BY ETHEL M. KELLEY image Whose hair is all curly, an’ eyes “baby-blue”? Who wakes up too early ’fore night-time is fru? Who dresses her pillow all up in the clo’es, An’ counts all her piggies when nobody knows? An’ who’s des’ as quiet as quiet can be? Muvver says—me. Who w’ites wif a pencil all over a book? An’ who gets the ink when nobody does look? An’ who gets her fingies all blacker than black? An’ who gets ’em spatted when Muvver comes back? An’ who’s des’ as sorry as sorry can be? Muvver says—me. Who goes down to dinner on Sundays at two, All dressed in w’ite frillies, an’ tied up in blue? An’ who waits for Father to cut up her meat, When she is so hungry an’ nuffin’ to eat? An’ who’s des’ as “patient” as “patient” can be? Muvver says—me. Who gets on her nightie an’ says all her prayers? An’ then comes a-stealin’ an’ creepin’ down-stairs? Who cuddles up comfy an’ teases to stay? An’ who is so spoiled ’at she won’t go away, Even when she’s as sleepy as sleepy can be? Muvver says—me.