44608@44608-h@44608-h-6.htm.html#Page_88" class="pginternal">88; a?ng, ?ng (Prester John’s title) 23; a?pch?n 176, 282; A?z-beg, -kh?n, -k?nt, i.a 162, (see A.N. trs. i, 160, 170); ?y?k-a?t = P. mihr-giy?h (mandrake) 11. The B?bur-n?ma, Z?ah?ru’d-d?n Mu?. B?bur (Lion) M?rz? and (later) P?dsh?h Gh?z?. - I. Sections of the Book:—
- (The record of prÆ-accession years is lost Pr. xxxvi);
- (1) Fargh?na 1-182, (Trs. N. [bridging a gap] 182-185);
- (2) K?bul 187-346, (Trs. N. 347-366), 367-425, (Trs. N. 426-444);
- (3) Hindust?n 445-602, (Trs. N. 603-4), 605-690, (Trs. N. 691-716);
- Sub-sections:—
- (a) Descriptions of Fargh?na 1-12, K?bul 199-227, Her?t 304-5, Hindust?n 480-521, Chand?r? 592, 596, G??l??r 605-614;
- (b) Biographies of Y?nas Kh?n 19-24 (see infra, displacements), of M?r?n-sh?h?s viz. ‘Umar Shaikh 13-19, 24-28, A?mad 33-40, Ma?m?d 45-51, B??-sunghar 110-112, of ?usain B??-qar? 256-292, of am?rs etc. 24, 37, 49, 270;
- II. LacunÆ:—(other than mentioned above); minor in 935 AH. see dating and nn. on pp. 617, 621, 630, 636, 687, and for surmised patching from fragments of 934 AH. 654, 655, 680;
- (1) References to events of the gaps see nn. on pp. 105, 364—208, 441, 575—381—408, 422—(of 934 AH.) 603, 617, 618, 621—an Akbar-n?ma indication 639;
- (2) Varia concerning the gaps:—Causes of, Pr. xxxiv;
- misinterpreted xxxv;
- results in present displacement xxxvi;
- III. Varia Concerning the Book:—
- (1) Date of composition, [see nn. on pp. named];
- 48, 50, 79, 98—102, 105—139, 154, 176, 190 (l. 5 fr. ft.) 198—203-4-6-8—214-18-19-20 (para. 3), 269-76-78-85—313 (“now” para. 2), 314 (“now” l. 4), 315 (l. 2), 318 (para. 2), 337 (l. 16), 373 (l. 8 fr. ft.), 468.
- B?bur und Abu’l-fa?l, Teufel [ZDMG, 1862]—an opinion negatived 119;
- useful critique on “Fragments” (q.v.) Preface Cap. III, Part III and App. D; Mub?n MS. used by BerÉzine 438;
- Babur-nama title 653, Pr. xxxiii.
- Bahar-i-‘ajam (Pers. Dict.) see Dictionaries.
- B?z-n?ma (Book of Sport), Mu?ibb-i-‘al? Barl?s—its author’s descent 276;
- l exchanged with n (cf. Lu??n? and Nu??n?) ib.
- BÉlin M.—[Journal Asiatique xvi, xvii] 257-8, 271-82-92.
- Bengali Household Stories, Macculoch—a sign of obedience 275.
- Beveridge Annette S.—JRAS. Notes in referred to in loco:—MSS. of the B.N. Turki text 1900;
- Further Notes 1902,
- Haidarabad Codex and all others 1905, 1906;
- Elphinstone Codex 1907
- Material for a definitive text and account of Kehr’s Codex and its Persian alloy 1908;
- Kehr’s Latin Version of part of his source i.e. the W?qi‘-n?ma-i-p?dsh?h? (Bukhara Compilation q.v.) 1908, Klaproth’s Archiv 1909, and (expected) on the confused identity of the Bukh?r? Compilation with the B?bur-n?ma 1922;
- —(2) Grounds for making a new translation Preface Cap. IV;
- the mistaken identity of Kehr’s source (supra) Cap. III2951;
- of the B?bur-n?ma, Preface passim.
