TOURIST'S GUIDE ADVERTISER. Harper's Periodicals. Harper's Magazine. The great design of Harper's is to give correct information and rational amusement to the great masses of the people. There is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can less afford to be without. Many Magazines are accumulated. Harper's is edited.—New England Homestead. Harper's Weekly. The best publication of its class in America, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their number.—Boston Traveler. Harper's Weekly is the best and most interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone. Its reading-matter is of a high order of literary merit—varied, instructive, entertaining, and unexceptionable.—N. Y. Sun. Harper's Bazar. Free from all political and sectarian discussion, devoted to fashion, pleasure, and instruction, it is just the agreeable, companionable, and interesting domestic paper which every mother and wife and sweetheart will require every son, husband, and lover to bring home with him, every Saturday evening.—Philadelphia Ledger. TERMS:
Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, and Harper's Bazar, to one address, for one year, $1000; or any two for $700. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Five Subscribers at $400 each, in one remittance; or Six Copies for $2000, without extra copy. SPENCERIAN Manufactured by the Original Inventor of Steel Pens. The celebrated durability and perfection of action of these Pens are owing to a peculiar process of Carbonizing and to the great care taken in their manufacture by the most skilled and experienced workmen in Europe. They are a nearer approximation to the real SWAN QUILL than anything hitherto invented. For Sale by Dealers generally. ?SAMPLE CARD containing all the 14 NUMBERS artistically arranged and securely enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of 25 CENTS. The Traveler's Vade Mecum. Lately Published. A Pocket Dictionary of the English Language. Abridged from Webster's Quarto, illustrated with nearly TWO HUNDRED Engravings on Wood. By Wm. G. Webster, and Wm. A. Wheeler. THE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, descriptive of The American Educational Series of School and College Text-Books, and The Educational Reporter, a handsome publication full of useful information, mailed free to any address. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., FOR SAVING VALUABLE PAPERS SHIPMAN'S PATENT ADHESIVE Letter and Invoice File. We would respectfully call the attention of Business Men, Bankers and others, to our Patent Adhesive Letter and Invoice File. We claim that it is the best article in use for the preservation of all kinds of printed or written documents, such as Letters, Invoices, Bills, &c., &c. They are in use by most of the Business Firms and Companies in the United States. Its form is that of a scrap book, of various sizes, having narrow leaves with adhesive surface, which requires only to be moistened and the document applied; thus it becomes a book of 250 or 500 letters, arranged in the order of dates, secure from loss or misplacement, and as convenient for reference as a ledger account—and this with the least expense of time. Every lover of order or economist of time must appreciate its importance. We also keep constantly on hand, in great variety, Invoice and Scrap Books, Letter Copying Books, Blank Books and a full assortment of Stationery. ASA L. SHIPMAN & SONS, 25 Chambers Street, New York. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Overland Monthly The only Literary Magazine The Seventh Volume of this popular California Magazine will commence with the July Number for 1871. Its popularity has induced the publishers to make still greater exertions in producing an interesting and instructive periodical. Bear Terms:—$4.00 per annum, payable in advance. Club Rates:—Two copies, $7.00; Five copies, $16.00; Ten copies, $30.00; and each additional copy, $3.00. For every Club of Twenty Subscribers, an extra copy will be furnished gratis. PUBLISHED BY JOHN H. CARMANY & CO. No. 409 WASHINGTON STREET SAN FRANCISCO. PIANOS, ORGANS, AND MUSIC PUBLICATIONS. NEW PIANO AGENCY.—Messrs. A.L. Bancroft & Co. have organized, under the management of Wm. Henry Knight, a MUSIC DEPARTMENT, where may be found a complete assortment of PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC PUBLICATIONS. Following are some of their specialties: I. The GEORGI PIANO-FORTE—a new and magnificent instrument; in every respect strictly first-class, and becoming very popular in the East. II. The PRINCE ORGANS AND MELODEONS.—There are 46,500 of these now in use. They are unsurpassed among reed organs. III. The McCAMMON PIANOS, formerly known as the celebrated "Boardman & Gray" Piano. A very superior, moderate priced instrument. IV. The COTTAGE AND SCHOOL PIANO.—In small sized cases, elegant in appearance, of low cost, and very durable. V. HOOK'S PIPE ORGANS FOR CHURCHES.—The best manufactured. VI. LUNAN'S GERMAN UPRIGHT PIANOS.—Fine-toned, thoroughly well made instruments. VII. MUSIC PUBLICATIONS.—Sheet Music, Instruction Books, etc., etc. For Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists, address or apply to A.L. BANCROFT & COMPANY, Music Department, McAfee, Spiers & Co., Boiler Makers and High and Low-Pressure Boilers, STATIONARY AND MARINE. Howard St., bet. Fremont and Beale, Also Orders received for every description of Machinery. Having 24 years' experience in this business, we feel confident of being able to compete, as to quality of work, with any establishment on the Pacific Coast. Particular and personal attention given to repairs of old boilers on steamships and steamboats. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED EDITION 3000 ENGRAVINGS GET THE BEST Webster's Unabridged 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. 3,000 Engravings. 1,840 Pages Quarto. Price $12.
