(The Names of Books, Newspapers, and Ships are in Italics.)
host@g@html@files@24781@24781-h@24781-h-9.htm.html#Page_293" class="pginternal">293, 298 et seq. Djer Doucha, the villain, 307. Djoni (Mark), President of the Mirditi, 324, 325, 328, 342. Doci (Primo), the great Abbot, 324. Doday (Father Paul), 286. Doimi (Dr.) of Vis, 29. DomiakuŠi? (Prof.) at Šibenik, 144. Donghi (Marchese), his assertions, 26-27. Draghicesco (Dr.), his Les Roumains de Serbie, 356. DraŠkovi?, his murder, 223-224. Drin, river, as a frontier, 279, 302, 304, 321. Durham (Edith), apologist, 289, 290. — — compared with Sir Charles Eliot, 310 et seq. — — disgusted with Great Britain, 313. — — her Through the Lands of the Serb, 395. — — her Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle, 310. — — her respect for Mr. Bottomley, 311. — — her wrath, 305. — — on Albanian medicine, 288. — — on the tyranny of Serbian schools, 297. Echo de l'Adriatique, its suppression, 62-63. Edinburgh Review, quoted, 230, 399. Edinost, quoted, 123. Eliot (Sir Charles), 274, 289, 310 et seq. Entente, Little, 269 et seq. Epopea Shqyptare, quoted, 284. Essad and Essadists, 292-293, 336, 342-343, 345. European War and the Albanians, 312-313, 317, 345-346. Evangheli (Pandeli), 345. Evans (Sir Arthur), 67, 184 et seq. Fan Noli, the versatile, 327-328. Fascisti, 78, 217, 260 et seq. Fichta (Father), 284, 293. Fisher (Rt. Hon. H.A.L.), 340 et seq. Fiume, see Rieka. Fodor (Prof. Dr.), on race, 28. — measures at Rab, 59, 60. — measures against Rieka, 262 et seq. — measures at Rieka, 48, 52, 195 et seq. — against the Serbo-Croat language, 57. — retreat from Slovenia, 61. — what they had to face in 1918, 12 et seq. — how they regard the Yugoslavs, 16, 84. — how they are regarded by the Yugoslavs, 15-16, 27-28, 201, 236-237. — relations with Yugoslavs, 383 et seq. — steps against Yugoslav churches and schools, 44, 57 et seq., 146-147, 152-153, 184. Italy in the Balkans at this Hour, quoted, 292. Jaray (Gabriel Louis), 352. Jire?ek (Dr. C.), his Die Handelsstrassen, etc., 33. Journal des DÉbats, 76, 91, 329, 339. Kadri (Hodja), 283. Karl (ex-Emperor), his grand offer, 320. KarÓlyi (Count Michael), 125. Katarani (Prof.), 292. Klementi, 316 et seq. Koch (Admiral), the active Slovene, 17 et seq. Korac, the remarkable Socialist, 117-118. Kor?ula, Italians land on, 31-32. KoroŠec (Monsignor), 115, 117, 119, 382. Koroski Slovenec, 383. "Kossovo" Committee, 326. Kossovo in Yugoslavia, its condition, 287. Kova?s (A.), turns to the Croats, 8. Krk, the persecuted Bishop, 40 et seq. — Proceedings at, 39 et seq. Labour Monthly on the "White Terror," 224. Land and Water, quoted, 25, 35. Language of Bosnia, 89. Laveleye (M. de), his The Balkan Peninsula, 203. Lavoratore, quoted, 217, 386. Lazari, his question, 187. League of Nations, 323<
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@24781@24781-h@24781-h-1.htm.html#Page_53" class="pginternal">53. — at Šibenik, 144-145. — at Zadar, 35. Scotsman, on Treaty of Rapallo, 233. Scutari, its probable future, 296, 320, 335. Sebenico, see Šibenik. Secolo, on Montenegro, 257. — on Treaty of London, 50. Secours des Enfants Serbes, Au, 27. SegrÉ (General), his alleged request, 140. Sera, quoted, 280. Serbo-Croat Coalition, 245 et seq. Serbs, in relation to Albanians, 295 et seq. — — — Croats (and see Croats), 115 et seq., 397 et seq. — — — Montenegrins, 188-189, 192-193, 253 et seq., 393 et seq. Sereggi (Archbishop), 281-284. Seton-Watson (Dr. R.W.), 236, 347, 354. Sforza (Count), his letter, 268. Šibenik, 30, 33 et seq., 144-145. Siebertz, the traveller, 288, 291. Šimunovi? (M.) and the Italians, 32. Slovenes (see Carinthia), their country, 120 et seq., 235-236, 245. — their culture, 392-393. — their political methods, 114-115, 374 et seq. Socialists, Italian, and Rieka, 211-212. Šojat (F.) and Dr. Vio, 69. Sonnino (Baron), 28, 75 et seq., 85-86, 93, 122, 138, 167, 185, 374, 384. Spectator, quoted, 230. Sportiello (Captain) at Vis, 30. Stadler (Lieut.-Colonel), the podestÀ, 74, 137. SPRINTED BY MORRISON AND GIBB LIMITED, EDINBURGH Map of Yugoslavia Please hover your mouse over the words with a thin dotted red line underneath them for seeing what the original reads, or a transliteration of a Greek word. Obvious printer's errors have been fixed. See below for the more detailed list. The formatting of the project has been reproduced as true to the original images as possible. Fixed issues - page 007—inserted a missing apostrophe after 'Italians'
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