Fastening the Buckle.

Fastening the Buckle.


STAND still, my steed, though the foe isnear, And sharp the rattle of hoofs on the hill. And see! there’s the glitter of many a spear, And a wrathful shout that bodes us ill. Stand still! Our way is weary and long, And muscle and foot are put to the test. Buckle and girth must be tightened and strong; And rider and horse are far from rest.
A moment more, and then we’ll skim Like a driving cloud o’er hill and plain; The vision of horseman will slowly dim, And pursuer seek the pursued in vain. Ha! stirrup is strong and girth is tight! One bound to the saddle, and off we go. I count their spears as they glisten bright In the ruddy beams of the sunset glow.
’Tis life or death; but we’re fresh and strong, And buckle and girth are fastened tight. The race is hard and the way is long, But we’ll win as twilight fades into night. Hurrah for rider and horse to-day, For buckle and saddle fastened tight! We’ll win! we’re gaining! They drop away! Our haven of rest is full in sight.


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