- Beveridge Henry—(1) Notes in loco:—tabalgh? 11;
- B?b?-i-k?bul? 14;
- Quintets 15, 288;
- a mistake by Firishta 15;
- Lotus-eaters 42;
- Daulat-sh?h 46; ??fi? parodied 201;
- Byron’s tambourg? 247;
- J?m? plagiarized 258;
- Khaz?natu’l-asfiy? quoted 211;
- T?m?r’s burial-position 266;
- syphilis 279;
- an illegal marriage 329;
- B?bur’s satirical verse and Shaikh Zain 448;
- Z?afar-n?ma (?) quoted 485;
- “kaka” 502;
- Khw. Khusrau’s couplet 503;
- the name “Cintra” for an orange 512;
- T?m?r on Hind?st?n 526;
- fate of Ibr?him L?d?’s mother 543;
- t?amgh? 553;
- a pun 571;
- versus traced 571, 625-6;
- Ibn Bat?ta quoted 591;
- date of B?bur’s visit to L?hor from ?gra 604;
- Khw?nd-am?r 605;
- Ra??m-d?d 608, 688;
- Mahdi Khw. 704;
- Scorpio and Libra 623;
- Battle of J?m 635;
- “bulky Oolak” 663;
- Kashm?r expedition 693;
- a poor MS. App. P, lv;
- Shaikh Zain’s deference ib. lvii;
- —(2) Translations:
- —(a) Akbar-n?ma q.v. and T?z?k-i-jah?ng?r? q.v.
- —(b) revision of Persian farm?n 553, and the K?nwa Letter-of-victory 559;
- —(3) Articles referred to:
- —(a) A.Q.R. 1899, B?bur’s Diamond, was it the Koh-i-n?r? 447;
- 1901, An Afgh?n Legend 375, App. K;
- 1910, Paper-
class="h">ct Sang-l?kh (Turki-Persian), Mu?. Mahdi Kh?n—described App. B, v;
- kharpala (the “Qarshi birdie”) ib.;
- contains verses entered as by B?bur 439;
- Di”ct Sanscrit-Bengali-English, Haughton—a stork 499;
- Di”ct of Towns (Majama‘u’l-buld?n), Y?q?t—“Akhs?k?s?” 9, 10;
- Di”ct Turc Orientale, A. Pavet de Courteille—B?bur’s verses quoted 439, 526;
- a wag-tail 501;
- a meaning 626;
- B?bur’s script App. Q, lxiii;
- ” Turki Vocabulary, R. B. Shaw—k?k-b?r? (a game) 39;
- q?r?gh, reserved land 81;
- a?pch?nl?k, 4 horse-shoes and their nails 176;
- ch?r?q, brogues, and ch?p?n, long coat 187;
- q?lp?q, felt wide-awake 258;
- q?sh-begi, a Court official 278;
- shagh?wal ib. 463;
- j?r?n, a deer 491;
- q?n, scabbard 503;
- akhta-begi, master-gelder 538;
- b?lj?r, a rendezvous etc. 592;
- —Part II. J. Scully—qodan, water-hen 224;
- k?kl?k (caccabis, chik?r) 496;
- ‘aqqa, magpie 501;
- q?r?ch, swift 501;
- b???, a plant 505;
- am?n-qar? (perhaps maize) 504;
- a?rk?k-q?m?sh, male-reed 514.
- Diseases and accidents:—(a) Babur’s saddle turns 147;
- sciatica 253-4;
- boils 254, 657-60;
- dislocated wrist 409-13-20;
- tooth breaks 424;
- ear-ache 310, 601-8-15;
- fall of river bank 655;
- fall of tent 678;
- wounds of head 150-167,
- —leg 167-9,
- —arm-pit 176;
- his illnesses:—unspecified (923) 365;
- catarrhal discharge (rez?ndal?k) 446-49-51;
- fever (903 AH.) 88-9, (911) 247, (925) 399 to 401, (934) 585-6-8, 603-4, (935) 619-20, (937) 702-3-5;
- (b) Of others:—child-birth 36;
- small-pox 48;
- “violent illness” 45;
- frost-bite 116, 311;
- cold 151;
- ulcerated hand 125;
- siphylis
passage entered in App. O, liv).
