-h@54392-h-9.htm.html#Page_259" class="pginternal">259 David (Dahvid), 330 Debussy (m
392-h-1.htm.html#Page_30" class="pginternal">30-33 Hobrecht, 127, 145 Hofmann, J., 450 Hopkins, 167 Huber (Hoober), 470 Hucbald (Huckbald), 67, 74, 95 Humfrey, 207 Hummel (Hoommel), 383 Humperdinck (Hoomperdinck), 374, 473 Huneker, 551 Hurdy Gurdy, 153 Hydraulic Organ, 157 Imitation, 102, 109 Indian Music, 531 Indy d’ (Dandy, French nasal n), 413, 484 Intermezzo, 192 Ireland, 79 Isidore of Seville, 74 Italian School, Early, 131 Japanese Music, 29, 30 Jean de Garlande (Zhan, nasal n), 104 Jean Scot Erigene, 74 Jensen (Yensen), 413 Jerome de Moravie (Morahvee), 104 Joachim (YoÁhkim), 331 Jommelli (YommÉllee), 193, 230 Jongleurs (Zhongler), 83 Joseffy (YosÉffy), 449, 546 Josquin de Pres (Zhoskan, nasal de Pray), 127, 145 Keiser (Kyser), 213, 227 Kelley, 544 Kerl (Kairl), 162, 264 Keyboard, 159 Kienzl (Keenzel), 474 Kin, 26, 27 Kistler, 475 Klindworth (Klindwort), 443 Klotz, 319 Koto, 30 Krehbiel (Kraybeel), 551 Kreutzer (Kroitzer), 329 Kuhnau (Koonow), 276 Landino (Landeeno), 161 Lassen (Lahssen), 513 Lasso (Lahsso), di, 128, 134, 136, 144
ss="pginternal">441 Sacchini (SakeÉnee), 230 Sachs (Sakhs), 86 Safonoff (SafÓnoff), 443 Saint Petersburg Conservatory, 556 Saint-SaËns (San-Sahnz, nasal n), 167, 444, 459, 481 Salieri (Solyairee), 223 Sambuca, 37 Santir, 38 Sapellnikoff (SapÉllnikoff), 442 Sauer (Sour), 438 Scales, 22, 29 Scandinavian Music, 80 Scarlatti, A., 187, 196, 226, 250, 336 Scarlatti, D., 251, 266 Scheidemann (Shydemann), 163 Scheidt (Shite), 163 Schillings, 475 Schmidt, B., 162 Schneider, 166 Schopenhauer (Shopenhower), 21 SchrÖter (Shrayter), 242 Schubert, 391, 456 Schumann, Clara, 451 Schumann, R., 18, 395, 401, 407, 417, 425, 439, 457 SchÜtz (Sheets), 211, 227 SchyttÉ (Skittay), 513 Scottish Music, 79 Scriabine (SkreÁhbeen), 443, 522 Se, 28 Seidl (Sidle), 533 Senesino (Seneseeno), 199 Sevcik (Shevchik), 333 Sgambati (SgambÁhtee), 448, 494 Shawm, 150 Shelley, 542 Sheng, 26 Sherwood, 450 Sho, 29 Shofar, 150 Sibelius (Seebailius), 513 Sieveking (Seevehking), 447 Silbermann, 143, 162, 247 Wind Instruments, 147, 148 Wolf, H., 478 Wolf-Ferrari (FerrÁhree), 496 Ysaye (Esyeh), 332 Zeelandia (Zalahndia), 112 Zeisler (Ziseler), 451 [1] In his work “The Power of Sound” Gurney has taken up in detail Herbert Spencer’s theory of the origin of music. Transcriber's Notes: Uncertain or antiquated spellings or ancient words were not corrected. The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs and so that they are next to the text they illustrate. Errors in punctuation and inconsistent hyphenation were not corrected unless otherwise noted. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered. MIDI files were created by the transcriber using Finale Notepad. |