., 180, 184, 186. Paxpili (Axpitil), South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 458. Payaguas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Payanmin, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 454. Payaqui, name for Chiquimula kingdom, v., 545. Paya River, i., 796-7. Payas, Guatemalan tribe, i., 686-711; location, i., 790. Payas, tribe of Isthmians, i., 747-85; location, i., 797. Paye-Tome, Brazil god, v., 23-4. Paynal, Nahua god, iii., 387-8. Paynalton, Nahua god, iii., 187, 298-9, 303. Paysim, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 455. Payuches i., 464, See Pi Utahs. PÁ Yutas, i., 466, See Pah Utes. Payzanos, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 613. Peace, See Treaties. Peace River, i., 130, 144. Peaches, i., 505, 539. Peahay, food of Inland Columbian tribes, i., 265. Pearl Island, lang., iii., 794. Pearl Key Lagoon, i., 794. Pearls, i., 165, 258, 382, 408, 558-9, 574, 583-4, 651, 768; ii., 376, 481, 733, 750; iv., 782. Pechetaro, locality, Michoacan, v., 518. Pecos (Navon de los Pecos), Pueblo village, i., 527, 554, 688, 790; ii., 123, 130; special mention, ii., 645, 651, 657-9, 665-70, 675, 678, 680-1, 706-8, 719, 728, 730, 741, 745-7, 800-1; myth., iii., 484-8, 507, 542; hist., v., 585-6, 598, 606-11. Pipiolcomic, station, Aztec migration, v., 323. Piraraylos, Isthmian title, i., 770. Pirindas, name for Matlaltzincas, i., 677; hist., v., 523-4. Piro, North Mexican lang., iii., 714. Piscaous, i., 316, See Pisquouse. Piscour River, i., 312. Piscouse (Piscous), i., 316, See Pisquouse. Pishquitpaws, i., 271, See Pisquitpaws. Pishwanwapums, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 320. Piskwaus, i., 316, See Pisquouse. Pisones, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 612; lang., iii., 744. Pisquitpaws (Pishquitpaws, Pisquitpahs), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 321; special mention, i., 258, 271. Pisquouse (Piscaous, Piscous, Piscouse, Piskwaus), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 253, 312, 316; special mention, i., 275; lang., iii., 618. Pisquouse River, i., 316. Pistol River, i., 442. Pita, a species of hemp, i., 657-8, 689-90, 697-9, 766; ii., 409. Pitahaya (Petajaya), a fruit used for food, etc., i., 539-40, 550, 560, 576, 586, 624. Pitao-Cocobi, Zapotec god, iii., 457. Pitao Cozaana, Zapotec god, iii., 449. Pitao-Xoo, Zapotec god, iii., 457. Pitas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Pitaycachi Valley, i., 250-91; location, i., 317. Poloyamas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 456. Polyandry, i., 66, 82, 197. Polyer, i., 793, See Poyer. Polygamy, See Marriage. Pomos, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location and name, i., 362, 448; special mention, i., 325, 379, 396; lang., iii., 643-4, 646. Pome Pomos, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location and name, i., 362, 448. Pompey, Mississippi Valley, antiq., v., 115. Pomulumas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Ponderas, i., 252, see Pend d'Oreilles. Ponds, ii., 165, 353; iii., 435. PÓnida, village, Sonora, i., 606. Pook, Mojave shell-money, i., 506. Pop, (Poop, Popp), Maya month, ii., 695, 757. Popkah, bulb eaten by Inland Columbian tribes, i., 265. Popocatepetl, ominous eruption of, v., 460. Popocaxtli, vase, Tlascala, antiq., iv., 479. Popoconaltepetl, mountain, v., 207. Popole, iv., 260, See Pole. Popolocas (Popolucas), i., 677, See Tlapanecs. Popol Winak Chituy, QuichÉ official, ii., 644. Popol Winak Pahom Tzalatz Xcaxeba, QuichÉ official, ii., 644. Popotlan, (Popotla), locality, Mexico, iii., 