Farmer Green played a great joke on his flock of sheep. At least that was what Snowball thought. Since he was not really one of Farmer Green's flock, but belonged to Johnnie Green, he escaped this joke himself. And that was the reason why he was able to laugh so heartily at all his companions. The joke was this: Farmer Green and the hired man sheared the sheep. Close clipped as they were, the flock looked very odd. When Snowball caught his first glimpse of the young black ram, after Farmer Green had sheared him and "Old dog Spot won't care for this stranger," Snowball thought. He was about to warn the stranger to leave the farm at once, when he saw that he wasn't a dog after all. For Snowball noticed that he ate grass. "He's a queer creature. And whatever he may be, Spot's sure to dislike him. So I'll advise him to run along, anyhow," Snowball decided. So Snowball called out, "There's an old dog on this farm that will chase you if he catches you here. You'd better go away before he finds you." To Snowball's amazement the stranger looked at him boldly and said, "Baa-a-a!" Then, in a flash, Snowball knew that it "What's happened to you?" Snowball cried, as soon as he could speak. Snowball and the Black Ram Met Head to Head. Snowball and the Black Ram Met Head to Head. The Tale of Snowball Lamb. Page 115 "Haven't you heard the news?" the black ram asked him. "Didn't you know that Farmer Green and the hired man had begun to shear us?" "No!" Snowball exclaimed. "Well, they have," said the black ram. "And Farmer Green paid me the honor of shearing me himself, the first of all." "The honor!" Snowball repeated. "I don't see why you think it's an honor. Why, you're the queerest looking animal on the farm." And he began to laugh at the black ram, and blat at him. Now, the black ram was a peppery chap. He promptly lost his temper and stamped his feet and shook his head at Snowball. "I'll butt you for that!" he bawled. Once Snowball would have retreated. The black ram had always been both older and bigger than he. But now, though the black ram was still older, he looked smaller. That, of course, was because he had lost his thick fleece. He looked so much smaller that Snowball was no longer afraid of him. For the first time since he had come to the farm to live Snowball lowered his head at the black ram. And he didn't even wait for the black ram to make the first move. Instead, Snowball charged him. A moment later they met, head to head, with a shock that knocked Snowball off his feet. "My goodness!" Snowball exclaimed as he picked himself up. "You're bigger than you look." "Do you want any more?" the black ram demanded fiercely. "I've done you Snowball thought once was even too much. He left the black ram hurriedly and ran down toward the bars. Some very odd looking creatures were entering the pasture. |