- Economic Products of India, Watts—date-plum 210;
- fish-drugs 226;
- oranges var. 512.
- Editors mentioned in loco—A. S. Beveridge, G. B.’s Hum?y?n-n?ma, and Fac-simile of the ?aidar?b?d Codex;
- H. Brockhaus, Die Lieder des Hafis;
- E. G. Browne, Ta?kir?tu’sh-shu‘ar? (Memoirs of Poets), T?r?kh-i-guz?da (Select History);
- C. M. FrÆhn, Shajarat-i Turk (Genealogical Tree of the Turk);
- N. I. Ilminski, B?ber-n?ma (Kasan Imprint);
- I. K?nos, Shaikh Sulaim?n Effend?’s Vocabulary;
- D. C. Phillott, Ta?kir?t-i T?ahm?sp;
- E. D. Ross, B?bur’s D?w?n (R?mp?r MS.), and Three Turk? MSS. from Kashghar;
- C. Schafer, Siy?sat-n?ma;
- R. C. Temple, Peter Munday’s Travels;
- F. Veliaminof-Zernov, Ab?shqa;
- H. Yule, Wood’s Journey.
- Einblicke in das Farghana Thal—A. I. v. Middendorf—winds 9.
- Elphinstone, Hon. M.—his Codex see s.n. B?bur-n?ma.
- Embassy from B?bur to Moscow App. Q, lxiii.
- Embassy to Timur, Ruy Gonsalves di Clavigo (trs. Sir C. Markham)—Hindustan the Less 46;
- kneeling in greeting 54;
- Samarkand 74-5-8;
- Kesh 83.
- EncyclopÆdia Britannica—range of temperature 204;
- Far?du’d-d?n ‘At?t??r 271;
- rhinohorns 408;
- maize when first in Asia 509.
- EncyclopÆdia of Isl?m—RÉnÉ Basset’s art. Al-bu??r? 620.
- Erskine William—Preface xxxiii, xliii-iv-viii-ix, Cap. IV, [see Memoirs of Baber and History of India].
- Essays, Lord Bacon—Ism?‘?l ?afaw?’s personal beauty 441.
- Etiquette and decorum—well-mannered 45, 271-3-6, 303;
- knees not crossed 33;
- feet hidden 34;
- deference to elders 303;
- epistolary 332;
- farewell 330;
- —Interviews:—kneeling 61-9, 301, 408;
- looking one another in the eyes (i.a.) 54, 64;
- embrace 160;
- —Meetings:—The Kh?ns with B?bur 54, 159, 169;
- the two Kh?ns 160;
- T?m?riya
- reception 59;
- B?bur and the B??-qar? M?rz?s 297-8-9, and elder Begims 301-97;
- his reception of Khusrau Sh?h 193,
- Daulat Kh?n 459,
- Na?rat Sh?h’s envoy 640-1.
- Exemplars of B?bur—Preface, Cap. I.
- ExpÉdition scientifique FranÇaise, C. E. Ujfalvy—y?gh?ch (measure) 4;
- A?sh (?sh) 5;
- Bar?-koh 5;
- B?bur’s serviceable “Fars?-g??” 7;
- misreading (?) App. A, ii;
- distances near old Akhs? ib. v;
- Samarkand 74;
- ?b-burdan 152.
- Explorations in Turkistan, R. Pumpelly—?q-b?r?-r?d (Huntingdon’s art.) 5;
- Fair at Sakh?-sarw?r, Michael Macauliffe—238.
- Famous Monuments of Central India, Sir Lepel H. Griffin—G??l??r 605.
- F?n-valley, W. R. Rickmers—[JRGS. 1907], Sara-t?q-d?b?n 129;
- ?b-burdan <
m.html#Page_320" class="pginternal">320-1, 498);
- Farm?lis 456, 675;
- Bug??ls 452;
- varia 274, 440-77, 652-9, 693;
- places 191, 219, 457, 582, 699;
- earthquake 247;
- M??n = Shaikh 457;
- a B. N. source 348, 428-39, 621;
- The Malf?z?t-i-t?m?r? 653;
- supers-session of B.’s sons proposed 703.
