MERCURY The planet nearest to the sun is not one which has proved itself particularly attractive to observers in the past; and the reasons for its comparative unattractiveness are sufficiently obvious. Owing to the narrow limits of his orbit, he never departs further from the sun either East or West than between 27° and 28°, and the longest period for which he can be seen before sunrise or after sunset is two hours. It follows that, when seen, he is never very far from the horizon, and is therefore enveloped in the denser layers of our atmosphere, and presents the appearance sadly familiar to astronomers under the name of 'boiling,' the outlines of the planet being tremulous and confused. Of course, observers who have powerful instruments provided with graduated circles can find and follow him during the day, and it is in daylight that nearly all the best observations have been secured. But with humbler appliances observation is much restricted; and, in fact, probably many observers have never seen the planet at all. Views of Mercury, however, such as they are, are by no means so difficult to secure as is sometimes supposed. Denning remarks that he has seen the planet on about sixty-five occasions with the naked eye—that in May, 1876, he saw it on thirteen different evenings, and on ten occasions between April 22 and May 11, 1890; and he states it as his opinion that anyone who will make it a practice to obtain naked-eye views should succeed from about twelve to fifteen times in the year. During the spring of 1905, to take a recent example, Mercury was quite a conspicuous object for some time in the Western sky, close to the horizon, and there was no difficulty whatever in obtaining several views of him both with the telescope and with the naked eye, though the disc was too much disturbed by atmospheric tremors for anything to be made of it telescopically. In his little book, 'Half-hours with the Telescope,' Proctor gives a method of finding the planet which would no doubt prove quite satisfactory in practice, but is somewhat needlessly elaborate. Anyone who takes the pains to note those dates when Mercury is most favourably placed for observation—dates easily ascertained from Whitaker or any other good almanac—and to carefully scan the sky near the horizon after sunset either with the naked eye, or, better, with a good binocular, will scarcely fail to detect the little planet which an old English writer more graphically than gracefully calls 'a squinting lacquey of the sun.' Mercury is about 3,000 miles in diameter, and Further, it is apparent that the materials of which Mercury's globe is composed reflect light very feebly. It has been calculated that the planet reflects only 17 per cent. of the light which falls upon it, 83 per cent. being absorbed; and this fact obviously carries with it the conclusion that the atmosphere of this little world cannot be of any great density. For clouds in full sunlight are almost as brilliantly white as new-fallen snow, and if Mercury were surrounded with a heavily cloud-laden atmosphere, he would reflect nearly five times the amount of light which he at present sends out into space. As his orbit falls entirely within that of our own If the long period be accepted, it follows that Mercury must always turn the same face to the sun—that one of his hemispheres must always be scorching under intense heat, and the other held in the grasp of an unrelenting cold of which we can have no conception. 'The effects of these arrangements upon climate,' says Miss Agnes Clerke, 'must be exceedingly peculiar.... Except in a few favoured localities, the existence of liquid water must be impossible in either hemisphere. Mercurian oceans, could they ever have been formed, should long ago have been boiled off from the hot side, and condensed in "thick-ribbed ice" on the cold side.' From what has been said it will be apparent that Mercury is scarcely so interesting a telescopic object as some of the other planets. Small instruments It is perhaps just within the range of possibility that, even with a small instrument, there may be detected that blunting of the South horn of the crescent planet which has been noticed by several reliable observers. But caution should be exercised in concluding that such a phenomenon has been seen, or that, if seen, it has been more than an optical illusion. Those who have viewed Mercury under ordinary conditions of observation will be well Interesting, though of somewhat rare occurrence, are the transits of Mercury, when the planet comes between us and the sun, and passes as a black circular dot across the bright solar surface. The first occasion on which such a phenomenon was observed was November 7, 1631. The occurrence of this transit was predicted by Kepler four years in advance; and the transit itself was duly observed by Gassendi, though five hours later than Kepler's predicted time. It gives some idea of the uncertainty which attended astronomical calculations in those early days to learn that Gassendi considered it necessary to begin his observations two days in advance of the time fixed by Kepler. If, however, the time of a transit can now be predicted with almost absolute accuracy, it need not be forgotten that this result is largely due to the labours of men who, like Kepler, by patient effort and with most imperfect means, laid the foundations of the most accurate of all sciences. The next transit of Mercury available for observation will take place on November 14, 1907. It may be noted that during transits certain curious appearances have been observed. The planet, for example, instead of appearing as a black circular dot, has been seen surrounded with a luminous halo, and marked |