Abomination, | 161, 218 | Acts, | 57 ff., 64 ff., 174 ff. | Agabus, | 185, 202 | Allegory (in John), | 224 | Angelology and demonology, | 95 | Antichrist, | 217 f. | Anti-legalism (of Mark), | 166 | Antinomian heresy, | 149, 214 | Antioch, | 71, 175 ff., 183 f. | Apocalypses, | 29, 51, 87, 188, 197 | Apostolic Christianity, | 42, 126, 129, 246 | Apostolic Commission, | 238 f. | Apostolic Council, | 60, 63, 67 | Apotheosis doctrine, | 49 | Appendix to John, | 107, 147, 211, 236 ff. | Asia, Churches of, | 197 ff. | Athanasius, | 29 f. | | | Babylon (= Rome), | 115, 196 | Baptist (in John), | 225 | Bar Cocheba, | 204 | Baruch, Apocalypse of | 188 | Baur, F. C., | 37 ff. | Beloved disciple, the, | 227, 243 ff. | | | CÆsarea, | 85 | Calvin, | 37 | Canonization of the Law, | 12 | Cerinthus, | 219 | Chiliasts, | 187 | Christological Epistles, | 97 | Christ-party, | 45 | Clement of Rome, | 19 f., 79, 115, 119 | Clement of Alexandria, | 25 | Clementine Homilies and Recognitions, | 35 | Missionary Journey, First, | 58 f. | Missionary Journey, Second, | 72 | Moffatt, Jas., | 151 | Montanus, | 28 f. | Muratorian Fragment, | 30, 234 | | | Nepos, the Chiliast, | 191 | | | Offering for the poor, | 69 | | | Palestine, Origin of Revelations, | 195 ff. | Papias, | 26, 105 f., 130 f., 186 f., 190, 208 | Parables (in Matthew), | 149 f. | Passover, | 101, 173 | Pastoral Epistles, | 19, 31, 83, 108, 111, 123 | Patmos, | 191, 200 f. | Paul, Original Apostle of Asia, | 205 | Paul, his religious experience, | 16 | Paul, martyrdom, | 105 | Pauline v. Petrine gospel, | 49 | Paulinism of Mark, | 162 | Persecution, | 13, 122 | Peter (the Apostle), | 24, 26, 106, 133, 146 | Peter, Apocalypse of, | 29 f. | Peter, Commission of, | 240 f. | Peter, Epistles of, | 41, 108 f., 112 ff. | Peter, Gospel of, | 171, 221, 236 | Peter, Preaching of, | 139 | Pharisaic Judaism, | 121 | Philemon, | 88 | Philip, Daughters of, | 185 f. | Philippians, | 89 ff. | Phrygian heresy, | 28 | Pirke Aboth, | 141 | Polycarp, | 26, Richard Clay & sons, Limited, London and Bungay.
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