The Maryland Yellow-throat is a delightful summer visitor. Trim, dainty, exquisitely colored, lithe, and full of song, he is a charming part of the thickets of roadsides and streams. MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT The Maryland Yellow-ThroatA host of warblers northward come in May, And linger with us only one brief day; You, yellow-throated songster, love to stay. We glimpse your dainty coat of olive-green, Your breast and throat of shimmering yellow sheen And mask of black, where ferns and bushes lean O’er sparkling streamlets, rimmed with many a reed, And hung with brilliant golden jewel-weed. Midst feathery spikes of meadow-sweet you speed. Your brooding mate you watch, as to and fro You flit; and while the summer breezes blow You sing your Witch-i-tee'-o, witch-i-tee'-o. |