The Life-Boat.

The Life-Boat.


LAUNCH the life-boat! Far on high The fiery rockets gleam, While loud and clear the booming signal gun Says there is work that quickly must be done. A vessel’s in distress: haste, every one, Nor idly stop to dream.
Launch the life-boat! On the shore The startled people stand, And watch the signal lights that shine on high, And through the pitchy darkness seek to spy The struggling ship, or to their comrades try To lend a helping hand.
Launch the life-boat! Now the moon Sheds forth her silvery light, And shows the boat is off; one long, loud cheer Breaks from the eager crowd assembled here; The dip of oars comes to the listening ear, Upon the silent night.
Speed the life-boat and her crew, Speed them on their watery way! As joy and hope they bring to hearts cast down, And waiting ’neath the storm-clouds’ dismal frown, While wind and wave their trembling voices drown, Waiting another day.


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