Man the Life-boat.

Man the Life-boat.


MAN the life-boat! Man the life-boat! Help, or yon ship is lost! Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! See how she’s tempest-tossed. No human power in such an hour The gallant bark can save; Her mainmast gone, and running on, She seeks her watery grave. Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat! See, the dreaded signal flies! Ha! she’s struck, and from the wreck Despairing shouts arise.
O, speed the life-boat! Speed the life-boat! O God, their efforts crown! She dashes on; the ship is gone, Full forty fathoms down. And see, the crew are struggling now Amidst the tempest roar. They’re in the boat, they’re all afloat,— Hurrah! they’ve gained the shore. Bless the life-boat! Bless the life-boat! O God, thou’lt hear our prayer! Bless the life-boat! Bless the life-boat! No longer we’ll despair.


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