A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. What library is complete without the best English Dictionary? Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield. Mass. Sold by A.L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco, and all Booksellers. Also, WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price $5. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the millions.—American Educational Monthly. Globe Printing Presses. Printing Press IMPRESSION CAN BE THROWN OFF. DWELL ON THE IMPRESSION. DETENTION OF ROLLERS ON CYLINDER AND DOUBLE VIBRATING DISTRIBUTORS, GIVING UNLIMITED DISTRIBUTION. NET CASH PRICES: Half medium, 13 × 19½ inches inside of chase, $550.00. Fountain, $25.00. Steam Fixtures, $15.00. Boxing, $10.00.—extra. Quarto medium, 10 × 15 inches inside of chase, $425.00. Fountain, $25.00. Steam Fixtures, $15.00. Boxing, $7.00.—extra. Eighth medium, 8 × 12 inches inside of chase, $250.00. Steam Fixtures, $15.00. Boxing, $6.00.—extra. One Roller Mould, two sets Roller Stocks, and three chases, are included with each Press. All of these Presses will be thoroughly tested, strongly boxed, and delivered to the order of the purchaser, at our manufactory, Palmyra, N.Y. Jones Manufacturing Co. Palmyra, N.Y. JOSEPH ISAAC. H. ROBITSCHECK. J. ISAAC & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Stationery, Blank Books, MANILA AND WRAPPING PAPERS, Playing Cards, Labels, Liquor Essences, ETC., ETC., ETC., 513 Sansome St., cor. Merchant SAN FRANCISCO. J. ISAAC & CO'S Paper Warehouse. DEALERS IN PAPERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Envelopes, Inks, Twine, Playing Cards, LIQUOR AND WINE LABELS, ESSENTIAL OILS, ETC., ETC. Blake, Robbins & Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Book, News, Writing and WRAPPING PAPER, Paper Bags, Card Stock, Straw Paper, Straw and Binders' Board, Inks, Bronzes, Etc. AGENTS FOR Carson's Celebrated Letter Papers, INFERIOR TO NONE. Agents for Dexter's Manila Papers. Agents for Whiting Mill Paper, AND OTHER LEADING BRANDS. 516 Sacramento & 519 Commercial Sts. San Francisco.
New York Office, 18 and 20 Vesey Street. WATKINS' Yosemite Gallery, 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cal. Photographic Views Of Yosemite Valley, the Big Trees, the Mines, the splendid Scenery of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, The Coast etc., etc. Can be had in all sizes for framing, the Album, or the Stereoscope. Sold Wholesale and Retail. A liberal discount made to the trade. You are requested to visit the Gallery. The Most Popular Novels ARE THE SCHWARTZ NOVELS. Translated from the Swedish of Madame Marie Sophie Schwartz, by Miss Selma Borg, and Miss Marie A. Brown. NOW READY. GUILT AND INNOCENCE. Paper, $100; Cloth, $150. "Madame Schwartz is a writer of much greater literary merit than Miss Muhlbach, whose works have been so widely circulated in this country."—New York Atlas. GOLD AND NAME. Paper, $100; Cloth, $150. "This is a powerful book; in plot and style, it is equally good. Its morals—it may be considered to have several—are unexceptionable."—Christian Standard, Cincinnati. BIRTH AND EDUCATION. Paper, $100; Cloth, $150. "This title would make one suppose that it was a book devoted to common schools and academies. Instead of that, it is a romance of the very highest class,—one of the best historical novels of the age."—Albany Evening Post. THE WIFE OF A VAIN MAN. 8vo., Paper, $100; Cloth, $150. In presenting to American readers the first translations of this author, who in her own country is universally popular, the publishers take pleasure in making public the following tribute of the Great Swedish Lyric Artiste, Mlle. Christine Nilsson. New York, November 28, 1870. Mademoiselle:—It is with great pleasure that I have learned that you, in conjunction with Miss Marie A. Brown have undertaken to translate into English the magnificent works of Madame Schwartz. Allow me then, dear Mademoiselle, as a fervent admirer of Madame Schwartz, to offer you and Miss Brown my liveliest felicitations for having chosen an author of so immense merit to introduce to the American public a writer who has contributed to make the glory of our country. I wish you all the success you deserve, and beg you to be so kind as to send me a copy of the work as soon as it is published. Accept, Mademoiselle, as well as Miss Brown, my warmest sympathy and the assurance of my perfect consideration. CHRISTINE NILSSON. Sold by all booksellers and newsdealers, and sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. Lee & Shepard, Publishers, Boston. Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, 47 and 49 Greene St., N.Y. YOSEMITE AND BIG TREE GROVES IN TWO DAYS. IMPORTANT FOR TOURISTS. NEW ROUTE FOR 1871, VIA THE VISALIA DIVISION of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, FROM LATHROP, AND FROM THE TERMINUS OF THE C.P. R.R. BY STAGE, VIA MARIPOSA AND CLARK'S OR ? For further information see page 58. THE GREAT GEYSER SPRINGS OF CALIFORNIA. These celebrated Springs are the greatest natural curiosity in the world, and are reached by the NAPA VALLEY ROUTE AND THE RUSSIAN For particulars of these routes, see description in body of this guide. The Medicinal and Curative Properties of the Geyser Springs are admitted to be equal, if not superior, to Calistoga, Baden-Baden, Aix-la-Chapel, Wiesbaden, or Homburg. The Scenery is wild, picturesque and grand in the extreme, and finer than that of the lower Alps. The Pluton, or Great Sulphur Creek, which runs by the Geyser Hotel, is well supplied with mountain trout; and the hills abound with deer and other game. THE HOTEL Is a large, two-story building, with spacious verandahs surrounding it, above and below, and has been newly furnished. New steam and sulphur bathhouses have been erected, and a large stable has been built. Private Teams can easily and safely drive over the new road from Calistoga, and at the Geysers will find an abundance of good feed for their horses. SADDLE HORSES For ladies and Gentlemen, are always on hand, at reasonable prices. A Good Table is kept at the Hotel, and the best of Liquors and Cigars will be found at the bar, The rooms are comfortable, and the beds are all new and provided with spring mattresses. Board and lodging per day, $3; board and lodging per week, $17.50; single meals, each, $1.50. Baths, 25. Visiting the Geyser Canyons, for each person, $1. Children under ten years of age, half price. Visitors are requested not to pay the Guides, as they are furnished by the Hotel, free of charge. Fare from San Francisco to Calistoga, per steamer and cars, $3.50. Stages from there to the Geysers, $6.00 per passage. J.C. SUSENBETH, P.S.—For further particulars, inquire at the office of J.S. POLACK, Esq., Room No. 1, N.W. corner of Jackson and Montgomery Sts., San Francisco. THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO YOSEMITE Via Modesto. ROSS HOUSE,MODESTO. JOS. COLE, Proprietor. Tourists will find this House conducted in first-class style. Charges moderate, and every attention paid to Guests. Stages leave this House daily for Snelling's, Hornitas, Mariposa, Yosemite, and all points south. YOSEMITE STABLES, MODESTO, CAL. HORSES, CARRIAGES AND SADDLE HORSES To let on reasonable terms. Horses boarded with the best of care, by the day or week. Private Teams Furnished at the shortest notice; also Two Four or Six Horse Turnouts furnished for Tourists, with Concord or Kimball Carriages, with careful and experienced Drivers. F.H. ROSS, Proprietor. Modesto is situated at the terminus of the Visalia Division of the C.P.R.R. The Ross House, also the Yosemite Stables were built by F.H. Ross, almost exclusively for the accommodation of Tourists, and no pains will be spared to make their visit to the House, or transit to the valley comfortable and pleasant. REVERE HOUSE JOHN W. SHARP, Proprietor. Second Street, opposite Court House, NAPA CITY. ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN NAPA CITY. THIS HOUSE is fitted up in superior style, and is now open for the reception of Permanent and Transient Guests. It is built in modern style, and the rooms are large, airy and pleasant. THE BAR is well supplied. THE TABLE shall be second to none in the State. The farming community will find at this House the best of accommodations at reasonable prices. AMERICAN HOTEL, Main Street, Petaluma. MRS. WM. ORDWAY, Proprietress. This Hotel, first-class in every particular, is the leading house in this city and one of the best hotels on the coast. THE BUILDING is a large, three-story, fire-proof brick, situated in the center of the business part of the city, well ventilated, supplied with water and gas, perfectly arranged with a view to comfort and convenience, containing sixty three rooms, elegant parlor, pleasant reading room, first-class Bar and Billiard room, Hair Dressing Saloon and Cigar Stand. THE ROOMS, single and en-suite, are large, with high ceilings, well ventilated and elegantly furnished. THE TABLE is supplied with the best the market affords, prepared and served in first-class style. A LIVERY STABLE is connected with the Hotel. Splendid carriages are furnished upon notice at the office. OMNIBUSES convey guests to and from the Hotel to cars and steamers, free of charge. STAGES from the city leave from this Hotel. Tourists, visiting the city, are shown every courtesy and attention in all departments of the Hotel. FOR THE VERY 429 Montgomery Street, Closed on Sundays. THE CALIFORNIA GEORGE L. FAULKNER, Agent. Are manufacturing Writing Inks of different colors, equal if not superior to those of Eastern or Foreign manufacture. For our Black Writing Fluid, we claim: 1st.