- Hi”st of India, Baber, W. Erskine—148-94, 247, 332-8, 343-6, 361, 440-78, 520-2, 562, 651, 702;
- gunpowder 369;
- coins and Revenue List 446-78, 520-22, 627, App. P, lv;
- value of the book 428.
- Hi”st of Musical Sounds, C. Carus-Wilson—215.
- Hi”st of Ottoman Poetry, E. J. Gibbs—double meaning in composition App. Q, lxiv.
- Hobson-Jobson, Sir H. Yule (ed. Crookes)—(see nn. on pp. named), Byde (var.) Horse 470;
- the Koh-i-n?r 477;
- black-buck 491;
- gynee-cow 492;
- partridge cries 496;
- rock-pigeon (b?ghr?-qar??) 498;
- coucal 500;
- koel 501;
- mango 503;
- plantain 504;
- “mohwa” 505;
- k?shm?sh 505;
- jamb? 506;
- jack-fruit 506;
- toddy 509;
- an orange 511;
- shoe-flower 513;
- ghurry (clepsydra) 516;
- ser (measure) 517;
- “bowly” (baoli) 533;
- “talookd?r” 621;
- “cuscuss”-grass 631;
- “moonaul” (monal) App. N, xlix;
- “choki” App. V, lxxxi.
- Holy War—against K?firist?n 46;
- B?bur’s against Sang? 547 et seq. and Chand?r? 589;
- references to 579-83, 216;
- Ad?nap?r 207;
- Chaghat?? castles 632.
utenberg@html@files@44608@44608-h@44608-h-5.htm.html#Page_67" class="pginternal">67; - ruby 194;
- silver and lapis-lazuli 214;
- lead and copper 485.
- Mir?t-i-jah?n-num?, Shaikh Mu?. Baq?—Khw?nd-am?r’s journey to Hind 505.
- Mir?t-i-sikandar?, ‘Al? Mu?. Kh?n (trs. E. Clive Bayley)—Gujr?t affairs 535;
- Mirror-stone, (Fargh?na) 7.
- Miscellaneous Works, Greaves—Observatories 79.
- Mohl, Jules—date of revision of T?r?kh-i-firishta 694 (E. and D.’s Hist. of India iv, 209).
- Mongolia, N. Prejevalsky (trs. E. Delmar-Morgan)—a?m?q 49, explained Add. Notes P. 49.
- Moon-stroke 608.
- Mountain-passes leading into the valley of Bamian, Lt.-Gen. E. Kaye, C.B. [PRGS. 1879]—birds 213.
- Mub?n (Exposition), B?bur—date of composition (928 AH.) 426, 437;
- described 437-8;
- B?bur’s choice of its title 630, 653;
- thought during its composition 449;
- quoted 630;
- sent to Samarkand 653.
- Mugh?ls and B?bur:—a faithful Mugh?l 87-8;
- Mugh?ls enter his service 58-9, 189, 190-2-4, 245;
- support Jah?ng?r against him see i.a. snn. Ta?bal, ‘Al?-dost;
- offer to supplant him by Sa‘?d Chaghat?? 351;
- sent to help him 101-4,
- oppose him 115;
- desert him 86-7, 104-5;
- Five Rebellions against him 105, 208, 313-4, 345-9, 361-2-3, 397;
- his following purged of them 427;
- his comments on them 66, 104-5, 115-40, 172;
- a Mugh?l chief’s dying comment on them 363;
- “Mugh?l dynasty” a misnomer 158.
- Muhammadan Dynasties, Stanley Lane-Poole—Table of Timurids 262;
- various 479-82;
- certain A?zbeg deaths 636.
- Mu’inu’d-d?n al Zamji (J.A. xvi, 476, de Meynara’s art.)—K?ch?k M?rz?’s Egyptian information 257.
- Muntakhabu’l-lub?b, Mu?. H?shim Kh(aw)?f? Kh?n—[see nn. on pp. named], a source for filling B?bur-n?ma gaps 208;
- Sihrind, Sar-i-hind 383;
- siege of Chand?r? 596;
- varies B?bur’s chronogram of the victory 596.
