href="/files/58669/58669-h/58669-h.htm#Page_625" class="pgexternal">625. Bachicao, H., exped. to Pan., ii. 254-5. Bachiller, definition, etc., of word, i. 297. Badajoz, Capt. G. de, joins Pedrarias' exped. 1514, i. 390; exped. of, 1515, i. 412-17; defeat, i. 415-17; meeting with Espinosa, i. 420-1. Badillo, J. de, exped., etc., of, 1537, ii. 54-7. Balboa, V. N. de, character, i. 324, 454-5; early career, i. 324-5; gov. of Antigua, i. 329-30, 338-56; diplomacy, etc., of, i. 338-40; exped. against Careta, i. 354-6; visit to Comagre, i. 347-9; Panciaco's story, i. 347-8; exped. to Dabaiba, 1512, i. 351-2; defeats confederated tribes, i. 353; charges against, i. 356-7; crosses the Isthmus of Darien, i. 358-74; defeats Porque, i. 363-4; discovers the South Sea, etc., 1513, i. 129, 364-73; encounter with Chiapes, i. 369; canoe voyage of, i. 374-5; Tumaco's story, etc., i. 375-7; return to Antigua, i. 378-84; pacifies Teoca, i. 378; cruelty to Poncra, i. 379-80; Pocorosa's statement, i. 381; captures TubanamÁ, i. 381-3; sickness at Comagre, i. 383; spoils of exped., i. 384-5; superseded by Pedrarias, 1514, i. 393-4; trial of, i. 395; exped., 1515, i. 406-7; feud with DÁvila, i. 432-3, 437; capt.-gen. of Coiba and Pan., i. 435; betrothal, i. 439; reËstablishes Acla, 1516, i. 441; ship-building on the Balsas, 1517, i. 441-5; at the Pearl Islands, i. 445-52; fate of, forecast, i. 447-8; arrest of, i. 452-3; trial, i. 456-7; execution, 1517, i. 457-9. Balsas, Rio de las, ship-building on the, 1517, i. 442-5. Barahona, Admiral J. de, naval combat off Pan., 1680, ii. 535-7. Barbacoas, Morgan at, 1671, ii. 499. Barillas, M. L., president of Guat., 1886, iii. 451-2; cabinet, iii. 452. Barker, A., exped. to Hond., 1576, ii. 637-8. Barranco, ——, bishop of Hond., 1811-19, iii. 631. Barrientos, Vicar P. de, mention of, 1576, ii. 374. Barriere, P., proceedings of, iii. 45. Barrionuevo, Capt. F. de, gov. of Castilla del Oro, ii. 46, 51. Barrios, Gen. G., defence of Leon, 1844, iii. 199; at San Miguel, iii. 201; operations of, 1857, iii. 300; pronunciamiento, etc., of, iii. 301; coup d'État, iii. 302; president of Salv., iii. 302; operations, 1863, iii. 304-6; besieged at San Salv., iii. 477-8. Camargo, A. de, exped. of, 1539, i. 151. Camargo, M. de, gov. of Nic., ii. 607. Cambranes, F., bishop of Guat., ii. 378. Campbell, Capt., the Scots' colony, ii. 578-9. Campo, R., president of Salv., 1856, iii. 300-2. Campoy, F. de P., bishop of Hond., 1841, iii. 631. Camus, A. G., works of, ii. 760. Can, M. F., embassy of, 1695, ii. 689. Cana, sack of, ii. 586. Canales, battle of, 1526, ii. 83. CaÑas, A. J., minister to U. S., 1825, iii. 81. CaÑas, J., ruler of Salv., 1840, iii. 143. CaÑas, Gen. J. M., mention of, iii. 345-6; execution of, iii. 376. Cancer, Friar L., labors in Vera Paz, etc., ii. 353-5; exped. to Flor., ii. 355-6; martyrdom, 1549, ii. 356; biog., ii. 357. Cancuc, revolt at, 1712, ii. 697-704. Candia, P. de, conquest of Peru, ii. 11, 13. Cano, Friar A., mission of, 1685, ii. 680. Capac, M., inca of Peru, ii. 38; revolt of, ii. 39; defeat of, ii. 40. Carabajal, D. de, naval combat off Pan., 1680, ii. 535-7. Caravel, picture of, i. 187. Carbajal, Friar A. de, bishop of Pan., 1605-11, i. 476-7. Carbajal, R. de, mission to Pan., ii. 256-7; gov. of Pan., 1779, ii. 584. CÁrcamo y Rodriguez, bishop of Salv., iii. 632. CÁrdenas, A., president of Nic., 1883, iii. 485. CÁrdenas, Father T. de, bishop of Vera Paz, 1565, ii. 374-5. Cardona, J. de L., founds Quezaltenango, 1524, i. 638. Careta, Cacique, capture, etc., of, 1511, i. 343-6; friendship for Balboa, i. 359, 399; cruel treatment of, i. 399-400. Caribs, of Hond., iii. 609-10. Carrillo, B., revolt at Leon, 1812, iii. 14. Carrillo, Capt. L., Pedrarias' exped., 1514, i. 390; Balboa's exped., 1515, i. 406; death, i. 407. Carranza, B., provis. president of C. R., 1870, iii. 379-80. Carrasco, Licentiate, bishop-elect of Nic., ii. 434-5. Carrascosa, A., mention of, ii. 15. CarreÑo, J. M., intendente of PanamÁ, 1822, iii. 508-9. Carrera, R., insurrection of, 1837, iii. 124-8; biog., iii. 125; negotiations with, iii. 129-30; captures Guat., iii. 131-2; defeat at Villanueva, iii. 135-6; capitulation, iii. 137-8; pronunciamiento of, 1839, iii. 140; defeats Morazan, iii. 141-2; negotiations with Guzman, iii. 203; manifesto of, iii. 207-8; despotism of, iii. 264-7; president of Guat., 1844, iii. 267; plot against, iii. 268; attempted assassination of,
ginternal">167. Coronado, A. de, gov. of Pan., 1604, ii. 464. Coronado, F. V. de, exped. of, 1540, i. 152. Coronado, J. V., exped. of, ii. 427-30; gov. of C. R., 1565, ii. 430. Corpus, affair at, 1844, iii. 310. Corral, D. del, mission to Nicuesa, 1510, i. 331-3; intrigues, etc., of, i. 341; gov. of Antigua, 1522, i. 476. Corral, Gen., negotiations of, 1855, iii. 260; capitulation with Walker, 1855, iii. 335; execution of, iii. 337-8. Corregidor, jurisd., etc., of, i. 297. Corregimientos, suppression of, 1660-1790, ii. 715-16. Correoso, B., president of Pan., 1868-72, iii. 537-8; 1878, iii. 543; works of, iii. 559. Cortereal, G., voyage of, 1500, i. 114; 1501, i. 117. CÓrtes, decree of, iii. 5; memorial to, iii. 7; proceedings, iii. 30-1. CortÉs, H., exped. of, 1519, i. 133-4; popularity, etc., of, i. 522-3; Olid's exped., i. 524-8; exped. to Hond., 1524-6, i. 537-81; rumored death of, i. 544; machinations against, i. 572-5, 580-1; return to Mex., i. 582; Alvarado's exped., 1523-4, i. 627; Pizarro's, ii. 12, 14, 40. CortÉs, Archbishop, administr. of, 1778-9, ii. 726. CortÉs y Larraz, Dr P., archbishop of Guat., 1768, ii. 730-2. Corzo, Pilot, explorations of, ii. 246. Cosa, J. de la, map of, i. 115-16; friendship for Ojeda, i. 294; death of, 1509, i. 299. CosigÜina, volcano, eruption of, 1835, iii. 176-7. CosÍo y Campa, T. J. de, president of Guat., 1712-16, ii. 703-6; the Tzendal campaign, 1712-13, ii. 704-5. Costa Rica, Gutierrez exped. to, 1540-5, ii. 187-99; maps of, ii. 188; iii. 184, 234; Franciscans in, 1555-90, ii. 432-3; secession, 1821, iii. 49; union with Mex., iii. 66; assembly, iii. 178-9, 217-18, 224-5, 228, 374, 378-86; Nicoya incorporated with, 1825, iii. 179; location of capital, iii. 181; a state, iii. 183-4; secession, 1848, iii. 208-9; Morazan's invasion, 1842, iii. 216-17; Alfaro's revolt, iii. 219-22; constitution, iii. 225, 228, 374, 297-8; at Cartagena, i. 322-3; defeats Cemaco, i. 326-7; founds Antigua, 1510, i. 327-8; deposed, i. 329-30, 339; works of, i. 339-40; denounces Balboa, i. 357, 386-7; alguacil mayor of Antigua, 1514, i. 390. Encomendero, system, description of, i. 262-6. England, the Scots' colony, 1695-1700, ii. 570-9; trading factories of, ii. 587; reprisals, ii. 587-8; war with, 1739-44, ii. 588-93; treaties with Spain, 1670-1721, ii. 598-600; 1783, ii. 606; war with Spain, 1769-80, ii. 608-11; claims of, in Belize, ii. 629-31; mediation of, sought, 1839-40, iii. 186-7; claims on Nic., iii. 239-40; protectorate over Mosquitia, iii. 244-51; hostilities with Nic., 1848, iii. 251-2; Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 1850, iii. 252; Zeledon-Wyke treaty, 1860, iii. 252-3; difficulty with Salv., iii. 297-8; relations with Hond., iii. 317; claims on Hond., iii. 317-19; usurpation in Hond., iii. 319-20; treaty with Hond., 1859, iii. 320; difficulty with Guat., 1874, iii. 433-4; MacGregor's exped. to PanamÁ, 1818-20, iii. 498-501; difficulty with New Gran., 1836, iii. 518. Epidemics in Guat., 1558, ii. 360; 1565, ii. 369-70; 1601, 1686, ii. 656. Escobar, J. B., president of Guat., 1848, iii. 276-7. Espino, Missionary F. de, labors of, 1667-8, ii. 644. EspaÑola, Columbus at, 1492-3, i. 164-5; 1493-5, i. 169-77; 1498, i. 179; 1502, i. 203-6; character of inhabitants, i. 165-6; natives of, destroyed, i. 276. Esparza, sack of, 1680, ii. 541. EspÍnola, Capt., capitulation, etc., of, iii. 86. Espinosa, Licentiate G. de, alcalde mayor of Antigua, 1514, i. 390; exped. to the South Sea, 1516-17, i. 418-31; atrocities of, i. 422-3, 429-30; spoils, i. 431; trial of Balboa, 1517, i. 457; promotion of, i. 461; jealousy of Pedrarias, i. 464-5; other expeds., i. 468-9, 472, 504-5; founds NatÁ, i. 505-6. EspÍritu Santo, name, i. 642. Esquivel, A., president of C. R., 1875, iii. 384-5. Esquivel, J. de, cruelty of, i. 260. EstacherÍa, Brigadier J., gov. of Nic., 1783-89, ii. 608. Estete, M., expeds. of, i. 667-8, 611; ii. 113. Estrada, J. M., provis. president of Nic., 1855, iii. 296-9; slavery in, ii. 233-4, 302; roads, ii. 293-4; settlements, 1547, ii. 294, 637-40; mining, ii. 295; church affairs, ii. 299-301, 641-2, 712-13; iii. 361; the new laws, ii. 301-7; piratical raids, 1576-95, ii. 636-9, 645; Gage's description of, 1636, ii. 639-40; annexation to Mex., 1821, iii. 46; revolutions in, 1829-30, iii. 109-11; 1844, iii. 310; assembly, iii. 161-2, 309-10; disturbances in, iii. 162-3; independence declared, 1838, iii. 164; war with Nic., 1844, iii. 194-200; with Salv., iii. 202-6, 393-9, 455-8; union with Salv. and Nic., iii. 209-11; war with Guat., 1850-6, iii. 279-81; 1872-6, iii. 398-9, 428, 457-62; relations with Gt Britain, iii. 317; British claims on, iii. 317-19; British usurpation in, iii. 319-20; treaty with Gt Britain, 1859, iii. 320; Walker's exped., 1856-7, iii. 350-64; boundaries, iii. 570; departments, etc., iii. 570; cities, iii. 570-1; population, 1883, iii. 588; immigration, iii. 591; races, iii. 608-10; women of, iii. 610-11; dwellings, iii. 611; food, etc., iii. 611-12; dress, iii. 612; amusements, iii. 612; education, iii. 624-5; administr. of justice, iii. 640-1; army, iii. 647; agric., iii. 651-2; mining, iii. 655-6; manufact., iii. 661; currency, iii. 670; revenue, iii. 680; debt, iii. 680-1; railroads, iii. 707. Hore, A. de, gov. of Pan., 1815, iii. 497; oppression of, iii. 497-8; recaptures Portobello, 1819, iii. 500-1; death, 1820, iii. 502. Huascar, defeat of, 1532, ii. 19; death, ii. 34. Huistlan, besieged by Tzendales, 1712, ii. 702. Humboldt, A. von, works of, i. 69. Hurtado, B., exped. to Dabaiba, 1512, i. 352-3; arrest, etc., of, i. 354-5; atrocities of, i. 286; coup d'État, iii. 286; president of Hond., 1847-51, iii. <
@62657-h-21.htm.html#Page_366" class="pginternal">366-7; constitution, iii. 367; rebellion in, 1869, iii. 402-3; decadence of, 1610, ii. 470; convent establd. at, 1592-8, ii. 475-6; fires at, 1644, ii. 479; 1737-71, ii. 582; prosperity of, 1645-70, ii. 480-1; descriptions of, ii. 502-3; iii. 578-9; captured by Morgan, ii. 504-7; destruction of, 1671, ii. 507-8; site of, removed, ii. 517-18; rebuilding of, ii. 517-19; naval combat off, 1680, ii. 534-7; freebooters defeated off, 1685, ii. 552-3; revolution at, 1821, iii. 504-8; gen. congress at, 1826, iii. 510-12; disturbances at, 1856, iii. 520-1; 1859-60, iii. 528-30. PanamÁ Isthmus, infested with criminals, iii. 518-19; guard of the, 1854, iii. 519; transit refused, iii. 522-3; order restored at, iii. 524; protection of the, iii. 539-40, 551-8; disturbances at, 1885, iii. 550-7; canal, iii. 698-700, 703-6; railroad, iii. 700-2. Panciaco, story of the South Sea, i. 348; kindness to the Spaniards, i. 383. Parada, J. G. de, bishop of Guat., 1729-36, ii. 710-11. Paredes, A. G. de, exped., etc., of, 1695, ii. 687-90. Paredes, M., president of Guat., 1849, iii. 277; treachery of, iii. 277-8. Paris, Cacique, defeats Badajoz, 1515, i. 415-17; tomb of, plundered, i. 468. Parker, Capt. W., exped. of, 1602-3, ii. 465-8. Pasamonte, M. de, treasurer-general at Santo Domingo, 1508, i. 266-7. Pasaquina, battle of, 1876, iii. 404. Pastora, F. F. de la, gov. of C. R., 1746, ii. 622. Paterson, W., the Scots' colony, 1695-9, ii. 570-7. Patinamit, description of, i. 655-6; Alvarado's reception at, 1524, i. 656-7; abandoned by natives, 1524, i. 683-4; sack, etc., of, 1525, ii. 77; battle of, 1526, ii. 84. Patzicia, pronunciamiento at, 1871, iii. 420-1. Paul III., bull of, 1531, ii. 239. Pavon, M. F., minister of relations, etc., 1844, iii. 192; death of, 1855, iii. 283. Paz, M. J., jefe of Guat., 1838, iii. 159. Paz, R., president of Guat., 1840-4, iii. 266-7. Pazaco, Alvarado attacked at, 1524, i. 669. Pearl fisheries, of Pan., ii. 394-5, 585; condition of, iii. 676. Pearl Islands, named, 1513, i. 377-8; Morales' exped. to, 1515, i. 408-11; Balboa at, 1517, i. 445-52; yield, etc., of, iii. 676. Pedrarias, D., character, etc., i. 387, 615-16; capt.-gen. of Castilla del Oro, 1514, i. 387; armament, i. 389
ss="pgexternal">453-4. San Fernando, seat of Nic. govt at, iii. 240. San Fernando de Omoa, fort, building of, ii. 645; captured by English, 1779, ii. 646; recaptured, ii. 647. San Gil de Buenavista, site of, transferred, i. 565. San Jorge de Olancho, founding of, 1530, ii. 121. San JosÉ, Morazan besieged at, 1842, iii. 219-20; treaty of, 1858, iii. 232-3; pronunciamiento at, 1868, iii. 378; Émeute at, 1870, iii. 379. San Juan, J. N., deputy to cÓrtes, iii. 26. San Juan de Puerto Rico, Drake defeated at, 1595, ii. 422. San Juan del Norte, British aggression at, iii. 249-52; bombardment of, 1854, iii. 254-5. San Juan, fort, capture of, 1780, ii. 611. San Juan River, exploration of, 1528, i. 607-8. San Lorenzo, fortifications of, ii. 494; captured by Bradley, 1670, ii. 494-6; castle, etc., of, destroyed, ii. 514; captured by Vernon, 1740, ii. 59. San LÚcas, affair at, 1871, iii. 423. San Miguel, federal defeat at, 1828, iii. 95; sack, etc., of, 1875, iii. 400-1; occupied by Solares, 1876, iii. 404; description of, iii. 574. San Miguel, gulf of, named by Balboa, 1513, i. 373. San Martin, J. M. de, president of Salv., iii. 299. San Pedro, L'Olonnois' raid on, ii. 458-9. San Salvador, revolt at, 1811, iii. 13-14; 1814, iii. 20; 1844-5, iii. 200-1; junta at, 1821, iii. 45; ArzÚ's attack on, 1822, iii. 60-1; 1828, iii. 94; Filisola's exped. against, iii. 62-4; aid sought from U. S., iii. 64; Arce's repulse at, 1827, iii. 91; captured by Morazan, 1832, iii. 117-18; a federal district, 1835, iii. 120; convention at, 1840, iii. 143-4; seat of federal govt, iii. 152, 168-9; earthquake at, 1854, iii. 300; siege of, 1863, iii. 306; description of, iii. 573-4. San Sebastian, founding of, 1510, i. 299-300; abandoned, i. 321-5; rebuilt, ii. 50. Sanabria, Alcalde, mention of, ii. 71-2. Sanchez, Pilot B., in Verag., 1503, i. 225-6. SandÉ, Dr F., president of Guat., 1593-6, ii. 382; gov. of Nueva Galicia, 1596, ii. 382-3. Sandoval, J. L., director of Nic., 1845-7, iii. 240-2. Santa Ana, captured by Arce, 1826, iii. 92; affair at, 1827, iii. 93; battle of, 1871, iii. 395-6; treaty of, 1876, iii. 406. Santa Catarina, buccaneer colony at, i. 461-3; captured by Morgan, 1670, ii. 493, 496. Santa Clara, B. de, treasurer at Santo Domingo, i. 549-50; capture of Leon, ii. 554. T Tabira, J. de, factor at Antigua, 1514, i. 390; exped. of, 1515, i. 407. Tobaga, island, Pedrarias at, 1519, i. 467; pirates at, 1680, ii. 538. Tacuxcalco, battle of, 1524, i. 673-4. Tacuylula, Alvarado at, 1524, i. 667. Tafur, Licentiate, mention of, ii. 7. Talamanca, revolt in, 1610, ii. 445-6; Maldonado's exped. to, 1660, ii. 446; Franciscans in, ii. 447; attempted subjugation of, ii. 617-20. Talavera, B. de, piracy of, i. 300; execution, 1510, i. 301. Tapia, G. de, capture, etc., of, 1550, ii. 282. Tarragona, Maestre de Campo, execution of, 1554, ii. 425. Tatahuitlapan, CortÉs at, 1524, i. 544-5. Tataracherubi, Cacique, Badajoz' dealings with, 1515, i. 413-14. Tayasal, pueblo, CortÉs at, i. 559-61. Tecum Umam, King, defeat of, 1524, i. 639-41. Tegucigalpa, missionary labors in, ii. 642-3. Tegucigalpa, city, capital of Hond., 1880, iii. 465; description of, iii. 571. Tehuantepec, city, Alvarado's reception at, 1524, i. 627. Tehuantepec, isthmus, project for canal, iii. 693-4. Telegraphs, in Cent. Amer., iii. 708-9. Tenango, captured by Tzendales, 1712, ii. 698. Tenciz, pueblo, CortÉs at, 1525, i. 564. Teoca, Cacique, encounter with Balboa, 1513, i. 378. Teotilac, CortÉs at, 1524, i. 550-7. Terci, J., gov. of C. R., 1785, ii. 622. Terminos, bay of, buccaneer settlement at, ii. 623. Ternaux-Compans, H., works of, i. 200; ii. 759. Tetlepanquetzal, execution of, 1524, i. 551-4. ThÉvenot, M., 'Relation de Divers Voyages,' ii. 744. Thevet, A., works of, ii. 233. Thiel, Bishop, mention of, iii. 389; expulsion, etc., of, iii. 635. Tiac, CortÉs at, 1524, i. 558. Tierra Firme, name, i. 290-1; proposed colonization of, i. 290-2; partition of, i. 294; subject to viceroy of Peru, 1571, ii. 400-1. Tiger Island, British seizure of, 1849, iii. 318. Tizapetlan, CortÉs at, 1524, i. 549-50. Tlascaltecs, enslavement of, ii. 234. Toledo, M. de, claim of, ii. 64. Tologalpa, missionary labors in, ii. 447-50. Tolosa, Father D. de, martyrdom of, 1549, ii. 356. TonalÁ, battle of, 1524, i. 628. Torre, Friar T. de la, mention of, ii. 345; provincial, ii. 376. Torres, Friar J. de, mention of, ii. 133. Tortuga, freebooters at, ii. 453-4. Totonagua, Cacique, surprised by Badajoz, 1515, i. 413. Totonicapan, natives muster at, 1524, i. 633. Townley, Capt., joins Davis' freebooters, 1685, ii. 550-1; capture of Leon, ii. 554; of Granada, 1686, ii. 557-9; surprise of Los Santos, ii. |
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