Abbot, Wm, 263. Acts, Scholastic, chXV. Admonitions, Statutory, 221–4. Alford, Hen, 174. Allen, Thos, 34. All Saints’ Ch, Camb, 85. Alston Tankard, The, 123. Ambler, John, 224. Analytical Society, 290. Anne of Denmark, 117. Ansill, Thos, 13. Arrington Vicarage, 11. Artistic Treasures, chVI. Ascham, Roger, 203. Assessors, Trin. Coll, 127. Assistant Tutors, 44. Athletic Club, Trinity, 125, 126. Athletic Clubs, 174. Atterbury, Fras, 68. Attractions, Theory, 229, 234, 235. Auditors, Trin. Coll, chVII. Aykerod Cup, The, 120. Babington, Gervase, 57. Backhouse, Jas, 42. Bacon, Arth, 165. Balfour, A.J, 112. Ball, R.S, 315. Balsham, Hugh de, 191. Bankes Ewer, The, 121. Barnes, E.W, 43. Barnes, J.W, 81. Barrington Vicarage, 12. Barrow, Isaac, 108, 109, 117, 150, 170, 171, 254, 315. Beaumont, Robt, 92, 93, 94, 106. Bedesmen, 18. Bedwell, Thos, 254. Bellot Tankard, The, 123. Bennet, Bishop, 57. Bennet Ewer, The, 121. Bensley, Jas, 224. Bentley, Rich, 41, 67, 68, 98, 111, 134, 135, 172, 239. Benton, Dan, 212. Berry, Art, 316. Best, H.D, 279. Billingsley, Hen, 254. Blackburn, Jas, 278. Blakesley, J.W, 81. Bland, Tobias, 214. Blundeville, Thos, 254. Board, Mathematical, 300, 301. Boat Club, The, 124, 125, 174. Bolland, Wm, 285. Bonnycastle’s Algebra, 281, 284. Bottisham Vicarage, 11. Boxworth Rectory, 12. Boys, Wm, 88. Brackets, System of, 271–272, 282–288, 295, 300. Brass, John, 255. Bridges, Simon, 17. Briggs, Hen, 254. Briggs, Simon, 17. Bromwich, T.J.I’A, 316. Brooke, Rich, 128, 129, 131, 132. Browne, Galen, 223. Buckingham Ewer, The, 120. Buckley, Wm, 254. Bulaeus, 182. Burcham, T.B, 81. Burials in College, 103. Burnand, F.C, 174. Busby Cup, The, 121. Busby, Rich, 202. Butler, Miss, 100.
Cambridge University, Beginnings of, chXI. Camden, Marquess of, 112. Caroline, Queen, 138. Carver, Chas, 277. Cavendish Cup, The, 123. Cavendish Professorship, 316. Cayley, Art, 110, 111, 176, 311, 315. Cecil, Sir Wm, 51. Central Forces, chXIII. Challenge Plate, 124–126. Challis, Jas, 315. Challis MSS, 273. Chantrey, Fras, 116. Chapel, Compulsory, chIV, 204, 206, 207. Chapel, Trinity, chV. Charrington, John, 115. Cheadle Rectory, 12. Chesterton Vicarage, 11. Christ Church Westminsters, chIII. Christopherson, John, 88, 91, 92. Cipriani, G.B, 116. Clairaut, A.C, 240. Clarence, Duke of, 174. Clarke, Sam, 254. Clarke’s Attributes, 268. Clarkson Cup, The, 120. Clerke, Gilbert, 254. Coaches, Private, 307–310. Colleges, Early, 27, 191, 192. Colson, John, 315. Combination Rooms, 167. Commencement-House, 153. Commons, Out of, 216, 217, 219. Conybeare, W.J, 76. Conyers, Tobias, 212. Corporal Punishments, 199–208, 210–215. Cotes, Roger, 98, 172, 254, 267, 315. Cotton, G.E.L, 76. Cowley, Abraham, 66, 111, 169. Cox, Rich, 202. Cranworth, Lord, 173. Creighton, Robt, 39. Cumberland, Rich, 262.