298; station, Aztec migration, v., 323, name for Tacuba. PÓpulo, village, Sonora, i., 605. Poquietl, perfume canes, ii., 206. Porcupine, i., 128, 258, 425, 482-3, 753, 761; ii., 601. Porcupine River, i., 115, 146-7. Porpoise, i., 103. Porsiuncula River, i., 456. Port Discovery, i., 210-12, 219-20, 302. Porterfield, California, antiq., iv., 704. Porters, See Carriers. Port Essington, i., 293. Porticoes, Nahua market places, ii., 383, 565. Portland Canal, i., 143, 293-4. Port Ludlow, i., 302. Porto Belo, i., 680-3. Pueblo Una Vida, New Mexico, antiq., iv., 662. Pueblo Viejo, iv., 73, name for Tenampua. Pueblo Viejo, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 443-4, 451. Pueblo Weje-gi, New Mexico, antiq., iv., 661. Puente de los Bergantines, Mexico, antiq., iv., 528. Puente Nacional, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 437-8. Pugallipamish, i., 301, See Puyallupamish. Pugallipi, i., 301, See Puyallup. Puget Sound, i., 151, 208, 212, 214, 217, 219, 221-2, 298, 301; lang., iii., 615. Puget's Island, i., 307. PuiÁles, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 299. Puichon, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Puip, a medicinal plant, i., 522. Pujuni, i., 450, See Bushumnes. Pulpones (Pulpenes), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, 452. Pulque, Mexican drink, i., 517, 636, 706; ii., 310, 359, 724; iii., 348, 408-10; v., 207-8. Pumpkin, See Calabash. Punishment, see Government and Children. Punta Arenas, locality, Darien, i., 797. Punta Gorda, locality, Honduras, i., 793, 795. Puplems, Acagchemem sorcerers, iii., 166. PurÍsima, California, antiq., iv., 695. PurÍsima Concepcion de Arnedo, locality, Nuevo Leon, i., 673; lang., iii., 742. Purmo, Lower California, antiq., iv., 602. Puruai Mountain, i., 600. Purutabui, Pericui god, iii., 84. Purutea, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Pushunes, i., 450, See Bushumnes. Putos Creek, i., 452. Puyacantes, Comanche sorcerers, iii., 170. Puyallupamish (Pugallipamish, Puyyallapamish), tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 299, 301. Puyallup (Pugallipi, Puyallop) River, i., 301. Puycone, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Puzlumne, Central California, lang., iii., 649-50. Py Edes, i., 293. Quauhtlaqualli, corn cake, ii., 355. Quauhtlatohuatzin
class="pgexternal">594. Redwood Creek, i., 329, 446; lang., iii., 643. Redwood Valley, i., 362, 448. Reeds, various uses, Hyperboreans, i., 74, 90; Columbians, i., 261; Californians, i., 336, 341, 345, 368-9, 372, 377-8, 381-4, 393, 404, 406, 408, 428; New Mexicans, i., 494-5, 505, 533, 541, 558-63, 575-6, 579-83; Mexicans, i., 624, 627; ii., 259, 300, 398, 406, 484, 573; iii., 334-5, 360, 435; Central Americans, i., 692, 699, 722, 724, 754-6, 761, 774; ii., 742-3, 784-5. Reese River, i., 462. Refugio Playa, locality, South California, i., 459. Reindeer, i., 118, 128-9. Rekquas, North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 444. Relics, of Camaxtli, v., 497; see also Antiquities. Religion, See Mythology. Remedios, village, Sonora, i., 601. Reno, town, Nevada, i., 469. Reptiles, i., 373-5, 379, 405, 417, 419, 428, 430, 539, 560-1, 568, 576-7, 625, 758-9; ii., 234, 315, 356, 721. Reservoirs, i., 539; ii., 565, 575; antiq., iv., 198, 145-6, 151-3, 252, 311-12, 322, 461. Rogue River, i., 222, 326, 327, 442-3. Rogue River Indians (Lototen, Tootooton, Tototen, Tototin, Tototutna, Totutime, Totutune, Toutouni, Tutoten, Tutunahs, Tututamy), North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 327, 443; special mention, i., 328, 332, 338, 341, 344, 346, 355, 361. Roil-roil-pam, name of Kliketat country, i., 254, 321. Rojas, Don Juan de, QuichÉ king, v., 566. Rollers, ii., 329, 354, 482-3, 557; iii., 385. Romanons (Romanans), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, 453. Romans, American origin traces, v., 123. Roofs, i., 74, 89, 102, 161, 211, 334-5, 372, 404, 486-7, 535, 537, 560, 575, 624, 651-2, 692-3, 718, 755-6; ii., 161, 557, 571-4, 784-6; antiq., iv., 257, 269, 303, 325-6, 331, 339-403, 585-6, 666-7. Roots, various uses, i., 57, 79, 90-1, 101, 103, 123, 130, 159, 166, 180, 187, 204, 212-14, 233-6, 261, 264-7, 340, Manzanillos. San Buenavent River, i., 459. San Buenaventura, Chihuahua, antiq., iv., 603. San Buenaventura, mission, South California, i., 459; antiq., iv., 695. San Carlos, mission, Central California, lang., iii., 653. Sanchines, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. San Christobal (San Chrisobal, San Cristoval), mission, Guatemala, i., 788. Sanchu, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. San Clemente Island, i., 460. San CristÓval, Oajaca, antiq., iv., 373; see also San Christobal. San ChristÓval Teopantepec, Puebla, antiq., iv., 466. Sand, i., 158, 163, 178, 181, 285, 395, 566, 722, 758; ii., 481; iii., 80; v., 472. Sandajuanes, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 611. Sandals, See Shoes. Sandia, i., 599, See Zandia. San Diego County, i., 457-8, 460. San Diego, town and mission, South California, i., 458. San Dimas, locality, Durango, i., 614. San Dionisio, village, Oajaca, i., 680. SanÉls, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 362, 451; special mention, i., 386; myth., iii., 524; lang., iii., 643-4. San Estevan Island, i., 604. Sanetch, tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295-7. San Felipe, Pueblo village, i., 458, 527, 600; lang., iii., 681; antiq., iv., 663. San Fernando, village, Lower California, i., 603. San Fernando, mission, South California, i., 459-60; lang., iii., 660, 675. San Francisco, village, Oajaca, i., 680. San Francisco Bay, Central California, i., 361-401, 452-3; lang., iii., 652; antiq., iv., 710-11. San Francisco de Borgia, mission, Lower California, lang., iii., 690. San Francisco de Coahuila, mission, Coahuila, i., 610, 612. San Francisco Istaltepec, village, Oajaca, i., 680. San Francisco Javier (Xavier), mission, Lower California, i., 603; lang., iii., 691-2. San Francisco Mountains, i., 467, 598. San Francisco de Ocuapa, village, Tabasco, i., 454; lang., iii., 656; antiq., iv., 696. Santa Cruz, mission, Guatemala, i., 788. Santa Cruz, village, Sonora, i., 606. Santa Cruz del QuichÉ, locality, Guatemala, v., 564. Santa Cruz Island, i., 402, 459; lang., iii., 658-9. Santa Cruz River, i., 602. Santa Delfina CaÑon, Utah, antiq., iv., 733. Santa Gertrudis, mission, Lower California, lang., iii., 691-2. Santa Inez, mission, South California, i., 420, 459; lang., iii., 651. Santa Margarita, village, South California, i., 460. Santa Maria, mission, Lower California, lang., iii., 690. Santa Maria, village, Darien, i., 796. Santa Maria, village, Oajaca, i., 680, 682. Santa Maria, Yucatan, antiq., iv., 219. Santa Maria Chimalapa, village, Oajaca, i., 682. Santa Maria de los Alamos, Mexico, antiq., iv., 549. Santa Maria River, Guatemala, antiq., iv., 120. Santa Maria River, Vera Cruz, antiq., iv., 448. Santa-Marta, province, Darien, i., 796. Santander, town, Tamaulipas, i., 613. Santa Rosa Island, i., 409, 449; antiq., iv., 694-5. Santa RosalÍa, village, Sonora, i., 601. Santa Rosa de Nadadores, village, Coahuila, i., 612. Santa