| CHAPTER I. THE POINT OF VIEW | What a garden is | CHAPTER II. THE GENERAL PLAN OR THEORY OF THE PLACE | The plan of the grounds | The picture in the landscape | Birds; and cats | The planting is part of the design or picture | The flower-growing should be part of the design | | | | | | The value of plants may lie in foliage and form rather than in bloom | | | | Various specific examples | | | | | | | | CHAPTER III. EXECUTION OF SOME OF THE LANDSCAPE FEATURES | The grading | The terrace | The bounding lines | Walks and drives | | | Making the borders | Making the lawn | | | | | | | | | | | | | CHAPTER IV. THE HANDLING OF THE LAND | The draining of the land | Trenching and subsoiling | Preparation of the surface | The saving of moisture | Hand tools for weeding and subsequent tillage and other hand work | Abutilons; agapanthus; alstremeria; amaryllis; anemone; aralia; araucaria; auricula; azaleas; begonias; cactus; caladium; calceolaria; calla; camellias; cannas; carnations; century plants; chrysanthemums; cineraria; clematis; coleus; crocus; croton; cyclamen; dahlia; ferns; freesia; fuchsia; geranium; gladiolus; gloxinia; grevillea; hollyhocks; hyacinths; iris; lily; lily-of-the-valley; mignonette; moon-flowers; narcissus; oleander; oxalis; palms; pandanus; pansy; pelargonium; peony; phlox; primulas; rhododendrons; rose; smilax; stocks; sweet pea; swainsona; tuberose; tulips; violet; wax plant. Almond; apples; apricot; blackberry; cherry; cranberry; currant; dewberry; fig; gooseberry; grape; mulberry; nuts; orange; peach; pear; plum; quince; raspberry; strawberry; Asparagus; artichoke; artichoke; Jerusalem; bean; beet; broccoli; brussels sprouts; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celeriac; celery; chard; chicory; chervil; chives; collards; corn salad; corn; cress; cucumber; dandelion; egg-plant; endive; garlic; horseradish; kale; kohlrabi; leek; lettuce; mushroom; mustard; muskmelon; okra; onion; parsley; parsnip; pea; pepper; potato; radish; rhubarb; salsify; sea-kale; sorrel; spearmint; spinach; squash; sweet-potato; tomato; turnips and rutabagas; watermelon.
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