Damer Cup, The, 123. Dance, Nath, 112. Darwin, G.H, 315. Dawson, John, 308. Days, Loss of, 217. Deans, College, 28, 206–8, 219–20. DeBalsham, Hugh, 191. DeBerwick, Rich, 155. Declaratio Computi, 128. DeDurnford, Nich, 155. Dee, John, 254. DeGretford, Hen, 155. DeGretford, Ralph, 155. DeHull, John, 155. DeImmeworth, John, 155. DeKelsey, John, 155. De laPryme, Abraham, 259. DeLondon, Phil, 155. DeNottingham, Walter, 155. Derby, Henry Earl of, 110, 111. DeRome, Nich, 155. DeSalisbury, John, 155. DeSalisbury, Rich, 155. Descartes, RenÉ, 227, 236, 237. DeStanton, Hervey, 87. DeSutton, Hugh, 155. DeTorterold, Jas, 155. DeTorterold, John, 155. Devonshire, Duke of, 316. D’Ewes, Simon, 208. DeWinchester, David, 155, 160. DeWindsor, Thos, 155. DeWoodstock, John, 155. Dialectici, 16. Digges, Thos, 254. Discipline, chXII, 27, 32, 33. Distribucio Collegii, 13–22. Dobson, Wm, 81. Donaldson, J.W, 81. Downing, Sir Geo, 131. Draghswerd, Wm, 155.
Earnshaw, Sam, 298. Eddington, A.S, 315. EdwardIV, 110. EdwardVII, 174. Elizabeth, Queen, 48, 49, 90, 91, 92, 114, 115, 117, 144, 164, 167, 168. Ellethorpe, 213. Emerson, Wm, 268. Euclid’s Elements, 271, 279, 281. Euler, Leonhard, 240. Everett, Wm, 174. Ewing, J.A, 316. Expulsions, 221–224. Fakenham Rectory, 11. Farish, Wm, 285. Fees, College, in 1570, 36–37. Fellow-Commoners, 29, 34, 119. Fellows, Election of, 30. Fellowship Election in 1659, 39. Felmersham Vicarage, 11. Fenn, John, 263. Ferguson, Jas, 267. Field, Fred, 81. Fines, 215–216. Firebrace Cup, The, 122. First Trinity Boat Club, 124, 125, 174. Fitzgerald, Edw, 173. Fitzgerald Tankard, The, 122. Fletcher, Bishop, 57. Fletcher, W.M, 43. Fluxions, 289–292. Foley Tankard, The, 123. Fort, John, 155. Foster, Sam, 254. Foundation of Trinity, chI. Franciscan Monastery, 19, 184. Frazer, Sir Jas, 170. Frere, John, 265. Fuller, Thos, 93. Gating, 218–219. General Examination, 297. GeorgeI, 259. GeorgeIII, 107. Gerrard, Mark, 115. Glaisher, J.W.L, 252. Glazebrook, R.T, 316. Gloucester, Duke of, 107, 112, 115. Goad, Roger, 204. Gooch, Wm, 276. Goodman, Gabriel, 52. Gordon, Douglas, 107. Gouldesborough, Edw, 57. Grace, J.H, 316. Grammar, Degrees in, 190, 191. Grammarians, 15, 16, 17, 28, 181, 189–191. Grammar School at Trinity, 15–17, 28, 30. Granby, Marquess of, 112, 113. Gravitation, Law of, chXIII. Gray, 88. Greaves Cup, The, 123. Greek Authors read in 1570, 37. Green, Geo, 311. Grendon Vicarage, 11. Griffith, T, 133. Griffon, John, 155. Griffon, Thos, 155. Grigson, Thos, 215. Grote, John, 174. Grundisburgh Rectory, 12. Guilds, University, 188. Gulphing, 264.
Halfhead, 223. Halifax, Earl of, 110. Hallam, A.H, 173. Hamilton, Hugh, 267. Hardy, G.H, 316. Hare, J.C, 173. Harman, Rich, 15. Harwood, Busick, 285. Heath, J.M, 81. Helsham, Rich, 267. HenryI, 180. HenryII, 180. HenryVIII, 3, 48, 106, 162, 167. Herkomer, H. von, 109. Herman, R.A, 316. Herschel, John, 290. Herschel, Wm, 240. Hill, Thos, 254. Hitch, Robt, 223. Hodges, 213. Hodson, Wm, 273. Holbein, 106. Hood, Thos, 254. Hooke, Robt, 228. Hopkins, Wm, 308–310. Hopkinson, B, 316. Hornbuckle, T.W, 286, 287, 288. Horrox, Jeremiah, 254. Hostels, Private, 27, 29, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199. Houghton, Lord, 173. Howson, J.S, 76. Humphrey Ewer, The, 120. Husbands Cup, The, 122. Hustler, J.D, 285. Hutton, Archbishop, 57. Huygens, Christian, 238. JamesI, 54, 64, 66, 114, 117, 168. JamesII, 171. Jeans, J.H, 316. Jebb, John, 263, 267, 270, 271. Jebb, R.C, 110, 111, 170, 176. Jephson, Thos, 285. Joachim, Joseph, 110. John, King, 180. Johnson, 212. Jones, Thos, 110. Jurin, Jas, 254.