SinforÓsa, village, Chihuahua, i., 609. Santa Ysabel, village, South California, i., 458. Santiago, Pueblo village, i., 600. Santiago, mission, Lower California, i., 604. Santiago Ixcuintla, Jalisco, antiq., iv., 575-7. Santo Domingo, Pueblo village, i., 527, 600; lang., iii., 681; antiq., iv., 666-7. Santo Domingo, village, Guatemala, i., 789. Santo Domingo, village, Chiapas, iv., 290, 294. Santo Tomas, village, Sonora, i., 606. Santo Tomas, Peru, antiq., iv., 797. Santoton, Chiapas, antiq., iv., 353. San Vicente, province and city, Salvador, antiq., iv., 68-9. San Vicente Mountain, i., 791. San Vincent, Leeward Islands, i., 793. San Yldefonso, i., 599, See San Ildefonso. Sapotitlan, province, Guatemala, i., 788. Sapototots (Lapototots), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450. Saptin River, i., 463, See Snake River. Sapuyal, sapote kernel, i., 695. Saracatzi, village, Sonora, i., 607. Saraise, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Sarbacan, Nahua blow-pipe, ii., 351. Sargentarukas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 528. Seshats (Seshahts, Shecharts), tribe of Nootkas, i., 174-208; location, i., 295, 297. Sespe, South Californian tribe, i., 402-22; location, i., 459. Seven, sacred number, iii., 270. Seven Caves, name for Chicomoztoc and Tulan Zuiva, q. v. Severnovskia, name for Chwachamaju, i., 449. Severnozer, name for Chwachamaju, i., 449. Sevier Lake, i., 422, 464-8. Sevier (Severe) River, i., 467. Sevier Valley, i., 464, 468. Sewatpallas, i., 318, See Selloatpallahs. Sexes, i., 93, 128, 170, 390, 393, 416-17, 551-2, 566, 703-4; ii., 243-5, 290, 695, 723. Sextapay, South California lang., iii., 656-8. Seywamenes (Saywamines), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450; lang., iii., 649. Shahaptans, i., 316, See Sahaptins. Shaistches, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 314. Shaktolik (Schaktol, Schaktulack) Bay, i., 141. Shalachmushumnes, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450. Shalalas (Shalalahs, Shallalahs), tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306-7. Shaltattos (Shallatos), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 320-1. Shaman, a sorcerer, i., 77, 85, 522; iii., 141-4, 147-8, 152. Shamooinaughs, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 317. Shanelkayas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 451. Shasta Butte, locality, North California, i., 444, 447. Shasta Mountains, i., 327, 447, 451. Shasta River, i., 446. Shastas (Chastay, SastÉ, Shaste, Shasty, Weohows), North Californian tribe, i., 326-61; location, i., 327, 446-7; special mention, i., 333, 342, 344, 351, 361; myth., iii., 547; v., 19; lang., iii., 640. Shasta Valley, i., 423-6; dwellings, i., 426-7; food, i., 427-30; personal habits, i., 430-1; weapons and war, i., 431-4; implements, i., 434-5; boats, property, government, i., 435; slavery, i., 435-6; marriage and women, i., 436-7; amusements and miscellaneous customs, i., 437-9; medicine and burial, i., 439-40; character, i., 440-2; location, of tribes, i., 152, 322, 422, 460-70; myth., iii., 93-4, 157; lang., iii., 567-8, 660-79. Shoshones (Shoshonee, Shoshonie), i., 422, See Snakes. Shoshoteos, i., 469, See Tosawees. Shothoucs, i., 462, See Snakes. S'Hotlemamish, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 301. Shotos, tribe of Chinooks, i., 222-50; location, i., 306, 308. Shouagan (Showgan), tribe of Haidahs, i., 155-74; location, i., 292. Shoushwaps, i., 310, See Shushwaps. Shrouders, burial, ii., 603, 615, 619, 799-800; iii., 406. Shucu, i., 458, See