


a, e, i, o, u, long; a, e, i, o, u, y?, short; cÂre, Ärm, ?sk, ?ll; fern; fÔrm, s?n; r?de, f?ll, Ûrn; food, book; Çinder; gentle; chasm; thin; them; i?k.

a ban´don. To give up; relinquish.
ab´bot. The ruler of an abbey.
a bridged´. Shortened.
a by?ss´. A bottomless gulf.
ac Çel´erated. Quickened; hastened.
ac´ Çi dent. A sudden and unexpected event.
a chieved´. Done; accomplished.
acknowl´edged (ak nol´ejd). Assented to; owned as a fact.
ad mi ra´tion. Wonder and delight.
af fect´ed. Moved; influenced.
ag i ta´tion. Emotion; excitement.
a loof´. Away from.
a maze´ment. Wonder; astonishment.
am´ber. Yellowish.
am´bling. Going at an easy gait.
am mu ni´tion. Articles used in charging firearms.
am´ple. Sufficient. “Ample prospects” = wide or extended views.
a non´. “Ever and anon” = frequently; often.
an´ti quat ed. Old-fashioned.
an tique´ (an teek´). Old; ancient.
an´tlered. Having horns like a deer.
ap p?ll´ing. Terrible; fearful.
ap pÂr´ent ly. Clearly; seemingly.
ap pa ri´tion. A wonderful appearance; a ghost.
ap pli ca´tion (of the rod). The act of laying on.
ap point´ed. Set apart; named; established.
ap pren´tiÇe ship. Service under legal agreement for the purpose of learning a trade or art.
as Çer tained´. Learned; found out.
asp´ens. Poplar trees of a certain kind, the leaves of which are moved by the slightest breeze.
as s?ult´ed. Attacked; set upon with violence.
? st?rn´. At the stern or hinder part.
at most = at the greatest estimate.
at´om. The smallest particle of matter.
?u´di ble. That can be heard.
?u´dience. An assembly of hearers.
? venge´. To inflict punishment upon evil doers for an injury to one’s self or friends.
b?l´dric. A broad belt worn over one shoulder and under the opposite arm.
bÄr. The legal profession. “Admitted to the bar” = authorized to practice law in the courts.
ba´sis. Foundation; groundwork.
b?sk´ing. Lying in a warm place.
bay. “Leaves of bay” = leaves of the laurel tree.
be dight´. Dressed.
bel lig´er ent. Warlike.
be stowed´. Placed; used; imparted.
be wil´dered. Greatly perplexed.
be witched´. Charmed; entranced.
bick´er. To move quickly.
bilge w?ter. Water in the hold of a ship.
bi~rch (of jus tice). A tough, slender twig, used in school for punishment.
biv´ouac (biv´wak). An encampment for the night without tents or covering.
bla´zoned. Displayed in bright colors; published far and wide.
blub´ber. The fat of whales and other large sea animals, from which oil is obtained.
blush´ing gob´let. A goblet or glass full of red wine.
boat´swain (bo´s’n). An officer who has charge of the boats of a ship.
bonds´man. A slave.
bow´er. A lady’s private apartment; a shady recess.
brake. A thicket; a place overgrown with shrubs.
bram´bly. Full of briers.
bran´dished. Shook or flourished.
bro?d´side. A discharge at the same time of all the guns on one side of a ship.
buc c? neers´. Robbers upon the sea.
b?l´lion. Gold or silver in the mass.
bÛrgh´er. Townsman; villager.
bÛr´nished. Polished.
bÛrnt of´fer ing. Something offered and burnt on an altar as an atonement for sin.
bux´om. Stout and rosy.
cane´brakes. Thickets of canes.
ca pri´Çious. Changeable; freakish.
cÄr niv´or ous. Flesh-eating.
case´ment. A window sash opening on hinges.
cat´a ract. A waterfall.
Çel´lu lar. Containing cells.
chasms (kazmz). Deep openings in the earth.
chop´f?ll en. Dejected; downcast.
chron´i cles. Historical account of facts arranged in regular order.
chÛrls. Countrymen; laborers.
Çi~r cum´fer enÇe. The distance around.
Çir´cum stan Çes. Facts; events.
cleave. Separate; divide.
close h?uled. Moving as nearly as possible toward the wind.
clue. A thread; means of guidance.
coin´age. The act of making pieces of money from metal.
com bus´ti ble. That can be burned.
com mod´i ties. Things bought and sold.
com´mon wealth. A state; the public.
com muned´. Talked together.
com mu ni ca´tion. Intercourse; news.
com pen sa´tion. Payment; reward.
com´pli cat ed. Complex; combined in an intricate manner.
com pound´ed. Put together; mixed.
con Çed´ed. Gave up; yielded.
con Çep´tions. Ideas; notions.
con f?rred´. Gave; bestowed.
con fr?nts´. Meets face to face.
con spic´u ous. Plain; distinct.
con stit´u ents. Component parts.
con´tra band. Prohibited; forbidden.
coot. A bird resembling a duck.
cop´y ist. One who copies.
cor rupt´. To change from good to bad; depraved.
coun´te nanÇe. Face; appearance.
cra´ni um. The skull.
cra´ter. The opening or mouth of a volcano.
cre du´li ty. Readiness of belief.
cropped. Grazed. “Hair cropped close” = hair cut short.
crouched. Stooped low, as an animal when waiting for prey.
cÛr´dled. Coagulated; thickened. “Curdling awe” = awe that thickens the blood in the veins.
cus to´di an. A keeper; guardian.
de clen´sion. A falling. “Declension of spirits” = loss of cheerfulness.
dem´on strate. To explain; point out.
de nounÇe´. To accuse; threaten.
de press´ing. Pressing down; humbling.
de scried´. Saw; beheld.
de serts´ (de z?rts´). “According to his deserts” = as he deserves.
de spite´ful ly. Maliciously.
des pot´ic (power). The power of a master; tyranny.
de volved´. Passed from one person to another.
di´a grams. Drawings; plans.
dic tat´ed. Said; declared.
dif fused´. Spread; circulated.
dig´ni ty. Loftiness and grace.
dil´i gent. Busy; earnest.
di men´sions. Extent; measure.
dis cÔrd´ant. Unmusical; jarring.
dis coun´te nanÇed. Discouraged; abashed.
dis guised´. Hidden.
disk. The face of a heavenly body.
dis sev´ered. Separated.
dog´ged. Sullen; obstinate.
doub loon´. A Spanish coin worth about $15.00.
dram´a tized. Represented in a play.
drudg´er y. Hard, mean labor.
due. “A stranger’s due” = that which custom requires to be given to a stranger.
dusk. “Breezes dusk and shiver” = darken and cause to quiver.
ec´sta sy. Extreme delight.
eight-bells. On shipboard, the striking of a bell eight times at 4, 8, and 12 o’clock.
eked. Increased.
el´e ment. One of several parts of something.
em bel´lish ing. Illustrating; beautifying.
em´blem. Sign.
em´i nenÇe. High place or station.
e mit´ting. Sending out.
en Çi~r´cled. Surrounded.
en coun´tered. Met face to face.
en´sign. A banner; one who carries a banner.
en´ter pri sing. Resolute; active.
en throned´. Put on a throne.
en treat´. To beg off.
e rup´tion. A breaking out.
e´ther. The air; a light, volatile liquid.
ev er-va´ry ing. Ever-changing.
ev´i dence. Proof.
ex alt´ed (egz ?lt´ed). Raised on high.
ex Çeed´ing. More than usual.
ex Çess´ive. Overmuch.
ex clu´sive. Shutting out all others.
ex e cut´ed. Performed.
ex haust´ing (egz ?st´ing). Using up: tiring out.
ex per´i ments. Trials; tests.
ex port´ed. Carried out.
ex pos tu la´tions. Remonstrances.
ex press´ly. Particularly.
ex´quis ite (ex´kwi zit). Very excellent; nice.
ex´tant. Still existing.
ex ult’ed (egz ult´ed). Rejoiced.
fal´low. Land left unplowed.
fan tas´tic. Fanciful; unreal.
fath´om. Six feet.
fa tig´u ing (fa teg´ing). Tiring; wearying.
fe roÇ´i ty. Fierceness.
fer´ule (fer´ril). A short stick or ruler.
feuds. Quarrels; disputes.
flim´sy. Weak; limp.
fo ray´. An attack; a raid.
fore´cas tle (for´kas’l). The forward part of a ship.
fore´land. A cape; headland.
for sweÂr´. To declare or deny on oath.
fo´rum. A court; tribunal.
foul. Shameful; disgraceful.
frag´men ta ry. In pieces.
fra t?r´nal. Brotherly.
fron´tier. Border land.
fÛr´bish ing. Scouring: cleaning.
gÂr´ish. Showy.
gÄr´nished. Decorated.
gaunt (gÄnt). Thin; lean.
gem´my. Full of gems.
gi~rth. Band fastening a saddle on a horse’s back.
gla´cier (gla´sh?r). Field of ice.
glu´ey. Full of glue; sticky.