Keate, John, 202. Keill, John, 267. Kelvin, Lord, 311. Kempthorne, John, 285. Kent Ewer, The, 120. Kepler’s Problem, 234. King, C.W, 75. King, Joshua, 315. King, John, 59. Kinglake, A.W, 173. King’s Hall, 3, 9–11, 20, 84–86, 144, 154–160, 162, 163. King’s Scholars, see King’s Hall. Kneller, Godfrey, 112. LaszlÖ deLombros, P.A, 112. Latin Authors read in 1570, 37. Laud, Wm, 94. Laurence, R.V, 43. Lawrence, Thos, 112. Least Resistance, Solid of, 236. Leathem, J.G, 316. [322] Lectures, College, 44–46. Lectureships, Mathematical, 253, 316. Lee (Fiott), John, 287. Leg, Thos, 93. Legendre, A.M, 290. Lever, Thos, 24. Library, Trinity, chVIII, 104. Lightfoot, J.B, 101, 110, 111, 115, 170, 176. Lombard, Peter, 181. Lonsdale, John, 112. Loss of Days or Terms, 218. Love, A.E.H, 316. Lowndes, Thos, 315. Lowndean Professorship, 315. Lucas, Hen, 315. Lucas, Rich, 277. Lucasian Professorship, 315. Lushington, E.L, 174. Lyndhurst Cup, The, 123. Lyndhurst, Lord, 173. Lyons, Israel, 268. Macaulay, W.H, 316. Macclesfield, Earl of, 111. Macdonald, H.M, 316. Man, Henry, 17. Martin, Fras, 81. Martin, Theodore, 123. Marvell, Andrew, 169. Mary, Queen, 48, 88, 91, 108, 115, 164, 167. Mary of Scotland, 115. Mathematical Tripos, chXV. Mathematics, Cambridge, chXV. Mathews, G.B, 316. Maule, W.H, 173. Maxwell, J.Clerk, 110, 111, 176, 311, 316. Maydew, John, 17. Mechanics, Theory of, 231–232. Mechanism Professorship, 316. Medieval Tutorial System, 27. Medieval University, Beginnings of, chXI. Melbourne, Viscount, 110, 111. Merit, Order of, in Examinations, 261, 307. Mexborough Cup, The, 123. Mey, Wm, 5. Michael-House, 3, 11–13, 20, 86, 87, 162, 163. Milnes, Monckton, 173. Milton, John, 213. Moderators, Mathematical, 258, 259, 260. Monasteries at Cambridge, 180, 181, 184, 185. Monks at University, 181, 185, 186, 187, 196. Moreton, Albert, 53. Morland, Sam, 254. Motion, Laws of, 232. Mullinger, J.B, 179, 188, 313. Munro, H.A.J, 176. Murray, Thos, 112. Neile, Rich, 59. Nevile Cup, The, 119. Nevile, Robt, 212. Nevile, Thos, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 114, 149, 166, 167, 168. [323] Newton, John, 134. Newton, Sam, 129, 132, 133, 134. Newton’s Principia, chXIII. Non-Regents, 183. Northampton, Earl of, 62.
Opie, John, 112. Opponencies, 253. Optimes, chXV. Optimes, Honorary, 257, 261, 296. Ordines Senioritatis, 261. Orleans, University of, 182. Orwell Rectory, 12. Oughtred, Wm, 252.
Paley, Wm, 265, 275, 279, 299. Parham, Peter, 213. Paris, University of, 182, 252. Parke, Jas, 130, 138, 139, 173. Parker, Nich, 155. Parker, Roger, 155. Parne, Thos, 215. Paston, Clement, 201. Paulet Tankard, The, 123. Payne, 255. Peacock, Geo, 55, 81, 173, 179, 180, 182, 189, 276, 277, 290, 291, 315. Peckitt of York, 116. Peile, John, 213. Pell, John, 254. Penalties, chXII. Pendlebury, Rich, 316. Pepys, Thos, 217. Perry, Chas, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82. Perry Plate, The, 124. Pheasaunt Tankard, The, 123. Philip of Spain, 108. Plate, College, chVI. Plume, Thos, 315. Plumian Professorship, 315. Poll-Men, see chXV. Portraits, College, chVI. Pour, Nich, 155. Pour, Rich, 155. Pour, Wm, 155. Pre-elections, 59, 60, 62, 64. Prime and Ultimate Ratios, 232. Principia of Newton, chXIII. Prior, Matthew, 112. Private Tutors, 307–310. Professors’ Examinations, 297. Pull, Nich, 155.
