A. - Abyssinian mule platforms, 345
- Accommodation of tents, to increase, 61
- Adaptation of hames to collars, 460
- Admiral Belcher’s expedient for moving vessels during calms, 175
- Adzes or axes, makeshift, 381
- African boots, 412
- Aguardiente, to make, 579
- Albatross, catching, 587
- Alligators, catching, 590
- Securing snared fish from, 591
- Aloe juice, extracting, 802
- Altitudes, ascertaining, 741
- Low, or levels, to obtain, 734
- Table of, 742
- American cordway, 324
- Indian lodges, 308
- Life raft, 167
- Portable boat, 154
- Wild fruits, 530
- Ammunition, packing, 17
- Amphibious animals, trapping, 666
- Anchors, 375
- Angle at which to pitch a tent, 56
- Animals, calls of, 679
- Infested with fly, treatment of, 804
- Purgative for, 802
- Skin of, as food, 557
- Wild, observation of the habits of, 773
- Antidotes for poison, 80
- Ants, locusts, and other insects and their larvÆ as food, 562
- Anvils, 193, 197
- Aparejo, 463
- Application of wind power to horizontal wheel, 512
- Aps or chupatee, 544
- Aquatic birds, traps for, 675
- Arctic regions, hints for the, 309, 316
- Armament, hunter’s, 655
- Arobas waggon, 441
- Arrest hemorrhage, 695
- Arrow-fishing, 594
- Arrows, harpoon, 594
- Artificial horizon, 29
- Artillery, charges for, 241
- Cartridges and wads for, 243
- Dromedary or Zembourcks, 245
- Field, 448
- Repairing, 243
- Shot for, 246
- Sledges, 406
- Unspiking, 243
- Zembourcks, 245
- Artist’s materials, 22
- Ascertaining altitudes, 741
- Variations of the compass, 732
- Ash cake, 549
- Assegais, to render useless, 203
- Attachment of straps, for sledges, 399
- Australian bark canoe, 162
- Spears and spear throwing, 616
- Tent, 59
- Two-wheel drays, 454
- Axes or adzes, makeshift, 381
- Axles, to make and repair, 215
B. - Baggage derrick, extempore, 330
- Bags, pack-saddle, 36
- Baits, fish, hints on, 605
- Baking bread, 550
- Ballast for boats, 177
- Balsas canoe, 140
- Bamboos, building with, 289
- Bananas and plantains for food, 533
- Bandages, surgical, 689
- Bark canoes, 105
- Australian, 162
- Canadian, 157
- For canoes, mode of stripping, 156
- Stripping from trees, 789
- Uses of, 789
- Base metals, to detect, 263
- Baskets, fish traps, 595, 597
- Bayonets, 11
- Beams, masts, &c. for platform boats, 114
- Bear trap, 663
- Bechuana hut, 280
- Beds, camp, 44
- Beehive hut, Kafir, 279
- Bees’ Nests, taking, 580
- Bell mules, 466
- Bellows, 69
- And forge, extempore, 213
- Bell-tent made to hold many people, 61
- Bent wood, 380
- Biltong, 575
- Birch bark canoes, 157
- Birdlime, 679
- Birds, aquatic, traps for, 675
- Calls for, 679
- Traps for, 673
- Preserving, 574
- Sea, cooking, 584
- Snaring, 673
- Bite of tsetse fly, 653
- Bits, 34
- Blackcock trap, 672
- Bladders and paunches for holding water, 499
- And water-skins, repairing of, 783
- Use of, 783
- Blanket used for extemporising a tent, 59
- Blindfolding pack animals, 465
- Blockhouse, 296
- Blocks and pulleys, 383
- Board house, 278
- Boards, ice, 403
- Boats, American portable, 154
- Ballast for, 177
- Bridges of, 350
- Building, 121, 125, 128
- Canvas or skin, 48, 100
- Cape waggon, 129, 131
- Catamaran, 165
- Clinker, 125, 128
- Collapsible, 155
- Connecting beams, masts, &c. for platform, 114
- Copper, 50, 118
- Copper, materials used in, 54
- Copper platform, 110
- Corrugated iron, 51
- Esquimaux, 103
- Fitted with inflated tubes, 170
- Indian cattle, 99
- Inflated canvas, 48
- Inflated, to make safe, 117
- Iron, 51, 118, 123
- Leaky, 91
- Massoolah, 164
- Metal life, 124
- Metal platform, 107, 110
- Metal, to connect odd sections of, 125
- Mixture for painting metal, 113
- Models of, 105, 119
- Norwegian, 165
- Paddling, 134
- Portable canvas, 49
- Portable steel, 166
- Proas, 135
- Quagga hide, 102
- Reed, 97
- Rules for sailing, 177
- Russian cargo, 102
- Sculling, 132
- Skin, 100
- Things to be thought of when designing, 105
- Torres Straits, 162
- Wattled, 125
- Whale, 610
- Without nails, 165
- Wooden platform, materials for, 114
- Boers’ method of loading guns quickly, 228
- Boiling meat, 553
- Rice, 565
- Water without pots, 553
- Bolts and nuts, dies and taps for, 198
- Bones, horns, tendons, fish skin, &c. use of, 784
- Books for travellers, 29, 31
- Boomerang, 617
- Boots, African, 412
- And shoes, 6, 412
- Clamps for, 420
- India rubber, to mend, 429
- In tropical countries, hints on, 429
- Laces, 7
- Lasts for, 416
- Making, 417
- Sledge dogs’, 403
- Snow shoe, 410
- Stitching, 421
- Thread for, 420
- Wading among rocks, 429
- Boring heavy logs, 376
- Botanical specimens, collecting, 764
- Packing and preserving, 771
- Boulders, to remove, 265
- Buoys, life, 95
- Bowls, wooden, 393
- Bows, cross, Chinese, 623
- Pellet, Indian, 624
- Strings, tightening, 622
- Box markings, 700
- Boxes as floats, 97
- Copper, 8
- For Cape waggon travelling, 9
- For rafts, 144
- Braces, 5
- Brands of camels, 481
- Branding cattle, 478
- Branch, peg, and log ladders, 349
- Brass guns and their charges, 241
- For barter with natives, 210
- Softening and hardening, 210
- Bread baking, 550
- Breakers, rules for passing through, 176
- Break for wheels, 443
- Brick tea, 571
- Bridge shears, to construct, 336
- Bridges, boat, 350
- Cable and twig, 335
- Chain, 331
- Deodar beam, 341
- Fly, 331
- Gabion, 327
- Ice, 343
- Indian rope, 341
- Natural, 346
- One tree, 325
- Rafter, plank, and slab, 342
- Swamp, 326
- Tartar, 328
- Bridles, 34
- Broken masts, 182
- Spars, scarfing, or fishing of, 181
- Bruised gun barrels, to repair, 226
- Buckets, bamboo, 358
- Canvas, 67
- Gutta percha, 73
- Leather, 72
- Palm, 523
- Buck-shot moulds, 19, 222
- Buik-waggon, 437
- Building, bamboo for, 289
- Boats, clinker, 128
- Boats, hints on, 128
- Boats of metal, 121
- Boats of wood, 123
- Boats, things to be thought of when, 105
- Fires, 539, 540
- Jetty, 329
- Mission Churches, plans for, 301
- Of the Portuguese in Africa, 305
- Rafts, principles of, 147
- Walls, 291
- Wheels, 366, 371
- Bullet moulds, 9, 220, 230
- Bullets, cleft, 229
- Bullock trunks, 8
- Bull’s-eye lantern, 86
- Burning charcoal, 266
- Bush knife, 11
- Bushman’s hut, 278
- Bustard shooting, 670
- Butter, preserving, 583
- Buying horses, 577
- Second-hand guns, hints on, 11
C. - Cable and twig bridge, 335
- Cakes, baking, 549
- Calabashes, float, 96
- Calls, bird and animal, 679
- Calming troubled water by means of oil, 176
- Camels, 475
- Brands, 481
- Embarking, 487
- Feeding, 486
- Harnessing, 476
- Hints on, 483, 486
- Journal or diary, 489
- Loads and distances, for, 485
- On shipboard, fastening, 489
- Water in stomach, 487
- Wounds on backs of, 800
- Camp beds, 44
- Filters, 501
- Furniture, 389
- Medicine-making, hints on, 802
- Of ox waggons, to defend, 297
- Canadian bark canoe, 157
- Candles, 86
- Guttering, to prevent, 556
- Making, 87
- Malay, 89
- Packing, 88
- Screens for, 88
- Cannon, cartridges for, 243
- Charges, &c. 241
- Mounting, 237, 240
- Repairing, 243
- Shot for, 220, 246
- Unspiking, 243
- Wads, 243
- (See also Artillery.)
- Canoes, Australian bark, 162
- Balsas, 140
- Bark, 105, 157, 160, 162
- Birch for, 156
- Canadian bark, 157
- Carriage for, 159
- Cedar bark, 160
- Dug-out, 104, 163
- Fejee, 139
- Fuegian, 161
- Inflated canvas for one man, 50
- Long, 163
- Mode of stripping bark for, 156
- Outriggers for, 99
- Queen Charlotte’s Island, 158
- Shoe, 161
- Water transport, 496
- Canteens, 70
- Canvas boat, inflated, 49
- Boat, portable inflated, 48, 100
- Buckets, 67
- Canoe for one man, inflated, 50
- Or skin boat, 100
- Cape waggon, 433
- Cap squares of a gun, makeshift for, 239
- Caps for the head, 5
- Percussion, and their substitutes, 240
- Priming, to make, 244
- Capstan, gunner’s, 374
- Cargo boat, Russian, 102
- Carnivora, hunting of, 646
- Carpenter’s tools, 41
- Carriages, canoe, 159
- Wheeled measuring distances travelled by, 726
- Carrying, rolling, and parbuckling heavy spars, 352
- Carrying water, 495
- Cartridges and wads for cannon, 243
- Case hardening, 205
- Cases for saddles, 34
- Casting horses, 800
- Oxen, 801
- Ropes for horses, 801
- Casks, water, to embark, 379
- Catamaran float, 165
- Catching albatrosses, 587
- Alligators, 590
- Cattle, 654
- Crayfish, lobsters, &c., 604
- Crows, 680
- Deer with thorn wreaths, 624
- Ducks, &c. 675
- Fish, 585, 587
- Musk rats, 667
- Ostriches, emus, &c., 668
- Porpoises, 612
- Sea fish, 585
- Turkeys, 670
- Catgut and parchment, 782
- Cattle boat, 99
- Brands, making, 480
- Catching, 654
- Drinking troughs for, 493
- Hobbling, 469
- Marking, 478
- Watering, 493
- Cautions regarding glanders, 806
- Cedar bark canoe, 160
- Cereals as food, 569
- Chain and rope ladders, 348
- Chalk lines, 292
- Charcoal burning, 266
- Charges, &c. for brass guns, 241
- Chemical tests, for minerals and metals, 260
- Chests as rafts, Cape waggon, 140
- Chinese cross-bow, 623
- Slab and trestle bridge, 343
- Chisels, cold, 204
- Making incisions in iron with, 194
- “Chucknuck,” or “strike-a-light,” 537
- Chupatee or aps, 544
- Chupper screens, 294
- Churches, fortifying, 301
- Mission, plans for building, 301
- Cider, plantain, 533
- Clamps for boot making, 420
- Cleaning guns, 237
- Clearing fine sand from gun-locks, 69
- Cleft bullets, 229
- Climb palms, to, 523
- Clinker boat, 125, 128
- Clinometer, makeshift, 738
- Clip for holding posts, &c., 273
- Clock, water, 741
- Cloths, saddle, 33
- Coats, 5, 6
- Cocoa nut palm, uses for, 360
- Shells, use of, 526
- Use of, 524
- Cold chisel, making, 204
- Making incisions in iron with, 194
- Colic or gripes, remedy for, 802
- Collapsible boat, 155
- Collars, horse, 457
- Collecting botanical specimens, 764
- Dew, 518, 523
- Mineralogical and geological specimens, 771
- Natural history specimens, 763
- Water from rain-falls, 504
- Colonists and natives, to obtain information from, 758
- Common dog sledge, 404
- Companions and servants, conduct to, 702
- Compass, pocket, 28
- Points of, 633
- Variation of, to ascertain, 732
- Marking distances with, 30
- Conduct to companions and servants, 702
- Connecting beams, masts, &c. for platform boats, 114
- Contusions, remedy for, 79
- Convenient tool hold-all, 43
- Cooking pots, 71
- Sea birds, 584
- Stove, Norwegian, 558
- Copper and iron, to tin, 210
- Boats, 50, 51
- Boats, materials used in, 54
- Boxes, 8
- Or iron skiff, 118
- Skiff, 118
- Tinning, 210
- Water flasks, 495
- Cooper’s work, 377
- Coracle, 100
- Cordway, American, 324
- Corrugated iron boat, 51
- Cost and materials of metal platform boat, 110
- Cotton torch, 89
- Covers for lamps, 87
- Cravats, hog’s, 391
- Crayfish, lobsters, &c. to catch, 604
- Creeper or grapnel, to trip, 603
- Crimea, tent used in, 62
- Crook and prong house, to build, 284
- Cross-bow, Chinese, 623
- Cross-tree saddles, 465
- Crows, catching, 680
- Cup lamp, 85
- Cupping, 695
- Cutting gun barrels, 198
- Sheet metal, snips for, 213
- Timber, season for, 270
- Up large game, 575
D. - D’Abri, Tente, 57
- Damaras hut, 282
- Damper, 549
- Damp places, procuring water from, 492
- Dams, weirs and spears, 596
- Dead game, protecting, 660
- Deep-water glass, 187
- Deer catching with thorn wreaths, 624
- Defensible camp with ox-waggons, 297
- Churches, 301
- Farm-house and village, 295, 298
- Deodar beam bridge, 341
- Derrick, baggage, 330
- Deris, to make, 342
- Designing boats, things to be thought of when, 105
- Destroy mule leeches, to, 805
- Detection of base metal, 263
- Dew, collecting, 518, 523
- Diarrhoea and its remedy, 79
- Diary, &c. in duplicate, 21
- Dies and taps for bolts and nuts, 198
- Dimensions of sledges, 394
- Disabled artillery, management of, 448
- Dishes and plates, to make, 213
- Dislocated shoulder, reducing, 694
- Distances, estimation of, 739
- For camels, 485
- Measurement, 30, 726
- Travelled by wheeled carriage, measuring, 726
- Distil aguardiente, to, 579
- Ditty bag, 68
- Dividing and packing venison, 661
- Dogs, boots for, 403
- Free from the attacks of the tsetse fly, 652
- Packs for, 405
- Securing to sledges, 400
- Sledge and harness for, 396, 404
- Sledge, food for, 400
- Doors and gates, to make and hang, 289
- Double boat of copper, 51
- Block, 386
- Canvas boat, inflated, 49
- Metal boats, 107
- Sextant, 26
- Dough nuts, 550
- Drags for wheels, 443
- Drawing sledges, 395
- Drays, Australian, 454
- Dressing for wounds, 73
- Dried flesh, 558
- Drills and saws, 376
- Drinking troughs for cattle, 493
- Driving a coracle, 100
- Droge, the, 167, 168
- Dromedary brands, 481
- Points in the, 483
- (Zemboureks), artillery, 245
- Drowned, treatment of the apparently, 188
- Drugging fish, 606
- Dubbin, to make, 429
- Duck for ground sheet, &c., 6
- Ducks, &c., catching, 675
- Dug-out canoes, 104, 163
- Duplicates of correspondence, &c., 21
class="center">E. - Economy in food, 560
- Edible frog, 564
- Eggs, ostrich, 565
- Preserving, 583
- Shells of, horns and calabashes for holding water, 498
- Elephant hunting, 634
- Elg-Led, 658
- Elk trap, 658
- Embarking camels, 487
- Emus, ostriches, &c., catching, 668
- England, outfit to take from, 4
- Enticing deer, 660
- Equipment, mule, hints on, 468
- North Australian expedition, 35
- Sledge, 399
- Waggon, 446
- Erecting a perpendicular on a given point, 320
- Escape, fire, 353
- Esquimaux boat, 103
- Ice hut, 314
- Lamp, 86
- Sledges, 398
- Snow hut, &c., 312
- Summer tents, 315
- Establishing communication with a lee shore by means of a kite, 185
- Estimate distance, to, 739
- Strength of ropes, to, 793
- Time, 740
- Weight of rope, to, 793
- Expedients for moving vessels during calms, Admiral Belcher’s, 175
- For saving boats in rough water, 176
- For working ships’ pumps, 176
- Expedition by twenty-one men for eighteen months, stores, &c.,
- Extracting gun nipple, 204
- Extricating waggons from quicksands, &c., 145
F. - Fall-traps, 662
- Farmer’s stores and horse medicines, 84
- Farmhouse, defensible, 295, 298
- And village, to fortify, 298
- Fastening camels on shipboard, 489
- Fat, to treat, 784
- Feathers, ostrich, packing, 622
- Feeding of camels, 486
- Feet, sore, 430
- Felling timber, 268
- Fences, 273, 291
- Ferries and fly bridges, 331
- Ferrying wheels over rivers, 144
- Fever and its remedy, 77
- Field artillery, 448
- Sledges, 406
- Guns and their charges, 241
- Figure of four traps, 663
- Fijee canoes, 139
- Filing up and trimming iron after forging, 194
- Filters, camp, 501
- Finding height of a tree or other object, whose base is accessible, without instruments, 321
- Points of the compass, 633
- River pearls, 256
- Water, 493
- Width of rivers or ravines without instruments, 318
- Firearms, hints on, 236
- Makeshift, 245
- Testing, 13
- Fire baskets, 555
- Building, a, 539, 540
- Escapes, 353
- Fuel for, 539, 541, 542, 543
- Maintaining, 542
- Places, makeshift, 553
- Producing, 535
- Signal, as a, 539
- Fish baits, hints on, 605
- Catching, 587
- Drugging, 606
- Haunts of, hints on, 605
- Hooks, makeshift, 586, 587
- Hooks, to make, 209
- Roe, preserving, 583
- Sea, Catching, 585
- Securing from alligators, 591
- Skin, use of, 784
- Spearing, 607, 608
- Spears, weirs, and dams, 596
- Torch, 89
- Traps, baskets, 595, 597
- Fishing broken spars, 181
- Implements, 604
- Lines, to make, 597
- Nets, 600, 603
- Tackle making, and hints on, 588
- Under ice, 602
- Fitting-up of tents, 61
- Flasks, water, copper, 495
- Flat-bottomed steel boat, 166
- Flesh, dried, 558
- Preserving, 572
- Transportation of, hints on, 576
- Flint muskets, 10
- Float for one man, skin, 154
- Floats, calabash, 96; boxes, 96
- Catamaran, 165
- Bark, 99
- Inflated skin, 152
- Mangrove wood, 163
- Milk-bush, 163
- Skin, 99
- Wood, 99
- Flour, preserving from weevils, 556
- Fly bridge and ferries, 331
- Infested animals, treatment of, 804
- Tsetse, 650
- Flying railway at Ichaboe, 338
- Food, economy in, 560
- Gathering, hints on, 577
- Insects and their larvÆ as, 562, 581
- Reptiles as, 560, 564
- Sledge dogs’, 400
- Various, 566
- Vegetable, 563
- Foot coverings, makeshift, 425
- Footways, tree, 330
- Fording rivers, hints on, 344
- Forge and bellows, extempore, 213
- Forecastle lamp, 87
- Hints on the management of the, 192
- Forked sticks, uses of, 388
- Form of tent peg, 64
- Fortifying churches, 301
- Foundations for houses, 304
- Fox trap, 664
- Fracturing glasses, as to obtain a sharp edge, 625
- Fritters, 536
- Frogs, edible, 564
- Fruits, obnoxious juices, removing of, 520
- Wild, 567
- Wild, of America, 530
- Fuel for fires, 539, 541, 542, 543, 556
- Fuegean pole house, 309
- Furnace, makeshift, 553
- Furniture, camp, 389
G. - Gaberdine, 4
- Gabion bridge, 327
- Galls in horses, 799
- Game, dead, protecting, 660
- Gates, latches for, 390
- Gathering food, hints on, 577
- General hints on boat building, 128
- Geographical information, to obtain from natives and colonists, 758
- Geological and mineralogical specimens, collecting, 771
- Geology for travellers, 250
- Gipsy tent, 57
- Glanders, cautions regarding, 806
- Glass bottles, lightning averted by, 289
- Fracturing, so as to obtain a sharp edge, 625
- Gloves, 5 Gold, identifying, 257
- Qualities of, 810
- Searchers, hints to, 251
- Grapnel or creeper, to trip, 603
- Grass filters, 504
- Grenades and rocket arrows, 246
- Grindstones, mounting, 387
- Gripes or colic, remedy for, 802
- Ground lines, and their management, 593
- Guano stages at Ichaboe, 337
- Gum-tree bark canoe, 162
- Gun barrels, to cut, 198
- Barrels, to repair when bruised, 226
- Cleaning, 237
- Locks, oil for, 236
- Nipple, to extract a, 204
- Repairing, 199
- Rests, 392
- Second-hand, hints on buying, 11
- Sighting, 200
- Sights, 201
- Slings, 39
- Spring, 656
- Telling time by, 238
- Gunner’s capstan, 374
- Gunpowder, to make, 247
- Gunyah, the, 278
- Gut, silkworm, 599
- Guttapercha buckets, 73
- Guttering in candles, to prevent, 536 H. Habits of wild animals, observation of, 773
- Halters, 37
- Hames, adaptation to collars, 460
- Hammocks, 45
- Handbarrow, makeshift, 389
- Hand mill, 544
- Hanging doors and gates, 289
- Handles of stock whips and lead pencils, 225
- Hardening brass, 210
- Hard rove rope, treatment of, 793
- Harness and pack animals, 457
- Harnessing and yoking draught oxen, 452, 454, 455
- Harpooning hippopotami, 613
- Harpoons, 609
- Hartebeeste hut, 282
- Hats and caps, 5
- Haunts of fish, hints on, 605
- Hay and straw ropes, spinning, 792
- Headstalls, 37
- Heat-conducting bodies, 809, 810
- Heavy spars, to carry, roll, or parbuckle, 352
- Height of a tree, or other object whose base is accessible, to find without instruments, 321
- Hemorrhage, to arrest, 695
- Hide boat, quagga, 102
- Hints on boat building, 128
- Boots in tropical countries, 429
- Buying second-hand guns, 11
- Camels, 486
- Camp medicine making, 802
- Fire-arms, 236
- Fish baits, 605
- Fishing tackle, 588
- Food gathering, 577
- Fording rivers, 344
- Gold searching, 251
- Gathering mushrooms, 582
- Harness and harnessing, 461
- Haunts of fish, 605
- Horse and mule purchase, 806
- Hygeens, and camels, 483
- Management of the forge, 192
- Matters connected with waggons, 446
- Mule equipment, 468
- Mule purchasing, 466
- Raft building, 147
- Sentries, 301
- Servants and slaves, 704
- Serving rations, 559
- Shoeing horses, 798
- Sledges, 401
- Transportation of flesh, 576
- Trapping, 666
- Travel, 701
- Travelling in the arctic regions, 309, 316
- Hippopotami, use of, 616
- Hitches and knots, 794
- Hobbles, 38
- Hobbling cattle, 469
- Hogs’ cravats, 391
- Hold-all for tools, 43
- Holder for torches, 555
- Honey, finding and taking, 580
- Hook trap, 664
- Hooks, fish, 209, 586, 587
- Hoop-iron, uses for, 194
- Horizon, artificial, 29
- Artificial, and sextant, use of, 743
- Horizontal wheel, application of wind power to, 512
- Horn lantern, 86
- Horns for holding water, 498
- Horse and mule waggons, 442
- Horses, buying, 577
- Casting ropes for, 801
- Collars, 457
- Embarking, 473
- Fastening, 472
- Galls, 799
- Glanders, 806
- Leading and driving, 473
- Medicines and farrier’s stores, 84
- Poultice, 799
- Purchase of, hints on, 806
- Securing, 800
- Shoeing, hints on, 798
- Sledges, 405
- Sore backs, 799
- Teeth, and other irregularities, 805
- Throwing, 800
- Hour glass, 740
- Houses, African, Portuguese, 305
- Board, 278
- Crook and prong, 284
- Corrugated iron for, 305
- Defensible farm, 295, 298
- Foundations for, 304
- Fuegean pole, 309
- Log, 275
- Logier hill, 287
- Reed, 293
- Thatches for, 285, 288
- Howitzers, and their charges, 242
- Hunter’s armament, 655
- Hunting elephants, 634
- Large carnivora, 646
- Lions, 642
- Hurdle or wattle work, 382
- Husks of cocoa nut, use of, 526
- Huts, Bechuana, 280
- Beehive, 279
- Bushman’s, 278
- Damaras, 282
- Fuegean, 309
- Hartbeeste, 282
- Ice, 314
- Namaqua Hottentot, 283
- Papuan tree, 307
- Peat, 309
- Savages’, 278
- Snow, 312
- Stone, 280
- Rio Negro, 307
- Tartar, 294
- Thatches for, 285, 288
- Vaal river, 281
- Hutting in the arctic regions, 309, 316
- Hygeens and camels, hints on, 483
I. - Ice boards, 403
- Bridging a river by means of, 343
- Fishing under, 602
- Harpooning seals under, 603
- Huts, 314
- Getting under, 602
- Ichaboe guano stages and flying railway, 338
- Identification of gold, 257
- Implements, fishing, 604
- Impurities from water, removing, 505
- Incisions in iron with cold chisels, to make, 194
- Increase accommodation of tents, 61
- Increase size of bell-tent, 61
- Indian (American) lodges, 308
- Cattle boat, 99
- Escape pole, 347
- Gharrie waggon, 441
- Lamp, 87
- Pellet bow, 624
- Rope bridge, 341
- Scaling ladders, 348
- Indiarubber boots, to mend, 429
- Inflated boats, to make safe, 117
- Canvas boat, 48, 49, 50
- Skin floats, 152
- Tubes, boat fitted with, 179
- Information from natives and colonists, to obtain, 758
- Insects and their larvÆ as food, 562, 581
- Inspanning, 452
- Instruments for mapping, 31
- For mapping a route, 24
- Stands for, 738
- Intestines for holding water, 500
- Introduction, 1
- Iron articles, selection of, 446
- Boats, 51, 123
- Corrugated for houses, 305
- Making incisions with cold chisels in, 194
- Ore, to smelt, 258
- Platinizing, 206
- Rod, weight of, 809
- Rusting, to prevent, 207
- Skiff, 118
- Test for wrought or malleable, 447
- Tinning, 210
- Trap, 665
- Uses for scrap and hoop, 194
- Welding of, 192
- Irregularities of teeth in draught animals, 805
- Irritated surfaces, remedy for, 80
J. - Jackets, 4
- Jetty, to build an extempore, 329
- Joining odd sections of metal boats, 125
- Journal in duplicate, 21
- Or diary, 20
- Or diary, camel, 489
- Juices, obnoxious, removing from fruits, &c., 520 K. Kaffir beehive hut, 279
- Killing sheep, 560
- Kites as auxiliaries to swimming, 183
- As sails, 182
- Establishing communication with a lee shore by means of, 185
- Scaling cliffs with, 185
- Signalling by means of, 184
- Tacking by means of, 184
- Knives, 40 Knives, makeshift, 193
- Knots and hitches, 794
L. - Ladders, 353
- Indian scaling, 348
- Makeshift, 348
- Miners’, 347
- Peg, branch, and log, 349
- Rope and chain, 348
- Ladles, spoons, and their substitutes, 227
- Lamps, bull’s-eye, 86
- Covers for, 87
- Cup, 85
- Esquimaux, 86
- Forecastle, 87
- Indian, 87
- Railway, 87
- Oils for, 85
- Portuguese, 84
- Reflecting, 87
- Wicks for, 85
- Lancers’ tent, 58
- Landing derrick, 349
- Lanterns, bull’s-eye, 86
- Larch trees, 358
- Large game, cutting up, 575
- LarvÆ of insects as food, 562
- Lasts for boots, 416
- Latches, 390
- Lathes, makeshift, 386
- Laudanum, preparation of, 803
- Lead ore smelting, 228
- Pencils and stock whip handles, 225
- Plates, to make, 225
- Leading and driving horses, 472
- Leaf torch, 89
- Leakage in water-skins, repairing of, 499
- Leaky boats, to stop, 91
- Leaping-poles, 347
- Leather buckets, 72
- Leeches, mule, to destroy, 805
- Lee shore, establishing communication by kites with a, 185
- Levelling, 340
- Staff, extemporised sight vane for, 737
- Levels or low altitudes, to obtain, 734
- Water, substitute for, 738
- Library, the traveller’s, 29, 31
- Life-belts, 94
- Boat, metal, 124
- Buoys, 95
- Line, 96
- Raft, American, 167
- Liggers and trimmers, 591
- Lighting a fire, 539, 540
- Lightning, averted by glass bottle, 289
- Line slings and lob sticks, 334
- Lines, fishing, 597
- For measuring, 292
- Ground, and their management, 593
- Measuring, 365
- Lining for old huts, tents as, 61
- Links and chains, 462
- Lion hunting, 642
- Lizards, snakes, &c. as food, 560
- Loads for camels, 485
- Lobsters, crayfish, &c. to catch, 604
- Lob sticks and line slings, 334
- Locality for water, 491
- Lodges of the American Indian, 308
- Logging-up timber, 269
- Logier hill house, 287
- Log, boring a, 376
- Clip, 273
- For sledges, to make, 399
- House, to build, 275
- Peg and branch ladders, 349
- Splitting, 543
- Steaming, 357
- Long canoes, 163
- Lotus roots and seeds as food, 564
- Low altitude or levels, to obtain, 734
M. N. - Namaqua Hottentot hut, 283
- Nardoo for meal, 545
- Natives and colonists, to obtain information from, 758
- Natives, plough, 390
- Natural bridges, 346
- History specimens, preserving and packing, 766
- History specimens, collecting, 763
- Naturalists’ outfit, 761
- Nave auger, to work, 376
- Necessaries for the table, 70
- Necessary carpenter’s tools, 41
- Nets, fishing, 600, 603
- Netting, 797
- Nipple of a gun, to extract, 204
- North American wild fruits, 530
- Australian expedition, equipment of, 35
- Norwegian cooking stove, 558
- Nuts and bolts, taps and dies for, 198
O. - Oars for travellers, 114
- Observation of the habits of wild animals, 773
- Observatory, portable, 29
- Obtain geographical information from natives and colonists, 758
- Levels or low altitudes, to, 734
- Odds and ends for sledging, 402
- Offal of animals, 557
- Oil for gun locks, 236
- For lamps, 85
- On troubled waters, 176
- Or sugar cane mill, 546
- Palm, 525
- Ointment for wounds, 802
- Oneida trap, 665
- One man, inflated canvas canoe for, 50
- One-tree bridge, 325
- Ore, iron, smelting, 258
- Ostriches, catching, 668
- Eggs, 565
- Feathers, packing, 622
- Otter, making and working, 593
- Outfit for artists, 22
- Outriggers for canoes, 99
- Outspanning, 453
- Ovens, makeshift, 550
- Oxen, casting, 801
- Yoking and harnessing, 452, 454
P. - Pack animals, 463, 474
- Animals, blindfolding, 465
- Oxen, 654
- Pack ropes, 465
- Saddle, 35
- Saddle bags, 36
- Saddle crooks, 388
- Saddle, Spanish, 463
- Packing ammunition, 17
- Botanical specimens, 771
- Candles, 88
- Natural history specimens, 766
- Ostrich feathers, 622
- Riding saddles, 37
- Venison, 661
- Packs and pack animals, 474
- Paddling, 134
- Pail-yoke, 391
- Pails, palm, 523
- Painting and sketching under difficulties of travel, 716
- Metal boats, mixture for, 113
- Palanquins, stretchers, &c., 682
- Palm, bucket of, 523
- Cabbage, 523
- Climbing, 523
- Cocoa nut, 360
- Leaves, use of, 527
- Oil, 525
- Range and uses of the, &c. 524, 526
- Sugar, 525
- Toddy, 524
- Vinegar from, 525
- Pannikin, to make, 211
- Papuan tree hut, 307
- Parbuckling, carrying, and rolling heavy spars, 352
- Parchment and catgut, 782
- Passing through breakers, rules for, 176
- Patent filter, 506
- Patrol tent, 55
- Paunches and bladders for holding water, 499
- Pearls, river, to find, 256
- Peat hut, 309
- Pegs and rests for guns, game, &c. 392
- Branch and log ladders, 349
- Pellet bow, 624
- Pemmican, 573
- Pencils and stock whip handles, 225
- Penetration of rifle balls, 17
- Pen trap, 671
- Perch bolts, to repair, 197
- Percussion caps and their substitutes, 240
- Perpendicular, on a given point, to erect, 320
- Pipes, buckets, &c. of bamboo, 358
- Pistols, 18
- Pitching tents, 55
- Selection of ground for, 66
- Pitfall, 647
- Plane table and its use, 735
- Plank fall trap, 664
- House, 278
- Rafter, and slab bridges, 342
- Screens, to make, 292
- Plans for building mission churches, 301
- Plantains, cider, 533
- Plantains for food, 533
- Plants holding water, 504, 522
- Sap as substitute for water, 491
- Yielding sap as a substitute for water, 516, 518, 521
- Plates, lead, to make, 225
- Platform boats, connecting beams, masts, &c. for, 114
- Platforms, Abyssinian mule, 345
- Platinizing iron, &c., 206
- Ploughs, native, 390
- Pocket compass, 28
- Points in the dromedary, 483
- Poisoned arrows, 619, 622
- Poisons, 680
- Pole chains, 335
- House, Fuegean, 309
- Indian escape, 347
- Poles, leaping, 347
- Porcupine trap, 657
- Porpoises, catching, 612
- Portable boat, American, 154
- Boat of inflated canvas, 48
- Boat, steel, 166
- Observatory, 29
- Tool chest, 44
- Portuguese buildings in Africa, 305
- Potato whiskey, 534
- Pots and pans, 71
- Raft of, 150
- Sugar making, 548
- Poultice, horse, 799
- Powder-flasks, 19
- Precious stones, to identify, 254
- Preparation of American wild fruits, 530
- Preserving birds, 574
- Botanical specimens, 771
- Fish roe, eggs and butter, 583
- Flesh, 572
- Flour from weevils, 556
- Iron from rusting, 207
- Maize, 569
- Milk, 582
- Natural history specimens, 766
- Skins, 774
- Preserved vegetables, 582
- Preventing a candle from guttering, 556
- Preventive and remedy for mange, 803
- Priming caps, to make, 244
- Principles of raft building, 147
- Proas, 135
- Procuring aloe juice, 802
- Fire, 535, 540
- Water from damp places, 492
- Water from wells, 492
- Producing fire, 535
- Projection, Mercator’s, mapping on, 754
- Prong and crook house, to build, 284
- Protecting dead game, 660
- Pulleys or blocks, 383
- Pumping ships, 176
- Pumps, extemporised, 516
- Punk, 537
- Purchase of horses and mules, hints on, 806
- Purgative for animals, 802
- Purifying water, 507
Q. - Quadrant, 744
- Quagga hide boat, 102
- Qualities of gold, 810
- Quantity and nature of stores required by 21 men for 18 months, 46
- Of ammunition to take abroad, 17
- Quarrying stone, 263
- Queen Charlotte’s Island canoe, 158
- Queen, the, 544
- Quicksands, extricating waggons from, 145
R. - Radiating heat power of various bodies, 810
- Rafter, plank and slab bridges, 342
- Rafts, American life, 167
- Cape-waggon chests as, 140
- From wrecked ships, 92
- Inflated skin, 152
- Pot, 150
- Principles of building, 147
- Reed, 98
- Sedge grass, 150
- Trennelled, 146
- Rail splitting, 272
- Railway lamp, 87
- Rainfalls, collecting water from, 504
- Raising a roof, 287
- Water from wells, 508
- Waggons, &c. from quicksands, &c. 145
- Rakes, forks, &c. from sticks, 391
- Rations for one man for six days, 566
- Scale of, for rough travelling, 559
- Hints on serving, 559
- Ravines or rivers, to find the width of without instruments, 318
- Reducing dislocated shoulder, 694
- Reed boat, 97
- Houses, screens and sheds, 293
- Raft, 98
- Reefing of sails from the sides, 174
- Reflecting lamp, 87
- Reindeer sledge, 406
- Refractory mule, to secure, 459
- Region of the tsetse fly, 652
- Remedy for colic and gripes, 802
- Diarrhoea, 79
- Fever, 77
- Irritated surfaces, 80
- Mange, 803
- Snow blindness, 79
- Strains and contusions, 79
