So far in our story we have traced the origin and progress of the balloon, showing how from small beginnings it has grown to be an important invention, of great use to the scientific observer, the soldier, and the explorer, and the means of teaching us much fresh knowledge. But in spite of the high hopes of early aeronauts, and the extravagant prophecies made when the first balloons ascended into the sky, it has long been evident that the balloon alone has not solved the problem of human flight or accomplished the conquest Early inventors thought they would be able to steer balloons by means of sails, like a boat, but they soon found that this was impossible. The effect of hoisting a sail at the side of a balloon was merely to swing the balloon round until the sail was in front, while meantime it continued its course unaltered. The use of a rudder and other means were also tried, but without success; nor can such methods ever hope to succeed so long as a balloon floats in the air at the same pace as the wind that carries it forward. A balloon travelling with the wind may be compared To steer his course in a balloon, therefore, the aeronaut must so arrange that he is travelling faster or slower than the wind in which he finds himself. To travel faster, he must employ some sort of engine or motor to drive his craft onwards. To travel slower, he must trail something along the ground beneath to act as a drag. Part of the equipment of every balloon is a long trail-rope, which, when the balloon is aloft, hangs some 300 feet below the car. The object of this rope is to break the force of the fall when the balloon comes down to the earth at the end of the voyage. In the greater number of cases a balloon, in its final swoop to the ground, falls the last few hundred feet with considerable, and often uncomfortable, speed. But when provided with a trail-rope, as it descends more and more of the heavy rope will lie along the ground, and so If then a trail-rope were used of such length that it would sweep along the ground while the balloon was flying in the air, the effect would be to put a drag or brake on the balloon, and so render it capable of being steered to some extent with a sail; and this is what has actually been done in all attempts of the kind. But since a long rope dragging rapidly across the country is a very dangerous object, capable of doing great damage, and also liable to catch in trees and other obstacles, such experiments can only be tried with safety over the sea, or, as in the case of AndrÉe’s voyage, over desert or uninhabited country. The best way of steering a balloon, therefore, is to provide it with some mechanical power which shall urge it onwards at a greater speed than the wind; and when this is done, it has ceased to be a balloon in the popular sense of the word, and has become an “airship.” There is a great deal of confusion between the terms “airship,” and “flying machine,” and the two words are often considered as meaning the same thing. But while, strictly speaking, neither word in itself has any very definite meaning, it is gradually becoming more general to apply them to two widely different objects. According to this plan, although both names stand for an aerial vessel In other words, part of the construction of an airship consists of a bag or balloon, filled with gas or hot air, which causes the whole to rise and maintain its position in the air. This balloon part is quite independent of the machinery which drives the airship forward, and indeed if the engine ceases working, the vessel becomes nothing more than an ordinary balloon in its nature, and will behave like one. An airship, therefore, is in principle an apparatus lighter than air. A flying machine, on the contrary, is heavier than air, and maintains its position aloft merely by the power it obtains from its engines, assisted by its special construction. The inventors of flying machines take as their analogy the flight of birds. Birds are creatures heavier than air, which yet manage to rise and fly by reason of the strength and construction of their wings. In the same way the heavy flying machine essays to fly by the power of its machinery. And, as a bird aloft, if its wings became disabled, would instantly drop towards earth, so a flying machine would immediately commence to fall if its engine stopped or ceased to move with sufficient power. The airship and the Up to the present day the airship—to which we will first turn our attention—has been much more largely and successfully experimented with than the flying machine. It is, however, the opinion of many, including the great authority Sir Hiram Maxim, that in the future the flying machine will become the more important invention of the two. “In all Nature,” says Sir Hiram, “we do not find a single balloon. All Nature’s flying machines are heavier than air.” And from this he argues that, as Nature is ever our best guide and example, a flying machine heavier than air will be in the end most likely to succeed. One of the earliest airships which achieved any success was invented by a Frenchman, M. Giffard, about the year 1852. He made his balloon of an elongated or cigar shape, a form adopted by airship inventors as offering less resistance to the air than the ordinary globular or pear shape. To this balloon, which was 104 feet long and 39 feet in diameter, he attached a steam-engine of three-horse power, weighing 462 lbs. and working a screw-propeller, which, by its By this time the French Government had become interested in the work, and provided money to continue investigations. The result of this was that in 1885 two officers of the French army, Captains Renard and Krebs, brought out by far the most successful airship yet constructed. It was 165 feet long, 27 feet in diameter, and was driven by an electric motor of nine horse-power. That this machine proved itself perfectly capable of being guided One of the greatest difficulties with which early inventors had to contend was the enormous weight of their engines. The machinery they were obliged to use to drive their airships through the air weighed more than their balloons, unless made of unwieldy size, had power to lift. The same difficulty indeed exists at the present time, though to a much less degree. Of late years, and especially since the introduction of the motor-car, great progress has been made in the construction of light but powerful engines, or motors, and the employment of petrol vapour instead of coal or oil has very greatly lessened the weight of the fuel which has to be carried. In consequence of this improvement many airships have recently been made which have met with varying success, and many more are at the present moment in process of construction. Among the host of inventors, whose names it would here be impossible even to mention, three stand out from the rest in special prominence—Zeppelin, Santos Dumont, and Of these rival airships, by far the largest and most elaborate was that built by the first named, Count Zeppelin, a distinguished veteran soldier of the German army. For many years he had spent his time and fortune in making experiments in aerial navigation, and at length in 1900, having formed a company and collected a large sum of money for the purpose, he produced an enormous airship, which, from its size, has been compared to a man-of-war. In shape Count Zeppelin’s invention resembled a gigantic cigar, 420 feet in length, pointed at both ends. The framework was made of the specially light metal aluminium, covered over with silk, and though from outside it looked all in one piece, within it was divided into seventeen compartments, each holding a separate balloon made of oiled silk and absolutely gas-tight. The object of this was to prevent the tendency the gas has to collect all at one end as the ship forces its way through the air. These balloons were filled with pure hydrogen, the cost of the inflation alone being £500. Beneath was slung a long gangway, 346 feet in length, with two cars, also made of aluminium, attached to it. In these cars were placed two motor-engines of sixteen horse power each, driven by benzine, Zeppelin’s Airship over Lake Constance. To lessen the effects of a possible fall, the experiments were carried out over water, and the great airship was housed in a shed built on Lake Constance. The cost of this shed alone was enormous, for it was elaborately constructed on pontoons, and anchored in such a way that it could be turned round to allow the airship to be liberated from it in the best Santos Dumont’s Airship. A far happier fate has so far attended the efforts of the brave young Brazilian, Albert Santos Dumont. The wealthy son of a successful coffee-planter, he had always from his boyhood been keenly interested in aeronautics, and, coming to Paris, he constructed in 1898 an airship of a somewhat novel kind. His balloon was cigar-shaped, 83 feet long, and holding 6500 feet of pure hydrogen. Attached Accordingly he constructed one machine after another, gaining fresh knowledge by each new experience, and profiting by the accidents and failures which continually beset him in his dangerous and daring work. Before long also he received an additional incentive to his labours. Early in the year of 1900 it was announced by the Paris Aero Club, a society of Frenchmen interested in aeronautical matters, that one of its members, M. Deutsch, had offered a prize of 100,000 francs—about £4000—to the man who, starting from the Aero Club grounds at Longchamps in a balloon or flying machine, should steer his course right round the Eiffel Tower and back to the starting-place—a distance of three and a half miles—within half an hour. If the prize were not won within a certain time, his offer was to be withdrawn, and meanwhile he promised a certain sum of money every year for the encouragement of aeronautical experiments. Again, on the 9th of August, having in the meantime made further trials with his machine, he embarked on another attempt to carry off the prize. He chose the early hours of the morning, starting shortly after six from the Club grounds, where only a few friends, among them the keenly interested M. Deutsch, were present. The day was apparently perfect, and when, after the lapse of five minutes only, he had reached the Tower and swung gracefully round it, every one was convinced that this time the prize was certain to be won. But Deutsch and his companions watched the fall horror-struck, and jumping into their motorcars hurried to the spot, convinced that a fatal accident must have occurred. But they found that, although the airship was smashed to pieces, its plucky inventor had almost miraculously escaped unhurt. The wrecked machine had fallen upon the roof of a house in such a way that the keel had caught upon a corner, and the car, which was fastened to it, hung at a perilous angle down the side of a wall. Fortunately Dumont was secured to his car by a leather belt, and he managed to hold on, though in considerable danger lest the keel should break and let him fall, until rescued by a fireman with a rope. His machine was hopelessly ruined; but when asked what he intended to do next he merely answered: “Begin again. Only a little patience is necessary.” Starting with the wind in his favour, his machine travelled at the rate of thirty miles an hour, and rounded the Eiffel Tower in nine minutes. But in the journey homewards the airship had to struggle with a wind blowing at thirteen miles an hour. In endeavouring to “tack” the machinery became upset, and Dumont, leaving his car, crawled along the framework to the motor, which he succeeded in putting in order again. But this naturally Early in the next year Santos Dumont continued his experiments at Monaco, and on one occasion came down in the sea, and had to be rescued in the Prince of Monaco’s own steam yacht. After this there was a talk of further voyages being made in England, but the project came to nothing, and although Dumont made other ascents in Paris in the summer of 1903, he does not appear to have eclipsed his previous record. But although Santos Dumont came through all his accidents and perils so happily, his example led to terrible disaster on the part of a luckless imitator. In 1902 M. Severo, also a Brazilian, was fired with a desire to share his fellow-countryman’s fame, and he also constructed an airship with which he proposed to do great things. But while Dumont was a skilled aeronaut of large experience, as well as a mechanician, Severo The ascent took place in Paris early in the morning of the 12th of May, and was witnessed, unhappily, by Severo’s wife and son. Bidding them good-bye, he stepped into the car, and, accompanied by an assistant, rose above the town. The balloon rose steadily, and appeared to steer well. Then Severo commenced to throw out ballast, and when the airship had risen 2000 feet it was suddenly seen to burst into a sheet of flame. A terrible explosion followed, and then the whole fell to the ground a hopeless wreck, and the two men were dashed to pieces in the fall. It is believed that this dreadful disaster, which recalls the fate of PilÂtre de Rozier, was caused by the hydrogen gas, which escaped from the valve during the rapid rise, becoming ignited by the engine, which, as has been said, was placed dangerously close. Nor was this, unhappily, the only accident of the kind in Paris during the year. Only five months later, on the 13th of October, Baron Bradsky ascended with an assistant in a large airship of his own invention. Through faulty construction, the steel wires which fastened the car to the balloon broke, the two So far, the credit of the only English airship which has yet flown rests with Mr. Stanley Spencer, the well-known aeronaut. Mr. Spencer comes of a race of aeronauts. His grandfather, Edward Spencer, was the great friend and colleague of Charles Green, and shared with him some of his chief ballooning adventures, notably the terrible voyage when Cocking lost his life. Green stood godfather to Edward Spencer’s son, who was christened Charles Green after him. He also grew up to be an aeronaut, and made several inventions and improvements relating to balloons and flying machines. His love of ballooning, inherited from his father, has been passed on to his children, and his three eldest sons, Percival, Arthur, and Stanley, are chief among British aeronauts, and indeed have practically the monopoly of professional ballooning and balloon manufacture in Great Britain. Nor have they confined themselves to this country. All three have taken their balloons and parachutes to distant parts of the world, and among their many hundreds of ascents, both abroad and at home, have met with all manner of exciting and perilous adventures, though never yet with serious mishap. Their knowledge of practical aeronautics, then, is unrivalled, and Mr. Stanley Spencer had the experience of three generations to guide His first machine was a comparatively small one, capable only of lifting a light man. It took the usual form of a cigar-shaped balloon, the framework of which was built of bamboo, driven forward by a screw-propeller worked by a small petrol engine. Warned by the fate of the unfortunate Severo, Mr. Spencer placed his engine far away from the valve. Profiting also by Santos Dumont’s experience, he constructed his balloon in such a manner that, should it become torn and the gas escape, the empty silk would collapse into the form of a parachute and break the fall. Furthermore, there was an arrangement by which, while aloft, ordinary air could be forced into the balloon to replace any loss of gas, and so keep the silk always fully inflated and “taut”—a very important factor in a machine that has to be driven forward through the atmosphere. With this airship Mr. Spencer, as also his equally daring wife, made several highly successful trials at the Crystal Palace, when it was found to steer well and answer its helm most satisfactorily. Mr. Spencer also made two long voyages, from London and from Blackpool, on both of which occasions he found he could manoeuvre his airship with considerable success, make circular flights, Encouraged by his success, he next built a similar but much larger machine, nearly a hundred feet long, holding 30,000 cubic feet of gas, and driven by a petrol motor of twenty-four horse-power. In this case the propeller, instead of being placed at the rear, as in general, is at the front of the airship, thereby pulling it forward through the air instead of pushing it from behind. By this arrangement Mr. Spencer thinks his balloon would have less tendency to double up when urged against a strong wind. The steering is done by a rudder sail at the stern, and to cause his machine to sail higher or lower, the aeronaut points its head up or down by means of a heavy balance-rope. This new airship was ready by the summer of 1903, but the unfavourable weather of that stormy season again and again interfered with the experiments. On the 17th of September Mr. Spencer announced his intention of sailing from the Crystal Palace round the dome of St. Paul’s, and returning to his starting-place. The Cathedral was indeed safely reached, but the increasing breeze, now blowing half a gale, baffled all his attempts to circle round. Again and again, till his hands were cut and bleeding with the strain of the ropes, he brought his machine up, quivering, to the wind, but all to no purpose, until at length, abandoning the In France during 1903 the brothers Lebaudy made some successful trips with an airship of their own construction. Many other airships are now being built in all parts of the world, in preparation for the aeronautical competitions to take place in America on the occasion of the St. Louis Exhibition of this year. |