Prior to 1580 B.C. the dates in the summary must be regarded as merely provisional, and the margin of possible error is wide. The tendency on the part of the Cretan explorers has been to accept in the main the Berlin system of Egyptian dating in preference to that advocated by Professor Flinders Petrie ('Researches in Sinai,' pp. 163-185), on the ground that the development of the Minoan culture can scarcely have required so long a period as that given by the Sinai dating. It must be remembered, however, that the question is still unsettled, and that the longer system of Professor Petrie must be regarded as at least possible. CRETE. | EGYPT (BERLIN). | EGYPT (PETRIE). | B.C. | 10000-3000, | Neolithic Age. | c.3000-2600, | Early Minoan I. | Dynasties I.-V., 3400-2625 B.C. | Dynasties I.-V., 5510-4206 B.C. | c.2600-2400 | " " II. | Dynasty VI., 2625-2475 " | Dynasty VI., 4206-4003 " | c.2400-2200 | " " III. | Dynasties VII.-X., 2475-2160 " | Dynasties VII.-X., 4003-3502 " | c.2200-2000, | Middle Minoan I. (earlier palaces at Knossos and PhÆstos). | Dynasty XI., 2160-2000 " | Dynasty XI., 3502-3459 " | c.2000-1850, | Middle Minoan II. (pottery of Kamares Cave; at end of period destruction of Knossos). | Dynasty XII., 2000-1788 " | Dynasty XII., 3459-3246 " | c.1850-1600, | Middle Minoan III. (Later Palace Knossos; first Villa Hagia Triada; early in period, statuette of Sebek-user; late, Alabastron of Khyan). | Dynasties XIII.-XVII., 1788-1580 B.C. | Dynasties XIII.-XVII., 3246-1580 B.C. | (Period of confusion and of Hyksos domination.) | 1600-1500, | Late Minoan I. (Later Palace PhÆstos begun). | 1500-1400, | Late Minoan II. (Later Palace Knossos completed; c. 1400, fall of Knossos). | Dynasty XVIII., 1580-1350 B.C. | Dynasty XVIII., 1580-1322 B.C. | (Keftiu on walls of tombs of Sen-mut and Rekh-ma-ra.) | 1400—— | Late Minoan III. (period of partial reoccupation and decline). | Dynasty XIX., 1350-1205 B.C. | Dynasty XIX., 1322-1202 B.C. | c.1200(?) | Homeric Age. | Dynasty XX., 1200-1090 " | Dynasty XX., 1202-1102 " | | (Cretan tribes mentioned and portrayed by Ramses III., Medinet Habu.) | | Dynasty XXI., 1090-945 B.C. | Dynasty XXI., 1102-952 B.C. | | (Zakru pirates mentioned by Wen-Amon, Golenischeff Papyrus.) |