- Removing boulders, 265
- Obnoxious juices from fruits, &c., 520
- Sand, &c. from gun locks, 69
- Render boats safe, 92
- Repairing axles, 217
- Bladders, water skins, &c., 783
- Bruised gun-barrels, 226
- Cannon, 243
- Guns, 199
- Leakage in water skins, 499
- Muskets, 208
- Perch-bolts, 197
- Poles, 218
- Vessels, temporary, 168
- Wheels, 218
- Wheel-tires, 195
- Reptiles as food, 560, 564
- Rests for guns, &c., 392
- Revolvers, 18
- Rewarding natives, 493
- Rice, boiling, 565
- Riding and pack oxen, 654
- Rifle balls, penetration of, 17
- For travellers, 231
- Rests, 203
- Selecting, 10
- Sights, 16, 201
- Shells, extempore, 226
- Sporting, 231
- Rifling arrows, 624
- Rigs of vessels, 172
- Rio Negro huts, 307
- Rivers, ferrying wheels over, 144
- Hints on fording, 344
- Or ravines, to find the width of without instruments, 318
- Pearls, to find, 256
- Water flow, measurement of, 757
- Rivets, 213
- Roads, to make swamp, 317
- Roadways, cane and twig, 335
- Roasting meat, 551
- Rocket arrows and grenades, 246
- Rod iron, weight of, 809
- Rolling, carrying, and parbuckling heavy spars, 352
- Roof, to raise a, 287
- Roots for food, 533
- Yielding sap as a substitute for water, 516, 518, 521
- Rope bridge, Indian, 341
- Casting, for horses, 801
- Chain ladders, 348
- Hard rove, treatment of, 793
- Hay, 792
- Hide, 784
- Ladders, 348
- Making, 790
- Materials for, 788
- Pack, 465
- Straw, 792
- Strength of, to estimate, 793
- Weight of, to estimate, 793
- Rucksacks, 787
- Rudders, temporary, 178
- Rue ruddy, 395
- Rules for passing through breakers, 176
- For sailing boats, 177
- To be observed when sledging, 401
- Rush mats, 283
- Russian cargo boat, 102
- Routes, projection of, 751
S. Sabots and socks, 428 Sacks, ruck, 787 Saddles, 32 - And gun rests, 392
- Cases, 34
- Cloths, 33
- Cross-tree, 465
- Pack, 35
- Packing of, 37
- Spanish pack, 463
Sago cakes, 556 Sailing boats, rules for, 177 Sails and their substitutes, 172 - Kites used as, 182
- To reef from the sides, 174
- Substitutes for, 174
Samovar, 90 Sandals, 426 Sand, &c. from gun locks, to remove, 69 Sap from timber, to extract, 355 - Of plants as substitute for water, 491
Savages’ huts, 278 Saw-pit, substitute for, 274 Saws and drills, 376 Scale of rations for rough travelling, 559 Scaling cliffs, &c. kites for, 185 Scarfing of broken spars, 181 Scissors, 41 Scrap-iron, uses for, 194 Screens, Chuppar, 294 Sculling, 132 Sea-birds, cooking, 584 Sea-fish, catching, 585 Season for cutting timber, 270 Seals, harpooning under ice, 603 Seasoning wood, 355 Second-hand guns, hints on buying, 11 Sections, odd, of metal boats, to join, 125 Securing cattle, 469 - Fish from alligators, 591
- Gunpowder, mode of, 37
- Horses, 472
- Horse for an operation, 800
- Tent ropes, modes of, 65
Seeds and roots of lotus as food, 564 Sedge grass raft, 150 Selection of bullet moulds, 9 - Ground for tent pitching, 66
- Guns, 9
- Iron articles, 446
- Rifles, 10
- Servants, 704
Sentries, hints for, 301 Servants and companions, conduct to, 702 Serving rations, hints on, 559 Settlers’ plough, 391 Setting traps, 665 Sextant and artificial horizon, use of, 743 Sheds, reed, 293 Sheath knives or bayonets, 202 Shears to construct bridge, 336 Sheep killing, 560 Sheet-copper boat, 50, 51 - Iron, weight of, 808
- Metal, to join, 211
- Metal, snips for cutting, 213
Shells for rifles, extempore, 226 - Of cocoa-nut, use of, 526
Shelves, makeshift, 293 Ship-board, fastening camels on, 489 Ships, rafts from, 92 Shirts, 4 Shoe canoe, 161 Shoeing horses, hints on, 798 Shoemaker’s wax, 415 Shoes and boots, 6, 412 Shooting bustards, 670 - Tortoises with arrows, 624
Shot belts, 19 Signal clock, 385 Signalling by means of kites, 184 Signs of the weather, 185 Sight vane for levelling staff, extemporised, 737 Sighting guns, 200 Sights, gun, 201 Silkworm gut, 599 Sinking wells, 513 Skates and their substitutes, 411 Sketching and painting, under difficulties of travel, 716 Skidor, Norwegian, 410 Skiff of copper or iron, 118 Skins as food, 557 - Boat, 100
- Cattle boat, 99
- Dressing, 779
- Float for one man, 154
- Floats, 99
- Preparation of, for boots, 414
- Sleeping bags, 786
- Treatment, 774
- Use of, 784
- Water, 496
- Water, and bladders, repairing, 783
- Water, repairing leakage in, 499
- Water sacks, 780
Slab plank and rafter bridges, 342 Slaughtering sheep, 560 Slaves and servants, hints on, 704 Sledges, attachment of straps for, 399 - Dimensions, 394
- Dog, 396, 404
- Drawing, 395
- Equipment of, 399
- Esquimaux, 398
- Field artillery, 406
- Harness for dog, 396
- Hints on, 401
- Horse, 405
- Ice board, 403
- Log for, 399
- Reindeer, 406
- Runners of, to smooth, 398
- Speed of, to check, 400
- Stopping, 400
- Summer, 408
- Tobogun, 403
- Travail, 404
- Whip, 397
Sleeping bags, 786 Slings for guns, 39 Slow match and tinder, 537 Slugs, making, 223 Smelting iron ore, 258 Smith’s tools for travelling, 208 Smoking out wild bees, 537 Smoothing roughened runners of sledges, 398 Snakes as food, 560 Snares, 673 Snatch block, 385 Snips for cutting sheet metal, 213 Snow-blindness, and its remedy, 79 Soap making, 785 Socks and sabots, 428 - And stockings, T.
- Table necessaries, 70
- Tables, altitudes, 742
- Heat conducting bodies, 809, 810
- Mapping, 755
- Quality of gold, 810
- Radiating heat power of bodies, 810
- Strength of various bodies, 812
- Trocheameter, 729
- Velocity, 808
- Weight of rod iron, 809
- Weight of sheet iron, 808
- Weight of solids, 809
- Tacking by means of kites, 184
- Tackle, fishing, making, and hints on, 583
- Tailor’s work, 696
- Taking bees’ nests, 580
- Tana trap, 664
- Tanning skins, 779
- Taps and dies for bolts and nuts, 198
- Tartar bridges, 328
- Tea, uses of, 570
- Teeth of draught animals and their irregularities, 805
- Tempering tools, 204
- Temporary repairs of vessels, 168
- Tendons, use of, 784
- Tente d’abri, 57
- Tents, Australian, 59
- Belt, to increase size of, 61
- Blanket, 59
- Cape-waggon, 59
- D’abri, 57
- Esquimaux, 315
- Extemporary, 60
- Fitting up of, 61
- Gipsy, 57
- Lancers’, 58
- Lining to old huts, 61
- Or tilt for Cape waggons, 130
- Patrol, 55
- Pegs, 64
- Pitching, 55
- Pitching, selection of ground for, 66
- Ropes, modes of securing, 65
- Umbrella, 67
- Used in Crimea, 62
- Testing firearms, 13
- Tests for minerals and metals, 260
- For wrought or malleable iron, 447
- Thatches for houses and huts, 285, 288
- Theodolite, 745
- Thermometers, 26
- Things to be thought of when designing a boat, 105
- Thorn wreath, catching deer with, 624
- Thread for boot making, 420
- Throwing a horse, 800
- Oil on troubled waters, 176
- Tightening harness, 465
- Tilt or tent for Cape waggons, 130
- Timber, extraction of sap, 355
- Felling, 268
- Hardening, 357
- Logging-up, 269
- Seasoning, 355
- Splitting, 271
- Steaming, 357
- Vice for holding, 166
- When to cut, 270
- Time, estimation of, 740
- Tin cases, utilisation of, 212
- Tinder and slow match, 537
- Tinning copper and iron, 210
- Tip-up, 602
- Tires of wheels, to repair, 195
- Tobogun sledge, 403
- Toddy, palm, 524
- Tools, chest, portable, 44
- Carpenter’s, 41
- For mining, 252
- Hold-all, convenient form of, 43
- Smith’s, for travelling, 208
- Tempering, 204
- To take abroad, 44
- Torches, 89
- Torres Straits boats, 162
- Tortillas, 544
- Tortoises, shooting, with arrows, 624
- Tourniquets, 695
- Tracking, 628
- Transportation of flesh, hints on, 576
- Traps, arrow, 657
- Aquatic bird, 675
- Baits for, 667
- Bear, 663
- Bird, 673
- Blackcock, 672
- Deer, 659
- Elk, 658
- Fall, 662
- Figure of four, 663
- Fish, basket, 595, 597
- Fox, 664
- Hook, 664
- Iron, 665
- Martin, 662
- Oneida, 665
- Pen, 671
- Plank fall, 664
- Porcupine, 657
- Setting of, 665
- Squirrel, 663
- Tana, 664
Turkey, 671 Trapping amphibious animals, 666 - Hints on, 666
- Travail sledge, 404
- Travel, hints on, 711
- Painting and sketching during, 716
- Traveller, making and working a, 594
- Travellers, geology for, 250
- Treating fat, 784
- Treatment of apparently drowned persons, 188
- Fly infested animals, 804
- Hard rove rope, 793
- Skins, 774
- Stone, 264
- Tree footways, 330
- Trees, larch, 358
- Stripping bark from, 789
- Whose bases are accessible, to find the height of without instruments, 321
- Yielding manna, 529
- Treenails, making, 326
- Trenneled rafts, 146
- Trestle bridge, Chinese, 343
- Trimmers and liggers, 591
- Trimming and filing up after forging, 194
- Tripping a grapnel or creeper, 603
- Trocheameter, 727
- Troughs, cattle, for drinking, 493
- Trousers, 4
- Trunks, bullock, 8
- Tsetse-fly, 650
- Preventive of bite, 654
- Region of the, 652
- Symptoms of bite, 653
- Tubes of inflated canvas, boat fitted with, 170
- Turkeys, catching, 670
- Turning wheel naves, 370
- Turtle spears, 617
- Twisting fishing lines, 598
- Two-wheeled drays, Australian, 454 U. Umbrella tent, 67
- Union links, 462
- Unspiking cannon, 243
- Use of bladders, 783
- Horns, bones, tendons, fish skins, &c., 784
- Plane table, 735
- Sextant and artificial horizon, 743
- Waggon wheels in tents, 63
- Useful roots for food, 533
- Uses of bamboos, 358
- Bark, 789
- Bent wood, 380
- Cocoa-nut palms, 360
- Forked sticks, 388
- Hippopotami, 616
- Porpoises, 613
- Scrap and hook iron, 104
- Tea, 570
- Utilisation of tin cases, 212 V. Vaal River hut, 281
- Vane, sight, extemporised for levelling staff, 737
- Variation of the compass, to ascertain, 732
- Various foods, 566
- Vegetables and fruit, 567
- Vehicles, wheeled, measuring distances travelled by, 726
- Velocity table, 808
- Vessels during calms, Admiral Belcher’s expedient for moving, 175
- Rigs of, 172
- Temporary repairs of, 168
- Vices and anvils, extempore, 197
- Village and farm, to fortify, 298
- Vinegar, Palm, 525 W. Wads and cartridges for cannon, 243
- Walls, to build, 291
- Waggons and other wheeled vehicles, 432
- Arobas, 441
- Australian two-wheeled, 454
- Buik, 437
- Buy, 297
- Cape, 433
- Cape wine, 440
- Equipment, 446
- Floating, 144
- From quicksands, &c. to extricate, 145
- Load for Cape, 453
- Indian gharrie, 441
- Hints on matters connected with, 446
- Horse and mule, 442
- Makeshift, 438
- Wilson (American), 443
- Waistcoats, 4
- Watch, 29
- Wattle on hurdle work, 382
- Wattled boat, 125
- Water and the sap of plants, 491
- Bags, ships’, 498
- Baskets for holding, 500
- Bladders and panniers for holding, 499
- Boiling without pots, 553
- Calabashes, horns, and egg shells for holding, 498
- Carrying, 495, 500
- Casks, to embark, 379
- Clock, 741
- Collecting from rainfalls, 504
- Dew collecting, 518, 523
- Distilling, 494
- Filters, 501, 503, 506
- Finding, 493
- Flasks, copper, 495
- From damp places, procuring, 492
- From wells, procuring, 492
- Glass, the deep, 187
- In camel’s stomach, 487
- Intestines for holding, 500
- Level, substitute for, 738
- Locality for, 491
- Pails and skins, 496
- Plants holding, 504, 522
- Substitute, plants and roots yielding sap as a, 516, 518, 521
- Power wheels, 511
- Purifying, 507
- Raising from wells, 508
- Removing impurities, 505
- Sacks, skins, 780
- Skins and bladders, repairing, 783
- Skins and pails, 490
- Skins, repairing leakage in, 499
- Transport, canoe, 496
- Waterflow of river, measurement of, 757
- Watering cattle, 493
- Waterproofing, 186
- Waterspout baskets, 500
- Wax, shoemakers’, 415
- Weapons, stone, manufacture of, 625
- Weather signs, 185
- Weevils, preserving flour from, 556
- Weight of rod iron, 809
- Of rope, to estimate, 793
- Of sheet iron, 808
- Weirs, dams, and fish spears, 596
- Welding iron, 192
- Wells, making extempore, 492
- Procuring water from, 492
- Raising water from, 508
- Sinking, 513
- Whale boat,
Y. - Yoke, pail, 391
- Yoking and harnessing draught oxen, 452, 454, 455
Z. - Zembourcks or dromedary artillery, 245