gnarled (nÄrld). Knotty; twisted.
gob´lin. A mischievous spirit; phantom.
good´man. A tenant.
gos´sip. To tattle; talk.
gran´deur. Vastness; nobility.
graph´ic. Vivid; impressive.
gray´ling. A kind of fish.
greaves. Armor for the leg below the knee.
griev´ous. Causing sorrow.
guÄrd. Protection. “Mounting guard” = keeping watch.
gut´tur al. A sound made in the throat.
hap´less. Unfortunate.
hap´ly. Fortunately.
hÄr poon´. A barbed spear, used in catching whales and other sea animals.
hÄunts. Places of resort.
heav´ing. Hoisting; straining.
her´ald ed. Proclaimed; made known.
her´e sy. Opinion contrary to established belief.
h?rn. A wading bird.
hig´gle dy-piggle dy. Topsy-turvy.
hooves. Feet of horses or cattle.
hÔrse´man ship. The riding of horses.
hove. Hoisted; came to a stop.
hu mane´. Kind; gentle.
hus´band man. Farmer.
hus´tled (hus´l’d). Pushed; crowded.
il lu´mi na tors. Illustrators; embellishers.
il lus´tri ous. Noble; grand.
im bed´ded. Covered over.
im p?arled´. Made look as though ornamented with pearls.
im pen´e tra ble. Not to be entered.
im per fec´tions. Shortcomings; failings.
im´po tence. Weakness; infirmity; having no power.
im pr?s´sion. Mark made by pressure.
in´Çi dents. Happenings.
in cli na´tion. Desire.
in clined´. Leaned toward; placed against.
in con ven´ience. Disadvantage; awkwardness.
in cred´i ble. Not to be believed.
in cre du´li ty. Showing disbelief.
in cred´u lous. Unbelieving.
in den ta´tion. Notch; dent.
in di ca´tions. Signs; symptoms.
in dif´fer enÇe. Carelessness; heedlessness.
in ex press´i ble. Not to be described.
in´no cenÇe. Harmlessness.
in no va´tions. Things not customary.
in nu´mer a ble. Without number.
in qui´ry. Research; an inquiring.
in sep´a ra ble. Not to be divided.
in´so lent ly. Rudely.
in sti tu´tion. Something established.
in sure´ (-sh?re). To make sure.
in tel lec´tu al. Belonging to the mind; mental.
in tel´li genÇe. News.
intens´est. Strictest; extreme in degree.
in ter Çept´ed. Cut off; stopped on the way.
in ter fered´. Meddled; interposed.
in ter min´gling. Mixing together.
in un da´tion. A flood.
in ven´tion. Discovery; finding out.
in ves ti ga´tion. A looking into.
ir res´o lute ly. In an undecided manner.
i tin´er ant. Wandering; not settled.
keel. The bottom part of a boat.
knell. A funeral bell.
knight-er´rant. A knight who traveled in search of adventures.
knoll. A little round hill.
lÂird. A Scottish landholder.
lÄr´board. Left-hand side of a ship.
’lar´ums. Abbreviation of alarums = alarms.
lat´er al. Sideways.
lÄunch´ing. Setting afloat.
l?u´rel. An evergreen shrub; a symbol of honor.
lÄ´v?. Melted rock from a volcano.
league. About three miles; a treaty of friendship.
lee´ward. The part toward which the wind blows.
leg is la´tion. Lawmaking.
lep´rous. Affected with a disease called leprosy.
lit´er al ly. Word for word.
lock´er. A chest on shipboard.
lu´mi nous. Shining; bright.
lus´ti ly. Vigorously; with strength.
lust´y. Stout; robust.
lux u´ri ous. Dainty; expensive; pleasing to the appetite.
l?re (lir). A stringed musical instrument.
ma gi´cian (-jish´un). One skilled in magic.
main. The sea; the mainland; principal.
ma jes´tic. Stately; grand.
mal for ma´tion. Irregular formation.
mal´low. A kind of plant.
man´i fest. Plain; clear.
man´u script. Something written by hand.
med´i ta tive. Thoughtful.
met´tle. Spirit; temper.
mi li´tia (mi lish´?). A body of citizen soldiers.
mint. A place where money is coined.
mis ch?nÇe´. Ill luck.
mis´sile. Something thrown.
mis treat´ing. Abusing.
mol es ta´tion. Troubling; annoyance.
mood. Temper; humor; manner.
mÔr ti fi ca´tion. Vexation; shame.
mo´tive. Moving; causing to move; reason.
mÛrk´iness. Obscurity; darkness.
m?r´tle. A shrubby plant.
my?s te´rious. Strange; unknown; unaccountable.
nar´ra tive. Story; tale.
n?u´tic al. Belonging to the sea.
nec´tar. A delicious drink.
neth´er. Lower.
no bi´li ty. The being noble;
those of high rank.
nour´ish er. One who supports or feeds.
nov´el. A fictitious narrative.
ob li ga´tions. Debts owing for a favor or kindness.
ob ser va´tion. View; notice; comment.
ob´vi at ed. Avoided.
of fi´cious (of fish´us). Meddlesome.
om´i nous. Foreboding evil.
op por tu´ni ty. Chance; fit time.
op´u lent. Rich.
ordained´. Set apart; appointed.
pad´. An easy-paced horse.
page. A boy employed to attend a person of high rank.
p? rade´. Display; show.
pÄrch´ment. Skin of a sheep prepared for writing on.
pas´try cooks. Cooks who make pies, tarts, etc.
pa thet´ic. Full of tender pity.
pa trol´ling. Traversing; guarding.
pe cul´iar. Uncommon; particular.
ped´a gogue. A schoolmaster.
pen´sive. Thoughtful.
pe´o ny. A big red flower.
p?r Çep´ti ble. That can be seen.
p?r pet´u al. All the time.
p?r se cut´ed. Punished on account of one´s belief; harassed.
p?r´son a ble. Well-formed; presentable.
p?r´ti nent. Well adapted to the purpose in view.
per v?rse´. Contrary.
pe´wee. A small bird.
pew´ter (pu´t?r). An alloy of tin and lead.
phe nom´e non. A remarkable thing or appearance.
pic tur esque´ly. Vividly; in a pleasing manner.
pil´lion. Cushion behind a saddle.
pi´lot. One who steers a vessel; a guide.
pined. Drooped; languished.
pin´ions. Wings.
pin´nacles. Lofty points or peaks.
pi o neer´. One who goes before and prepares the way for others.
pit´e ous. Exciting pity.
pit´i able. Deserving pity.
plash´y. Watery; splashy.
poi´son ous. Full of poison.
pol i ti´cian (-tish´an). Statesman; office seeker.
pol lut´ed. Made impure.
pom´mel (pum´mel). Knob of a saddle or of a sword.
pon´der ous. Weighty.
por´ti coes. Covered spaces before buildings.
pos si bil´i ties. Things possible.
pos´tern. Back entrance.
po´tent. Powerful.
preÇious ness. Great value.
pre´ma ture ly. Before the right time.
pri´mal. First; original.
prod´i gal dyes. Brilliant colors.
proj´ects. Plans.
pro mot´ed. Assisted; raised.
pro pell´ing. Driving.
proph´e cy (prof´e sy?). A foretelling.
pro pri´e ta ry. Pertaining to an owner.
prow. Fore part of a vessel.
pub´li cans. Collectors of taxes; keepers of inns.
pum´ice (pum´is). A light volcanic stone.
pÛr´pos es. Aims; intentions.
quag´mire. A marsh; soft, wet land.
qu?r´ter-deck. That part of the upper-deck behind the main-mast.
qu?r´tern. A quarter of a pint; a fourth part.
queued (kud). Hair put up into a pigtail.
quiv´er. Case for carrying arrows.
rack´et ing. Frolicking; playing.
ral´lied. Ridiculed pleasantly.
ramp´ant. Leaping; frolicking.
ranged. Roved over; wandered.
re Çep´ta cle. Place to receive things.
rec ol lec´tion. Remembrance.
rec on noi´ter. To look around.
re flec´tion. Consideration; meditation; musing; the return of rays, sound, etc., from a surface.
re luc´tance. Unwillingness.
rem´nants. Pieces remaining.
re nowned´. Celebrated; famous.
re quit´ed. Returned evil for evil.
re sÔrt´. To go; a place to which one is in the habit of going.
res´pite (res´pit). A putting off; reprieve.
rev´er enÇe. To treat with respect and fear.
riv´en. Split apart.
ro man´tic. Unreal; picturesque.
ro?s´ter ing. Blustering.
sac´ris tan. Sexton; church officer.
sal´ly. A rushing out; to go out.
sa´mite. A kind of silk stuff interwoven with gold.
sap´phire (saf´ir). A blue precious stone.
sea´soned. Dried and hardened.
se clud´ed. Shut up apart from others.
se cret´ed. Concealed.
sen´ti ment. Thought; opinion.
shal´lop. A boat.
sham´bled. Shuffled along.
sheathed. Put into a case.
shi?´gly bars. Gravelly shallows.
shrouds of a ship. The set of ropes that stay the masts.
si es´ta. A midday nap.
sim´mer. To boil gently.
sim pliÇ´i ty. Plainness; truthfulness.
sin´ew y. Vigorous; firm.
sit u a´tion. Location; place.
six´penÇe. A silver coin worth about 12 cents.
sketch´es. Short essays or stories.
skim´ming. Flying with a gentle motion.
slap´jacks. Griddle cakes.
slug´gish. Slow; lazy.
smith´y. A blacksmith’s shop.
snipe. A small bird having a long, straight beak. “Snipe nose” = a nose like a snipe’s beak.
so Çia bil´i ty. Readiness to converse.
so journed´. Remained awhile.
sole´ly. Alone; only.
spe´cies (-shËz). Kind; variety.
spec´ter. Ghost; phantom.
spec u la´tion. Notion; theory.
states´men. Men eminent for their political abilities.
steer´age. Part of a vessel below decks.
stem and st?rn. The fore part and the hind part of a vessel.
stock ade´. A strong inclosure; or wall.
stub´ble fields. Fields from which grain has recently been cut.
stul´ti fy. To make a fool of.
stu pen´dous. Wonderful; amazing.
suf fused´. Overspread.
sump´tu ous. Costly; luxurious.
sun´dry. Several; various.
su per nat´u ral. Miraculous.
sup po si´tion. Something supposed.
sur vey´ing (-vaing). Viewing; mapping out.
swains. Young rustics.
sw?rd. Turf; grassy surface of the land.
sw?rth´y. Dusky; tawny.
sy?mp´tom. Sign; token.
ta?k´ards. Large drinking vessels.
tan´ta liz ing. Teasing.
thatch. Straw covering the roof of a building.
themes. Topics on which one writes or speaks.
thÔrps. Small villages.
throt´tling. Choking; strangling.
thyme (tim). A garden plant.
tilt. A tournament.
tir´r? lir´r?. An imitation of a musical sound.
tol er a´tion. Freedom.
top´sail hal´yards. Ropes for hoisting the topsail on a mast.
top´sy-tÛr´vy. Upside down.
tour´na ment (toor´n? ment). A mock fight between horsemen.
tow cloth. Cloth made of coarse flax.
trailed. Drawn; dragged.
tr?nÇe. An unconscious condition or state of being.
tran scrib´ing. Copying.
trans port´. To carry; to carry away with joy.
trans´port. Conveyance; rapture.
treach´er ous. Not to be trusted.
tre men´dous. Dreadful; awful.
trem´u lous. Trembling.
trim the yards. Arrange the vessel for sailing.
troop´er. Horseman; cavalryman.
tu mul´tu ous. Disorderly.
u biq´ui tous (u bik´wi tus). In many places at the same time.
um´brage. Resentment.
u na nim´i ty. Agreement.
un bi´ased. Not prejudiced.
un couth´ (un kooth´). Awkward.
un in tel´li gi ble. Can not be understood.
u ni v?r´sal. General.
u´ni v?rse. All created things.
un sÛr passed´. Having no superior.
u surp´ (u zÛrp´). To seize by force; without right.
ut´ter most. Greatest; farthest limit.
u´til ized. Made useful.
va´grants. Wanderers; beggars.
val´iant. Brave.
vap´id. Having lost life and spirit.
ven´i son. Flesh of the deer.
ver´sion. A translation; a description from a particular point of view.
vi Çin´i ty. Neighborhood.
vi´cious ness (vish´us ness). Wickedness.
vict´uals (vit´’lz). Food; provisions.
vig´or ous. Strong; healthy.
vine´yards (vin´y?rdz). Places where grapevines grow.
vi~r´tues. Good qualities.
vi´sion a ry. Imaginary.
vol ca´noes. Burning mountains.
w?rd´er. A guard.
way´ward ness. Willfulness.
whey (wha). The watery part of milk, separated from the curd in cheese making.
whole´some (hol´sum). Healthful.
wick´er. A twig or withe, used in making baskets.
wil´der ness. A wild tract of country; desert.
wind´lass. Machine for raising weights by turning a crank.
witch´craft. The art of witches. “Witching time of night” = time favorable for witchery.
withes. Long, flexible twigs.
wiz´ard. Magician; enchanter.
woe´ful. Wretched; sad.
wold. A wood; a plain.
wood´bine. A climbing plant.
wood´craft. Skill in anything connected with the woods.
wres´tling (res´ling). Struggling.
yÄrds (of a ship). The long, slender pieces which support the sails.
y?arned. Desired very much.
yeo´man. A freeholder; a farmer.
yore. Long ago.



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