BIBLIOGRAPHY Section I. Social |
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(Russian and East European Studies.) Berkeley, University of California Press, 1963. Jordanov, Lyubomir, and Nikolov, Yuri. The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, A Guide. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1971. Kaiser, Robert G., and Morgan, Dan. "Housing Blight Plagues Planners in East Europe," Washington Post, December 19, 1972, A1, A20. Katsarova, Raina D. Dances of Bulgaria. New York: Crown, 1951. Kossev, D.; Hristov, H.; and Angelov, D. A Short History of Bulgaria. Sofia: Foreign Languages Press, 1963. Lauwerys, Joseph A., and Scanlon, David G. "Education in Cities," The World Year Book of Education, 1970. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970. Manning, Clarence A., and Smal-Stocki, Roman. The History of Modern Bulgarian Literature. New York: Bookman Associates, 1960. Mishev, Dimitur. The Bulgarians in the Past. New York: Arno Press, 1971. Mladenov, Lyubomir. "International Recognition," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XXI, No. 7, July 1972, 15. Monov, Georgi. "Semi-Boarding Schools," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XX, No. 8, August 1971, 7-8. Morgan, Dan. "Bulgaria Moving Cautiously to Better U.S. Ties." Washington Post, March 29, 1973, A15. Moser, Charles A. A History of Bulgarian Literature 1865-1944. New York: Humanities Press, 1972. "National Revival Architecture," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XXI, No. 7, July 1972, 16-17. "The New Architecture," East Europe, XIV, No. 4, April 1965, 7-15. Newman, Bernard. Bulgaria Background. London: Robert Hale, 1961. Olson, Kenneth E. The History Makers. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1966. Oren, Nissan. Bulgarian Communism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. ——. Revolution Administered: Agrarianism and Communism in Bulgaria. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Oshavkov, Zhivko. "Religious Belief in Bulgaria," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XVI, No. 10, October 1967, 20-22. Parkin, Frank. Class Inequality and Political Order. New York: Praeger, 1971. Perl, Lila. Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria. Camden: Thomas Nelson, 1970. Petrov, Staian. The Struggle of the Bulgarian Communist Party to Organize the Social Basis of the Revolution. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1970. Pounds, Norman J. G. Eastern Europe. Chicago: Aldine, 1969. "The Professional Gap," East Europe, X, No. 10, October 1969, 40. Rizov, Alexander (ed.). Bulgaria, A Survey. Sofia: Foreign Languages Press, 1965. Rose, Harold. Your Guide to Bulgaria. London: Alvin Redman, 1964. Rothschild, Joseph. Communist Eastern Europe. New York: Walker, 1964. Rusinov, Spas. Bulgaria: A Survey. Sofia, Sofia Press, 1969. Sanders, Irwin T. Balkan Village. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1949. SchÖpflin, George (ed.). The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. New York: Praeger, 1970. Severin, R. Keith. "Bulgaria's Agricultural Economy in Brief," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Foreign Agriculture, (ERS-Foreign 136.) September 1965, 1-11. Sharp, Samuel L., and Fedlam, Fruzsina H. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1972. (The World Series.) Washington: Stryker-Post Publications, 1972. Staar, Richard F. The Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe (Rev. ed.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1971. The Statesman's Year Book, 1972-73. (Ed., John Paxton.) London: Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, 1972, 789-797. Statistical Yearbook, 1971. Sofia, National Information Office, 1971. Statistical Yearbook, 1972. Sofia, National Information Office, 1972. Stavrianos, Leften S. Balkan Federation: A History of the Movement Toward Balkan Unity in Modern Times. (Smith College Studies in History, XXVII, Nos. 1-4.) Northampton: Department of History, Smith College, 1942. Stillman, Edmund (and the Editors of Life). The Balkans (Life World Library Series.) New York: Time, 1964. Stoyanov, Lludmil. "Poet, Humanist and Fighter," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XXI, No. 7, July 1972, 22. Sylvester, Anthony. "The Bulgaria Paradox," East Europe, XVII, No. 1, January 1968, 15-19. Todorov, Nikolai. "Pencho Koulekov, an Original Master of Graphic Art" Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XXI, No. 5, May 1972, 32. UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, 1971. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1971, 59. U.S. Department of Army. Communist Eastern Europe: Analytical Survey of Literature. (DA Pam 550-8) Washington: GPO, 1971. U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service—JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series Translations on Eastern Europe: Economic and Industrial Affairs. "Analysis of Changes in Average Family Budget Made," Otechestven Front, Sofia, March 27, 1973. (JPRS 58,842, No. 874, 1973.) "Dynamics of Personal Income Described, 1965-70," Ikonomicheski Zhivot, Sofia: December 16, 1970. (JPRS 52,476, No. 424, 1971.) "Household Income, Consumption Statistics Given," Statistika, Sofia, No. 5, September-October 1970. (JPRS 52,106, No. 397, 1971.) "Light Ministry Plans to Supply Lacking Goods Revealed," Otechestven Front, Sofia, May 7, 1972. (JPRS 56,742, No. 727, 1972.) U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service—JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs. "Admission Rules to Foreign-Language High Schools," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, June 8, 1971. (JPRS 53,764, No. 396, 1971). "Aspects of Standard of Living Analyzed," Statistika, Sofia, No. 3, 1969. (JPRS 48,717, No. 126, 1969). "Caloric Intake of Blue-Collar Workers and Cooperative Farm Members," Khranitelna Promishlenost, Sofia, No. 2, 1968. (JPRS 45,795, No. 8, 1968). "Causes for 1961-65 Infant Mortality Reviewed," Statistika, Sofia, December 1969. (JPRS 49,929, No. 187, 1970). "Census Studies Bulgarian Educational Level," Statistika, Sofia, November-December 1968. (JPRS 47,697, No. 81, 1969). "Class Influence on Consumption Analyzed," Ikonomicheski Zhivot, Sofia, October 10, 1968. (JPRS 46,866, No. 42, 1968). "The Communists and the Family," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, XVI, November 1971. (JPRS: 55,275, No. 485, 1972). "Decree on Post-Graduate Training for Specialists Issued," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, February 20, 1973. (JPRS 58,807, No. 700, 1973). "Economics of Higher Education Reviewed," Novo Vreme, Sofia, September 1970. (JPRS 50,328, No. 280, 1970). "Health Minister Describes Public Health Plans," Zdraven Front, Sofia, June 19, 1971. (JPRS 54,178, No. 421, 1971). "Improvements in Standard of Living Traced," Ikonomicheski Zhivot, Sofia, November 1970. (JPRS 52,321, No. 310, 1971). "Military Training for Secondary Students," Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, March 20, 1972. (JPRS 55,828, No. 516, 1972). "Minister Cites Progress in Public Health Service," Khigiena i Zdraveopazvane, Sofia, No. 1, January-February 1969. (JPRS 48,333, No. 110, 1969.) "New Model for Secondary Polytechnical School," Vecherni Novini, Sofia, January 25, 1972. (JPRS 55,447, No. 495, 1972). "Party Policy at Center of Educational Work," Armeyski Komunist, Sofia, December 1972. (JPRS 58,368, No. 676, 1973). "Physicians' Attitude Toward Polyclinics Surveyed," Suvremenna Meditsina, Sofia, No. 12, 1970. (JPRS 52,840, No. 337, 1971). "Religious Survey in Plovdiv Okrug Taken," Filosofska Misul, Sofia, VI, June 1968. (JPRS 46,478, No. 30, 1968). "Schools Experiment with New Educational Program," Zemedelsko Zname, Sofia, July 24, 1968. (JPRS 46,334, No. 25, 1968). "School Statistics," Uchitelsko Delo, Sofia, September 7, 1971. (JPRS 54,419, No. 435, 1971). "Serious Shortage of Medical Personnel Reported," Pogled, Sofia, July 19, 1971. (JPRS 54,004, No. 409, 1971). "Shortages of Schoolteachers in Some Areas Noted," Trud, Sofia, August 21, 1971. (JPRS 54,094, No. 415, 1971). "Sociological Legal Analysis of Divorce," Khigiena i Zdraveopazvane, Sofia, III, 1970. (JPRS 51,271, No. 250, 1970). "Specialization, Training of Polyclinic Physicians Discussed," Zdraven Front, Sofia, June 12, 1971. (JPRS 53,958, No. 407, 1971). "Statistics on Rising Living Standard Given," Naruchnik na Agitatore, Sofia, No. 24, December 1972. (JPRS 58,480, No. 851, 1973). "Status Prospects of Medical Science Discussed," Zdraven Front, Sofia, April 24, 1971. (JPRS 53,482, No. 375, 1971). "Study of Services in Burgas Area Reviewed," Narodni Suveti, Sofia, No. 1, 1970. (JPRS 50,150, No. 197, 1970). U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Educational and Cultural Exchanges Between Communist and Non-Communist Countries in 1970. (Research Study RSES-34.) Washington: 1971. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Office of Media Services. "Educational and Cultural Exchange Between Communist and Non-Communist Countries in 1971." (News Release.) December 8, 1972. U.S. Department of State. Geographer. Office of Research in Economics and Science. Bulgaria-Greece Boundary. (International Boundary Study, No. 56). Washington: 1965. Wolff, Robert Lee. The Balkans in Our Time. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956. World Christian Handbook, 1968. (Eds., H. Wakelin Coxill and Kenneth G. Grubb.) New York: Abingdon Press, 1967. World of Learning, 1972-73. London: Europa Publications, 1973, 207-212. World Population Data Sheet, 1972. Washington: Population Reference Bureau, 1972. Yovkov, Yordav. Short Stories. (Trans., Monco Mincoff and Marguerite Alexieva.) Sofia: Foreign Language Press, 1965. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this section: Bulgaria Today [Sofia], 1967-1972; and East Europe [New York], 1965-1973.) Section II. Political Antonoff, Nicolas. The Bulgarian Crisis. New York: Mid-European Studies Center, 1953. ——. The Constitutional Evolution of Bulgaria. New York: Mid-European Studies Center, 1953. Black, Cyril E. The Establishment of Constitutional Government in Bulgaria. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943. Blemenfeld, Yorick. Seesaw: Cultural Life in Eastern Europe. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1968. Bromke, Adam. "The CSCE and Eastern Europe," World Today [London], XXIX, No. 5, May 1973, 196-206. Brown, James F. "Bulgaria." Pages 11-15 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1973. Hoover Institution Press, 1973. ——. Bulgaria Under Communist Rule. New York: Praeger, 1970. Bulgaria. Central Council of the Trade Unions. Bulgaria Traditions, Sofia, 1971. Bulgaria. Laws, Statutes, etc. Constitution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1971. Bulgaria. State Information Office with the Council of Ministers. Statistical Pocket Book, 1970. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1970. "Bulgaria," East Europe, XVII, No. 2, February 1968, 25-26. "Bulgaria: History". Pages 385-400 in Encyclopaedia Britannica, IV. Chicago: William Benton, 1969. "Bulgaria: Introductory Survey." Pages 570-588 in The Europa Yearbook, 1972,I. London: Europa Publications, 1972. "Bulgarian Books Abroad," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XVI, No. 10, October 1967, 10. "Bulgarian Television," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XV, No. 2, February 1966, 36-50. "Bulgaria." Pages 41-50 in Moshe Sachs (ed.), Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations, V: Europe. New York: Harper and Row, 1967. "Bulgaria." Pages 789-796 in Statesman's Yearbook, 1971-72. London: Macmillan, 1973. "Bulgaria." Pages 205-206 in The World of Learning, 1972-73. London: Europa Publications, 1973. Cary, William. Bulgaria Today. New York: Exposition Press, 1965. Costello, Michael. "Bulgaria." Pages 135-157 in Adam Bromke and Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone (eds.), The Communist States in Disarray, 1965-71. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972. Davis, Fitzroy, "Bulgarian Filmmakers: Looking for a Place in the Cinematic Sun," East Europe, XX, No. 3, March 1971, 29-35. Dellin, L. A. D. (ed.) Bulgaria: East-Central Europe Under the Communists. New York: Praeger, 1957. Dinkova, Maria. The Social Progress of the Bulgarian Woman. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1972. Dobrev, Georgi Mihailov. "Library Organization in Bulgaria," UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, IX, No. 8-9, August-September 1955, 161-164. Editor and Publisher International Year Book, 1972. New York: Editor and Publisher, 1971. "Exposing the 'Pseudo-Marxists'," East Europe, XVIII, No. 7, July 1969, 29-30. Feron, James. "Ideology on Decline in Eastern Europe," New York Times, March 22, 1973, A-15. Fischer, Lewis A. "COMECON and the Brezhnev Doctrine," East Europe, XXI, No. 10, October 1972, 4-7. Georgeoff, Peter J. The Social Education of Bulgarian Youth. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968. Gloghinski, Bogdan (ed.). Meet Bulgaria and Its Trade Unions. (Trans., Petko Drenkov, et al.) Sofia: Profizdat, 1966. Gsovski, V. (ed.) "Bulgaria: Motion Pictures Under New Regulations," Highlights of Current Legislation and Activities in Mid-Europe, II, No. 3, March 1, 1954, 55-60. Gyorgy, Andrew. "External Forces in Europe." Pages 221-235 in Adam Bromke and Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone (eds.), The Communist States in Disarray 1965-71. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972. Kane, Robert S. Eastern Europe: A to Z. New York: Doubleday, 1968. Karadelkov, Petko. "The Fires of Mount Bouzloudja," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XX, No. 8, August 1971, 3-4. ——. "The Founders of the Bulgarian Communist Party," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XX, No. 8, August 1971, 2. Kharalampi, Georgiev H. The Bulgarian Agrarian Union: Seventy Years Since the Foundation. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1970. Koritarova, Roza. "The Role and the Position of Trade Unions in the System of Social Administration at the Contemporary Stage: A Report." (A report delivered by Roza Koritarova, President of the Central Council of the Trade Unions at the Tenth Plenum of the Central Council of the Bulgarian Trade Unions.) Sofia: Profizdat, 1969. Kraus, Wolfgang. "Is Bulgaria Closing the Gap?" East Europe, XV, No. 4, April 1966, 2-11. Larabee, F. Stephen. "Bulgaria's Politics of Conformity," Problems of Communism, XXI, No. 4, February 20, 1972, 42-53. Lauwerys, Joseph A., and Scanlon, David G. "Education in Cities," The World Year Book of Education, 1970. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970. "Liberals Under Fire," East Europe, XXI, No. 5, May 1972, 35. Morgan, Dan. "Bulgaria Moving Cautiously to Better U.S. Ties," Washington Post, March 29, 1973, A15. Mossechkov, Nedyalko. "University Library," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], X, No. 7, July 1961, 25-26. Newman, Bernard. Bulgarian Background. London: Robert Hale, 1961. Olson, Kenneth E. The History Makers. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1966. Oren, Nissan. Revolution Administered: Agrarianism and Communism in Bulgaria. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Ostoich, Peter D. The Bulgarian Communist Party—Builder of a People's Democratic State. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1970. Perl, Lila. Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria. Camden: Thomas Nelson, 1970. Popoff, Emil. "Bulgaria's Young: The Silent Nihilists," East Europe, XVII, No. 7, July 1968, 7-11. Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa. "Patterns of Political Change." Pages 323-347 in Adam Bromke, and Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone (eds.), The Communist States in Disarray, 1965-71. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972. Rothschild, Joseph. Communist Eastern Europe. New York: Walker, 1964. ——. The Communist Party of Bulgaria: Origins and Development, 1883-1936. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. Rusinov, Spas. Bulgaria: A Survey. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1969. SchÖpflin, George (ed.). The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. New York: Praeger, 1970. Sharp, Samuel L., and Fedlam, Fruzsina H. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1972. (The World Series.) Washington: Stryker-Post Publications, 1972. Sokolski, Alexander. "A Glance at the New Bulgarian Films," Bulgaria Today [Sofia], XXI, No. 7, July 1972, 28-29. Staar, Richard F. The Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967. ——. The Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe. (Rev. ed.