Raine, Matthew, 110. Rait, R.S, 200. Rashdall, Hastings, 179, 199, 220. Rayleigh, Lord, 316. Rayleigh Prizes, 266. Record, Robt, 254. Redman, Bishop, 57. Redman, John, 5, 9, 11, 13, 20, 24, 88, 92. Regents, 183. Religious Students, 27. RemÉe, 107. Reneu, Wm, 259. Resisting Mediums, 235–236. Rhetoric, Degrees in, 190, 191. RichardIII, 110. Richard, Duke of York, 110. Richmond, H.W, 316. Ring, Mrs, 112. Rod, Punishment by, 199–208, 210–214. Romney, Geo, 115. Rooke, Laurence, 254. Rose, C.L, 76. Rosekin, Andrew, 155. Roubiliac, L.F, 116. Routh, E.J, 308–310. Rud, Bishop, 57. Rustication, 221–224. Rutherford, Wm, 267.
Sadleirian Professorship, 315. StMary’s Ch, Camb, 11. StMichael’s Ch, Camb, 12, 87, 98, 101. Sanderson, Nich, see Saunderson. Sandwich Cup, The, 122. Saunderson, Nich, 254, 268, 315. Scholars, Election of, 30, 31. Scholefield, Jas, 173. Scot, Major, 97. Sedgwick, Adam, 81, 110, 111, 173. Senate-House Examination, chXV. Servant Students, 28. Seymour, Queen Jane, 106. Shaw-Lefevre, J.G, 130, 140, 141. Shepherd, Anth, 315. Sizars, 28. Sloane Tankard, The, 123. Smith, Elismar, 103. Smith, John, 315. Smith, Robt, 111, 172, 254, 265, 267, 315. Smith’s Prizes, 266. Solar System, chXIII. Solomon, Proverbs of, 203. Somerset, Duke of, 112, 113, 114. Special Examinations, 297. Spectrum Analysis, 242–243. Spedding, Jas, 173. Stangs, 214–215. Statutes, Trinity, 1552, 30, 31. Statutes, Trinity, 1554, 33. Statutes, Trinity, 1560, 33, 34. Statutes, Trinity, 1844, 35, 175, Statutes, Trinity, 1861, 35, 175. Statutes, Trinity, 1882, 35, 175. Stephen, Leslie, 174. Stevinus, Simon, 231. Still, Bishop, 57. Stocks, 214–215. Stokes, G.G, 315. Stuart, Jas, 316. Subsizars, 28. Sussex, Duke of, 112. Sylvester, J.J, 311.
Taylor, Brook, 254. Taylor Tankard, The, 123. Tennyson, Alf, 108, 115, 117, 174. Tennyson, Chas, 174. Tennyson, Fred, 174. Terms, loss of, 217. Thirlwall, Connop, 71, 72, 73, 83, 173. Thompson, W.H, 81, 109, 114, 174, 175, 176. Thomson, J.J, 316. Thomson, Wm, 311. Thorp, Thos, 73, 81, 307, 308. Thorwaldsen, Bertel, 117. Tindal, N.C, 76, 130, 137, 173. Tisserand, F.T, 241. Todhunter, Isaac, 302. Treasures, College, chVI. Trench, R.C, 173. Trinity Athletic Clubs, 124–126, 174. Trinity College, Foundation, chI. Trinity College, History of, chX. Trinity College, Numbers at, 163. Tripos, Mathematical, chXV. Tripos, Origin of Name, 311–314. Trot, Warin, 160. Tunstall, Cuthbert, 253. Turner, Joseph, 286. Turton, Thos, 315. Tutorial System, chII. Tutors, College, chII.
Vandyke, A, 119. VanSomer, Paul, 108. Verdon, Thos, 215. Verney Cup, The, 122. Vernon Tankard, The, 123. Victoria, Queen, 69.
Walker, Rich, 99. Walling, 218. Wallis, John, 254. Walpole, Horace, 107. Walsh, B.D, 81. Ward, Seth, 254. Waring, Edw, 263, 277, 281, 286, 287, 315. Watts, G.F, 108. Wensleydale, Lord, 130, 138, 139, 173. West, Robt, 93. Westcott, B.F, 101, 110, 111, 176. Westminster Gowns, 68. Westminster Scholars, chIII, 248. Westminster School, chIII. Whetham, W.C.D, 43. Whewell, Wm, 69, 72, 73, 81, 108, 110, 111, 117, 174, 175, 221, 252, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292. Whisson, Stephen, 42. Whitgift, John, 36, 51, 93, 94, 165, 166, 210. Whittaker, E.T, 316. Williams, Joshua, 138. Willis, Robt, 90. Windows, Chapel, 91, 93, 102, 115, 116. Winthrop, Adam, 128, 129, 130, 131. Wollaston, F.J.H, 285. Woodhouse, Robt, 286, 287, 290, 315. Wordsworth, Chris (1), 71, 72, 73, 74, 81. Wordsworth, Chris (2), 252, 263, 275, 279, 314. Wordsworth, John, 81. Wranglers, chXV. Wright, Edw, 254. York, Richard Dukeof, 110. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J.B.PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS |