[The figures in this Index refer to pages.] - Adobe used in Northern Mexico, 82;
- in Peru for later constructions, 243;
- used by Mound-Builders, 27.
- Ancient history of Mexico and Central America in the old books and traditions, 197-200;
- Aztecs preceded by Toltecs, and Toltecs by Colhuas, 198;
- Colhuas the original civilizers, 198-9;
- they may have come from South America, 198, 200;
- Chichimecs the original barbarians, 198;
- the Colhuas first settled in Tabasco, 199;
- Mayas, QuichÉs, Tzendals, etc., originally Colhuas, 200, 205;
- Colhuan kingdom of Xibalba, 199;
- Colhuas, Toltecs, and Aztecs branches of the same people, 206;
- such a history implied by the political condition in which the country was found, 206;
- theories of this old civilization considered, 165-183;
- it was original in America, 184-6.
- Antiquity of man and civilization, 181-2, 273-5.
- Antiquity of the Mexican and Central American ruins, 151-59, 184;
- the great forest was 450 years ago what it is now, 151;
- it covers an ancient seat of civilization, 95, 151, 152;
- Copan forgotten and mysterious before the Conquest, 152;
- there was a long period of history preceded by development of the civilization, 152, 153;
- distinct epochs traced, 155, 156;
- no perishable materials left in the ruins, 156-159;
- an extreme notion of their antiquity, 157, 158, 207;
- another notion makes this the “oldest civilization in the world,” 159-61;
- Tyrians saw the old cities 3000 years ago, 162-64.
- Antiquity of the Mound-Builders, 45-51;
- a new river terrace formed since they left, 47;
- decayed condition of their skeletons shows antiquity, 48-9;
- “primeval” forests found growing over their works, 50-1.
- Astronomical monument in Southern Mexico, 122-3;
- at Chapultepec, 220-1;
- in Peru, 254;
- Mexican calendars, 214-15;
- Peruvian calendars, 236.
- See Telescopic Tubes.
- Atlantis supposed to be an ingulfed part of America, 175-7;
- its destruction recorded in Egypt and related to Solon, 177-8;
- said to be recorded in old Central American books, 176;
- Proclus on remembrance of Atlantis, 178;
- derivation of the words Atlas, Atlantes, and Atlantic, 179;
- opinions relative to former existence of such land, 180-1;
- geological probabilities, 181;
- memory of war with the Atlantes preserved at Athens, 178.
- Aztec civilization denied in a “New History,” 207-8;
- facts discredit this denial, 208-9;
- Cortez found abundant supplies, 208, 210;
- found Mexican mechanics, masons, and the like, 213, 214, 215;
- the city of Mexico and its great temple, realities, 208, 212, 215;
- both described, 211-12;
- present remains of them, 214-15.
- Aztecs, the, were less civilized than their predecessors, 221;
- they came from the south, 217-18;
- when they left Aztlan, 219;
- how long they had been in Mexico, 219;
- what they learned and borrowed of their neighbors, 220-1;
- did not adopt the phonetic system of writing, 221;
- could not have left such ruined cities as Palenque and Mitla, 221;
- Aztecs still found at the south, 218-19.
- Balboa’s hunt for Peru, 223-4.
- Basques, their fishing voyages to America, 62.
- Books of ancient America destroyed in Mexico and Central America by the Aztec Ytzcoatl, 189;
- by Spanish fanaticism, 188-9;
- a few of the later books saved, 180-196;
- some of the more important, 195-6;
- books of hieroglyphics in Peru, 256.
- Boturini collected Mexican and Central American books, 195;
- misfortunes of his collection, 195-6.
- Brasseur de Bourbourg on the antiquity of the Mound-Builders, 53;
- on their Mexican origin, 57;
- on their religion, 53;
- on the Chichimecs, 198;
- on Huehue Tlapalan, 201;
- on Nahuatl chronology, 204;
- his “Atlantic theory,” 159, 160, 174-83;
- he has great knowledge of American traditions and antiquities, 174;
- discovered the works of Ximenes and Landa’s Maya alphabet, 191, 192;
- translated “Popol-Vuh,” 192;
- he is unsystematic, confused, and fanciful, 102, 160.
- Brereton on the wild Indians of New England, 62-5;
- his invented stories of their copper and flax, 62, 63.
- Calendars in Mexico, 214-15;
- in Peru, 236.
- Central American and Southern Mexican ruins most important, 93;
- their masonry and ornamentation, 99-101;
- a great forest covers most of them, 94, 103, 104;
- a road built into the forest in 1695, 95, 151-2;
- this forest covers a chief seat of the ancient civilization, 95;
- Cinaca-Mecallo, 124.
- Cevola, “Seven Cities” of, 85-9.
- Charencey, M. de, attempts to decipher an inscription, 292-3;
- his singular speculation concerning the worship of Kukulcan, 293.
- Charnay, DesirÉ, his account of Mitla, 121, 122.
- Chronology of the Mexican race, 203-4;
- of the Peruvians, 265-6.
- Civilization, antiquity of, underrated, 181-2, 273.
- Cloth of Mound-Builders, fragments of, 41.
- Coin among the Muyscas, 271.
- “Coliseum” at Copan, 114.
- Columbus and the Mayas, 209-10.
- Copan, its ruins situated in wild region, 111;
- first discovered in 1576, and were then mysterious to the natives, 93, 111;
- what Mr. Stephens saw there, 111, 112;
- what Palacios found there 300 years ago, 113, 114;
- the inscriptions, monoliths, and decorations, 112;
- seems older than Palenque, 112, 113, 155.
- Copper of Lake Superior described, 43.
- Coronado’s conquest of “Cevola,” 85, 86.
- Cortez invades Mexico, 210;
- his progress, 210-11;
- well received at the city of Mexico, 211;
- driven from the city, 213;
- how the city was taken, 213-14;
- it was immediately rebuilt, 214;
- the plaza made of part of the inclosure of the great temple, 214;
- Cortez could not have invented the temple, 215.
- Cross, the, not originally a Christian emblem, 109;
- vastly older than Christianity as a symbolic device, 109, 110;
- common in Central American ruins, 109;
- the assumption that it was first used as a Christian emblem has misled inquiry as to the age and origin of antiquities, 110.
- Cuzco, Montesinos on its name, 227;
- was probably built by the Incas on the site of a ruined city of the older times, 226-7;
- the ruins at Cuzco, 226, 234-5.
- Egyptian pyramids totally unlike those in America, 183;
- no resemblance between Egyptians and the Mexican race, 183.
- Ethnology, American, discussed, 65-9;
- South Americans the oldest aborigines, 68, 69, 185;
- Huxley’s suggestion, 69.
- Gallatin, Albert, on Mound-Builders, 34.
- Garcilasso partly of Inca blood, 258;
- not well qualified to write a history of Peru, 258-9;
- he began with the fable of Manco-Capac, and confined all history to the Incas, 259-61;
- was received as an “authority,” 269;
- his influence has misdirected Peruvian studies, 269.
- Gila, valley of, its ruins, 82.
- Gold the most common metal in Peru, 250;
- astonishing abundance of Peruvian gold-work, 249-50;
- their gardens made of gold, 250;
- amount of gold sent from Peru to Spain, 238, 250;
- gold calendar found recently at Cuzco, 236.
- Herrara on the buildings in Yucatan, 149.
- Huehue-Tlapalan, from which the Toltecs went to Mexico, 57, 75, 201-3;
- supposed to be the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, 202, 203;
- described in old Central American books, 202;
- the Toltecs driven from Huehue-Tlapalan by the Chichimecs, or wild Indians, 203;
- it was at a distance northeast of Mexico, 201, 202;
- Cabrera and others on Huehue-Tlapalan, 202.
- Humboldt on Phoenician symbols in America, 186;
- on the origin of the Aztecs, 218;
- on Peruvian great roads, 245;
- on books of hieroglyphics found in Peru, 246, 255;
- describes the pyramid of Papantla, 91, 92.
- Huxley on American ethnology, 69.
- Incas of Peru, origin of the title, 267;
- they represent only the last period of Peruvian history, 261;
- their dynasty began 500 years or less before the Conquest, 260-1;
- list of the Incas, 261;
- Manco-Capac a fable, 260-1.
- Indians of North America, vain endeavors to connect them with the Mound-Builders, 62;
- came toward the Atlantic from the northwest, 59;
- the Iroquois group may have come first, 58;
- their distribution relative to the Algonquins, 59, 60;
- date of Algonquin migration estimated, 60;
- these Indians resemble the Koraks and Chookchees, 65, 185;
- they are entirely distinct from Mound-Builders and Pueblos, 60, 65;
- their barbarism original, 61.
- “Inscription Rock,” 78.
- Inscriptions in Central America written in Maya characters, 196;
- written perhaps in an old form of speech from which the Maya family of dialects was derived, 196;
- attempts to decipher them, 292.
- Iron, names for, in ancient Peru, 248.
- Israelitish theory of ancient America, 166-7.
- Keweenaw Point, a copper district, 44.
- Kukulcan, his worship, 220, 293.
- Lake Peten in the forest, Maya settlement there, 95;
- Ursua’s road from Yucatan to the lake, 95.
- Landa wrote on the Mayas of Yucatan, 191;
- preserved the Maya alphabet, with explanations, 191.
- Languages in Mexico and Central America, 200, 205;
- three groups, 216;
- probably not radically distinct, 206, 216;
- the most important group supposed to be Colhuan, 205.
- Las Casas on Central American annalists, 187-8;
- what he says of the old books and their destruction, 188.
- Maize, did Indians get it from Mound-Builders? 35.
- Malays, their ancient empire, 167-8;
- their navigation of the Pacific, 168;
- spread of their dialects, 168;
- came to America, 169, 170, 272;
- El MasÚdÍ on the Malays, 168;
- were not civilizers in America, 170-1;
- ruins of Malayan cities in Java, 163-9.
- Manco-Capac a fiction of the Incas, 260-1;
- discarded by Montesinos and other early Spanish writers, 261, 269.
- Mandan Indians supposed Mound-Builders, 74.
- Mayas first seen by Columbus, 209;
- their phonetic alphabet preserved, 191;
- descendants of the first civilizers, 233-4;
- remarkable monolithic gateways, 233-4;
- at old Huanuco, 239-40;
- at Gran-Chimu, 237-8;
- ruins of a large and populous city, 237;
- Cuelap, 239;
- Pachacamac, 243;
- subterranean passage under a river, 243;
- the aqueducts, 222, 237, 243;
- the great roads, 243-6;
- ruins at Cuzco, 234.
- Phoenicians, or people of that race, came probably to America in very ancient times, 172, 173;
- decline of geographical knowledge around the Ægean after Phoenicia was subjugated, about B.C. 813, 272-3;
- supposed Phoenician symbols in Central America, 186;
- Phoenician race may have influenced Central American civilization, but did not originate it, 173, 185;
- Tyrians storm-driven to America, 162, 163.
- Pizarro seeks Peru, 224-5;
- discovers the country, 225;
- goes to Spain for aid, 225;
- finally lands at Tumbez, 225;
- marches to Caxamalca, 220;
- perpetrates wholesale murder and seizes the Inca, 220;
- the Inca fills a room with gold for ransom, and is murdered, 220, 249.
- “Popol-Vuh,” an old QuichÉ book translated, 192;
- what it contains, 193;
- QuichÉ account of the creation, 194;
- four attempts to create man, 194-5;
- its mythology grew out of an older system, 193-4;
- kingdom of QuichÉ not older than 1200 A.D., 193.
- Pueblos, 76, 77;
- Pueblo ruins, 77-89;
- occupied northern frontier of the Mexican race, 68, 217-18;
- unlike the wild Indians, 67-8.
- QuichÉs, notices of, 193.
- Quippus, Peruvian, 254-5.
- Quirigua, its ruins like those of Copan, but older, 114;
- it is greatly decayed, 117;
- has inscriptions, 117.
- Quito subjugated by Huayna-Capac, 225;
- was civilized like Peru, 270;
- modern traveler’s remark on, 276.
THE END. Transcriber’sNote The following errors and inconsistencies have been maintained. Misspelled words and typographical errors: Page | Error | Correction | ix | Quiragua | Quirigua | xi | Los Monjas | Las Monjas | 124 | of “great size.” | ‘great size.’” | 158 | sufficently | sufficiently | 280 | there two years. | there two years.” | 286 | communicated | communication | 296 | Herrara | Herrera | 297 | El MasÚdÍ | El Mas’ÚdÍ | The following words were inconsistently spelled or hyphenated: - Cholula / Cholulu
- Chiapa / Chiapas
- Inca-Rocca / Inca-Rocco
- Mesantla / Misantla
- Popol-Vuh / Popol Vuh
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