

PLATE Tofacepage
I. The40?inchRefractoroftheYerkesObservatory Frontispiece
II. Six-inch Photo-Visual Refractor, equatorially mounted 31
III. Twenty-inch Reflector, Stanmore Observatory 36
IV. Telescope House and 8½-inch 'With' Reflector 38
V. TheSun,February3,1905.RoyalObservatory,Greenwich 49
VI. Photograph of Bridged Sunspot (Janssen). Knowledge, February, 1890 50
VII. Solar Surface with FaculÆ. Yerkes Observatory 60
VIII. Coronal Streamers: Eclipse of 1898. From Photographs by Mrs. Maunder 71
IX. The Chromosphere and Prominences, April 11, 1894.
Photographed by M. H. Deslandres
X. Venus. H. MacEwen. Five-inch Refractor 94
XI. The Moon, April 5, 1900. Paris Observatory 102
XII. The Moon, November 13, 1902. Paris Observatory 108
XIII. The Moon, September 12, 1903. Paris Observatory 110
XIV. Region of Maginus: Overlapping Craters. Paris Observatory 112
XV. Clavius, Tycho, and Mare Nubium. Yerkes Observatory 114
XVI. Region of Theophilus and Altai Mountains. Yerkes Observatory 117
XVII. Apennines, Alps, and Caucasus. Paris Observatory 119
XVIII. Chart of the Moon. Nasmyth and Carpenter 125
XIX. Key to Chart of Moon. Nasmyth and Carpenter 125
XX. Mars: Drawing 1, January 30, 1899—12 hours. Drawing 2, April 22, 1903—10 hours 135
XXI. Chart of Mars. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, Vol. XI., Part III., Plate VI. 139
XXII. Jupiter, January 6, 1906—8 hours 20 minutes. Instrument, 9¼-inch Reflector 159
XXIII. Jupiter, February 17, 1906. J. Baikie, 18-inch Reflector 167
XXIV. Saturn, July 2, 1894. E. E. Barnard, 36-inch Equatorial 172
XXV. Great Comet. Photographed May 5, 1901, with the 13-inch Astrographic Refractor of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 211
XXVI. Photographs of Swift's Comet. By Professor E. E. Barnard 220
XXVII. Region of the Milky Way in Sagittarius, showing a Double Black Aperture. Photographed by Professor E. E. Barnard 233
XXVIII. Irregular Star Clusters. Photographed by E. E. Barnard 256
XXIX. Cluster M. 13 Herculis. Photographed by Mr. W. E. Wilson 259
XXX. Photograph of the Orion Nebula (W. H. Pickering) 263
XXXI. Photographs of Spiral NebulÆ. By Dr. Max Wolf 265
XXXII. Photograph of Whirlpool Nebula (M. 51). Taken by Mr. W. E. Wilson, March 6, 1897 265


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