An especial effort has been made to secure for this list games that utilize pebbles, shells, stones, holes dug in the earth, and diagrams drawn on the sand. Many games are given requiring but little activity and suited to hot days; but there are also a number of good running and chasing games suitable for a hard beach. Games are given for both young and older players. PAGE | All Run | 321 | Arch Ball | 321 | Ball Chase | 324 | Bean Bag Ring Throw | 306 | Beast, Bird, or Fish | 215 | Bird Catcher, The | 52 | Boundary Ball | 335 | Buying a Lock | 58 | Buzz | 216 | Catch and Pull Tug of War | 60 | Center Catch Ball | 355 | Centipede | 63 | Chinese Chicken | 68 | Circle Ball | 356 | Clam Shell Combat | 71 | Club Snatch | 72 | Cross Questions | 219 | Did you ever see a Lassie? | 261 | Dodgeball | 363 | Draw a Bucket of Water | 263 | Duck Dance, The | 264 | Duck on a Rock | 81 | Dumb Crambo | 219 | Farmer in the Dell | 265 | Find the Ring | 220 | Flower Match | 220 | Follow the Leader | 89 | Fox Trail, Double Rim | 93 | Fox Trail, Single Rim | 95 | Grass Blade | 221 | Hen Roost | 223 | Horns | 223 | Hunting | 267 | Hunt the Slipper | 111 | Itisket, Itasket | 268 | Keep Moving | 270 | Kitty White | 274 | Lady of the Land | 123 | Leader and Footer | 127 | Leapfrog Race | 129 | Leaves are Green | 276 | London | 226 | London Bridge | 278 | Looby Loo | 280 | Maze Tag | 131 | Minister's Cat, The | 227 | Mother, may I go out to Play? | 134 | Mother, Mother, the Pot boils Over | 135 | Muffin Man | 282 | Mulberry Bush | 283 | Music Box | 228 | My Lady's Lap Dog | 228 | Naughts and Crosses | 229 | Oats, Peas, Beans | 287 | Odd Man's Cap | 140 | Over and Under Relay | 392 | Oyster Shell | 143 | Partner Tag | 145 | Pass Ball Relay | 395 | Pebble Chase | 145 | Pig in a Hole | 397 | Pinch-o | 146 | Pitch Pebble | 147 | Poison | 148 | Potato Shuttle Relay | 154 | Prince of Paris | 232 | Prisoner's Base—II, III, IV, V | 158-161 | Progressive Captain Ball | 349 | Ring Call Ball | 399 | Ringmaster | 167 | Roley Poley | 399 | Rolling Target | 169 | Round and Round the Village | 290 | Russian Hole Ball | 401 | Saddle the Nag | 171 | Scat | 234 | Seeking for Gold | 234 | Shadow Tag | 173 | Shuttle Relay | 173 | Simon Says | 235 | Single Relay Race | 175 | Skin the Goat | 176 | Skyte the Bob | 177 | Slap Catch | 178 | Slap Jack | 178 | Slipper Slap | 179 | Snail | 292 | Spooning | 184 | Square Ball | 404 | Squirrel in Trees | 185 | Stage Coach | 185 | Stake Guard | 186 | Stealing Sticks | 188 | Step | 188 | Stone | 190 | Stoop Tag | 190 | Stride Ball | 407 | Sun Dial | 190 | Tag | 191 | Target Toss | 315 | Teach: How to teach Games | 27 | Teacher and Class | 316 | Teacher of Games (To the) | 26 | Tether Ball | 409 | Third Man | 194 | Three Deep | 196 | Three Holes | 411 | Tommy Tiddler's Ground | 197 | Trades | 199 | War | 417 | Whip Tag | 205 | Who goes round my Stone Wall? | 206 | Zigzag Overhead Toss | 424 |