Xucu. Shumagin (Schumaginsk) Islands, i., 61, 87, 142. Shumeias, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; special mention, i., 379; location, i., 448. ShÚmuthpÀ, Moqui village, i., 528, 600. Shungopawe, i., 601, See Xougopavi. Shushwap Lake, i., 310; iii., 613. Shushwaps, one of the nine families into which the Columbians are divided; manners and customs of all its nations and tribes described together; i., 251-91; location, i., 151, 251-2, 310-12. Shushwaps (Schouchouap, Shoopshap, Shooshaps, Shooshewap, Shoushwaps, Shushwapmuch, Shuswapmuch, Shuswaps, Soushwap, Suwapamuck), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 310-11; special mention, i., 256, 259-60, 264-5, 271, 276, 289; lang., iii., 613. Shuttle, i., 502, 582. Shuyelpi, i., 314, see ChaudiÈres.
g.org/files/41070/41070-h/41070-h.htm#Page_384" class="pgexternal">384, 388, 403, 423-6, 432, 440; New Mexicans, i., 481-3, 486-7, 495-6, 505, 531-2, 541, 545, 558-60, 567, 574, 579, 583; Mexicans, i., 620-1, 627, 630, 648, 650, 657, 659; ii., 311, 363-9, 386, 406-7, 440, 486, 524; iii., 355-8, 413, 415, 421; Central Americans, i., 705-6, 716, 726, 765, 768; ii., 731, 741-2, 771, 787. Skitsuish (Skitswish), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 314; lang., iii., 618. Skittageets (Skittdegates, SkittegÁs, Skittegetts), i., 292, See Skiddegats. Sklallam (Sklallum, S'klalum), i., 302; iii., 615, See Clallam. Skoielpoi, name for Colvilles, i., 252. Skokomish (Shokomish), tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 301-2. Skoocoom, Clallam evil spirit, iii., 155. Skopeahmish, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Skowhomish, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 311. Skowtous, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 311. Skrellings, account of, v., 110-12. Sktahlejums, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Skuckstanajumps, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Skuckstanajumps River, i., 300. Skulls, i., 12, 15, 46, 72, 158, 177, 204, 225; ii., 615. Snohomish River, i., 300. Snoqualimich, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Snoqualimich River, i., 300. Snoqualmook, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 299-300. Snoquamish, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 301. Snow, Eskimo dwellings, i., 53-4, 58; heavy fall in Mexico, v., 413. Snowhomish, i., 301, See Snohomish. Snow-shoes, i., 63, 264. Snuff, i., 76, 133; ii., 287-8, 600. Soayalpis (Soaiatlpi), Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 312; lang., iii., 616. Sobaipuris, (Sobaypuris), tribe of Pueblos, i., 526-56; location, i., 603; lang., iii., 694-5. Sobas, North Mexican tribe, i., 571-91; location, i., 606; lang., iii., 695. Sochimanque, iii., 420, See Xochimanqui. Sockamukes, tribe of Sound Indians, i., 208-22; location, i., 300. Sockatcheenums, Inland Columbian tribe, i., 250-91; location, i., 311. Socklumnes (Locklomnees), Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 450. Soclan, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 453. Socoas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 362, 449, 451. Socoisukas, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363, 452. SocolÉo, i., 788, See Zakuleu. Socollomillos, Central Californian tribe, i., 361-401; location, i., 363. Soconusco (Xoconochco), town and province, Chiapas, i., 680, 787; iii., 760; hist., v., 425, 473, 530, 534, 602, 604, 606. Socorro, New Mexico, antiq., iv., 663. Soda Springs, Idaho, myth., iii., 93-4. Sodomy, i., 81-2, 92, 415, 515, 585, 773-4; ii., 467-9, 664, 677-8; v., |