"Oh, Father, I'm afraid to go any higher." Greta clung to her father's arm in terror. This was the first time she had climbed up the lookout tower in the forest, and even now she was only halfway up. It seemed such a fearfully long way to the top. "I just can't go on," the little girl pleaded. "Why, Greta, for months you've begged to climb up here." "But I didn't know it was so high." "You won't be scared if you don't look down at the ground. Just hold tightly to my hand and you will be all right. Remember, Greta, a girl who is named after a queen must not be afraid of anything." "All right, Father, I'll go on." AT THE TOP OF THE TOWER AT THE TOP OF THE TOWER In no time at all they reached the very top of the tower, which stood in the middle of the forest. "Why, Father, I can see all of Denmark from here." Her father laughed. "Not quite all of it, Greta. But you can see all of our farm and a good many other farms, too. By the way, Greta, just how large is Denmark?" "I thought school was over for the summer," laughed Greta. "But I'll tell you anyway. Denmark covers exactly 16,574 square miles. Besides that, Denmark owns Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Any more questions, teacher?" "Not right away. I'll try to think up a really hard one next time." Greta's father began looking closely at the forest. He was very proud of the rows and rows of sturdy evergreens that covered a hundred acres of his farm. Each year a certain number of trees was cut. Some of them were sold, and some of them were used for fuel. But always, every year, new trees were planted to take the place of those that were cut. Greta was gazing off into the distance, but suddenly her attention was caught by Chouse, who was running along the road that led to the tower. If only her father didn't see him, thought Greta. Not a word had been said about Chouse for the last two days, and Greta hoped that the whole matter had been forgotten. When Chouse reached the foot of the tower he began barking loudly. He had never climbed the tower and he wasn't as brave as Greta, for he didn't even try. He just kept on barking and barking and barking. Greta called to him, but he paid no attention. He merely barked more loudly than before. Of course her father heard him. "What's that dog up to now, Greta? I guess you'll have to go down and see what he wants. Are you afraid to go down the tower alone?" "No, of course I'm not afraid." Greta was But when she got down and patted him, Chouse still kept on barking. Something was the matter, but Greta couldn't imagine what it was. Soon her father came down, and Greta could see that he was annoyed. Chouse rushed up to him and barked, trying so hard to tell him something. The dog dashed down the road a short distance and then ran back, barking furiously all the time. "I guess we shall have to follow, Greta." When Chouse saw that they were following, he stopped barking and was quite content. Once in a while he would run on ahead in a great hurry. Then he would run back to Greta and her father and bark again. "There must be something wrong in the forest," said Greta's father. "I have never seen Chouse so upset." "You were just up in the tower, Father. "Maybe not, because I was watching the men cutting the trees, trying to decide how many we should cut this year. I hadn't looked over the rest of the forest yet." A forest fire is a dreadful thing in this part of the country, where the wind from Suddenly Chouse darted off the main road into a narrow path. Greta and her father followed right at his heels, for they knew that the dog was leading them somewhere. This was his only way of telling them something that he thought they should know. Soon he turned off to still another path. Never for a moment did he hesitate. Chouse knew exactly where he was going. When they came to the very edge of the forest, Chouse dashed around and jumped up and down in great excitement. At last they had reached the place to which he had been leading them. And no wonder that Chouse was so excited, for right in front of them, just a few feet from the line of trees, there was a fire! "Oh, Father, will the whole forest burn down?" asked Greta, as she watched the flames which crackled through the pile of twigs and underbrush. "No, Greta. Thanks to Chouse, we got here in time. But if the wind should change suddenly, the whole forest could very easily burn down." "How did such a fire ever get started?" "I told old Peter to clear out some of the twigs and underbrush," explained her father, "but I also told him that he must never go away when these piles were burning. He must stay with them every minute." "I wonder where he is now?" "I don't know. But he should be right here, watching this fire." "If the wind did change, how would he put out the fire?" "By throwing earth on it, Greta." While they were talking, Chouse was IN THE FOREST IN THE FOREST "Chouse, you are the best dog in the whole wide world," said the happy little girl. "First Her father didn't answer right away. Finally he said, "By the way, Greta, have you named the kittens yet?" "No, I haven't. I've been trying to think of some very special sort of names, but I just can't think of any." "Maybe Anna can help you find the right names," her father suggested. "Of course she can. But I wonder when Anna is coming? I haven't heard from her yet." "Why don't you run home and see if you got a letter this morning? I must stay here and watch this fire until old Peter comes." "All right, Father." It didn't take Greta long to get home. Even Chouse could hardly keep up with her. "Oh, there you are, Greta. I've been looking everywhere for you." Her mother greeted her at the door of the house. "Here is a letter for you from Anna." Greta read the letter eagerly. "Dear Greta: Thank you for your nice invitation. I shall be very happy to come. Can you meet me at the train at Holstebro? I shall arrive next Monday at half past two. Lovingly yours, Anna" "Another letter came this morning, Greta, and I have a real surprise for you." THE LETTER FROM ANNA THE LETTER FROM ANNA "Oh, Mother, what is it?" Greta's eyes were already dancing with happiness. "We are invited to Vosborg for dinner next week." "You mean the beautiful castle up on the hill," asked Greta, "the one that I have always wanted to visit?" "Yes, dear, that very castle." "But I thought that Mr. Christianson didn't live there any more?" "He has been away for many years, but now he has come back to live in Vosborg." "And you mean that I can go, and Hans, and Anna, too?" "Yes, Greta." "Oh, Mother!" Greta threw her arms around her mother's neck. "I must tell Hans right away." And off she dashed, with Chouse at her heels. |