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1971. The Statesman's Year Book, 1972-73. (Ed., John Paxton.) London: Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, 1972, 789-797. Statistical Yearbook, 1972. Sofia, National Information Office, 1972. Stavrianos, Leften S. Balkan Federation: A History of the Movement Toward Balkan Unity in Modern Times. (Smith College Studies in History XXVII, Nos. 1-4.) Northampton: Department of History, Smith College, 1942. Sylvester, Anthony. "The Bulgarian Paradox," East Europe, XVII, No. 1, January 1968, 15-19. "Television in Eastern Europe," East Europe, XV, No. 4, April 1966, 12-15. Toma, Peter A. (ed.) The Changing Face of Communism in Eastern Europe. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1970. Triska, Jan F. (ed.) Constitutions of the Communist Party-States. Stanford: Hoover Institution, 1968. United Nations. "Delegations to the General Assembly and the Councils Delegations to the Twenty-fifth Session of the General Assembly 15 September-17 December 1970." Page 1083 in Yearbook of the United Nations, 1970. New York: U.N. Office of Information, 1972. UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, 1971. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1972, 700-731. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Communications: Press, Radio, Television, Film. (4th ed.) New York: UNESCO, 1964. United Nations. Office of Public Information. Press Section. "United Nations Bodies and Their Membership, 1972." (Press Release ORG/ 713.) May 1, 1972, 1-58. U.S. Department of the Army. Communist Eastern Europe: Analytical Survey of Literature. (DA PAM 550-8.) Washington: GPO, 1971. U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service—JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series Translations on Eastern Europe: Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs. "Aspects of New Constitution Interpreted," Novo Vreme, Sofia, January 1969, 1. (JPRS: 47,959, No. 93, 1969). "Attention Called to Problems of Working Women," Trud, Sofia, March 14, 1972. (JPRS 55,798, No. 514, 1972). "BCP Greetings Message Outlines Tasks of Bulgarian Propaganda," Sofia, December 3, 1971. (Speech by Georgi Bokov recorded on Sofia Radio.) (JPRS 54,763, No. 458, December 22, 1971). "Book Publication Circumstances Criticized," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, II, February 1970. (JPRS 50,510, No. 197, March 25, 1970). "Communist Party Courts Full Support of KOMSOMOL," Rabotnichesko Delo, Sofia, March 27, 1971. (JPRS 52,862, No. 339, 1971). "Constitutional Problems of People's Councils Viewed," Narodni Suveti, Sofia, No. 4, 1971. (JPRS: 54,667, No. 388, 1971). "Control Committee Scores Serious Lack of Textbooks," Otechestven Front, Sofia, August 1, 1970. (JPRS 51,187, No. 246, August 18, 1970). "Czechoslovak Normalization Process Discussed," Literaturen Front, Sofia, No. 39, September 19, 1968. (JPRS 46,866, No. 42, November 14, 1968). "Development of TV Relay Station Network Discussed," Radio i Televiziya Sofia, No. 11, 1969. (JPRS 50,112, No. 268, March 20, 1970). "The Effectiveness of Ideological Propaganda at the Contemporary Stage," Politichecka Prosveta, Sofia, July 1972. (JPRS 57,025, No. 592, 1972). "Facts, Figures on Printed Broadcast Media Published," Rabotnichesko Delo, Sofia, November 25, 1971. (JPRS 54,716, No. 456, December 16, 1971). "Further Upgrading of Role of Fatherland Front," Novo Vreme, Sofia, No. 7, July 1970. (JPRS 51,271, No. 250, 1970). "Greater Role Urged for People's Councils," Otechestven Front, Sofia, August 10, 1972. (JPRS: 57,149, No. 600, 1972). "Ideological Peaceful Coexistence Criticized," Literaturen Front, Sofia, April 18, 1968. (JPRS 45,428, No. 346, May 17, 1968). "Importance of Leading Role of Party Emphasized," Politicheska Prosveta, Sofia, December 1970. (JPRS 52,298, No. 309, 1971). "Improvement in Construction Troops Work Urged," Trudovo Delo, Sofia, January 23, 1973. (JPRS 58,600, No. 690, 1973). "Increased National Assembly Role Foreseen," Pravna Misul, Sofia, No. 2, 1971. (JPRS: 53,656, No. 387, 1971). "Medicosocial Problems of the Antialcoholism Campaign," Nevrologiya Psikhiatriya i Nevrokhirurgiya, Sofia, XI, No. 2, 1972. (JPRS 56,973, No. 589, September 7, 1972). "Military Training for Secondary Students," Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, March 20, 1972. (JPRS 55,828, No. 516, 1972). "Minister Stoilov's Keynote Address at World Conference on Pollution," BTA, Sofia, April 27, 1972. (JPRS 55,907, No. 520, May 5, 1972). "National Conference on Party Propaganda Reviewed," Politicheska Prosveta, Sofia, No. 5, May 1970. (JPRS 50,880, No. 233, 1970). "New Television Studio Opens in Ruse," Zemedelsko Zname, Sofia, November 6, 1972. (JPRS 57,590, No. 631, November 24, 1972). "The Obshtina Party Committees and Organizations—Political Leaderships," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, No. 18, December 1968. (JPRS 47,447, No. 69, 1969). "Party Application of Democratic Centralism Discussed," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, No. 8, June 1970. (JPRS 51,534, No. 257, 1970). "Party Guidance of the Fatherland Front," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, No. 9, 1972. (JPRS 57,109, No. 598, 1972). "Patriotism and Internationalism Defined," Trudovo Delo, Sofia, April 16, 1969. (JPRS 48,138, No. 100, 1969). "Political Knowledge of Working People Analyzed," Partien Zhivot, Sofia, February 1972. (JPRS: 56,081, No. 530, 1972). "Qualifications for Party Membership Analyzed," Novo Vreme, Sofia, April 1969. (JPRS 48,428, No. 114, 1969). "Radio, TV Development, Progress Viewed," Transporten Glas, Sofia, April 7, 1971. (JPRS 53,205, No. 471, May 24, 1971). "Special TV Program for Tourists Inaugurated," Otechestven Front, Sofia, July 30, 1972. (JPRS 56,813, No. 579, August 18, 1972). "State Council Formation Discussed," Pravna Misul, Sofia, No. 2, 1971. (JPRS 53,656, No. 387, 1971). "Strengthening of Contemporary Ideological Struggle Needed," Rabotnichesko Delo, Sofia, August 4, 1972. (JPRS 56,851, No. 582, August 23, 1972). "Study of Religiousness of Socialist Society Made," Politicheska Prosveta, Sofia, No. 10. (JPRS 47,047, No. 52, December 10, 1968). "Twenty-Five Years of Publishing Reviewed," Bulgarski Knigi, Sofia, September 1969. (JPRS 49,166, No. 152, October 30, 1969). "Youth Warned Against Western Psychological Warfare," Mladezh, Sofia, No. I, January 1973. (JPRS 58,807, No. 700, April 19, 1973). U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Intelligence and Research. "Bulgaria." 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"Bulgarian Customs Operations," Otechestven Front, Sofia, 1971, (JPRS: 55,110, No. 475, 1972). "Civil Defense Plans and Tasks," Narodna Armiya, Sofia, February 21, 1972. (JPRS: 58,495, No. 685, 1973). "Crime Treatment in Socialist Society," Filosofska Misul, Sofia, 1971. (JPRS: 53,920, No. 405, 1971). "Execution of Court Sentences," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, April 15, 1969. (JPRS: 48,065, No. 98, 1969). "History of Military Medical Institute," Voenno Meditsinsko Delo, Sofia, No. 5, 1970. (JPRS: 52,242, No. 308, 1971). "Intermediate-Level Service School Entrance Exams," Trudovo Delo, Sofia, May 12, 1970. (JPRS: 50,783, No. 228, 1970). "Internment Without Deprivation of Liberty," Pravna Misul, Sofia, 1971. (JPRS: 56,452, No. 550, 1972). "Law Governing Stay of Foreigners in Belgium," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, November 28, 1972. (JPRS: 58,035, No. 658, 1973). "Law on Universal Military Service," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, August 11, 1970. (JPRS: 51,354, No. 257, 1970). "Medicosocial Problems of Alcoholism," Nevrologiya Psikhiatriya i Nevrokhirurgiya, Sofia, 1972. (JPRS: 56,973, No. 589, 1972). "Military School Cadet Entrance Exams," Narodna Armiya, Sofia, May 17, 1970. (JPRS. 50,687, No. 224, 1970). "Military Training for Secondary Students," Narodna Mladezh, Sofia, March 20, 1972. (JPRS: 55,828, No. 516, 1972). "New Medals," Armeyski Pregled, Sofia, September 11, 1969. (JPRS: 48,790, No. 129, 1969). "New Training Year," Armeyski Pregled, Sofia, December 1969. (JPRS: 49,929, No. 187, 1970). "New Uniforms for Officers and Noncoms," Pogled, Sofia, March 22, 1971. (JPRS: 53,014, No. 347, 1971). "Party Program for Defense," Otechestven Front, Sofia, July 8, 1971. (JPRS: 53,641, No. 386, 1971). "People's Councils Legal Departments," Durzhaven Vestnik, Sofia, March 6, 1970. (JPRS 50,415, No. 210, 1970). "Pre-Induction Military Training Reorganized," Narodna Armiya, Sofia, August 8, 1968. (JPRS: 46,551, No. 31, 1968). 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