—That it will not corrode or clog the pen, but keep it always in a bright, clean condition. 2d.—That there is no sediment that can settle and impair the color. 3d.—That it flows freely from, and is of a rich, deep color as soon as it leaves the pen. 4th.—It is not affected by acids, as an acid that would remove the ink will eat up the paper. 5th.—It cannot be washed off with water. 6th.—It is a California production, and the manufacture of the same keeps thousands of dollars in the State, that have hitherto been sent abroad for Ink. We also make a superior article of MUCILAGE that cannot be excelled for its adhesive qualities. LIQUID LAUNDRY BLUING.—A convenient and reliable preparation, to take the place of all others hitherto used for Laundry purposes. Put up in 8 oz. bottles and gallon jars. The attention of the trade is respectfully solicited to these manufactures. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Refer, by permission, to Messrs. A.L. Bancroft & Company, who are selling large quantities of our Writing Inks and Mucilage. CALIFORNIA INK COMPANY, GEO.L. FAULKNER, Agent. SATISFACTION IN ALL CASES GUARANTEED. ASK YOUR STATIONER FOR These pencils, which have been before the American public for several years, are rapidly growing in popularity, and are to-day MORE EXTENSIVELY USED IN THE UNITED STATES THAN ANY OTHER. And are pronounced by all who have given them a fair trial, to be INFERIOR TO NONE manufactured, and are sold at prices materially lower than are other first-class articles. Office Rubber-Head pencils are very much liked by business men. Eagle Drawing pencils are recommended in the Drawing Books now in use in the State of California, and by Drawing Teachers, and others. EAGLE DIAMOND RUBBER IS THE BEST MANUFACTURED. SOLD BY BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS GENERALLY. Rudolf Eitner, JOS. FIGEL, AND DEALER IN 211 MONTGOMERY STREET, Would respectfully invite the attention of the Public to his superior Stock of Goods, feeling confident that he can suit, both in regard to Price and Quality. A FEATURE In his business is the particular attention paid to the manufacture of Men's and Boys' Clothing, College and Military Uniforms of every description to Order, from a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Beavers, Scotch Tweed, etc. Elegance of Style and Perfection of Fit are in all cases guaranteed. A visit to my Establishment will convince you of my ability to please in every respect. JOS. FIGEL, No. 211 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. L.P. FISHER'S Rooms 20 & 21 Merchants' Exchange CALIFORNIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO. Agent for the Sacramento Union. "ADVERTISING IS THE OIL WHICH WISE MEN PUT IN THEIR LAMPS." GIRARD'S SECRET. Stephen Girard, than whom no shrewder business man ever lived, used to say in his old age: "I have always considered advertising liberally and long to be the great medium of success in business and prelude to wealth. And I have made it an invariable rule, too, to advertise in the dullest times, as well as in the busiest, long experience having taught me that money thus spent is well laid out; as by keeping my business continually before the public, it has secured many sales that I otherwise would have lost." Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for papers published in California and Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Arizona and adjacent Territories; Sandwich Islands, the British Possessions, Mexican Ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Valparaiso, Japan, China, Europe, Australia, Atlantic States, etc., etc. N.B.—FOR SALE; bound volumes of the Sacramento Union, from Sept. 19th, 1855, to the present time; also, the San Francisco Evening Bulletin, in bound volumes, from the beginning of its publication to the present time. SAN FRANCISCO MILLS. HOBBS, GILMORE & CO. Market, Beale and Main Sts. San Pedro Street, near Depot, San Jose. FOR SALE; ?We are now manufacturing, and will receive orders for the manufacture of different kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINES. FOR FINE HATS NORTH EAST CORNER Occidental Hotel GEORGE T. PRACY, These Works have lately been increased, by additional tools, and we are now able to turn out any kind of work, equal to and cheaper than any establishment in the State, that is to say:— Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mills, Quartz Machinery, Printing Presses, Fitted with Cutting's Patent Cams, unequaled for safety, convenience and cheapness. This Hoist can be built for about half the price of any other in use. To be seen at HAWLEY & CO'S. ALSO, MANUFACTURER AND SOLE AGENT FOR H. ROSEKRANS. S. READ. H. Rosekrans & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 135 Montgomery Street NEAR BUSH STREET, Piano SHERMAN & HYDE, Corner Kearny & Sutter Streets, Send your orders directly to us. Remember it is no more trouble or expense to send Sheet Music by Mail, one thousand miles than it is one mile. Music Teachers, Seminaries and Dealers liberally dealt with. Thurnauer & Zinn, Cane Goods IMPORTERS OF 533 MARKET STREET, The shortest and best route to YOSEMITE VALLEY. C. P. R.R. to Modesto, thence by stage to Leaves Modesto on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 o'clock, A.M., arrives at Coulterville at 2 P.M.; distance 50 miles; leaving Coulterville at 4 P.M., arrive at Bower Cave, at 7 P.M. Next morning leave Bower Cave at 6 A.M., and arrive at Crane Flat at 11 A.M. Take Saddle Horse and arrive at the Hotels in the Valley, at 4 o'clock, P.M., 15 miles horseback. Returning, leave Yosemite at 7 o'clock, A.M., distance, 46 miles, arrive at Coulterville at 5 o'clock, P.M., leave Coulterville at 5 A.M., arrive at Modesto, at 4 o'clock P.M. The above route is superior to all others, as there is less time consumed on the road, more rest, and the whole route gives finer scenery than by any other, from the fact that after you strike the foot hills, you pass along the dividing ridge between the Tuolumne and Merced rivers, to the East, the Sierra Nevada, with Castle Peak, Mount Dames, and other prominent points, to the West, is the San Joaquin, and the Coast Range; also less dust than any other route, as the route is East and West, and the north winds that are almost constantly blowing, carry the dust from you. And as a round trip is always desirable; parties can go by Coulterville, and out via Big Trees and Mariposa, or vice versa. By the first of June, there will be but 2½ miles horseback riding into the valley. The nights at Bower Cave are cool and refreshing, unsurpassed on the whole route. Through Tickets for sale at all the railroad offices, Sacramento and Lathrop. G.W. COULTER, Agent. Office at C.B.& M; R.R.R. office 214 Montg'y Street. VALUABLE BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY
Fourteenth Thousand now ready. DIGGING A GRAVE Simple texts are sometimes more effective preachers than sermons, or whole volumes of well conceived essays. Read the two stories within the covers of this book, kind reader, and if a first glass of wine tempt you, let the prayer go forth, "Lead us not into temptation." Beautifully illustrated. Price $1.25. DOWN IN A SALOON; By the author of the new $600.00 prize book, Beautifully bound in gold and black, and sent prepaid by mail. Price, $1.50 For sale by all Booksellers. HENRY HOYT, For sale by A.L. Bancroft & Co. BOOKS OF TRAVEL. Published by
Sold by all booksellers and newsdealers, and sent by mail postpaid, on receipt of price. Lee & Shepard, Publishers, Boston. LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, N.Y. GET THE BEST BOOKS
Either of the above sent post paid, by mail, to any address, on receipt of the price. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY
WORKS ON NEW PHYSIOGNOMY; or Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and External Forms, and especially in the "Human Face Divine." 1000 Illustrations. By S.R. Wells. Prices, $5, $8 and $10. HOW TO READ CHARACTER. A new Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for Students and Examiners, with a Chart for the Delineation of Character. 170 Engravings. Latest and best. For Practical Phrenologist. Paper, $1. Muslin, $1.25. EDUCATION AND SELF IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE. Physiology—Animal and Mental; Self-Culture; Memory and Intellectual Improvement. One volume, $4. LECTURES ON PHRENOLOGY. By Geo. Combe. Phrenological Mode of Investigation. One volume, 12mo. $1.75. CONSTITUTION OF MAN. Considered in Relation to External Objects Revised. By Geo. Combe. 20 Engravings and Portrait of Author. $1.75 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. By Geo. Combe. Or, the Duties of Man considered in his Individual, Domestic and Social Capacities. Latest Revised edition, $1.75. MENTAL SCIENCE. According to the Philosophy of Phrenology. Lectures by G.S. Weaver. $1.50. ANNUALS OF PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOGNOMY for 1865, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71. Containing 400 pages, many portraits and biographies, with "How to Study Phrenology." The seven bound in one. $1.50. PHRENOLOGY Proved, Illustrated and Applied. First principles. Illustrated. $1.75. PHRENOLOGICAL BUSTS. Classification and Location of the Organs of the Brain, fully developed. Designed for Learners. Two sizes, the largest in box, $2. The smaller, at $1. (Sent by express.) EDUCATION: Its elementary Principles founded on the Nature of Man. By Spurzheim. Excellent. $1.50. DEFENCE OF PHRENOLOGY, $1.50. Natural Laws, Man, 75cts. Self-instructor, 75cts. Phrenology and the Scripture, 25cts. Chart of Physiognomy, 25cts. How to Write—How to Talk—How to Behave—How to do Business. Bound in one large handsome volume, post paid, $2.25. It is a capital Book for Agents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price, by S.R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway. Agents wanted. N.B.—For sale by A.L. BANCROFT & CO., San Francisco, California. STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS Descriptive Catalogues furnished on application, and any book sent by mail postage paid, on receipt of the advertised price.
To be followed by School Editions of other Classic Authors on the same plan. For sale by A.L. Bancroft & Co, 721 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. KAY & BROTHER, PUBLISH
etc., etc., etc., etc. Kay & Brother always keep on hand a full assortment of the Current Law Publications, together with many books now either scarce or out of print, at the very lowest prices. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. BIG TREES, The Calaveras Group is the one known to the World as the Big Trees of California, and the one chiefly visited by tourists. It comprises the Mammoth and the South Park groves. The Mammoth grove contains ninety-three of these Giants of the Forest, MOTHER OF THE FOREST, the bark from which was exhibited in the Crystal Palace, London; the FATHER OF THE FOREST, through whose prostrate trunk thousands have ridden on horseback; and the ORIGINAL BIG TREE, the stump of which forms the floor of the famous Pavilion, thirty-two feet in diameter. The South Park grove, six miles distant, has thirteen hundred and eighty of these trees, many of them of immense size. One, still standing and growing, has the inner portion at the base burned out, making a room large enough to contain sixteen men on horseback at the same time; and yet, enough of the outer rim of the tree is left to support the colossal proportions above. The Calaveras Group surpasses all others in the grandeur and beauty of its trees, and is the only one having hotel accommodations. Tourists leaving Stockton will take the cars of the Copperopolis railroad at 9 o'clock, A.M., to Milton, twenty-eight miles, connecting with a daily line of Concord coaches via Winthrop's, for the Big Trees, making the entire distance in ten hours. At Murphy's, stages leave daily for Yosemite Valley per Hutching's new route, being the shortest and best to Yosemite Valley. A daily line of coaches leave Galt for the Big Trees. At Melton, and Murphy's, private conveyances can be obtained for the Big Trees and Yosemite Valley, at low rates. THOMAS HOUSEWORTH, Agent, NEW HOTEL. GILROY. The Proprietors take pleasure in informing the public generally that they have opened the NEW HOTEL, the HANNA HOUSE. And fitted up in ELEGANT STYLE, and being thoroughly experienced in the business, can promise their patrons such attention and accommodations as are found in a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. Everything about the House is entirely new, and of the best quality. THE HOTEL COACH Will be in constant attendance to convey passengers to and from the House FREE OF CHARGE. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. J.A. GORDON & CO., CITY 332 Bush Street, Bet. Montgomery and Kearny, SAN FRANCISCO. M. MAGNER, Proprietor. An entire new stock of fine young Horses, sound and free from vice, of fine style, and capable of going as fast as any gentleman cares to drive. Also new and elegant Wagons of all descriptions, which I will let to responsible parties at popular prices. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen, Horses boarded with the very best of care, under my own supervision, at prices to suit the times. Patronage respectfully solicited. M. MAGNER, Private Teams furnished for the Big Tree Grove and Yosemite Falls, to start from Stockton, or the terminus of the Visalia or Copperopolis Railroad. GRAND HOTEL GRAND HOTEL. JOHNSON & CO., Proprietors. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. SAMUEL KELLETT, MANUFACTURER OF PLASTER Market Street, San Francisco. NEW YORK Four in Hand Crittenden & Dalton, Opposite Dr. Scudder's Church, SAN FRANCISCO. Four in Hand for Cliff House. ?Orders left at the Office of Grand Hotel promptly attended to. AUZERAIS HOUSE H.S. GREELEY, Manager, Formerly of the Occidental, San Francisco. NEW YORK Exchange Hotel, First Street, corner St. Johns. CENTRALLY LOCATED, Bath and Billiard Rooms, with Barber Shop attached. Board, with Rooms, $2 a day, Suites, $4 a day, or $20 a week. THE NEW Fred. Leidig & Hugh Davanay, This fine new Hotel is the first which the tourist reaches on entering the Valley, and is situated on the south bank of the Merced, in front of Cathedral Rock, about three miles from the entrance to the Valley. The main building is two stories in height, roomy, new and clean, plenty of pleasant, airy bedrooms. Table supplied with fresh mountain trout in abundance, in addition to fresh butter, milk, eggs, fruit and every other luxury of the mountains. A splendid stock of ice has been laid in for the comfort of summer visitors—a luxury not to be had elsewhere in the Valley. Bar well stocked with best qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The famous Yosemite hostess, Mrs. Leidig, has charge of the domestic arrangements of the House, and the Proprietors, in person, give their whole attention to the accommodation of their guests. OAKLAND! TAYLOR'S Cor. Broadway and Tenth Sts., CARPETS, Oil Cloth, Paper Hangings and Upholstery Goods. Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain and Hemp Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, all width and qualities. PAPER HANGINGS, all styles and grades. Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging in all its branches. A full and complete line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS always in stock. Parties residing in Oakland and vicinity, and those contemplating removing to Oakland, will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We Sell all Goods at San Francisco Prices! CHAS.L. TAYLOR, Yosemite House. STOCKTON, CAL. ALEXANDER McBEAN, Prop'r. NEW FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Main Street, bet. San Jose and Sutter. Centrally Located, Finely Furnished. BATH ROOMS, BARBER SHOP AND BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED, EXCELLENT TABLE, FINE ROOMS, GAS AND WATER THROUGHOUT. Terms; $2.50 a day, $15.00 a week. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. LORING'S WE COMMEND THEM TO ALL TRAVELERS. ASK FOR THEM AT THE BOOKSTORES, AT THE DEPOT NEWS STANDS, OF THE BOYS IN THE CARS, AND ON THE BOATS. LORING'S SUCCESSFUL BOOKS:
HENRY G. HANKS, Invites Tourists visiting San Francisco to call and examine his collection at 649 Clay Street, TEAMS AND SADDLE HORSES. CHURCH & WALLACE,
Teams ordered by Telegraph, will be on hand at the Railway Depot. Woodward's Gardens, Mission St., bet. 13th and 14th, San Francisco, Cal. THE CENTRAL PARK OF THE PACIFIC. Yosemite and Big Tree Groves Thus a person can leave Sacramento at noon, or San Francisco at 4 p. m. by the C.P.R.R., remain over night at the junction of the Rail and Stage roads, the second night at White & Hatch's and arrive in the Valley of the Yosemite the next evening; or those who prefer can remain that night at Clark's and ride leisurely into the Valley early the next day. The latter course might be preferable to the majority of tourists, who would desire to visit en route the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, which is but five miles from Clark's. The trail from Clark's leads through Alder Creek, Empire Camp, Sentinel Dome, Glacier Point, and the far-famed "Inspiration Point." From the latter is obtained the first grand view of this wonderful Valley, lying four thousand feet below the "Point." LAKE TAHOE, DONNER LAKE, CALAVERAS BIG TREES, THROUGH TICKETS: