In resuming consecutively the story of the half-century’s progress of Harvard College Observatory, which was interrupted in the preceding number to give place to a biographical notice of Prof. W. C. Bond, it may be remarked that the period of his official term, which covered 19 years, was fruitful in great discoveries and events in the astronomical department of science. Harvard Observatory contributed its full share, though the greatest of all was that which gave fame to Le Verrier, the French astronomer, the discovery of the planet Neptune. In September, 1844, the observatory building on Summer House hill had been completed to the extent proposed at that time, and the instruments were transferred from the Dana house. A new transit instrument, imported by the United States government for the use of the Northeastern Boundary Commission, was set up in December, and used during the winter in observations for ascertaining the latitude, as previously described in the quotation from Prof. Peirce. The results were collated and discussed by Prof. Peirce in the memoirs of the American Academy. These were the first notable observations of precision at the new observatory. The longitude was also determined by the most accurate method then known, observation of occultations and moon culminations and comparison of a considerable number of chronometers transported to and from Greenwich by ocean steamers. In the ultimate determination the record made by several hundred chronometers thus sent to and fro, and observations of occultations, etc., in Dorchester, Cambridge, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and Washington, ranging through many years, were brought into the account. The earliest were observations made in Philadelphia in 1769. After the laying of the Atlantic cable still closer comparisons with the zero of Greenwich were possible. The position of the observatory as finally determined and now officially About the time of the first determination Commodore Owen of the British Navy was making an official survey of the coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Having confidence in what had been done at Cambridge he took that station for his zero in preparing his official report, ultimate reference being made to Greenwich. The first importation of chronometers appears to have been made jointly by Prof. Bond and Commodore Owen. When the report was submitted it was challenged by some of the British Board of Admiralty, who believed that the longitude of Halifax was better known. In due course Prof. Bond was inquired of, and his letter addressed to the board of admiralty, in explanation of the technicalities, proved convincing and its conclusions were cordially accepted, with thanks by Admiral Beaufort on behalf of the board. The officers-in-chief of the United States Coast Survey, and of the exploring expedition severally adopted the Cambridge meridian as the zero in preparing their official reports. A new instrument purchased by the observatory, a 2¾-inch equatorial, permitted accurate observations to be made of the solar eclipses of 1845 and 1846, the comets of the same years, the transit of Mercury in 1845 and of the newly discovered planet Neptune. The 15-inch equatorial was set up on June 23 and 24, 1847. Certain nebulÆ and the planet Saturn were the first subjects of study. Discoveries of importance were made in each field of investigation. The report of the visiting committee for 1848 notes the discovery by Prof. Bond on Sept. 19 of that year of the eighth satellite of Saturn, and speaks of it as “the only addition to the solar system ever made on the continent of America.” The few years immediately following the date of the great telescope may be called the romantic period in the history of the observatory. There was no instrument on this continent to be compared to it, and it had but one equal in Europe. While the director of the observatory kept cool enough to utilize it to the utmost, he manifestly shared in the enthusiasm. One of the earliest to inquire what could be seen by it was Edward Everett, president of the college from 1846. Prof. Bond responded by letter on July 26, 1847, named several matters and ended by saying: “But I must recollect that you require of me only a brief account of our telescope. The objects revealed to us by this excellent instrument are so numerous and interesting that it is difficult to know where to stop.” On Sept. 22 following Prof. Bond wrote to the president: “You will rejoice with me that the great nebula in Orion has yielded to the powers of our incomparable telescope.” He explains the reason for his rejoicing by saying that this nebula and that of Andromeda had hitherto been the strongholds of the “nebular theory,” or the theory that the nebulÆ are masses of matter in process of condensation into systems. Now, the mass in Orion which, he said, had defied the telescopes of both the Herschels, and, at first, that of Lord Rosse, had been resolved into innumerable distinct points of light, or separate stars, by the Cambridge refractor, whose only competitor in the search was Lord Rosse’s instrument, “the largest reflector in the world.” The phrase “incomparable telescope” was warranted. Nor does the didactic suggestion of the proverb about the new broom apply; for more than 30 years afterwards the present director of the observatory had occasion to say: “In 1877 besides the photometric measures of the satellites of Mars, a series of measures for their positions was also made. The number of these observations was second only to that obtained with the great telescope at Washington.” Of the work done two years later, he says: “Of the satellites of Mars 1348 measurements were made, Deimos being last seen at this observatory as it gradually receded from the earth. This is remarkable, as our telescope has entered into competition with the largest telescopes of the world, some of which admitted two or three times as much light.” On Nov. 7, 1848, a transit circle was set up and it completed the set of new instruments at first proposed for the observatory. W. C. BOND’S OBSERVATORY CHAIR. But visions of the sky were not the only matters of interest at the observatory in this early period. The great telescope was poised at a height of 13 feet from the floor of the dome, and its sweep was from three degrees beyond the zenith to as many below the horizon. The visual end of the instrument therefore might need to be set at any point along an arc of 90 degrees, and an observer would have to be something of an acrobat in successfully using it unless a suitable chair could be obtained. There was none in the world that filled all the requirements, and Prof. Bond invented and made one. It is in use, unchanged, to this day, and by means of its ingeniously combined wheels, cogs and pulleys the Prior to 1845 a transfer of 12 chronometers to and from Greenwich, Eng., had been made by Prof. Bond and Commodore Owen, for the determination of the longitude of the observatory. Other chronometer expeditions were conducted subsequently in co-operation with the United States Coast Survey, the final one being in 1855. In the summing up of results, 723 independent chronometer records were used. The magnitude of this undertaking, as a whole, surpassed anything ever attempted in any other country. In his report, reviewing the year 1848, the director says; “Some experiments made with the daguerreotype and talbotype processes for obtaining impressions of the sun’s image formed by the telescope have not been attended with complete success; however, we do not despair of ultimate success.” In the report for 1850 he is able to say: “With the assistance of Mr. J. A. Whipple, daguerreotypist, we have obtained several impressions of the star Vega. We have reason to believe this to be the first successful experiment ever made either in this country or abroad. From the facility with which these were executed with the aid of the great equatorial, we were encouraged to hope for further progress.” In the report of the following year he speaks of pictures of the moon and stars obtained by this process, and adds with reference to his son’s official visit to Europe that year: “Some of these daguerreotypes taken by the aid of our great object glass excited the admiration of eminent men in Europe, to whom Mr. G. P. Bond gave specimens.” In an official letter he says of his son’s visit to Paris: “He attended in May a meeting of the French Academy, and there presented a daguerreotype of the moon taken with our large telescope.” Other specimens were placed in the great exhibition of London, or World’s fair, of that year, and a council medal was awarded for them. This tour in Europe by the younger Mr. Bond makes an interesting episode in the general record. He was everywhere cordially received by men of science, a fact attributable in part, no doubt, to his own reputation, but more especially to his being the representative of the new observatory, already of fame, established in the distant West. On arriving at Cronstadt he was surprised at meeting an officer of the Russian government who had instructions to conduct him to the imperial observatory at Pulkova, where, during his stay in Russia, he was made the guest of the director of the observatory and given all possible attentions and facilities, including the “great privilege” of practically manipulating the instruments. Among these was the great telescope, the rival of the Harvard equatorial. During the tour he visited Sweden and saw a total eclipse of the sun. Among those from whom he had friendly receptions were Baron Humboldt, Sir John Herschel, Sir David Brewster, Sir G. B. Airy, Le Verrier, Biot Argelander, Gauss and Hansen; also Lord Rosse, whose great telescope he had opportunity to use. In July, 1848, the wires of the magnetic telegraph were connected with the observatory at the expense of the coast survey, for determining by instant communication the longitude of certain principal cities in the United States. There are suggestions of both the modern and the antique world in the statement that in this first experience the electrical apparatus of a department of the institution founded by John Harvard, was connected with like apparatus in an observatory in the garden of Peter Stuyvesant in New York city. These electrical experiments of the coast survey were begun as early as 1844, between Washington and Baltimore. Various improvements of method had been made, and that most approved was followed on this first occasion at Cambridge. The coast survey officer in charge had for his assistants Prof. Bond at Cambridge and Prof. Loomis in New York. An official letter of the electrician of the Coast Survey Department says: “During these experiments Prof. Bond conceived the idea of using an automatic circuit interrupter.” Some question of priority as to this suggestion arose in later years. It was doubtless a spontaneous and original thought with Prof. Bond, though the suggestion appears to have been made earlier elsewhere, but it had not been acted upon “from apprehension of injury to the performance of an astronomical clock which must be used for the purpose.” Experience In August, 1848, he received authority to have such a clock made at the expense of the coast survey. Reverting to the matter in a subsequent annual report, Prof. Bond says: “I caused such a clock to be made, and it is found to answer perfectly the intended purpose. But another and far more serious difficulty presented itself in the accurate registry of the beats of the clock after being transmitted by the galvanic circuit; and it was at this point that further progress in the application of this method to astronomical observing was arrested.” DAVID SEARS. The First Donor to the Observatory. Experimenters were busy at Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and elsewhere, during the two years’ interval in attempts to solve this concomitant problem, and with very considerable success. That none of these devices quite filled the requirements is manifest by the fact that they did not go into general use. But the perfected apparatus submitted to the officer of the coast survey by Prof. Bond, April 12, 1850, did go into such use. This instrument Prof. Bond stated to be the joint invention of himself and his two sons, George P. and Richard F. Bond. It was named at first from one of its peculiar parts, the “spring-governor,” but the more comprehensive title of “chronograph” was later applied to it. While as a piece of mechanism, it was distinct from the “circuit interrupter,” the two were used conjointly, and thus acting in combination their operation in recording became known soon afterwards in England as “the American method.” By this method the errors suggested by the term “personal equation” are greatly diminished, and a definiteness of record is attained, which permits the recording sheet to be read by the eye to tenths and by scale and lens to hundredths of a second. The successive sheets are the primary official record, and being bound into volumes, become a part of the permanent archives. The apparatus was at once put to use in the several telegraphic stations of the coast survey; and one of the circumstances which made Mr. G. P. Bond’s tour in Europe a notable one was its exhibition for the first time there. It was shown in operation and explained in a lecture by him before the Royal Astronomical Society, and also at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Through the urgency of Sir David Brewster and others it was set up in the great exhibition at London in 1851, where a medal was awarded for it. It had the highest award of the Massachusetts Mechanic Association, a gold medal. It was adopted at the Greenwich observatory soon after Mr. Bond’s exhibition of his model, and speedily throughout Europe. Soon after the electrical experiments of 1848 at the observatory the wire was put into use to transmit to Boston and different railway points, signals giving the true local time, these signals being electrically responsive to the movement of an astronomical clock in the observatory, the method of transmission being that of the “circuit interrupter.” This system was at once adopted in England, wire connections being made with a clock in Greenwich Observatory. This time service of the Harvard Observatory, though continued during the intermediate period, was not organized as at present until 1872. In 1852 the officers of Harvard Observatory co-operated with Captain Charles Wilkes in experiments for ascertaining the velocity of sound under different atmospheric conditions. In these tests cannon were fired near the observatory, at the arsenal in Watertown, at the navy In 1855 an endowment of $10,000 was made by ex-President Quincy as a memorial of his father, Josiah Quincy, a patriot of the revolution. This fund was specifically applied to the publication of annals of the observatory. The first volume was issued in 1856 and comprised a review of the work of the preceding years, so that the series of which it is the initial number makes a continuous record from the beginning. The series now numbers nearly 25 volumes. The decease of Prof. W. C. Bond occurred Jan. 29, 1859. |