(The Names of Books and Newspapers are in Italics.)
s@22414@22414-h@22414-h-6.htm.html#Page_206" class="pginternal">206. — — in praise of Albanians, 198, 259. — — her Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle, 206. DuŠan (Emperor), 26. — — his ambitions, 43. — — his Code, 43. — — his greatness, 42, 69. — — his sister, 68. Eliot (Sir Charles), his Turkey in Europe, 36, 167. England in the Adriatic, 104 et seq. Essad Pasha, at Scutari, 211. Evans (Sir Arthur), 39, 176. Exarchate, its beginning, 159. — and the Serbs, 168. Ex-King Nicholas of Montenegro and his Court, 217, 270. Fiume, see Rieka. Francis Ferdinand (Archduke), his murder, 212-213. — — — various mysteries, 214 et seq. Francis Joseph, 123, 133, 143, 162. Frankopan (Christopher), 71. Frederick Barbarossa, 37. Friedjung (Prof.) and the forgeries, 205-206. Gaj (Ljudevit), the patriot, 112 et seq., 119. Gatalo (Danilo) exposes Nikita, 266. Gauvain exposes Nikita, 269. Gavrilovi? (Dr. Michael), 16, 98. Gazette de Lausanne, quoted, 266. George (Prince), his ways, 231-232. Georgov (Prof.), 35. German colonists, 82 et seq. Germans favoured by Habsburgs, 127-128, 143. — appraised by Haeckel, 243. Geschichte der Franzfelder Gemeinde, 82. Ghevgeli, a typical Macedonian town, 168 et seq. Giacich on Rieka, 122. Giesl (Baron) and the Montenegrins, 209, 211-212. Gladstone and Montenegro, 210. — his preface, 152. — and Strossmayer, 133. Glagolitic, 29, 30, 63-64, 120. Goad (H.E.), Comments on, 18-137 et seq., 218 et seq. Machiedo (Dr.), what he read, 263. Magyars, atrocities at Arad, 235 et seq. — against Croats, 116, 119 et seq., 200-201. — measures in the War, 290 et seq. — see Kossuth and Rieka. Maister (General), patriot and poet, 299, 300. Manchester Guardian, quoted, 238. Maravi?, the good policeman, 257. Maribor, 39. Marko Kraljevi?, 44-45. Markovi? (Dr. Lazar), his Serbia and Europe, 216. Markovi? (Svetozar), 139. Marmont (General), 102-103. Martinovi? (General), friend of Russia, 202, 203. Massarechi (Gregory), a missionary, 74. Matthew Corvinus (King), 62. Mazurani?, poet and ban, 114, 143. Mazzini and the Isonzo, 102. Meletios, the savage bishop, 156. Methodus (Saint), 29. Metternich, 39, 108, 119. Michael (Prince) of Serbia, 12, 117, 145 eet seq., 154. Miklosi? (F.), his Monumenta Serbica, 49. Miladinoff (Dimitri), 132-133, 137-138. Milan (Prince, afterwards King), his abdication, 194. — — — his aims, 175-176. — — — considered, 179 et seq. Mileti? (Dr. Slavko) in the War, 291. Mileti? (Dr. Svetozar), against the Magyars, 191-192. Millo (Admiral), 19. MiloŠ (Prince), 110 et seq., 137. Milovanovi? (Dr.) on Macedonia, 220. Milutine (King), 42. Mirko (Prince), the unregretted, 210, 264, 267. MiŠi? (Marshal), commander-in-chief, 243, 290. — — on officials in Macedonia, 221. MiuŠkevi?, the Premier, 203, 264, 118. Temperley (H.W.V.), his History of Serbia, 209. Teodosijevi? (A.), his device, 226. Thoreau, quoted, 17. Thurn (Count Raymond von), 91-92, 108. Times, quoted, 193, 229. Tisza (Count) and the Great War, 213. Tolerance among Yugoslavs, 37, 48, 129. Tomassich (General), 106. Tomi? (Vladimir) and Nikita, 183. Tomi? (Yovan), the librarian, 73. Tomislav (Prince), 31. Tommaseo (Nicolo), 53, 142 et seq. Treaty of Berlin, 176. — of London, 245 et seq., 254. — of Pressburg, 100. — of San Stefano, 172 et seq. — of Schoenbrunn, 102. — of Tilsit, 101. — between Milan and Austria, 193. Trevelyan (G.M.), 246-247. Triest, Slovene efforts at, 127, 141, 164. — against Venice, 47, 70. Trogir, 31, 50. Trumbi? (Dr. Ante), 278, 288. Turks and Dubrovnik, 67. — in Macedonia, 134 et seq., 178. — in Montenegro, 134, 145-146. — against Serbs, 62, 107, 110 et seq. — in Yugoslavia, 55 et seq., 70. Tvertko, the Ban, 45-46. Tzankoff, 154, 155, 157. Ulrich (Count), his funeral, 38. Urach, its printing-press, 63. UŠeni?nik (Prof.), his deafness, 298. Varady (F.), his Baranja multja es jelenje, 62. Veglia, see Krk. Velimirovi? (Bishop), 17. Venetians and Dalmatia, 40-41, 47, 50 et seq., PRINTED BY MORRISON AND GIBB LIMITED, EDINBURGH |