- Muntakhabu’t-taw?r?kh, ‘Abdu’
f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@44608@44608-h@44608-h-3.htm.html#Page_34" class="pginternal">34, 497-8;
- sand-grouse (b?ghr?-qar?) 84, 498,2961 App. B;
- s?r?gh-a?sh2962 373;
- sharak;
- —Him?layan starling? 495 n. 3;
- pind?wati 495;
- house-m?na 495 (add n. ref. 5);
- pied-m?na ib.—sparrow (ch?ch?q) 8;
- snow-cock 213, 421, App. N, 1, (see l?kha and ch??rt?ka ib.);
- white stork 499;
- karcha (swift) 501;
- wag-tail 498, 501;
- wild fowl 497;
- little green wood-pecker 501;
- zummaj 500 (“eagle,” add Its colour is black);
- —Fish and amphibia:—migration 225;
- catching 225-7, 406, 682;
- of Hindustan
- fish 503;
- cray fish 502;
- unnamed 663;
- frog 503;
- porpoise 502;
- crocodile var. 501-2, 663;
- —Various:—lizard 501-2;
- locust (ch??rt?ka) 421, App. N, 1;
- mosquito 204;
- snakes, 8, 147, 406;
- Flowers:—Fargh?na 5, 10;
- K?bul 215-7;
- Pesh?w?r 393;
- Hind 513-5;
- —arghw?n (red, the Judas-tree) 216-7, 305,
- (yellow) 217;
- hibiscus 513;
- jasmine 515;
- oleander 514, 580, 610;
- roses 5, 321 (couplet), 513;
- screw-pine 516;
- tulips 5, 215, 321;
- violets 5;
- —Fruits:—Fargh?na 2, 3, 6, 8, 10;
- Samarkand 77, ;
- Him?layan snows 485;
- perilous journey in snow 309-11;
- snowfall of Samarkand and K?bul compared 77;
- —wind:—Fargh?na 9 and n. 2, 151;
- K?bul 201;
- upper Her?-r?d valley 310;
- Hind 520, pestilential 524, 532, 654-7,
- does damage to B?bur’s writings 658.
- Nestorian Church 2.
- New account of the East Indies (Edin. 1727), Alex. Hamilton—Malabar succession customs 482.
- Nig?r-n?ma-i-hind, Sayyid Ghul?m-i-‘al?—a British monument at P?n?pat 472.
- Nine a mystic number—9 Tarkh?n privileges 250;
- 9 allowed offences 250;
- gifts by nines;
- [Cf. Shajaratu’l-atr?k, Miles trs. p. 530, for the root of reverence for the number nine].
html#Page_15" class="pginternal">15, Preface xxx; - transcribers of 38, 481;
- recited 246, 301;
- frequent quotations by Shaikh Zain 553 to 6, 559 to 74;
- quoted on a Samarkand arch 77;
- sworn on 179, 557;
- Shaib?n? makes exposition of 329;
- a collection of homonymous verses 285;
- Sale’s Intro, referred to 562-3.
QuatremÈre, E.—(N. et Ex.) 446-59, (J. des Savans, 1843) 605. Qir?nu’s-sa‘dain, Am?r Khusrau—a couplet quoted 503 (H.B.). Noticeable words:— - q?b?q 34;
- q?ch?r (punned on) 44;
- q?r? (a measure) 7;
- qar?-t?y?q 101, 103;
- q?z?qlar (guerilla times) 35;
- q?pt?l (part of a saddle) 253;
- q?ba-y?zl?q (fat-faced) 14;
- qurch? (armourer, life-guardsman) i.a. 188, 288;
- q?ch?n = m?ng-beg? 26, 40;
- q?rgh?n (walled-town) i.a. 3, 5, 8, 10;
- q?r?q (reserved land) 81, 168, 197;
- q?sh?q (improvised dance and song) 24;
- qum?z (fermented mare-milk) 155;
- q?ch?sh (embrace) 160;
- q?l?ch (a measure) 406.
Races of Afghanistan, H. W. Bellew—Kh?l?ch 29 (where read title as above). Raft—(Fargh?na) 161, 180; - (K?bul) 410-11-12-21-22-23, 447-8.
R?mac?rita, H. Sastri (Memoirs, AS Bengal) Nagarah?ra App. E, xxiii. R?mp?r MS. of B?bur’s Diw?n, Preface 1, App. Q. Rapid travel—A?r?-t?pa to B?b? Kh?k? 25; - Kishm to Qandah?r 621;
- K?bul to ?gra 621.
Rasha??t-i-‘ainu’l-?ay?t [Tricklings from the Fount of Life] ‘Al? K?shif?— Khw?jak? Khw?ja 62; - A?r?r? 620;
- [not known to Erskine].
Rau?atu’s-?af?, M?r Khw?nd—referred to (?) 11; - B?b?-i-k?bul? 14;
- Haz?r?sp? 50;
- a chronogram 85;
- the Chaghat?? Kh?ns (908 AH.) 161.
RÉcueils d’ItinÉraires, Th. Radloff—fruit as food in C. Asia 3, 114; - position of Y?t?-k?nt 11;
- elevation to Kh?nship 21;
- Pul-i-mougak 68 (Khorochkine’s art.);
- battle-cries 237;
- competition 401;
- on bundles of reeds 673;
- B?bur’s (in mail) 140, 603-55-660-61.
Noticeable words:— - P. sar-i-sabz, green-head 66, 703;
- P. sar-kob 53-92964;
- sangur 232;
- s?ghn?q, a script App. Q, lxiii.
T?abaq?t-i-akbar?, Niz??mu’d-d?n Ah?ad—[see nn. on pp. named], B?bur? Script 228, App. Q, lxii; - Jang-jang 370;
- date of Sh?h Beg’s death 437;
- Haz?ras serve B?bur 457;
- Gujr?t affairs 535;
- Multan affairs 699;
- B?bur’s Kashm?r force 692-8;
- the author’s father 691;
- proposed supersession in Hind of B?bur’s sons 644-88-92-93,
- discussed 702 ff.;
- the book plagiarized 693.
Hi”st -i-b?buri, Shaikh Zainu’d-d?n Khaw?f? see B.N. and Zain. Hi”st -i-n??ir?, Minhaj [trs. Raverty] S?t?q-b?ghr? Kh?n 29 [where read T?abaq?t]; - Chandw?l 537;
- quoted by B?bur 479;
- described by Erskine 279;
- used in Appendix E, xxiii.
t?amgh? (lit. stamp), a transit or customs duty 250; - forms the revenue of K?bul town ib.;
- ?usain Bai-qar? marks his stamps Bih bud (valid) 271;
- remission of 553-95;
- a t?amgh?ch? clerk 629.
T?r?kh-i-‘?lam-ar??, M?r Sikandar—[see nn. on pp. named], its ?afaw? outlook 349; - T?ahmasp’s A?zbeg campaign 622;
- Battle of J?m 623;
- insignificant appearance of ‘Ubaidu’l-l?h 636.
Hi”st -i-bad?y?n? see Muntakhabu’t-taw?r?kh. Hi”st -i-daud?, ‘Abdu’l-l?h—“Shaikh” and “M??n” interchangeable titles 457. Hi”st -i-firishta, Mu?. Q?sim Firishta [trs. Major-Gen. J. Briggs]—‘Umar Shaikh 13; - a mistake 15;
- B?bur’s reluctance to rank himself with T?m?r 134;
- his single combats 329;
- his sobriquet Qalandar 523;
- his Embassy to Persia 540;
- his siege of Chand?r? 596;
- —Yar-i-‘al? Bal?l 91;
- Gh?z? Khan’s literary culture 460;
- the cognomen j?n-d?r 566;
- Badr?-ferry over Gogr? 667;
- —value of the book as a source 208, 349, 694;
- date of its revision 694.
T?r?kh-i-G??l??rw?r, Jal?l ?i??r? and Hir?-man—G??l??r 605; Khw. Ra??m-d?d 607, 688, 200-7-22, 430; e. of the Sind 457, 522; in the open country of Ghazni 218, K?bul 221, Heri-r?d valley 308; refuge taken amongst 95; traversed 254. Tribute—J?gr?k 55, Tu?fa-i-s?m? (a Turk? anthology), S?m M. ?afawi—Marw?r?d 278; The twelve Im?ms, 258, 354. Turk? tongue, Preface xxvii, Cap. iv. Turkistan, Alex. Petzhold—??rts 6. Hi”st E. Schuyler—[see nn. on pp. named], - Fargh?na:—extent of 2,
- various 5, 6, 8;
- (wind) 9;
- (out-of-doors life) 29;
- k?k-b?r? (a game) 39;
- Old Akhs? App. A;
- ??rts 6;—
- Samarkand:—67, 74-5-7, 83,
- (A?rg?t) 68;
- Kesh 83;
- Various:—Sar?-t?q pass 129;
- Lake Iskandar ib. Hazrat Turkistan (shrine) 356;
- a distance 9;
- a lizard 501;—
- B?bur’s Moscow Embassy App. Q, lxiii;
- Gregorief’s Russian Policy, (App. iv trs.) Preface, liii.
Hi”st Franz v. Schwarz—autumn fever 4; - running-waters 4,
- recipe for ma‘j?n 16;
- y?gh?ch (measure) 4;
- a K?rghis measure 196;
- loess constructions 30;
- charkh (a hunting bird) 224;
- Mogol-tau 8;
- duties of the Lord of the Gate 24;
- k?k b?r?, baiga 39;
- Greek descent 22; various App. A, v.
T?z?k-i-jah?ng?r?, Jah?ng?r P?dsh?h (trs. Rogers and Beveridge)—Bugials 452; - Daulat Kh?n L?d? 461;
- measures 189;
- birds 497;
- k?shm?sh 515;
- couplet 670;
- metrical amusement App. Q, lxvi-vii;
- its titles for B?bur varied ib. lxi;
- Jah?ng?r’s additions to the B.N. App. D, xiii, Preface xlv (No. viii), lii;
- his pilgrimage to B.’s burial-garden App. V, lxxx;
- his stay in B.’s Garden ib.
Noticeable words:— - tabalgh?, a tree 265,
- K?bul:—?l?-s?? 221,
- Dara-i-n?r 210, 410, App. G;
- Ghazni 461,
- K?bul-tum?n 203,
- Nijr-a? 213;—
- K?firistan 211-12, 372;—
- rules in use:—drinking-days 33-4, 111, 447;
- one liquor only 386;
- no-pressure on a non-drinker 406-10;
- wine-parties:—B?bur protests against excess 398;
- excludes drunkards 419,
- is disgusted by drunken uproar 386
- and by beer-intoxication 423;
- gives his followers freedom to do as Her?t?s did 304;
- givers of “wines”, Khw. Kal?n 371-5, 461,
- Sh?h Beg 400,
- the B??-qar? Mirzas 299, 302,
- Khw. Mu?. ‘Al? 411 (a business-party), 413;—
- B?bur’s breaches of Law not committed till cir. his 28th year 83, 355;
- resisted temptation in Her?t 299, etc.—
- his parties associated with beauty of scene, e.g. autumnal 414-16-18;
- in his gardens 412, 406 and 420;
- under a plane-tree 405,
- at Ist?l?f 406,
- near an illuminated camp 450;
- after and before long marches (frequent); mention made of (925 AH.) 375-85-88, 408-10-14-15-16-17-19;
- (926 AH.) 420-1-2-3-4;
- (932 AH.) 447, 450-53-61;
- (933 AH.) 537;—
- drinks a few cups to console 418,
- out of courtesy in a charmless place 424;
- “morning” 395-8, 415-20-22;
- gallops when not sober 388-98;—
- Other Law-breakers Preface xxix, 16, 33-4, 45, 70, 134, 259-68-73, (woman) 36, 417;
- Her?t?s 259,
- ?i??ris 42,
- Pich-K?firs 22;—
- Parties accompanied by improvisation 26,
- dancing 299, music (usually);
- (for return to obedience see Law and Index I s.n. B?bur).
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